Training pt1

Dorima and Shoiea ran to the G-8 classroom as they woke up late rubbing the bump forming on the side of his head, they just made it in time. Glenn who was standing at the door scowling disapprovingly told them to hurry to the Gym and the others were already there, "Don't want to be late," he added in a menacing tone. The gym was a huge old building with grey concreate floors and no windows, the walls flaked at the edges of a once inspirational mural to some sports team. The floors were surprisingly clean as if that was the area the caretaker took time to clean. Dorima and Shoiea were the last to arrive Bartholomew Grunted "Just in time try to take this seriously,"

"Yeah, you tell them we've been waiting for ages," squeaked Chiri

"Quiet, down class," ordered a new teacher that Dorima didn't recognize he was a tall man with stiches that barely held together his body, his flesh seemed to be dark grey and purple as if it was rotten, "My name is Akum, and I am the gym teacher for all of Rukworth. Now as some of you know Hunters use Illuminators (weapons and arts), if you're lucky and talented enough your ritual with Piltestas-omnis, goddess of the Dark, she will give you a gift, a fragment of dark that burns your inner nightmares and emotions, your true self, to form a weapon out of stardust to fight the Nightjyg." As Akum explained this Christine interrupted him and said loudly "Ok so like what are we doing this ritual now or later?"

Beverly elbowed Christine "Don't be so rude," she whispered

"Ahem," Akum loudly coughed "If you girls are finished, I was about to tell you that first before it can be done you all have to be able to manifest a stardust aura out of your tomes," Akum finished looking at class G-8 as if he wanted them to say something. "Excuse me Sir but how do we do that? Sir," asked Derek

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked," Akum said clearly waiting for this question "There are a few ways, but the best is a near death experience 48 hours after the tome is implanted around your heart after this you'll never not be able to manifest aura," Immediately, after saying this he twisted his arm and twirled it around his head like a horrific mace his arm now almost completely detached from his body from the elbow down was only held together by the stiches. In almost a blink of an eye hid brought his arm around and whipped all the students in the head sending the hurtling towards the side wall of the Gym "These attacks are very weak but will kill normal people the only way you'll live is to manifest an Aura of stardust," Akum explained while letting the kids all stand back up.

Bartholomew was the first to make a move he charged at Akum, Akum tried to bring his mace down on Bartholomew, but he was to fast and dodge to the left of the attack at the last moment and counterattack landing a clean blow on Akum's stomach. Gasps of shock and surprise come from his dumbfounded classmates all they could think was how could a hulk of a man like him move so fast. "Well done," exclaimed Akum "But there was no stardust behind that attack." Akum brought his fist down hard on Bartholomew cracking the floor and creating a dust cloud. As the dust settled Dorima yelled "That's too far you killed him," but as the dust cleared Bartholomew on one knee was struggling to hold his arm up as Crimson red tendrils twisted around his body forming his stardust cloak he screamed and pushed Akums arm up. Akum quickly regained his balance and with a smile on his face congratulated Bartholomew and told him to wait back in class. "Well, if he gets to go back so do I," exclaimed Fronrobos "As I can already do it without risking my life," suddenly gold tendrils enveloped his body. "You go back to," Answered Akum slightly disappointed as now he has less people to battle. As he strode away the envious eyes of his classmates followed him both hating him and wanting to be him so the don't have to fight. Akum continued his assault well into the next day slowly approaching the deadline of 48 hours swinging his detached arm around as he pushed more of the students to the brink of death more of the brought out their auras until Dorima, Shoiea, Sylthie and Derek were left. "Alright kids I know you probably will die but time almost up so I can't hold back," grunted Akum as black tendrils enveloped him "You probably didn't know this but I'm a risen that's an undead existence tied to the living by an anchor of strong emotion but because of this my aura is black the aura of death," his cloak transferred to his arm it surged inside it and ruptured and deformed it into a glob of flesh and bone creating spikes. A red flame erupted out of his eye as his swung his mace faster than the eye could see almost impossible to react into the students. Dorimas' world went dark, and, in that darkness, he saw an orb threaded together like yarn. As Dorima reached out to touch it, it unfurled rapidly and wrapped itself around Dorima. As he opened his eyes, he saw that he had manifested his dark purple aura and felt amazing like everywhere was brimming with power. Dorima looked around and saw that all of the other classmates had awakened their aura too. "This feels incredible," Shoiea told Dorima his orange aura shimming around him. "Nice work all successful too that's very good had to end a few peoples term early in the last group but you guys are very promising," Akum said, "now go join your classmates in room G-8 so Glenn can start the ritual."

As Dorima and Shoiea took their seats Glenn explained the ritual "basically your mind will be transported the abyss of dark were the Goddess of the dark resides Potestas-omnis she will grant your wish by giving you a piece of dark that's moulded by your trauma and experiences however she will also try to tempt you with her power do not under any circumstances accept her offer as you will be overloaded and corrupted into a SS tier Nightjyg and die from your own power, You might be wondering why accepting her power turns you into one well Rukworth believes that Potestas-omnis power leaking into our world cause the corpse of stars to become addicted to negative emotion. So, for this ritual you will place your hand over the sigil activate your aura and utter the incantation 'void of Dark, seep into this vessel. My mind, my emotions, my trauma fuel for your fire. Shape and mould my gift of perfect dark, give me power' then you will be done."

"Sir how will we know how to use our gifts," asked Derek,

"You will know after the ritual is finished just as you can never unlearn the aura manifestation you will just know its use," answered Glenn.

Everyone took their place in front of a sigil, and their auras activated then in unison put their outstretched hands over the sigil and uttered the incantation, "Void of Dark, seep into this vessel. My mind, my emotions, my trauma fuel for your fire. Shape and mould my gift of perfect dark, give me power."

Dorimas' world once again was plunged into darkness however it was different than before no longer was it his internal world but an external abyss of the Dark. A sweet voice rang through Dorimas mind "I have heard your incantation I will grant you a gift, but first will you accept my power?" Dorima thought back to what Glenn had said "she will try to tempt you with her power do not under any circumstances accept her offer as you will be overloaded and corrupted into a SS tier Nightjyg and die from your own power" this was it not much of a temptation as Dorima said "No." Instantly the Dark changed it convulsed and rippled and Dorimas mind was flung through his memorise.

Through the eyes of Marco, he saw himself lying on the floor he felt Marcos's hatred for this guy he ruined my life Marcos thoughts were mixed into his own, then his hand was a blade and unable to stop himself he decapitated his mother.

Pain and confusion Dorima screamed as his vison shifted again to in front of a mirror as his hand unable to control it guided by dark dug into the corners of his face and lifted it off like a mask. A faceless monster staired at him he turned his face over and thew mouth moved it asked him what he wanted. His arms and legs convulsed in the dark as deeper and deeper parts of Dorima was ripped forcefully to the surface he felt himself wishing only for one thing the pain to stop.

Immediately Dorima was back into the classroom he looked around to find that only Sylthie and Chiri were still in the ritual process he looked down at his sigil and there was a pot of black and red pills. Shoiea leaned over to Dorima "so your Illuminator is a bunch of pills huh look at mine," Shoiea revealed a lighter with the same red and black colour scheme as the pills. "Silence," ordered Glenn "Now then since Sylthie and Chiri have finally finished you will each come to the front of the room when you hear your name and state your class and explain your illuminator and it's uses so we can document it and your classmates can understand your weapon you are a team for now of course,"

Bartholomew was first "As a gunner I specialise in long range and gunners tend to be weak at close combat my Gunaxe prevents this,"

Beverly went next "As a Priest I imbue my words with power my illuminator is a pen which can create the words I want to imbue,"

Then Chiri "As a magician my Illuminator is a median for arts to be created so my umbrella was turned into that median," she showed her once blue umbrella now red and black," It can create Arts of the water affinity,"

Christine was next "Look so I'm a priest and my Illumy thingy is this," she reached up and pulled out her glass eye now stained red and black too.

Derek went next and showed off a mirror "Yes I'm an Analyst and this mirror allows an easier way into peoples true selves, "eww like the creepy one from the ritual," exclaimed Sylthie "Yes kinda like that," Derek responded.

Dorima was called up "I am a mutant so I specialise in channelling stardust through my body to alter its shape however this is very painful which is why I was told most mutants don't go into combat however these pills can block pain for one minute each, the pot will auto refill and I should take more than two of the due to side effects,"

"What are the side effects?" questioned Glenn

"I don't know," replied Dorima.

Next it was Fronroboses turn "I am an augmenter, the best, and my Illuminator is this red and black cloak that enhances my defence and concentration on my stardust flow,"

Then It was Shoieas' turn he told everyone he was a magician, and his Illuminator was a lighter that allowed him to create flame arts this was met by muttering from Glenn as flame arts were the one of the strongest arts as he sat down Dorima asked him why Glenn was muttering but he didn't know.

Finally, it was Sythies' turn "I'm an augmenter and my illuminator are these special kinds of seeds that react to stardust Augmentation," This was followed by more muttering from Glenn.

"Now all that is done you will go back to your dorms and rest training starts tomorrow," ordered Glenn who then strode out of the room.

Later that night Bartholomew was in his dorm with Derek sleeping. The ritual brought up the past he dreamed he was back there in that war bodies exploded blood splattered like paint on the ground as a child he made a pack with himself he would not be a weak person blown around like a ragdoll like the grownups around him he would be so strong that he could end wars with just his name.

His dream shifted he was looking in the mirror again a weak child was crying he was trapped in a weak dying body lying on the ground stopping none of the violence dark hands reached up pulling him apart images of him being a baby and his Dad hating the way he cried "He's a man," He would exclaim "Pull you self together," eventually he was sent off to fight to make him strong mother wasn't around so you must make yourself strong for me. His Dads word rang around his head as he lay motionless as bugs devoured him for being too weak.

He awoke in a cold sweat he looked around a found that Derek was still asleep and decide that he should go back to sleep. Bartholomew fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Good batch of students at G-8 this year," Glenn told Leon (the vice principal) "we have a possible fire arts user and a life amplifier,"

"Good work," Leon responded "If they can survive training lessons tomorrow, they will make fine hunters. I'm concerned about Bartholomew through he doesn't seem like the chap to follow orders or help the cause,"

"Oh, don't worry he will. In other news it is going great with Akum the experiment was a success so there is a new old student joining training tomorrow"

"Good anything else to report," asked Leon

"No, you can read the written one on your desk but that's it," as Glenn left the room he bowed as a sign of respect to Leon.

When Glenn left the room Zoagzox appeared from the shadow like a creeping darkness "this is good the project is under way send word to our rivals at Holy Crusade Academy that the tournament is ours this year,"

"Will do sir" replied Leon "they will not sit quietly through there is a chance they will retaliate from just a letter,"

"That's what I want. Anyway, training tomorrow make sure you get it ready too"

"of course sir"