(Special) Chapter 23.5: Jungha’s Journal

- Jungha-

06-14-X1: It's summer vacation and Mom bought me this journal today. She'll be going away for work soon and wanted me to write down everything I am going to do this summer, so she can read it. She also said it will be fun to look back at the memories I made, when I am older.

06-15-X1: Today I worked on my summer project that my teacher assigned to us. It is very hot today. Maybe Don can take me out to buy ice cream.

06-16-X1: Nothing happened today. I don't know what to write about in this journal.

06-17-X1: Mom left to another city today. She said she will be back home next month. I'm going to miss her.

07-1-X1: I haven't written in my journal for a while now. There is nothing interesting to write about. The sky is clear today and Don bought be a brand-new basketball. I think I will go play with it today.

7-22-X1: I played basketball at the park by myself. It was fun!

7-23-X1: Today some kids joined me in basketball. It's more fun when others play with me.

7-25-X1: My brother took me to buy new shoes! He said he's been saving up money, so he can buy me new things. Mom and Don are always busy working. I'll make sure that I work hard as well, so I can help them when I grow up! The color of my new shoes is a green-yellow, which is my favorite.

7-26-X1: Mom is finally back from work! She said it is tiring working for her new company. I'm glad she will be back staying with us for a while. I have to focus on my studies, if I want to make my mom happy, she says.

7-27-X1: Studying is hard. It makes my brain hurt. I'm supposed to be doing my supplementary homework, but I am writing in my journal instead.

7-28-X1: Last night I had a dream about my dad. I never seen my dad before, but he was my dad in my dream. I don't remember too much. I wonder where he is.

7-30-X1: Today I went to the market with Mom. We stopped by a vegetable vendor. There was a boy around my age who was running that stall there by himself. I felt a bit embarrassed. We were the same age and he was already working so hard. He looked really happy and smiled to everyone. I hope I can be like him one day. Mom bought a bitter melon from him. Maybe I can be friends with him.

8-01-X1: Today I went to see if the boy was working, but he was not there. So, I went to play basketball instead. I like basketball. I hope to be a professional someday.

8-02-X1: My mom says that when she has enough money, she'll take my brother and I to go on a vacation! I've never been on a vacation before. I wonder where we would go. But Mom is always busy with work…when will she have time?

8-04-X1: I went to the market by myself today. The boy was there this time, but I was too scared to talk to him. I was far way so he wouldn't notice me. I want to invite him to play basketball with me.

8-10-X1: Don took me out to go watch a movie tonight. It was an animated film and it was really funny. We just got home and I'm getting ready for bed.

8-15-X1: I went to the market again. It was so crowded and busy today. This time I stood next to his booth, but he didn't notice me. He was too busy helping customers and I didn't want to interfere. Next time for sure I'll ask him and his name too.

8-18-X1: School work and studying is too hard. I told Mom I wanted to start working. My mom laughed and hugged me, saying that if I want to help this family then I have to focus on my education. Back to studying, I guess…

09-03-X1: Summer vacation is over and this will be my last year in middle school. I wonder if the boy goes to the same school as me?

09-11-X1: School is going well, but I haven't seen the boy around my school, maybe he goes to a different school.

10-01-X1: Sometimes after I'm done playing basketball, I go and check to see if the boy is still at the market. He isn't anymore. I wonder where he went. I still want to be his friend.