Chapter 343

A/N: Want to read ahead (up to 40 chapters)? Go to my Patreоn and get your early access chapters


May the magic be with you! Enjoy!


Just a few of the boys decided to take out their wands. Suddenly there was a loud thud as Aberforth, the tall, powerful, bearded old man at the bar, banged his fist on it.

"No fighting in my pub! Is that clear?!" he bellowed in a loud, booming bass, and everyone calmed down.

After looking at the guys, I spoke:

"Chang, Bones, Potter, follow me. Then you'll show and tell your Houses who needs to know."

Hermione and I got out of the Hog's Head, and the designated guys caught up with us only after a dozen meters. We walked at a fast pace, and the guys quickly lost their breath, which I considered only a plus — they were silent.

We returned to the castle by one of the secret passages, and at a rapid pace, we went to the eighth floor. When we reached the right place, I pointed to a painting of trolls in ballet tutus.

"Opposite this picture, you must walk three times, keeping in mind the thoughts of the desired room, sincerely, earnestly wishing for the appearance of this place. In our case, the wording is: «I really need a spacious place for training and practicing magic.» Who will try it?"

Potter immediately stepped forward, stood, thought, and began walking back and forth. For the third time, a large double wooden door with black iron monograms began to appear in the wall opposite the painting.

"Open it," I nodded to the guy, and he boldly pulled the door open with a ring.

When we walked into the room that opened, we immediately began to explore this really spacious and bright room with mirrors in the walls, bookcases, sofas, armchairs, and cushions. There were a couple of tables and benches. In the far corner stood unsightly mannequins on wheels, vaguely resembling people.

"Just... Gorgeous!" exclaimed Susan Bones, excited and delighted. Hmm, that's quite a pretty girl growing up, albeit a redhead. And a year and a half ago, she was, as they like to say, big-boned.

"What is this place?" asked Potter, looking around the room much more calmly. On the other hand, Hermione was already standing by the bookcases, glancing cursorily at the book covers.

"The Room of Requirement, also known as the Come and Go Room. It has many names. Appears, as I said, under certain conditions."

"Hmm... do you need to think hard about something?" pondered Potter. "What if, for example, you want to go to the bathroom? A room full of chamber pots shows up?"

"Ha, Harry!" I smiled."Why is it that as something said in class, you can't remember, but as a portion of nonsense heard in your left ear at the ball, you memorize it right away. How so?"

Potter shrugged and smiled at his thoughts, and I walked over to Hermione.

"Find anything interesting?"

"N-nothing..." she answered, not hiding her disappointment. "It's all in the regular library. Not even the Restricted Section."

The girl broke away from reading the covers of the books and looked at me with a question.

"Why haven't we been studying here? Although no, wait... How many people know about this room?"

"You're thinking in exactly the right direction. I have no idea. It's risky. But only a few people know about our place, and only one can get in."

I turned to the rest of the guys:

"All right, gentlemen. We're leaving. We've got things to do. And you can settle in here, ponder, study, tell the others. Sometimes Hermione and I will come in and read something, although it's all available in the regular library, but..."

I looked over the books again.

"Here are the most orderly, useful, and informative books. In general, something like that."

"Thanks, Max," Harry walked over and held out his hand. "You've really helped us out a lot."

"No problem," I shook his hand back. "We don't use it anyway. And you're doing something useful. Just, please, don't piss off Umbridge. She really will take the soul out of us all through the ass."

Potter smiled but inadvertently glanced at his hand.

"And here's another thing," I continued. "The Black Quill is classified as a dark artifact, and its use is strictly regulated by law. Only and only for the purpose of signing documents, contracts, and treaties. Everything else, especially the compulsion to use it, is Azkaban. Think about how to use it. But it's better to hold it until the end. They don't linger on the position of professor DADA these days."

Potter didn't understand at first, but it came to him quickly, and he nodded again. It seems to be even with gratitude.

Hermione and I left the room - it was time for Delphine's class. When are we going to get to blood magic already? I wonder what the wizards have invented and whether it is possible to use my hemomancy in this direction?