A chaotic birthday.

In spite of feeling that something is wrong I cannot do anything, this impotence is something that I did not feel even when I was not able to cultivate correctly.

While think about these things, people started coming from below with items in their hands. Mom remained seated and smiling, but I noticed that she looked at the sky a few times and showed concern, it made me even more sure that something is happening.

The first person to go up was a boy around 8 or 9 years old, he has red hair just like Hui'er, his eyes are a deep ocean blue color and what most caught my attention was the fact that he kept short hair.

In my second life I met few people who had short hair, in this life the few men I met also had long hair including my father, so seeing someone with that look was cool and refreshing.

Besides, his genes are too obvious to not know who he is.

"Mom, it's been a while, hasn't it?." The boy smiled when he saw our mother and from his attitude it was possible to realize that he is more mature than those of his age. And mainly what he said confirmed everything, he is our older brother Li Lei.

"Mother ... Why is this boy calling you a mother?." Hui'er despite being a genius is still a child, she was quite uncomfortable seeing an unknown child calling his mom in mother.

"Huihui, this is your older brother Li Lei. You haven't met until now because of the Li clan rules." Mother stroked Hui'er's head to calm it.

"Leilei, these are your two sisters, Li Hui and Li Yue." After the mother calmed Hui'er she introduced us to Li Lei.

Our brother first looked at Hui'er with understanding he seemed to know that this would happen. Then he changed his gaze to me, I was much calmer than Hui'er already knew about the existence of this older brother, I just looked at him curiously, Li Lei also looked at me curiously it seems that he did not expect my behavior.

"You can call me big brother. Happy birthday Li Yue, Li Hui." Li Lei said as he handed a small box to each of us with a smile.

Hui'er who was attentive to Li Lei after she received the gift called him a big brother, this girl is very easy to bribe ...

Unlike Hui'er I said a simple thank you with a smile when I received the gift. Li Lei who looked mature for his age had his face red with our reaction.

"We will open the gifts only later, Huihui, you have many other gifts to receive." Hui'er who was ready to open the gift when our mother took it, she got a pout but nodded.

"Leilei, stay here with your two sisters, all right." Mom had a smile when talking to our brother, but he, unlike her, had a serious face and sat at the table that we were at. More and more hints that something is happening appears and it makes me more and more uncomfortable.

The next few hours spent with us meeting several people and receiving gifts, somehow I managed to hear things like 'One of the sisters is going to be troublemaker, while the other is going to be shy, I'm sure of it.' and a type of bet was made ....

Really ?...

I also found that short hair is more common in this world which made me happy, although I like long hair, short ones add more variety.

Our birthday is going so well that it made me confused. Is something really going on?

Well, the answer came a few moments later.

================================================== ======

"Little Jiang, you really did have two beautiful daughters." Velho Ki commented in the oppressive atmosphere that was around the two groups.

"Of course, they are the daughters of my beautiful wife." Li Jiang said with a gentle smile, which did not match the mantle of golden flames that surrounded him, the flames were so intense that they took on the shapes of dragons and lions.

Long Xu on hearing the conversation had his eyebrows contorted.

"Well ... They are certainly incredible, I can feel that their purity will continue for a long time." Unicornio said as he nodded in satisfaction.

"Did you really have the courage to start their birthday despite knowing that I was coming?" Long Xu commented while looking at Li Jiang angrily.

"Of course, you pose no danger to me." Li Jiang said while holding a sword made of golden fires.

"You will regret those words ... When your face in desperation appears I will be laughing." Long Xu took a deep breath and took a red paper and tore it.

Inside the city outside the barrier that protects the Li family, several people wearing red robes were looking at the barrier waiting for the order of something. When Long Xu tore the paper these people in red robes started to move.

A hole appeared in the barrier that was supposed to protect the Li family, a hole large enough for all of these people to enter.

"Start the attack." A female voice came from one of the people in the red cloak. The order caused these many people to fly towards the hall where the anniversary takes place.

In the sky, Li Jiang watched Long Xu's action without any visible reaction.

"Do you think I am not aware of the activities that take place in this city?" Li Jiang asked as he felt the hole in the barrier.

"Of course I know ... I thought that was not working, but I didn't think you were so foolish as to allow the Wolf to grow up in your house ... You are very arrogant thinking that you are above all, you are not the only one who has a background." Long Xu, who was no longer angry, had an evil smile on his face.

Li Jiang frowned but remembering the conversation he had with his wife calmed down.

"... I am not arrogant to the contrary, I have confidence ... Enough of the conversation, you will know when all these plans of yours go down the drain." Li Jiang, who had returned to his calm state, continued to watch his opponents.

================================================== ======

I was sitting at the table resting after we had spoken and received a gift from everyone, when a strange situation happened.

Our mother got up from the table and looked in one direction, the people who came to the party also stood up and looked in the same direction as our mother.

From the direction everyone was looking, several people wearing red robes appeared. As I have no cultivation and I do not understand the cultivation of this world, I still cannot measure its strength, but I can tell by the reaction of people that they are strong.

I shook Hui'er's hand as hard as I could ... Again this impotence ...

"Leilei stay at the side of her two sisters to protect them." What the mother said made me confused, Li Lei still doesn't seem to be 10 years old, I don't think he can protect us from these people.

Li Lei nodded and stood behind us both. A small, harmless-looking flame appeared around us.

"This is the eternal flame, the protector of the city and the Li family. Despite not protecting outside the city and joining only one person, it will still allow me to protect you two, so you needn't be afraid, Okay?" Li Lei said in his childish and gentle voice.

I nodded in agreement. Since I was afraid that Hui'er would panic, I used the little trick as much as possible. Hui'er used that too, I think we had the same thought.

"Activate Array." Our mother screamed when the hall ... No ... The city shone and several Lions appeared in the air, the lions roared into the sky and ran towards the people in red robes.

One of the people in red robes walked forward, he reached out and dropped something that I couldn't see ... And somehow the golden light of the city broke, the Lions in the skies broke and became particles.

"Does a stone break matrix and of the highest quality ?." Our mother murmured to herself.

Stone breaks matrix ... I don't know what it is, I never heard at my second life, but by name I can see the effects of it.

"Kill them all ..." A female voice sounded in the hall when those in the red cloak flew towards the people in the hall.

"Do you think you can kill people in our Li family so easily?" Our mother said out loud ... She was strangely calm.

An express fog began to appear in the hall and cover all those in the red cloak. I looked at fog wondering when they will leave, but contrary to my expectation, no one left.

Those who came for our birthday bowed to our mother and then left the hall flying, leaving only the four of us.

After some time, some people in red robes came out of the fog ... But they were different from before ... Blood came out of their bodies, some were almost crawling. The fog was gone and less than half of the people in red robes were left ....

"What was that? ..." I mumbled to myself perplexed ... What was that fog?

"It looks like some people survived." Our mother floated in the hall in front of the people in red robes. She no longer had a motherly aura, but a heroic aura. In her hand was a sword and in another a shield.

Water floated around her, her flowing hair made it even more beautiful.

"The contract said that there would be no one in the final creation realm ...." The same woman who threw the stone breaks the matrix coughed up blood when she spoke.

"This trick might have worked if I didn't progress from Realm during my pregnancy ... But unfortunately for you, this is the end." The floating water seemed to disappear when those in the red cloak now had a spear of water in their chest.

All the invaders had been killed...

"Mom is so strong!." Even Hui'er, who shouldn't even know what cultivation is, realized this, I nodded in surprise ... That showed that she has at least the strength of the 9-star Realm or even more ...

"There may still be some Li Lei, stay protect your two sisters, I will help your father." Mom said as she disappeared. Now that she said that I haven't seen our father yet, so he's dealing with something.

I still find it irresponsible to leave us alone with our brother, but if this eternal fire is as strong as what he says, maybe I understand why she left us with him.

================================================== ======

Long Xu was looking at the house where Li Yue and Li Hui's birthday took place in anger.

"Did she reach the Creation Realm?." Long Xu asked in absolute hatred.

"She's ready to face the tribulation ... She's just a little weaker than us ... Do you still think I'm just being arrogant? ..." Li Jiang said with a smile when someone appeared beside him.

"Husband !." Shui Mei appeared next to Li Jiang, a deep blue armor of valkyria now covered her body.

Long Xu held his spear even tighter ... He really hated the fact that Li Jiang stole the woman who was supposed to be HIS .... The hatred was evident in his eyes.

"Long Xu ...." Shui Mei faced his new enemy, anger was felt in his eyes which boosted his heroic aura by giving him an extra murderous aura.

Who wouldn't be angry when someone you considered a friend attacked your daughters on their birthday ?.

Long Xu held the spear even tighter. At this time, there were only three people here. Li Jiang, Shui Mei and Long Xu. The others had already started their struggles.

"Today this will end, Long Xu ..." Li Jiang's mantle of fire began to extend outwards forming a sea of ​​fire.

"You will pay for attacking on my daughters' birthday." Water and fog began to emerge from behind Shui Mei and mixed with her husband's fire ...

That was a strange combination ... The fire had become an extremely hot golden liquid ... It looked like melted gold ...

Two enemies declared, Li Family and the Imperial Family, clashed that night ...