Chapter 6: The Weekend Together

The evening was when the marketplace was at its busiest, during the weekday. This district was crowded with people who had just finished their day at work or school. A social hub where people came to take leisure and run errands. It was brimmed with stalls and small owned businesses. Half of the area sold fresh commodities such as, meats and produce, to live seafood and animals. While the other half was occupied by tailors, jewelry makers, and other craftsmanship a person could think of.

Mickey enjoyed working here, the lively atmosphere was a pleasurable feeling to be a part of. Only Mickey and his grandmother were working there that day. As usual Mickey was concentrated on his work, from restocking vegetables, to greeting customers. Devoted to his family, Mickey knew how hard the life his grandparents had lived and wanted to make their life easier.

An hour had passed, and the waves of customers began to diminish. Mickey was finally able to relax and sat down on a wooden stool. Mickey leaned both his hands in front of the seat, while recalling everything that happened today. Even though Mickey was able to mask his emotions, anyone could tell that something was puzzling the poor boy.

"How come Rain never comes with you to help?" Mickey's Grandmother asked.

Mickey recollected his thoughts, "I don't know. She is probably out with a friend." He answered, shrugging his shoulders.

Mickey's grandmother shook her head in disappointment, "Tsk…that child. Her parents sent her here to become a proper woman. How can she if she is playing around all day?" She then turned her gazed to her grandson, "I know you're still sad about what had happened to your parents, but there is nothing we can do. Mickey, I hope one day you will be able to find someone who can understand you, so you can let go of this pain." Mickey's grandmother said, her voice was kind and revering.

As those words flowed into Mickey's ears, a feeling he could not describe was coursing through his body. Emotions of gratitude, sadness and confusion all clashed together at once inside of him. The feeling was slightly unbearable, for the six-teen year old. Silence lasted for a brief moment until Mickey's Grandmother spoke again, "Since tomorrow is the weekend, you, Jiang, and Rain can run the store while Grandpa and I go to the garden. This way you can teach Rain and show her what to do."


Saturday had come, and the three teenagers would run the stall together that day. Everyone had woken up before the sun had risen from the night sky. Rain dreaded waking up early to work, but she was easily convinced to go, otherwise it would have defeated the purpose of her living here. Jiang on the other hand, was surprisingly willing to help. This was because his father had asked him personally, Jiang respected his father, and he was the only person who Jiang would obey.

Jiang headed out the door first and was going to be the one driving. Mickey and Rain quickly followed, believing Jiang would leave them to walk by foot to the market, if they did not hurry. They were going to take their family's truck, which occupied two seats and a woven bamboo stool tied down in the middle. Mickey immediately ran towards the vehicle, clutching his hand on the door handle.

"I call sitting in the comfortable seat!" Mickey exclaimed.

"Why do you get to sit there? Are you really going to make me sit on that dirty old chair? It looks like it's going to break at any time!" Rain retorted.

Mickey opened the door courteously, as if he were a valet, gesturing her to enter in first.

"I always sit in the middle when I go with Grandma and Grandpa. Since you can't drive and my status at the moment is better than yours, I get the better seat!" Mickey said cunningly, with a smile on his face.

Rain kept her ground, as she tried to find a comeback, "That's dumb! You're just taking advantage of me because I'm a girl!"

Mickey jokingly scoffed in disbelief, "That makes no sense at all. You being a girl has nothing to do with it."

Jiang's patience was waning, and his temper rose, listening to his niece and nephew argue.

"Hurry up and get in the truck! Unless you two want to walk there yourselves!" Jiang yelled in frustration.

"Fine!" Rain pouted, and squeezed into the cramped space of the vehicle, "But when we come back, I get to sit on that seat!"

"Deal." Mickey answered, while shutting the door behind him.


By the time they had arrived, the sun had emerged behind the far-off mountains. The beams of light reached out like hands, unveiling the morning sky. Jiang skillfully parked behind their stall, and the three began preparing for the day. Mickey and Jiang unloaded the boxes that contained vegetables from the truck. Rain was clueless and did not know what she was supposed to do. She opened one of the boxes and pulled out a bundle of fresh greens. Rain then waved the bundle at Jiang as she spoke, "What am I supposed to do with these, Jiang?"

Jiang was still transferring boxes out of the vehicle and did not take any notice to her.

"Do I set them on the table, or should I clean them first? Which table should I put them on?" Rain purposely bombarded Jiang with questions, to annoy him.

Unable to tolerate the sound that came out of his niece's mouth, he finally answered her in an irritated tone, "Why are you asking me, how should I know? Ask Mickey, he's the one who's done this longer than I have. He knows how to do everything around here!"


This time Rain phased out Jiang, pretending she did not hear his remark and went to ask Mickey. She had learned to control her temperament towards Jiang, during her time living here. She knew that not being responsive to his outburst would annoy him even more. The three did not converse after that, only the faint humming of a popular song could be heard from Rain, as they continued setting up the stall.

They had finally finished and were able to relax for a while. The sounds of pans clanking and stoves burning could be heard from a distance, by the street vendors. The smell of breakfast traveled throughout the market, reaching the three adolescents. Rain's stomach began to growl, she looked out to see what the cooks where preparing.

"I'm hungry. Mickey since you know EVERYTHING around here, you can take me to go buy food. Jiang can stay and watch the store for a little while." Rain said, as she stared at her uncle with a cunning look on her face.

Jiang could care less. He waved his arm, giving them the okay for them to leave. The two then left to explore the area. Each vendor sold an array of foods, from steam buns, meat sticks, deep-fried dough, and many more. They also sold western style foods, such as burgers and sandwiches. Mickey and Rain promptly queued at the stalls and soon returned to Jiang. Rain held a plastic bag stuffed with goods, while Mickey carried a bag that contained bottled water and a variety of juice pouches.

Mickey and Rain sat down and unveiled their meal they have been waiting to consume. While Jiang was waiting for customers to come by, Rain called out his name. Jiang turned around to see them happily stuffing their faces. Rain then tossed a steam bun towards Jiang, as he caught it with one hand.

"Huh?" Jiang was somewhat confused; he did not expect them to offer him anything to eat.

"Come eat with us you idiot! Do you really think we would only buy enough for the two of us? We're not as heartless as you, okay, ha-ha! We bought enough to feed like 10 people!" Rain laughed, covering her mouth with one hand as she chewed her food.

Mickey leaned over to Jiang, handing him a juice pouch. "Here take this, or do you want water instead?" Mickey asked.

Jiang pulled out a stool from under the counter and sat next to his niece and nephew, who were still gorging their faces with no grace.

"Water is fine." Jiang said.


It was mid-day, and Mickey, Rain and Jiang had become quite busy. With three eye-catching youths running the store, they were able to attract lots of customers. Rain especially, her skills in talking and manipulation was well desired for things like this. While Jiang and Mickey were very popular with older women, who favored to buy from handsome boys like them. It was a great day to be in business, majority of their produce vanished off their shelves faster than they could restock.

After the hectic rush of customers, the marketplace soon died down, during noon. Jiang was fixing the placement of the vegetables when Rain made a nudging gesture at him. She leaned towards Jiang and spoke in a serious tone, "Don't look now, but there are two girls who run a clothing store, three stalls away from us, by the entrance of the building. One of them has been staring at you all day, have you even noticed?"

Jiang nonchalantly answered, "I don't care."

Mickey could not help but laugh, raising his head to find the two girls Rain spoke of.

"Which one is she?" Mickey asked.

"The girl with the braided ponytail, she's the one that's been stealing glances at our uncle, the whole day. She even came to our stall earlier, but you two were too busy to notice." Rain elaborated.

"Oh, I see! She's cute." Mickey said.

"Jiang go talk to her! There are no customers at the moment. Maybe this girl might be the one…the one who can change you for the better!" Rain's voice was filled with humor, "And, she looks like your type too!"

Jiang finally responded, "You're stupid…"

He then left to go use the restroom, casually walking away with both hands inside his pockets.

"Sigh, oh well…" Disappointment could be heard from Rain.

"Huh?", Puzzled, Mickey stared at Rain, his eyes full of curiosity, eager to know what she was thinking. Rain leaned her body onto the counter, as her silky hair gently fell off her back. She then rested her chin on the palm of her hand, and began to explain to Mickey, "There was a really cute dress that I wanted at that store, but it was quite pricey. That girl no doubt, is into our idiot uncle. If he would have listened to me, I could've have gotten that dress at a discount or even for free!"

Mickey was stunned, like a rock had been thrown right at his forehead.

You really are something else! Mickey said to himself out loud.

Plagued with disbelief, Mickey chuckled and spoke in a lighthearted manner, "You're terrible. You can't play with a girl's heart like that."

"So, what! As long as I get that dress and the girl gets a few moments with Jiang, then everyone's happy!" Rain retorted.


The day was finally over, and the sun that shined brightly in the open blue was now setting, painting the skies in a shade of autumn colors. The three adolescents were exhausted from working, though it was enjoyable. They closed their stall and headed to the truck. Before they reached the vehicle, Rain placed her hand on Mickey's shoulder.

"Remember, I get to sit in the good seat, this time." Rain said.

He thought it was funny that Rain cared so much about sitting on that spot, she had to remind him. He nodded and entered the truck first. There was a big lake on the right side of the road they had taken. The gleam from the rippling waters, looked like an ocean filled with stars.

Rain had fallen fast asleep; her head was rested against the glass of the window. While Mickey sat perfectly straight on the small stool, staring off into the sun set. A breeze that seeped from Jiang's door, gently caressed his hair, and a faded tune from the truck's radio could be heard playing. It was a peaceful and weightless moment, as the faint rays of light kissed upon each of their faces.