A strange situation.

The fetus that lay gently on the woman's uterus hardly knew the problem that had been found, the fact that there is a second fetus in the woman's belly is something that the piece of meat did not foresee, but now he has lost all instinct that he had and became only a fetus.

The fetus was not attached to the woman's umbilical cord and was surviving only on the essence that the piece of meat sucked, normally the fetus would grow an umbilical cord on its own and would no longer need the essence to survive, but the fact is that woman has a second fetus, this impedes the growth of the cord and if it continues like this, the essence will not be enough for the growth of the fetus.

Furthermore, only if the fetus has the umbilical cord, will it be seen as a baby by the woman's body, without it the body of a cultivator tries to deal with what is not considered her and in the process causes extreme pain.


"Wife." A handsome man with red hair came running through a door at extremely fast speed and took a woman's hand.

The woman has shiny black hair, her face is mature and charming. It is difficult to say how old the woman is, but judging from her appearance, it can be said that she looks like a 30 year old woman. Her skin was smooth as jade and her mannerism was decidedly mature. She was as graceful as a well-balanced noble and certainly beautiful. The strong aura around her made her feel like a Heroine and shows that she is not an easy person.

Despite this, when the red-haired man appeared and held her hand, all the noble and heroic aura disappeared from the woman, giving way to a loving one, she held the man's hand affectionately.

"It's okay, Doctor Qin is coming." The woman passed her thin, delicate hands on the man's face that clearly showed concern for the woman.

"Is the pain too much?." The man with long red hair, sharp and beautiful face asked the woman as he sat beside her stroking her shiny black hair.

"Not so much." Despite her saying this, her face showed discomfort when placing her hand on her belly.

"Master Li." An old, ancient voice sounded in the room when an old man appeared at the door. The old man was dressed in pure white clothes and had a kind face, but that showed a lot of concern.

"Doctor Qin, I am pleased to welcome you to my home." The man who is now called Li, stood up and received the alleged Doctor Qin with respect. The man different from before, now showed a heroic and strong aura, avoiding any contempt that anyone could have for him.

"Haha, Master Li doesn't need all of this. It is my duty as a doctor to come when something is wrong." Doctor Qin waved his hand, but it could be seen that he was sweating showing that Master Li's status was something that Doctor Qin cannot bear to offend.

"Okay, Doctor Qin, I'm not going to disturb your work, I would like to know what happens to my wife." Master Li looked slightly at the old man, Doctor Qin could not bear to wait any longer under the pressure that Master Li released and approached the woman sitting on the bed.

"How are you doing, Miss Mei?" The old man spoke to the woman who called himself Mei and started looking for what could be wrong with her. Master Li continued beside his wife, watching the whole process, not allowing his wife to be alone at that moment.

The so-called Doctor Qin withdrew his hand from Miss Mei wrist and had a puzzled look on his face. "Congratulations Miss Mei, Master Li. Miss Mei is pregnant." Doctor Qin said while looking at the couple. The couple looked at each other and the two couldn't help but smile happily. Master Li even approached and took his wife's hand, their reaction seemed like they already knew that.

"Doctor Qin what is this pain that my wife is feeling." Despite being happy, the so-called Master Li still asked the main point by which Doctor Qin was called.

"Master Li, this is where this old man is confused, the fetus looks fine, he looks bigger than normal, if I were to say I would say they could be twins. Still the situation is a little different from normal, I will make a new one research to see what's going on, but I can't do anything because it can be harmful to the baby, we can only wait to see if the situation stabilizes, until then Miss Mei will probably be in constant pain. " Doctor Qin replied with a serious face, the couple looked at each other seriously worried about what might happen from now on.


Inside the belly of the woman named Mei, the fetus was floating in the "water" trying to survive the strange situation it was in.

The only normal thing about this "lake" was the second fetus that looked considerably better than the one that floated trying to survive.

The "lake" is small, the two fetuses would meet at one time or another, normally nothing should happen, but for some reason the two fetuses resonated with each other. The essence that the floating fetus possessed was strangely passed on to the second fetus and the second one also resonated when transferring something to the floating fetus.

Something strange started to happen, the fetuses started to decrease in size to the point of disappearing and then they started to grow again in a supernatural way. The woman who had this happening in her belly came to moan in pain and sweat a lot. Doctor Qin did not know what was going on and could only do his best to help Miss Mei.

The fetuses did not stop what they were doing. As soon as they grew up to the previous size, but different from before the floating fetus had its umbilical cord grown and connected to the cord of the second fetus, this showed that the situation was now stable.

The two fetuses continued to transfer things to each other, there was more than just essence there. The situation became even stranger when the essence of the fetus was spilled into the lake and after a while a new energy was given to the two through the umbilical cord.

The so-called Miss Mei was also in a complicated and perplexed situation. The pain she felt at the beginning of her pregnancy it was lot, but after a while the pain subsided to the point of disappearing and now her realm of cultivation which had been stagnating for a long time, started to increase, she felt her strength gradually increasing and the pregnancy that used to be strange has now become even stranger.

Doctor Qin after living practically to help Miss Mei relaxed when he saw that the situation had stabilized and now he could be sure that it was two children that Miss Mei was pregnant with.

The couple was also happy after hearing this, even though the so-called Miss Mei was in pain, she was still happy to be pregnant and was not willing to lose.

Fortunately, the situation stabilized and the fetuses could now grow safely. Furthermore, the so-called Miss Mei felt the increase in her cultivation.

The strange "win-win" situation continued as the fetuses grew.


Miss Mei's pregnancy was reaching its final stage when one of the small fetuses moved slightly, something in that fetus had woken up.

POV (Mc)

"Where am I ?." I wonder when I somehow wake up. A strange sensation of gooey liquid was felt on my skin. I have my eyes closed and I can't see anything, I don't smell anything, I don't hear sound and I can barely feel strength in me.

Fear started to emerge inside me, I didn't understand what was happening and the lack of my senses didn't help. While I was scared, I felt something entering my hand and it made me calm down, it was inexplicable. What came in my hand was strange, it was like a liquid but it was not the same is similar to the essence I use in cultivation.

Cultivation ? ... That word, so familiar ... But at the same time so distant ... I can't remember much, my mind seems to be in a sea of ​​fog ...

I want to remember ... Who am I? ... What am I? ...

As if my mind responded, the fog began to fade and memories came into me.


I was just an ordinary person, with ordinary job, an ordinary home ... If I were to say something that was not common it was my loneliness ... No friends, no people by my side ... No one ...

My life was empty, as if I only lived to survive ... Only at the last moment of my life did I feel different. There I was for the first time in my life doing something good, saving a child's life. When I realized, I was already dead fallen from a building, I died happy.

My "second life" was different, interesting so to speak. I had assumed the body of a child, he was the son of a prestigious family, I remember that I had some difficulty in learning the customs of this world, if I were to say it was very similar to China.

As much as everything seems perfect, I noticed some different things in this world, be it special words like Spirit and Cultivation. When I was 6 a ritual was performed, it was a simple ritual and I was told it was an awakening ritual, at that time I did not understand what it was but I knew it had to do with cultivation.

I had read several Chinese Novels, so I ended up looking forward to testing this cultivation, unfortunately I had to be disappointed since after the ritual nothing happened, when I asked for an explanation all they said was "Wait."

I waited ... And when I turned 12 I finally felt something different, it was called spirit ...

I remember that I was very happy, to the point of training every day... I was even called a genius, but it was not because of my effort but because of my so-called spirit.

It was a spirit of the Divine Flame Yang ... I continued to cultivate with this Talent of mine until I reached a certain Kingdom ... From that day on, everything changed for the worse.

This Kingdom of cultivation was called the Kingdom of Union ... I just had to join my spirit, but this step was impossible for me ... My body rejected my spirit.

The next few years I spent looking for ways to proceed to the next Kingdom, but nothing worked. I was only able to start cultivating in an alternative way, but cultivating in that way was difficult, dangerous and unknown ... At least I managed to get stronger and in a way I passed the Kingdom of the Union, even though I didn't really pass through it.

In my journey I realized that my body was special and that is why I rejected my spirit, my body is so special that it was even rarer than my spirit.

But unfortunately I remained weak, even though my Kingdom was in a way the same as the others, I was weaker than them ... So I looked for ways to change that. I arranged several means and when I was ready to start I was stolen by the Sects. In vengeance I stole them back, but in the end I was in a deplorable state on the brink of death.

For revenge I used all the items and the last thing I remember is a giant dragon made of lightning falling on my head ... That was the end of my second life. Lonely again.


I Died ... Now. Where am I?