Chapter 3: The Charming Boy

The homeroom teacher was a middle-age woman, who had her hair tied up in a sophisticated way and wore a black blazer with a modest skirt.

"To begin the new school year, I want everyone to come up here and introduce themselves," The homeroom teacher announced. She then pointed at the row closest to the window wall, "Starting from this side of the room."

As the students introduced themselves in front of the class, Mickey tried his best to remember each of their names. There was one more student who had to go before Mickey. Until now, Mickey did not notice that person who sat in front of him. It was a boy who sported medium length hair, with bangs that barely covered his brows. The boy stood up from his desk and walked towards the front in a confident, yet poise manner.

He brought one hand to the board as he wrote his name. The boy turned to introduce himself, as an attractive smile bestowed upon his face. Mickey carefully read the name that was written on the wall, "Hyung". Hyung was quite charming and good-looking, to which Mickey thought to himself.

Mickey was somewhat drawn to Hyung. He had a strange feeling inside him that he wanted to become close with Hyung. Hyung returned to his desk and it was now Mickey's turn. Like all the other students before him, Mickey wrote his name and introduced himself. As he spoke in front of the class, Mickey could not help but notice one girl with long brown hair, staring intensively at him. The girl's round eyes were fixated at Mickey, never once looking away. Mickey felt his face faintly getting warmer, trying not to make direct eye contact with her.

After being acquainted with all the students in class, the teacher began the lesson right away. Second period had just ended; and the teenagers were now on their break. Free from lectures, the brown-haired girl took the opportunity to walk up to Mickey's desk. Mickey was focused on his studies, his face was mere inches from the desk, until he noticed someone from the corner of his eye. He gradually raised his head to see the brown-haired girl, smiling cheerfully down at him. Mickey's innocent face immediately turned a faint crimson color, his cheeks feeling warmer than before when he first saw the girl.

"H…hi, you're Michelle, aren't you?" Mickey said in a somewhat nervous tone.

Michelle giggled at how flustered the boy was. She replied with a thrilled attitude, "That's right! I'm surprised that you remembered my name! It's not easy to remember so many people when you're new." Michelle placed out one hand in front of the boy, "I hope we can become very good friends, Mickey!"

Mickey could not help but let out a big genuine smile, as he reached out to shake Michelle's hand.

Mickey jokingly replied, "Out of all the students in our classroom, why do you choose me to be your friend?"

Michelle raised her right brow, becoming intrigued by his question. She had not let go of Mickey's hand yet, and kept her grasp, as she slightly bent over closer to him.

"You're quite direct, aren't you? You see, everyone here in this classroom is already my friend, the only one who's not, is you," Michelle explained with glee.

Dumbfounded by her witty answer, Mickey could only grin with delight, accepting her reason by nodding his head.

"Ah, let me introduce you to one of my really close friends. He actually sits right in front of you. He went to the bathroom, so I'll grab him when he comes back," Michelle spoke eagerly.

Mickey's mood suddenly perked up even more as he heard this. He did not think he would become friends with Hyung so soon. As Hyung came back into the classroom, Michelle ran to him and without hesitation, locked her arms with his. She dragged Hyung across the room towards Mickey. This caused Hyung to lose his balance as he awkwardly kept up with her upbeat tempo. The two came to a halt once they reached Mickey's desk. Hyung then stroked down the folds of his shirt due to Michelle's spontaneous actions.

Michelle rested one of her hand on Hyung's shoulder, while introducing the charming boy. "This is Hyung one of my good friends. Don't get the wrong idea though, Hyung may be one of the most handsome guys in Class C-2, but he isn't my type," Michelle joked.

"Pssh!" Hyung retorted, as he brushed off Michelle's hand from his shoulder and playfully punched her arm. Hyung gazed at the boy who sat in the desk, and then spoke in a polite manner, "Michelle already told you my name, so there's no need for any more formal introductions. It's nice to meet you, Mickey."

Mickey was pleased that Hyung remembered his name. Mickey stood up as he was about to reply, but before he could speak, Michelle interrupted him. "I have an idea!", Michelle clapped both her palms together, "You should join us for lunch this afternoon, Mickey! Would that be alright?"

Mickey nodded and replied, "Sounds good to me."

After agreeing to Michelle's request, Mickey suddenly realized he forgot to pack food for lunch, because he had woken up late that morning. School lunches were expensive, and he did not have the money at that moment to buy from the cafeteria. Before heading out to eat lunch with his two new friends, Mickey headed over to class C-4 to find his cousin. He peered into the room and saw Rain with two boys by her desk. They looked like they were trying to help her with schoolwork. Mickey casually walked into the classroom, interrupting Rain and the two infatuated boys.

"Rainie, I need to talk to you about something. Can we go somewhere more private?" Mickey asked, as if he was in a rush to go somewhere.

Rain replied in a soft kind voice, trying to keep up her sweet girl persona, "Of course," Rain then looked at the two boys that were helping her, "Please excuse me. I need to discuss something with my cousin really quick. I'll be right back. Keep trying to figure out the answer for that problem, okay?"

Mickey and Rain stepped out into the hallway where no one could hear their conversation.

"What is it? Don't you see I was busy with those two boys?" The tone in Rain's voice suddenly changed a one-eighty compared to earlier.

"Rainie, we were in a rush to get to school on time, we forgot to pack lunch. We have to go back home!", Mickey explained with concern.

Astounded, Rain's brows knitted tightly together as she was taken back by her cousin's demand.

"Are you crazy? Do you even understand what you're trying to say? Why would I waste my time going home just to bring back food to eat here? This school has a cafeteria, why don't you eat there?", Rain said in a confused, yet serious tone.

Mickey looked down at the white floor tiles below his feet for a couple of seconds before he could answer Rain.

"I don't have money to buy from the cafeteria. That's why we have to go back…" Mickey's voice was full of humility, unable to face his cousin.

Rain suddenly let out a condescending laugh, while shaking her head in relief.

"Oh Mickey…, is that what you're so concerned about? Why do you think you have a rich sister like me for?" Rain then pulled a card out from her hand case, "If you need anything money-related and its reasonable, just ask me. But don't come asking too often." Rain stated.

Mickey was now at ease, knowing he did not have to run back home. He was about to thank Rain as he reached out to grab the card, but Rain quickly pulled her hand back to her face, dodging Mickey's grasp.

"One more thing…" Rain spoke in a cunning manner, stretching out each syllable of her words. Mickey's face instantly darkened.

"Don't look so upset, I'm not asking you to repay me back. All I'm asking for is a favor," Rain said, as the corners of her lip curved into a devious smile.

"What kind of favor?", Mickey asked.

"What I mean is, whenever I need you to do something for me, you will do it without hesitation. I don't know when I will need the favor, but just remember you owe me one," Rain elaborated.

"Fine!", Mickey responded, quickly snatching the card from Rain's hand.

The two then parted ways. Mickey made sure there was some distance between him and his cousin before calling out her name.

"Rainie!", Mickey shouted, his voice echoed loudly through the hallway.

Rain turned back to see what Mickey wanted. She had already made it to the entrance of the classroom and the two boys were waiting by the door.

"Those boys that are flocking over you right now, will surely be running away once they know the REAL you. Mwahahaha!" Mickey teased.

"Hey! What do you mean the REAL me?!" Rain yelled out embarrassingly.

Mickey then gleefully picked up his pace before Rain could have a chance to catch him.