The awakening of the spirit.

"What really awakened your Divine Bodies was this potion of awakening, the potion circulated Essence through their bodies and that's probably what started it all." After telling who I was in the past life Mom summed up what caused that situation.

Also, she said she knew I was making this potion, she even took a potion she made ... It seems that my childish performance was not good enough to hide from an expert ...

Despite not knowing if she will be able to awaken her spirit since her cultivation is high, Mom still decided to do the training with us and if she has results it will be easier for our family to become stronger.

"I also think that's what happened. I hope the awakening potion has still done its job." I answered calmly. After opening up with mom and Hui'er my mind calmed down and I felt several times lighter than before.

"The only thing I don't understand is why I have the same body as in my previous life and why they are so different in terms of strength. In my past life my body had very little ice energy to the point of not feeling, but now it's totally different." I tell mom. Hui'er has his head in my lap as I cuddle tenderly.

Mom and Hui'er decided to keep my circumstances a secret and I readily agreed, it's not like I want everyone to know that I'm someone reincarnated.

"Perhaps the fact that you are a woman has caused a change or perhaps your divine body has always been for a woman and the fact that you are a man has limited your body's potential." Hui'er commented when eating a grape on my lap, she swung her legs comfortably.

"Yes, I agree with Huihui, the fact that you are a woman now is a blessing, isn't it, Yueyue?" Mom said with a naughty smile, she too is sitting comfortably on a sofa while also eating a grape.

These grapes are not common, most cultivators do not have the chance to eat them, it helps in the recovery and also strengthens it of the body, it is a rare fruit. As my hand is occupied with Hui'er, she sometimes stretches out her hand and gives me a grape in my mouth.

"I think you two are right ..." Before today I was still thinking about ways to get a male body, but now it seems that doing that is the worst choice. Perhaps I am destined to be a girl ...

Well, I already decided to try my best to accept my new life, so it doesn't change much that I can't become a man anymore... Lie, my heart is hurting a lot because of it.

"How long does it take for the average person to fully awaken the spirit?." Mom asked while I received other grape from Huir'er.

"Normally, an ordinary person wakes up completely at age 12, but some clans and sects can accelerate so some people wake up at age 10 and some even younger." I respond by continuing to stroke the head of Hui'er who is almost asleep with his head in my lap.

"How do we accelerate the 'true awakening'?." Mom seems quite curious about the cultivation methods of my old world.

"Well ... Usually you need to go to a place rich in energy from heaven and earth. Some sects also give a certain pill that helps the child to gain temporary soul strength, he will be weak for some time but it still improves the speed of her awakening." I explain some of the common means of my past life.

"That's also why I don't know if you will be able to awaken the spirit, mom. You are already a cultivator and receive energy all the time, so I don't know if the potion had an effect on you." Mom has a downhearted face. Well let's give her a little hope.

"Some peak growers in my past life have had their spirits broken, some have managed to recover them by a little-known method, if we do that maybe you can wake up." Mom was completely radiant, her face full of excitement is really cool to look at.

"Do you know the method?." When my mother saw me nodding, she stood up and kissed me on the cheek, she was so excited.

"The items are a little difficult to find but I think our family can find them. Basically it takes 9 types of herbs that can nourish the soul, using them together with an awakening potion should make your spirit be formed. Of course the use of this is mainly to recover a broken spirit so I don't know if it will work." I say after Hui'er and I finished eating the grapes.

"I will prepare a place with rich energy from heaven and earth for you two." Mom also got up, she is very excited.

"No need, I have a better way to accelerate and I think these divine bodies can help even more." I say with a smile on my face, I am very happy now, not only did we survive from near death and gain a divine body, as also I can finally awaken my spirit. Even though we have been through bad situations it does not change the fact that I am ready to start farming again.

".... Okay, but you can only start after you are fully recovered." Mom seems worried, what made me happy. Either way I won't going to start, I will wait a few days until Hui'er and I are fully recovered.

"Yuyu, aren't you forgetting something?." As soon as I was about to leave the door, Hui'er said that when he stood next to mom.

"I forgot what?." I was really confused about what Hui'er meant.

"You said you're still going to be yourself, plus you don't seem to have a goal to change your body anymore. It all means you're not going to fight all the items I wanted you to use anymore, are you?" Hui'er is with a fierce look and mom with an excited look.

Did I really say that? I'm not reminded ... Although I really have that goal I never said that to them ...

Wait ... Why are you approaching me with so much clothes?. Although I am used to it and even like some ... How long will it take to try each of these?. And mom ... Why do you have so much children's clothing in your space ring?.

Eh ... Is this ... Makeup? ... The last time I used it was on the 1st birthday since then I got more and more beautiful and I didn't need to use it ...

This .... Mom, because you're bringing sexy lingerie?. I'm still a child, forgot?!?!?!?!.

And you Hui'er? Why are you bringing children's lingerie?

... Can I escape from here? ... Mom and Hui'er are scary ...

================================================== ======

A few days have passed since what happened, there have not been many changes in my life ... Well, Hui'er seems to be more attached to me than usual and Mom is more daring with women's clothes and Items.

Although I accept and try various things I still feel uncomfortable, I lived two lives totaling almost 100 years as a man, being introduced to so many feminine things that I didn't even know existed one after the other, is normal to feel strange isn't it ?.

Too although only a few days have passed, Hui'er and I find ourselves in some trouble.

The divine body attacked again that almost made us fall in the same state as before, but Mom told us what to do so Hui'er and I were practically connected and mainly using our special connection that we have had since birth to control the bodies divine and that went wonderfully well.

Mom was worried that this would happen when we were separated and so now we are literally 24 hours together, from sleeping, bathing and even going to the bathroom ...

As we are not yet cultivators, mundane things like physical needs still affect us. Hui'er really liked this arrangement for some reason, I didn't mind because Hui'er is a child.

The problem with all this is that Hui'er became more and more daring, when we go to sleep she sleeps hugging me, when we go to shower she rubs me and touches me in several places and mainly .... She keeps kissing me all over hour....

She seems to take advantage of the fact that she is a child ... I don't know how many times I asked her not to do this and she continues ...

Even when I talked about it with mom it was no use ...

The protagonists when they are reborn nurture their sisters to love them, but this is looking more like Hui'er is nurturing me for the future ...

Yesterday Hui'er the came to bite my tongue... I should be controlling it, but it seems quite the opposite ... Someone saves me. I'm not a lolicon ...

In addition to these things with Hui'er something else caught my attention, right after Hui'er and I woke up the divine bodies, she and I became more and more beautiful and mature, Hui'er's hair started to have some black strands and its appearance is more and more defined.

I didn't feel that I changed so much but I hear the servants say that I am turning into a beauty icy. Whenever Hui'er hears someone say that, she sighs and says things like "How you know nothing" and she sighs. I feel strangely angry and offended when she says these things.

Even though I don't like what Hui'er does, I can't hate her, I love her very much.

With a sigh, I sit on a small island in the middle of a lake. Hui'er is in front of me wearing light clothes like me.

"Yuyu, are we going to wake up the spirits today?." Hui'er asked curiously. Yes, the suffering I experienced at the hands of Hui'er these days can be rewarded today.

"No, we will have to repeat this a few more times before I wake up completely." Unfortunately the reality is harsh ... The answer to Hui'er's question is the opposite of what I wanted. I have never seen anyone awaken the spirit so easily.

Hui'er nodded in understanding. I told mom we would do it today, she prepared the place but I don't see her anywhere.

Not only her, our dad too has not been seen for a long time, even when our divine bodies awoke he did not appear. I understand that he may be busy with something, but I still hope he shows up a few times.

Anyway, I sit with my legs in lotus in front of Hui'er, she also sits in the same way and stretches both arms in front of which I do the same. We had done a test run so that nothing went wrong.

As soon as our hands connect, I take a deep breath and look deeply at Hui'er.

"You is ready ?." I ask calmly, Hui'er seems a little concerned and this is normal, despite the many things she has done to me Hui'er is still just a six year old girl.

Hui'er looked at me deeply, our minds are connected so I knew when she finally calmed down.

"I'm ready." Hui'er says with a serious face to which I respond by nodding.

In this sea of ​​tranquility I begin to speak unknown words unlike any I have encountered so far. That language is unknown even in my second life.

The words became a song, much like the one I made before I died for the wrath of heaven. The song somehow caused the energy of the world to be attracted to us, the energy attracted was so much that it started to become visible.

Everything went on as I remember, the energy entered our bodies and traveled to an unknown place in my head and shortly after, something was forced out of me.

As soon as I felt something leave, things started to take an unknown direction ...

The divine body began to stir, causing everything around me to start to freeze. Fortunately I, Hui'er and mom predicted that this could happen so Hui'er and I even during the process connected our energies to suppress the divine bodies.

Everything went according to plan ... At least until the divine bodies became more and more agitated, much more than the first time.

White ice and black fire, even under suppression of each other, became agitated, causing the island on which we were to freeze and burn.

I was sweating, but the sweat is so cold that it seems that ice has been dropped on my body, yet I continued to sing the song causing the energy of heaven and earth that was attracted to us to continue its way through our body.

At some point the energy of heaven and earth was stopped by something that started to consume it and take its place. An unbearable pain hit me, when the cold started to take over my body, not even Hui'er's fire was enough to suppress it.

At the same moment that the energy was interrupted, the music stopped, leaving only that energy running through my body. Normally, after the end of the song, we would have finished this section, but something is hurting us and the song was easing a little.

I knew that things would not be easy, my concern for Hui'er is also high, but for now what I must do is continue the song.

As soon as the song started again a new wave of pain and cold hit me.

The energy was being consumed by something in my body. Are you my energy and not only do you refuse to help me, but do you hinder me? I haven't even started cultivating yet, so there's no reason to keep it inside me, I'm going to use you to awaken my spirit.

My anger fortunately kept my mind conscious and it allowed me to continue the song. I changed the focus from controlling the energy of the world to controlling the energy in my body, making it take the path that the energy of heaven and earth should take.

The pain stopped, but the cold got stronger. To keep myself from freezing to death, I remained connected to Hui'er by forcing a good part of that freezing energy over her. I wonder if that is enough for her to control her divine body.

It seems to have worked since a heat wave entered my body suppressing the coldness that was consuming me.

I don't know what kind of change will happen after the spirit receives the energy from my divine body instead of the energy from heaven and earth, but now what I must maintain is our lives.

A long time later, the freezing energy stopped, showing that my divine body had calmed down. Strangely I feel that something is different about me, I feel connected to two different things besides Hui'er.

Opening my eyes slowly I find myself staring at Hui'er, but what caught my attention was not her. But the... little black phoenix that's flying over her head...

"... Hui'er, You awakened your spirit ..." I screamed in shock as soon as I realized what it was about.... Fenix's spirit is a DIVINE spirit .....

"... Yuyu ..... What is this on top of you? ..." Hearing Hui'er's question I look up and my shock just increased again.....

"My ... Spirit?."