Let me cry, please.

A few months passed after I was breastfed for the first time, since that day my new mother came to breastfeed us once a day while other times we were fed with what I was used to.

I wasn't willing to waste that energy so I got used to being breastfed.

And finally my hearing has developed enough to understand what people are saying. Fortunately, the language is almost the same as in my last life, very similar to Chinese, thanks to this I was able to understand what everyone speaks.

At first it was weird since they said things like, "How are you girls?.", "Time to eat girls." and they always chose girls' toys to get our attention.

I felt uncomfortable but I thought my sister was the one everyone liked and that's why they called in plural, so I stopped bothering being called a girl.

At this time too I discovered other things about my family through the gossip of the maids. First it looks like we have an older brother, that was a surprise I didn't expect. It is not for nothing that our mother seemed so experienced in taking care of both of us.

I found out his and my parents' names easily from gossip, starting with our father who is called Li Jiang, our mother is Shui Mei and finally our older brother is called Li Lei.

Now I just need to know my name and my sister's.

Also perhaps because of the pure energy I received, I feel that I am growing faster, not only me but also my sister, she is showing herself more intelligent every day, I did not stay behind and showed a little of my "genius".

At this moment we were able to walk almost without falling without having completed 6 months. We haven't developed the vocal chord yet so speaking is difficult, but we should be able to speak before we complete 1 year.

My sister seems to be born glued because nothing takes her away from me, she refuses to separate, I thought she was just being spoiled but when we are separated for a long time I also feel uncomfortable as if something is missing from me.

And the last thing that bothered me all this time is my memory, I got all the memory but in a way I feel distant from them, I can access them easily but it is as if they no longer belong to me.

At first I thought I would consciously reject my new family but it was quite the opposite, I did not feel discomfort and I even felt family love, while the family from my last two lives is getting more and more distant ... It's like I'm not that me anymore and all that's left is just the memories.

I reflected on this issue and made my decision to leave my previous two lives behind and accept this new life of mine. It is not that I reject everything that happened in my previous lives, I still have the gratitude and the love within me and if I find anything from these my lives, I will treat it with care. But now I'm not them anymore, now it's the beginning of a new life where I want to make different decisions and not die alone again.

After making that decision, I felt strangely light and I was able to feel something circulating through my body that after a while stopped.

I was a little confused but in the end I decided to put it aside and play with my sister again.


Another time has passed and I suppose I have 6 months. My mother I meet almost every day gave me a strange nickname, she calls me Little Yue, while she calls my sister Little Hui.

I felt a discomfort with our nickname, why don't you call us by name ?. Little Yue and Little Hui is almost like little sun and little moon, Yue is for me and Hui for my sister. Yue seems to be a female nickname, I know that some mothers like to call their children with feminine names but I didn't think my mother was one of them.

In this time I learned a new trick, this trick only works with my sister because I have a connection with her, when my sister was crying non-stop and no maid could calm this new trick that allowed me to comfort her, it was as if I was hugging her it stopped her sadness and made her stop crying, it's a very interesting and comfortable trick to use.

Today the maids' gossip is making me uneasy as if they know something is about to happen. I heard thay saying things like, "It's finally their 6 month anniversary." I don't know what it is and it makes me a little anxious in a bad way.

Our mother picked us up and took us out of the house for the first time. And it was strange because our house was surrounded by forest, it seems that this is not the main house. Would it be something like a birthplace ?.

We were not taken to a city, instead we entered the forest on our mother's lap. I know that this forest is not common, I have been to several and most of these adventures are still in my memory, normally spiritual animals should appear with prey as weak as we are.

I had my heart in my hands, I have no cultivation, so I cannot protect both if spiritual animals appeared we would be an easy food.

On this walk, I realized that my mother is more than she looks, strong enough to prevent any spiritual animal from approaching us. As I don't feel her spirit I can't measure how strong she is. I don't understand why I don't feel people's spirit, it's strange, it is as if I am surrounded by people who seem harmless but that actually who are extremely strong and can kill me easily, this is not a pleasant feeling.

Anyway, as we were not attacked by any spiritual animal we arrived at our destination quickly. The place that our mother brought us was a temple made entirely of white material, perhaps quartz ?. The temple was inside a cave, the cave was large, but not deep and the temple was in the middle of that cave.

Our mother carried us to enter the temple. The temple was not large, it was the size of a medium-sized house and inside it was also made of the same material as outside.

There was almost nothing in this temple, except a small puddle of golden water and the 5 people around it, these people were our father, two old men in golden clothes and two old women in white clothes like ours.

They had their eyes closed and said things I didn't understand, an unknown language.

Our mother placed us on the floor and carefully helped us to remove our clothes which were easily removed. My sister and I were now naked, and it made me uncomfortable, it's not a problem to be seen by the maids but I don't recognize these 4 people, at least there is our father and 2 women among them so I calmed down.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time I see myself naked, they always showered us when I was sleeping and when they went to change our diaper I could barely see myself.

Hey, even though I'm a genius, I don't have control of my body that's normal. We are still geniuses, even though we have no control over our bodies my sister and I managed to stand and even walk, when the other babies would still be struggling to crawl.

I endured the curiosity to look at my own body while keeping my focus on what was going on.

The 5 people stopped speaking the unknown language and 10 pairs of eyes looked at us, I felt an intense pressure that since I died I have not felt ... These 5 people are strong, very strong !. How they achieved this feat when I can't even feel the existence of a spirit ?.

The pressure I felt was only psychology, if these old people emitted their cultivation it is likely that we will be crushed to death.

The white temple started to glow with a golden color, strange golden letters were stamped everywhere in the temple, they seemed to be alive, because they were circling the temple.

"This day, I the Head of Clan Li, I accept these two children as children of my Clan." Our father spoke in normal language when he dripped a drop of blood into the puddle of golden water.

The 4 old men also said the same thing, they only changed the "clan chief" to "Ancião do Clan".

Our father then got up and walked towards the lake and put a type of purple Jade with the word Li on it, this Jade started to float over the lake.

"I, as Chief of the Li Clan, allow Li Yue to inherit the blood of the Li family." Our father said this and the 4 elders spoke an unknown word, our father also quoted another unknown word.

The jade floating over the lake shone in a purple color that soon faded.

"I, as Chief of the Li Clan, allow Li Hui to inherit the blood of the Li Family." Our father did the same thing again, he just changed Li Yue to Li Hui. The jade also shone a second time

At that moment I had no mind to think about anything else, what was happening was mystical, even the ritual with the altar I did before I died didn't seem as mystical as this one.

Our mother gently pushed us to enter the lake. Somehow as soon as I entered the lake, I lost all my strength and simply floated in that golden lake.

I only saw the Jade Roxo shine once more when a great pain happened in me and my conscience disappeared.


When my conscience started to return, I found myself wrapped in a cloth and lying on a bed, the bed is big and very similar to the one I had in my room.

I got up and looked around, the room is also very similar to what my sister and I have but at the same time it is different and unknown ...

The room had a second bed, my sister was lying there and sleeping.

After I calmed down a headache started to occur to me, my sister who was lying down also shuderred in pain. The pain did not take long to disappear and out of nowhere in my head there were unknown memories. No, it is different from memories, are information.

My sudden movement caused the towel that was wrapped around me to fall and reveal my naked body. I was still a little shocked by the events and was confused, so I looked down to cover my body but when I looked down I came across something that made my head go blank.

I was staring at my groin ... He wasn't there ... He disappeared ... The most precious part of a man's body... He not only disappeared, it gave way to something known but at the same time unknown to me .

In my two lives I had never known the body of the opposite sex, but my first life contained a lot of information, so I'm sure ...

This is .... This is a vagina ...

I put my hand on my groin to make sure I wasn't delusional or that I only had a very small penis ... But nothing ... That was really a vagina ...

I felt something inside me become clear.

"How are the two girls?"

"They are so cute."

"Little Yue, Little Hui."

"I, as Head of the Li Family, allow Li Yue to inherit the blood of the Li family."

"I, as Head of the Li Family, allow Li Hui to inherit the blood of the Li family."

Got it ... All this time ... All this time I was me ... I ... A girl ...

I feel something being broken inside of me and I feel my eyes watering.

I want to go back in time ... I want to go back in my words ... I don't accept this new life, I don't want to be a girl ... I haven't even experienced what it is to be a man ...

A sound of movement came from the bed next to me, but I was so shocked that I didn't look, where the sound came from I felt something looking at me but I didn't care, now I just wanted to cry a little. Unfortunately this was not allowed, the tears that fell stopped abnormally and even the pain in the soul that I felt was somewhat relieved.

I know what happened, this is the damn trick I learned to make my sister stop crying and to make her feel happy, somehow she learned it and used it on me now ...

I'm glad you learned that, but I wish you didn't use it right now, really ...

Let me cry, please ...