The great ball

The sun had dropped below the high hills, leaving the nation a common shadow of darkness.

Most of the families had already gathered in the great hall, thus filling the huge room with chatter.

The bright candlelight shone from the luxurious crystal chandeliers, bringing adequate lighting to the room. All the members of their respective families sat neatly, each at their own table, talking, some with more some with less formality.

The members of the royal family had not yet entered the great hall and until that happened, it would have been almost an insult if anyone had already risen from the table.

Gilbert sat at the table next to his father and his three older half-brothers.

His stepmother, his father's wife, also sat with them.

The general looked closely at the woman: her charming and beautiful dark skin, her eyes black like the night sky, the precious saffron yellow dress she wore and even the puffy black hair combed neatly behind her head.

She was called Mary Morley, and she came from one of the humblest families in western Spain.

With clear Afro-European provenance and her revolutionary ideas and strength, she had in her young years, made a blow to the viscount's heart.

Together they had a daughter: a beautiful mulatto girl named Diane. She was at that moment sixteen and living in one of the monasteries on the Isle of Man.

Gilbert loved his sister and hoped in vain that she too could attend the ball that evening.

But as suspected, she wasn't there and she never would be.

The general took another, more precise look at the other families inside the room, not feeling particularly interest in any of them.

Only one trait made them look similar: their lack of modesty.

-It is wonderful that you survived the war in Wales, my son, really incredible- his father commented on the other side of the table, putting a sip of red wine in his mouth.

- Too bad the war has been over for a few weeks now ... - the general remarked, adding a tone of anger making his mood more and more obvious - I waited for a long time and you never replied to my letters ... -.

Viscount James Stanley seemed almost struck by all that hatred, so much that he put down his goblet and seek real eye contact with his son.

- You know how proud I am of you, my son, I was absolutely sure you would have survived ... - the man tried to justify himself - you are exactly like I was at your age, a brilliant member of the British cavalry-.

-Also I see that you have made the acquaintance of the son of the Marquis of Orkney ... - one of Gilbert's older brothers added turning a quick glance to Francis, whose table was just a little further away.

-We are only kind of good friends: me and Francis ... - commented Gilbert holding the precious goblet in his fingers and slightly blushing -he has always been loyal to me, dear in a certain way-.

-Just as I and his father were in our youth- James Stanley commented again taking another sip of wine -just like the two of us-.

-Did you personally know the Marquis of Orkney, father? - asked Marcus: the second of the brothers, letting his face take a look of curiosity.

The father thus placed the precious half-full goblet again on the white silk tablecloth, slowly nodding with his head.

-We were really close friends - James added as if almost enchanted by his own memories -our relationship was almost like brothers...- he concluded, before leaving room for the final opening of the heavy solid wooden door.

The time had come: the members of the royal family were entering the hall accompanied by the magnificent sound of harps and violins as well as violas and cellos.

The small group included, as usual, the queen, Prince Henry, who managed to walk trying to hide his bodily pain, there was also Juniper, the young baron of the North, and cousin of the princess.

But as already thought the most important person was in fact Isabelle Hannover II, the beautiful and young princess.

Her very long and wavy golden hair fell over her shoulders to her low pelvis, taking a considerable volume towards her tips.

The young woman's large blue eyes shone with a particular light.

The dress she wore was what gave the girl a magnificent look, which highlighted the harmony of her look.

-She is really beautiful ... - came out of the lips of Gilbert stepmother who was sitting near to him -she really looks like an angel...-.

No one paid any attention to what others were saying or might have thought at that moment, being mesmerised by such beauty.

Once each member of the royal family had walked in and sat, everyone cheered enthusiastically.

Everyone was waiting for the moment of the long-awaited toast before they could allow themselves some relaxation time.

Isabelle took a deep breath and posed one of her best smiles, taking the precious half-glass of wine in her small hand.

-I am very grateful to all of you to have come here with your families, to be here to celebrate this very important moment of my life with me, I thank you very much ... - she raised her glass higher with confidence - to England , to the empire where the sun never sets... -.

Hundreds of full goblets rose to the sky exclaiming aloud - to England! To Princess Isabelle ... -

-Let the dances begin ... - said the girl glancing at the general seated at the bottom of the room and making it clear to the man that she required a dance with him.

The cellos began to play in the light of the warm chandelier and it was at that moment that hundreds of young noblemen and rich young ladies left their seats gathering in exclusive groups.

The etiquette dictated that the girls had to be separated primarily from the young men, to act normally and wait for one of the young lords to invite them to dance, and only at that moment if the interested girl had accepted a dance would have been possible.

-You have to excuse me, my sons- viscount James Stanley got up from the table, quickly moving his body towards that of his youngest child -Gilbert, I want you to come with me ... -.

The man was amazed by this request, so much that the glass slowly wobbled between his fingers.

-What ... do you mean? -.

-It is tradition that every head of the family presents personally to the young princess, I want you to come with me and to dance with the princess ... - the father admitted, squeezing the palm of his hand on his son's shoulder. -I want you, my son, to have loving and gallant ways with one's future wife-.

Gilbert left the goblet on the table, facing his father, seeking eye contact with him, a secure connection, the strength to be able to contradict the man.

-What is your answer then? - asked the viscount, putting more pressure on his son - it will be better to hurry, since almost each of the other family has already presented ... -.

-I will do it- Gilbert commented influenced by the power of his father, and at the same time not happy with his weak attitude -but I will do it for me, well...not for you or for your shady interests ... -

The man took his wife's arm and put a weak smile on his face as to massively increase his son's anger. The three set off towards the center of the room, leaving behind them the arrogant and mocking chatter of Gilbert's three older brothers.

He no longer cared much, he no longer felt anything for them, he didn't fell any connection to his family and he knew well that the most effective way to leave them was to get married.

That was his purpose, and he knew he would have achieved it in any way possible.

There was no longer any crowd around the young woman when they finally reached the center of the room.

The only person whose character they could well understand as well as the origin and rank, was the elderly man the princess was talking to.

In fact he had already reached his eighty years. On his right stood the two young twins with tawny and a pretty woman with long hair of the same colour. On the left of the man stood a much taller silhouette, this time from the deeply brown hair colour.

-It is a real pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady- added the old man, holding out his hand in front of it with insecurity, not being able to understand in which direction the princess was.

At first glance Isabelle seemed impressed by the man's imprecision.

-You must forgive, my lady- the young and serious man with brownish hair to his left apologised -my father is unfortunately blind-.

-Ludwig Dustin is my name, head of the Dustin family of Southern Ireland. I'm honoured to make your acquaintance- the old man finally managed to grab the girl's hand and give it a kiss.

In any case, the princess could not help but hint at a warm smile even knowing that the man was not able to see her.

-It is my pleasure to have you here as our guest Lord Dustin, thank you again for your noble service to the homeland of southern Ireland ... - added the girl taking her small and sweet hands one inside the other.

-I am happy to introduce you to Preston, my eldest son ... - Ludwig Dustin added, letting the young man with brown hair make a majestic and precise bow.

-I guess you also know my two youngest sons: William and Dickon Dustin- the man tried to count on the other two, hoping in every way for their good behaviour as gentlemen.

Gilbert watched the two for a long time, how differently funny the way they were dressed was.

While the different colors of their clothes were elegantly posed and majestically alike, it made something about their alike faces quite curious.

They were in fact both styled with the same hairdo, sharing their dark brown eyes and exchanging obvious and dangerous glances of understanding. But just as William Dustin was dressed in a candied shirt and jacket and trousers of a dark blue colour. Dickon Dustin wore a white shirt but with a jacket and trousers in a colour that resembled saffron yellow.

Gilbert took another look at them and discovered that despite having inherited all the charm and good looks of their mother, the twins bore several similarities to their father.

The general smiled, he thought that on the other hand that different clothing was necessary, if not for their father, at least for the mother and siblings to be able to recognise who was who.

-I'm still sorry to disturb you ... - the voice of the viscount from the shoulders of the general became stronger and in a certain sense more interested, almost interrupting the speech -I just wish I could have a few words with you, my lady-.

The princess's face became more relaxed and enlightened with a cheerful look at the sight of the man's son.

-Do not bother, my lady, the time has come for me to go to sit again, as you can understand, my age ... - count Ludwig Dustin began to speak again asking kindly his eldest son, to accompany him to his table .

-I fully understand you Lord Dustin, I hope that for tonight the entertainment will be to your liking, it was a pleasure to meet you, Lord Preston, Lady Dustin- the girl bowed her head trying to place more respect than possible to its guests.

She hoped to count on the greetings of Lord Dustin's other youngest sons, to be able to greet them as well but as already suspected, as soon as it was possible William and Dickon left the family presentation. More than anything else, the absence of her twins was no problem for the princess, having the plan to impress her future in-laws.

-Lord Stanley, Lady Stanley, it is really a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance after hearing so much about you- the girl put the most beautiful of her smiles on her beautiful face.

At the same time it was increasingly possible for the general to see the innate beauty of the lady.

Her sweet face with small cheeks coloured by blush red, her sweet and soft lips reddened with pure Arabian wax, the sweet smell of cologne that covered her small body.

It was almost impossible for Gilbert not to be attracted to her sweet, that almost asking her for a dance would have been a great pleasure for him.

-You are enchanting my lady ... - James Stanley gently grabbed the girl's hand, gently kissing the back of it.

That gesture brought in the general's body a sense of jealousy, almost as if it had now become a challenge between father and son for who could compete for the attention of the princess.

He had to keep his emotions inside him: he knew that by marrying her and thus taking the title of prince consort, he would accept a steady position within English royalty.

He knew that it would be a busy job for him, and he knew that in this whole almost paranormal situation, jealousy had to be an unauthorized feeling.

-I suppose you already know Gilbert, my son- the man firmly grabbed one of the shoulders of his son and started to push him slightly towards her, making the bodies of the two closer.

-My lord- the girl made a composed bow, slightly lifting the flaps of her pompous blue dress with her hands.

-My lady- Gilbert stepped forward with courage.

He had to do it, as a personal goal, as a gesture of rebellion and affront to his father.

The man grabbed inside his hands the small ones of the young princess, tightening them to his chest.

-My lady, may I have the pleasure of having you dancing with me? -

The princess blushed and smiled again, squeezing her hands in turn inside those of the man.

-I would really be pleased, my general ... -she admitted placing one of her arms over the man's forearm.

Even though he was nervous, Gilbert did not hesitate to grasp the girl's back with his own hands and let the sweet music of the violins guide them in their dance.

Nobody moved anymore, since it was no etiquette that anyone else could steal the show from the young princess.

All eyes were on the couple, which made the viscount somehow even more nervous.

The man's grey eyes met several times with her big light-blue eyes.

Their light colour was beautiful, almost hypnotic, making him calmer.

What didn't help the general at all was the fact that all of this was taking place under the scrupulous gaze of the royal family and mostly under the critical gaze of Juniper Whiteblossom.

He had noticed more than once the look of the girl's cousin, as he was trying to challenge him somehow.

-You know how to dance really well, my lord- the princess complimented him, continuing to mix her gaze with that of the man.

-I thank you, princess- the general said quickly, trying to maintain his formal tone and not distract his movements.

-I love the colour of your eyes, it's so deep, so enchantingly beautiful- commented the girl again -I am wondering if our children will inherit your beautiful eye colour- commented the young woman again caressing with her delicate fingers the face of man.

To Gilbert that sentence left some sign of melancholy: he thought of the time when he would become a father, when he would have children that he could call his, all this somehow disconcerted him.

He never had a determined relationship with his father and he sincerely wondered if he was up to it and if being a father was his ideal task.

The moment came when the music ended, leaving room for a thunderous applause from all guests.

At the same time Juniper continued undaunted to draw critical glances at the man, trying within himself to maintain his anger and hatred, and wait for the general to understand everything.

-It's a shame- whispered the baron, holding this sentence tight between his lips -did you not see how tight he held her? -.

Henry looked at his cousin and realized his mood.

-Don't worry so much about it, cousin Juniper- the prince consoled him by placing one of his hands on the young man's shoulder -you know for your part that all this is natural ... -.

- It is not possible that you do not feel any sense of protection towards your own sister ... - the young man commented, opening his anger to Henry - Isabelle is young, she does not know how the world works, and if this relationship continues conspicuously, she could commit some mistakes that would weigh on her all her life ... -.

Henry held back a faint laugh full of amusement at those statements.

-It's amazing how you continue to be attached to her, even though she is making your life hell ... -The prince rises weakly while keeping his warm gaze on his cousin -It seems that your feelings for her are multiple ... -

Juniper bit his own front lip.

Isabelle said a last goodbye to her partner, finally moving away from him and letting every other person have a space to dance with their loved one or their partner.

That was in fact the moment when Francis Hoover decided to act: to finally confess to man everything he felt for him.

A bit under the effect of the wine on his young mind, like a sudden take of courage, the lieutenant had decided to get rid of the great weight that he had been carrying inside him for some time.

He reached his friend's body and grabbed one of his shoulders.

-Francis...- the man stammered, turning his gaze to his friend.

His freckled cheeks were reddened by the wine.

-Please Gilbert, I beg you, you have to follow me, out of here, there is something I must confess to you ... -.

-Is it something private? -He dared to ask the other, worried by all that immensity and breathlessness of words.

Embarrassed Francis grabbed the man's hand inside his: it was beautiful, it was warm, it was simply a wonderful sensation, which accompanied the young man as a whole, until he took him to leave the rooms of the great ball.

The corridor was dark and cold and isolated as everyone attended the party.

-So...- the general began crossing his arms together -what did you want to tell me? -.

-I ... - Francis' face suddenly blushed.

The faces of the two slowly began to approach until the lips of the two were just a few centimetres apart.

-I ... - Francis's stifling stammering vanished with the touch of the general's lips, in a quick but full kiss.

Francis closed his eyes, it was a beautiful feeling as their warm tongues were touching one with another, he no longer felt any fear at that moment, but only love for that man.

Gilbert did not move, he did not seem to rebel or push away that gesture, he seemed to like that feeling.

Now they were there together: Francis and Gilbert in a dark corner of the narrow corridor, exchanging feelings lulled by the sweet effect of the wine.

Neither of them moved, they were not sure if what they were doing was right or not, but there was only one thing they could understand, that they liked everything that was happening.

It was a matter of minutes, before the lips of both separated, that their tongues were again able to speak and express their feelings.

-I...I think I love you Gilbert- admitted the young man continuing to keep his dark eyes fixed on him -I have always liked you, but I never had the courage to tell you, because ...- his eyes filled with cold tears.

-Why? - Gilbert asked filled by an innate sense of curiosity.

-Because I was afraid that you might judge me or not want to talk to me anymore ... -Francis Hoover ended up wiping the tears that ran down his freckled cheeks with his wrists.

-I don't understand you think that admitting your love with a kiss during the evening of the great ball, during my fiancé's birthday could be the best way? - the general reproached himself, becoming completely red in the face.

-When you can't find the words, it's hard to express your feelings ... - Francis added, looking back in the eyes of the other - but I wanted you to know it all, before it was too late ... - the lieutenant commented playing with his soft thick brown hair.

Gilbert worried about what might have happened if the princess had learned of what had happened.

He was about to become a prince and in order to become a prince, he had to be prepared to undergo sacrifices.

-Francis ... -the general put his hands in the wavy and long hair of the other, he looked into his eyes for a few seconds, they were frightened.

He looked at the young man's face, he was pale with fear, so much so that even the dark freckles that covered his face had taken on a faded colour, his eyes filled with tears.

The general's lips left a quick kiss on his forehead, which brought a kind of relaxation.

- You are my dearest friend... and you have to forgive me if I was not able to understand beforehand what kind of feelings you felt for me ... - the gaze of the two crossed again, leaving a further sign of understanding.

-But on the other hand, my heart and my soul are destined to belong to Princess Isabelle, for the rest of my life ... - the man commented, lowering his gaze at that point.

- I understand what you are saying ... - Francis admitted lowering his gaze - it was silly of me, but please, give me just one last kiss ... -.

One of the man's fingers rested forcefully against the thin lips of the young man who was again approaching his face.

Francis's eyes opened again suddenly, as if awakened from a dream, mixing with the hostile gaze of the other.

-No more affection Francis! This is something that we can no longer allow... - Gilbert commented, pushing the friend's body away from his. Francis nodded slowly with his head, tears were coming down his cheeks.

-I guess it's time to go back to the great room ... - Gilbert said, taking a more majestic and composed pose and re-entering the ball hall.

The general was already waiting for his father's reproaches to see how sad and melancholy he was.

Francis on returning to the room tried to make as little noise as possible, he took a seat next to his father watching other couples happily dance.

He thought of his unhappiness when he was with his father and of his sad love story, while all the other boys and girls seemed so happy and cheerful.

-Are you crying? - asked the father coldly without even looking at him.

The young man on his side tried to keep his feelings for himself, shaking his head - it's just the wine - Francis commented, trying to maintain his composed attitude.

-I don't believe you- Edward Hoover said between his teeth.

-I observed how you left the room in the company of Gilbert Stanley and I saw your melancholic gaze returning here ... - the man commented, bringing his lips towards one of the son's ears.

-All of this nonsense is only hurting you, making you weaker and weaker, you are addicted to a love that you will never be able to achieve- said the marquis grabbing one of the young man's shoulders with force and bringing his body closer.

-It would be a real shame if the princess learned the feelings you feel for her future husband ... - the man commented, this time grabbing one of his son's forearms.

Francis found himself not only without any support, but also trapped in the spider's lair.

He could no longer bear that pressure that other numerous tears rose to his gaze, ending up falling on his cheeks.

Isabelle continued critically to keep an eye on the son of the Marquis of Orkney.

No one had just been so shrewd to notice how strange and sadistic interest the girl was dedicating to him at that moment.

Juniper on her side had been able for a moment to glimpse a characteristic spark of cold hatred in the princess's clear eyes, enough to make goosebumps rise in him for a few seconds.

-It's simply pathetic, the unusual fact that a man like him is crying salty tears just like a girl ... - arrogantly commented the young woman keeping her cold gaze towards the young man, but placing her small and delicate body more comfortably on her precious chair.

The baron looked away from his cousin for a few seconds, feeling the need to get out of that forced situation.

He thought of how many times he, Juniper Whiteblossom, had in a panic vented his fear through salty and cold tears.

He thought that Isabelle did not know all this, and it was not even necessary for her to know.

In any case, the young baron found his cousin's ability to track down and memorize the frailties of her guests absolutely worrying.

-Don't you think, sister, that this party in your honour is incredibly enchanting? - asked Prince Henry on the other hand, who despite noticing that shadow of sadism was trying in some way to send the conversation in another direction.

-It would be nice, if you too, brother dear, found someone with whom you could dance, on the other hand you are a good-looking man- the girl placed on her sweet face a forced smile, showing her brother for a few moments some light of hope.

-I have no lady, to invite to the ball with me- commented the prince, holding the fragile and precious glass full of juicy and sweet red wine in his fingers.

-You are still twenty-five years old, one day you too will find your way for a woman's heart- commented the young sister, putting a sip of the sweet wine inside her mouth -I only imagine, that due to the hard burn, it will take some time for you before you can share a bed with a woman again, don't you think, I heard pressing on a wound is pretty hurtful, isn't it?...-.

The prince looked away from his sister, realising that he had failed to change the conversation subject. The prince's face showed an embarrassing blush that contrasted with his long and blond golden hair.

-Rather, cousin Juniper- commented the girl moving her gaze towards the cousin sitting on her left -it would be your duty to invite your young bride-to-be to the ball ... - the princess placed the goblet still halfway through the cold wine in the direction of the red-haired girl.

The baron's gaze stopped on her face.

She saw how her face was folded into a sad look, while her large green eyes showed a common shadow of melancholy.

-It is beautiful, a young flower, that you must seize at the moment- the harmonious gaze of the princess fell again on the duchess with long, fawn-coloured hair -make her happy, cousin- she recommended.

At the look of those big light-blue eyes, the baron felt that he still had strong feelings for her.

On the other hand, his mind advised him to try to accept his loving betrothed into his life.

He had to try, at least to feel in his body and in his heart the affection for the young duchess, he had to try. This in fact convinced the young baron to leave the royal family, his family, to join Abigail in a dance.

-My lady- the young man came up red with embarrassment to the girl's body holding out his arm in front of her, inviting her to dance -would you like to give me the honour of this dance? -.

The girl looked up in surprise blushing, but still looking into the young baron's deep blue eyes.

Her face was coloured with an embarrassed blush, and her pale and soft lips were parted in a graceful smile.

-I would love to- the girl grabbed Juniper's hand pulling her body up from the chair.

Her slender body came closer and closer to that of the baron, so much so that her breasts almost touched the baron's chest, which caused him some embarrassment.

Starting to dance under the hypnotic effect of the sweet sound of the harp and violins, Juniper noticed in the young woman some sensual and loving attitudes to which he was not yet accustomed.

He noticed how the girl's head lay on one of his shoulders, and her red hair fell on his chest.

He was the first to hear the the girl's upturned nose on his neck, he felt her breathe, she seemed happy to be there and to dance with him.

-You have a great perfume, Juniper- she commented leaving a quick and innocent kiss on the young baron's neck -Do you happen to use oils? -

Juniper was completely unprepared for the situation, so much that he found himself not knowing what to say.

-I used lily of the valley musk oil- the young man commented, looking away from the sweet face of the girl and heavily blushing.

Abigail looked at his face trying to understand what he was feeling.

-Don't you have something to tell me, my lord?" Abigail asked, moving one of the long wisps of her red hair behind her ear.

-I like your hair and their perfume ... - the young man stammered, looking back at the girl's sweet face.

-And then...don't you find anything else attractive in me? - the girl asked with apprehension.

Juniper noticed the melancholy and disappointed gaze of his betrothed, he knew she was about to cry but he would not allow such a thing, not under the gaze of his ambitious cousin.

He had to find something to do, something to say.

-I mean, I find you attractive...very attractive, it's just not simple for me to find words to express my feelings- Juniper commented, trying to justify his embarrassed behaviour.

-No further explanations are needed ... - Abigail suddenly moved away from him, -it's no use pretending, I understand when there is no love... -the young woman clenched her fists, so hard that she started to scratch.

-I love you Abigail! Listen to me, please ... -the young man said firmly grabbing the girl's hands and pushing them to his chest -I love you and you know it, give me time and I'll show you-.

The eyes of the two met again, full of nervousness.

Everything happened in a short time, the wine, the fall of a precious glass into a thousand pieces on the marble floor.

The red stain that covered young Abigail's chest, soiling her precious dress of sophisticated green fabric.

All this was simply too much for her, the critical gazes, the transparency of her wet dress directly on her chest, the hilarious and nervous silence, made the duchess run away in tears.

William and Dickon Dustin were there as they always were in cases of trouble or various problems.

Juniper was ready to swear that the twins were behind all this.

The baron looked at both of them for a long time, looked at their brown eyes and their tawny hair, looked at the common smile that the faces of the two exchanged.

-Why did you do this to your own cousin? - Juniper asked.

The two looked into their brown eyes and admitted their evil joke, not giving it much importance.

-It was just a joke ...- admitted one of the twins shrugging his shoulders, in a gesture of little interest.

-It was not a joke at all! Jokes are supposed to be fun, but what you did was a real act of wickedness and cruelty...- commented the young baron.

-You should be grateful, we noticed how embarrassed you were by that situation ...- William Dustin retorted, completely convinced of his excellent conduct and way of acting.

-Exactly, we just wanted to help you- Dickon admitted.