Spoil your daughters and be strict with your sons...

I didn't feel the water pressure anymore. Too I don't know for how long but I didn't need Mom giving me air anymore and I can breathe in the water.

Despite returning to normal, my skin is snowy white, the only skin I remember being the same as mine is that of Li Xue and my nails took on a light blue color. My hair floating in the water is no longer the black obsidian I am used to, but a pure white with blue tips like crystal water.

At this moment I knew that I had successfully completed Temperament. I felt a smile on my face and swam up at a fast speed, this lake became my second home.

Now I understand what the temperament technique did to me. As my body did not have impurities, the freezing winter temperament did not have a target to freeze so the ice froze what could have been practically my whole body, somehow my divine body reacted to it and started to freeze too.

Ice is the same element as my divine body so they combined, what made it a challenge that I should pass. But when I started the temperament of the water technique everything started to go wrong.

Water is not the element of my divine body and the water temperament technique gets rid of anything that looks bad on the body, ice is a different element from water and that is why it was considered "bad", so the water wanted to remove all the ice on my body.

This gradually tempered my body, the weak ice was washed away by the water before being frozen by something stronger. The deeper I went the more ice flowed away from me .

The problem with this is that the ice carried by the water contained parts of my body, from blood to pieces of frozen organs. These parts were considered weak and therefore they were gone with the water pressure. If it were an ordinary body someone could die for losing it all, but my body is a divine body and it too was going through a challenge that allowed me to survive.

Every part of my divine body that was carried away by the water grew after a while as parts tempered by water, ice and my divine body.

When I reached 1000 meters deep, my whole body went through this process, from my bones, flesh, skin, muscles, organs and viscera. Not only that, when starting the 5th part up to my brain, veins and meridians went through this process.

Even my Dantian went through the Temperament process and changed. I can say with certainty that my body is now extremely resistant to water and ice.

As soon as I finished thinking about these things, I reached the top of the lake and left slowly. Strangely, when I put my head out, my hair started to return to its normal color, an obsidian black. Despite being confused, I didn't care.

It was a long time since I returned to the surface because of the pain, but now that I am normal I no longer felt the pain and I was able to breathe deeply into the air after a long time.

Before I can breathe any longer, something jumped me and hugged me tightly. As I am naked I was able to feel the scorching heat of what embraced me.

"You finally finished your temper Yuyu. I missed you so much." I heard a familiar voice that I haven't heard in a long time, it even seemed a little tearful.

I hugged her lightly and felt the heat that her skin now gave me, she is as hot as a stone that has been in the fire for a long time. But my body is so cold that this heat did not even affect me.

I looked at the girl in my arms, she had her head between my breasts that grew well after so long. Hui'er was looking at me and I must say that she didn't look very different, if I were to say the only difference in her are her purple eyes that now have a reddish tinge.

"I missed you too, Hui'er." I hugged her tightly while I smelled a familiar scent of her.

I really missed her, the suffering I went through was not little. Even though I didn't like it, I missed even the attacks that she always makes me.

... And why did I say that? ...

"Hui'er ... Could you not bite my breast?." ... Yes, she bit me ..

She released the bite but before I can sigh in relief I felt a slight pain and wetness in my nipple.

"H U I 'E R." I pinched her cheeks with both hands and pulled her out of my embrace.

"Yuyu, I will wait for you in the living room." I heard Hui'er scream, but I didn't look at her. I left it there and went to the house that Mom and Uncle Mao made in this one. Strangely, despite being angry, I felt a smile on my face.

After I arrived at the house and dressed correctly, I left my training site and headed towards where Hui'er said he would wait for me.

The servants or members of Clan Li looked at me in astonishment. Despite be used to it after so long, it is not common for the servants or members of Clan Li to have this reaction. So I think there is only one explanation ... My beauty has increased again ...

I shook my head to ward off these unnecessary thoughts.

As soon as I arrived in the room, here were not only Hui'er, but also Mom, Dad and Uncle Mao.

"Did you arrive niece Yue?. What did you think of the temperament?." Uncle Mao asked with a smile extremely happy. I almost wanted to punch him in the face

"It was hard ..." With my face contorting I say holding on so I don't punch him.

"Yes ... I remember when I did this training." Uncle Mao said with his hand on his chin as if he were reminiscing about the past, which I didn't give a damn about.

"Hers was at least 5 times more difficult than yours, brother." Mom said, she is sitting with her legs crossed holding a cup. Hui'er is sitting next to her talking happily.

"Hey, Hey, Huihui's training was also difficult, being burnt from the inside out is not at all simple." Dad was sitting at a table holding a blue jade.

"Yuyu, I finished my training faster than you, I won this time, hehe." Hui'er had a happy smile, I didn't have the courage to say that I was not competing.

"Yes, yes. Hui'er is incredible ... It must have been difficult for you, right?" With a sigh I was only able to increase his self-esteem with my "loss" and stroke his head.

Just by the word of being burnt from the inside out, I can imagine how cruel the temperament technique she did was.

"Well, you two had a rough time. Huihui used this technique for 3 months, while Yueyue stayed for 5 months. I must say that you put up with it well." Dad said with a smile.

"Hehe, not only that, I also reached the Elemental Realm, I am very much in front of you now Yuyu." Hui'er continued to brag about it to me, but I'm really impressed.

"Well, Yuyu's temper was essentially different from normal. She tempered with two different elements instead of just one, so it's normal for her to take longer." Mom said, somehow I felt that she and Dad were competing.

"You know, your two daughters had a hard time, how about you leave that for later and pass the news on to them?" Uncle Mao who is sitting nearby said with a sigh.

"Of course, that was what I was going to do." Dad who seemed playful a few moments ago, now became serious.

"Guhum ... Fortunately Yue finished her temper training in time, otherwise she would miss an incredible opportunity. Heavenly Earth Sect will start this year's recruitment tests in a month. Besides, this year is a special recruitment year." Dad said extremely seriously.

"Dad, don't we need permission to enter the test first?." Hui'er asked curiously, to which Mom removed two green crystals from what I assumed was a space ring.

"Our Clan Li receives many of these, so some of our talents don't have to do anything to receive these passes." Mom had a happy smile on her face as she handed us these two green crystals.

"And why is this year special Dad?." I ask curious too.

"Those who enter the sect this year will have the opportunity to enter the sect's secret space." Who answered this time was Uncle Mao.

"Yes, this space is only open every 3 years and it is an incredible opportunity for those who pass the test. Most people prefer to take the test this special year instead of going to 10 years old. This is also why this year the tests are more difficult than normal. " Dad explained to us why this year is special, which made me frown.

"I don't think Huihui and Yueyue are going to have a hard time getting into the sect, especially now that they've gone through the temperament." Our Mom seems very confident in us.

"Well, Yueyue and Huihui have divine bodies, I think it is difficult for them not to pass the tests easily." Dad nodded at Mom's lines. Hui'er and I could only observe that.

"Of course, that's not just why I called you two, the main reason is to give you that." Dad stretched two rings, one red and one blue. The blue ring has a white moon ornament on it, while the red ring has a black sun ornament.

"This? ..." I look at Hui'er and notice that her eyes are shining. Looking at the rings again, my eyes shine with anticipation.

"Yes. These are space rings, these two are a little rare and have a space of 270 m², despite the small space they get something that other rings cannot, they can store living things in it. Besides, me, your mother and brother Mao we add some things that are very useful for cultivation and mainly there are some cultivation techniques and combat skills very useful in it. The red ring is for Huihui and the blue ring is for Yueyue. "

"When you two enter the sect, we will not be able to stand beside you both to protect so there are also some defensive and attack items. In addition to some rare weapons we have taken."

What Dad said made my eyes shine extremely, but I still haven't got the ring assigned to me.

"You need not be afraid to accept, you two are my daughters, I am willing to spend the entire Clan Li fortune for you if necessary." Dad has a soft smile on his face as he holds the ring.

I look at Hui'er who also looked at me and we nod. I took the blue ring while she took the red one.

"Thank you Dad, Mom, Uncle Mao." I give the three of them a happy smile, to which I receive a smile in response.

"Hey, you stole my line, Yuyu." Hui'er murmured in displeasure and also thanked him.

"You have a month before you go to the test, I hope you prepare as much as possible." We nodded before leaving and going to our room.

As soon as we left Mom, Dad and Uncle Mao started talking talking about how cute we are ... I preferred to ignore that.

After we got back to our room I dripped a drop of blood on the ring as it was written in a book I read, now it is only mine until I die.

Now that he is legitimately mine, I can see what's inside him ... And I must say that I was shocked ...

I think the saying "Spoil your daughters and be strict with your sons" is true.