Chapter 11: Challenge

It was mid-day, and the first half of school was over. The students were now on their fifteen-minute break, between their next session. Instead of using this time for diligent purposes, Jungha left his room to check out class C-2. He peeped his head through the door, analyzing the area. There he saw one of his good friends, Hao. Jungha leisurely strolled over and hooked his arm around his friend. Slightly put off balance, Hao felt the pressure of Jungha's biceps around his neck.

"What's up Hao!" Jungha greeted, smiling with his eyes.

Surprised to see his basketball captain, Hao spoke, "Jungha? What are you doing in our classroom?"

He bent over and murmured, "Say, do you know where Mickey sits?"

A bit confused by Jungha's behavior, Hao pointed out the seat across from his desk, "Funny you asked, he actually sits next to me. He just left to the restroom. He'll be back soon."

"Aha, thanks!" Jungha eagerly headed towards Mickey's desk.

As Hao was about to witness Jungha ravage through Mickey's belongings, he intervened, "Jungha, what are you doing?! You can't just go around snooping at people's stuff like that!"

"Don't' worry, Mickey and I are good friends! I just need to borrow something from him." Jungha calmly said, while unzipping Mickey's backpack.

"Okay… If you say so…" Hao's voice was full of concern.

Jungha thoroughly searched inside the bag, clueless to what he would find. He believed one could tell how a person was, by the contents of their bag. His big hands clutched a notebook and pulled it out, flipping through the pages with no care. There was nothing out of the ordinary in Mickey's backpack, to Jungha's awareness. Until he spotted a peculiar charm tied on the side of the bag. Jungha untied the object and held it between his index finger and thumb, carefully examining it.

It's a bracelet, and such a girly one too. Must be his girlfriend's. Jungha thought to himself.

He then stuffed it into his pocket and turned to Hao, "Don't tell Mickey about this, okay? We're playing a little game."

Hao skeptically replied, "Okay… but, what if he notices that it's gone?"

"After today, if he asks you, tell him I have it, and to meet me if he wants it back." Jungha explained with ease.

"Okay captain…" Hao felt that this was a bad idea.

Jungha patted Hao's back with a strong force, expressing his gratitude before taking off, "Thanks again buddy!"


Through the remainder of the class periods, Mickey did not notice that the bracelet was gone. Once the final bell rang, it was time for Mickey and Rain to head back home. They made it to their house and were greeted by Nanami, carrying a basket full of laundry. She used her strength to lift the basket up onto the table in the living room.

"You two are home early. Not going to the market today?" Nanami asked.

"The teachers have assigned us a lot of projects, so we're trying to get a head start today." Mickey elaborated.

Rain gave out a loud sigh, "Ugh, there's even a team assignment we have to do with a random partner in class. I hope I get someone who's smart, I don't want to be stuck with a blockhead."

"I'm sure you'll be fine Rainie. Here, let me move my stuff off the table so you two can study!" She heaved the basket once again, off the tabletop.

The two teenagers dropped their backpacks against the legs of the table. Mickey unzipped his bag and took out his assignments, laying them across the counter. He then ran his hand down the sides of his bag, looking for a pencil in the pockets. A sudden chill instantly ran down every inch of his body. Previously calm and collected, Mickey suddenly became anxious and flustered.

The bracelet that Mickey kept tied on his backpack was nowhere to be seen. He grabbed his schoolbag and dumped everything out onto the floor. His textbooks, papers, and utensils were scattered all over the place. He thoroughly searched each compartment of his bag and disarranged everything on the ground, hoping that the lost jewelry would turn up.

Where can it be?! He said to himself.

Concern was painted all over the boy's face. Unable to find it, he threw his bag on the floor in frustration.

Taken back and confused by Mickey's outburst, Rain reacted, "What's wrong?! Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

"I lost something, and I can't find it!" Mickey exclaimed.

Rain had never seen Mickey raise his voice before, nor have she seen him loose his cool. He always been the most levelheaded one, between her and Jiang. Rain wonder what was misplaced that cause him to act in such a way.

"Well, what did you lose? Maybe I can help you find it." She insisted.

Now feeling ashamed by his sudden burst of emotions, Mickey spoke in a disappointed voice, "Forget it… It's not important. I must have left it at school. I'll check around my desk tomorrow."

Rain doubted, "If it's not important, then why are you so upset about it? Oh! Is it something very personal? Must be why you're not telling me what it is, hue-hue."

Mickey ignored her snarky remark and picked up his things from the floor, "Let's go back to studying. Sorry I yelled at you."

Rain laughed sarcastically, "What are you sorry for? You're free to express yourself, you know that dummy? Stop trying to act so mature all the time. If you feel mad or stressed out, just let it all out and you'll feel better. It's not good to keep things bottled inside for too long, you know that?"

"So, you're saying I should complain and make brutal comments like you?" Mickey teased, while forcing down his smile.

A pulsing vein formed on Rain's forehead, "Don't push the limits of my kindness my dear Mickey."


The next day before lectures began, Mickey dashed through the school hallways to his classroom. He carefully inspected his desk and the surrounding area, hoping to find what he lost. Not long after, Hao arrived at class and saw the commotion. A deep sense of guilt loomed over Hao, feeling bad for what Jungha did.

Hao watched Mickey struggle frantically for a moment, before disrupting him, "Uh Mickey… did you lose something?"

Mickey was crouched on the floor and turned his head to look up at Hao, "Yeah, I had a bracelet tied to my backpack and now it's gone. Have you seen it by any chance? It's silver with a floral engraving on it."

"Actually, I have- "

Before Hao could continue his sentence, Mickey blurted out loud, "Where!?"

"J-Jungha has it. He said for you to get it from him after school." Hao's voice was full of shame.

Mickey was silent, he did not know whether to feel relieved about where the bracelet's whereabouts or upset with Jungha for stealing it.

"Where does Jungha usually go after school?" Mickey said in a collected manner, holding back his frustration.

"Most of the times he'll be at the school's basketball courts, practicing. My best bet is finding him there."


After classes were over, Mickey headed straight to the basketball courts. His flames of anger grew with every step he took to get there. The audacity Jungha had to steal from Mickey was unimaginable. There was no reason or incentive why Jungha would do something like that. Now standing by the courts, Mickey saw the thief playing basketball with two other boys. Busy sparring, the three teenagers did not notice Mickey's presence.

Jungha was about to go for a lay-up, before Mickey shouted out loud, "Jungha! Give me back what you stole!"

Frozen in his position, Jungha turned his head slightly to see who was yelling at him. A wide grin appeared on his robust face. He walked towards the boy, holding the basketball between his arm and waist. He took his time to get to Mickey, exaggerating the sway of his movements with each step.

Once he got close enough, Jungha held the ball in front of Mickey, "Want to play with us?"

In disbelief by his response, Mickey clutched the collar of Jungha's uniform, "Don't play dumb! Hao told me you took it!"

His stern eyes pierced through Jungha's, but he was filled with fear in the inside. Never had he gotten this physical with anyone before. Not knowing how Jungha would react. Mickey assumed the worst and braced for a punch in the gut or face. Jungha could feel Mickey's arm trembling, as it gradually lost its grip on his collar.

Jungha placed his hand on Mickey's wrist, and pushed it away, "If you want it back, I challenge you to beat us in a game of basketball."

Discontent, Mickey snapped, "You're no position to demand such thing, Jungha! What you took is rightfully mine, man up and give it back."

"Oh? If what I took from you is so important, then why did you leave it in plain sight? You should be thankful that I held it for you, if it were someone else, you probably would never see it again." Jungha said in a condescending way.

Stumped, Mickey did not know how to reply. Jungha was right in a sense, it was foolish of Mickey to leave something so valuable out in the open, and there was no point in trying to take the bracelet back by force or intimidation. Jungha was stubborn like a mountain, unwilling to budge or give in. He was the type of guy that got what he wanted once he set his mind on it.

Mickey clenched his fist, "Fine! It's three against three, right? Give me a couple minutes and I'll be back."