The Wishes - Prologue III

"You are going to become the core of this universe" explained one of the deities only to be followed by the central one. "But this world will be a bit different from the one you know, something inevitable when disturbances such as these happen"

"The overall laws that rulled this universe have changed, making its destiny vary and the potential for growth rise" explained the god furthest left. The central one took over once again. "As such, each of us can give you a gift, blessing or wish, however you wish to call it"

Ryo understood how important this information was. The overall plot would be the same, but then again, he only knew the plot until the group reached the Takagi's State. That meant there werer infinite possibilities of things that could happen. And if the world became more dangerous, he had to think things through. He nodded at the gods, signaling them to continue.

"We can't give you anything that would be too powerful for that world, and we also can't give you things that belong to other worlds" explained one of the Gods.

Ryo couldn't help but doubt on the infinity of things he could ask for. Then again, he realized there was something more important than a majority of things. Supplies. If he lacked supplies, then he could be as strong as Goku and he would still die.

"The first thing I want is someting that could provide me with supplies. Is that possible?" Ryo asked the gods. One of them flicked their wrists and said something in a language Ryo couldn't understand or even try to comprehend.

"I've given you my blessing. You will have the ability to materialize any ingredients you wish at the cost of some energy. To summon them you will only have to think of the amount and what you want, and it will appear before you. It only works on packed ingredients though. Meat you will have to deal with yourself" the deity explained his blessing.

"Thank you. Even that is already too much..." Ryo began thinking again. He didn't need to worry about food that much now, so he needed to think on other things he might need.

In a world of zombies that differed from the original HOTD, he could only think of one thing that could happen. Zombies growing stronger. Stronger zombies usually went in two directions. Supernatural or Scientific. Scientific evolution was the kind you found in the western series, whereas Supernatural evolution was the most commong in oriental fiction.

"I assume I'll have a way to become stronger even if I don't wish for it... so I want a way to track my own strength, that of my allies and that of my enemies" Ryo asked, now sure of his wish. Once he was done, another deity flicked its wrist and chanted more impossible to understand words.

"My blessing is in your eyes. You will only need to focus on your target and a screen with their data will appear. I've made it so it looks like that usual status you see in videgames. To make it more interesting, I also put skills in there" was the short explanation.

"Thank you very much!" Ryo thanked the deity. Once again, he was deep in thought.

He didn't feel like he would need many more things in such a world, so he didn't know what else he should ask for. He didn't feel any interes in asking for power, since it would feel like he was cheating and he had promised his family to live a good and honest life. As such, he continued to think until he came to a decision. Even if he couldn't ask for direct power, he could still ask for a small boost.

"Can you raise my talent, so that I won't have too many hardships understanding and learning things?" he asked with expectation. It wasn't power, but the ability to wield it better.

In answer to his question, a god repeated the pattern and explained his blessing.

"You will now have a talent on par with the most talented at whatever you try to do. If you want to cook you will be a 5-Star chef so long as you practice. If you want to swim you will be able to reach Michael Phelps and so on. Your abilities will be even greater though, since the roof of that universe has been raised by a lot"

After thanking the god that helped him, Ryo continued to ponder. He was grateful for their patience, since he knew how much he had been making them wait in between wishes. And still, he couldn't find a way to decide on something he needed. After all, having food, a way to track his and others progress and talent, he didn't feel like he needed anything else. He still had three wishes, but he couldn't think of anything he wanted.

"My memories and keeping my appearance don't require wishes, do they?" he asked as if to confirm it. If he was right he had to keep thinking but, if he wasn't, he only had to think of one more wish. Unluckily, he was right. The central figure was the one to answer "No they don't. After all, they are what make you yourself, together with your emotions"

He was thinking as hard as his brain allowed him to, but he really couldn't think of anything he would want or need. Sensing his distress over the situation, the gods decided to make him an offer.

"How about this... the three of us that still haven't blessed you will give you one final gift. It will be some sort of... assistant A.I. It will give you suggestions on certain things according to your situation and your desires. It will rewards you if you manage to follow the suggestion or improve it, and there will be no penalties if you chose to ignore"

Ryo thought about it for some time and realized that it was pretty much a System, like those he read about in some Manga and Webnovels. Finding the idea surprisingly fair, as he would have to work in order to get a reward, he readily accepted. The remaining three deities flicked their wrists and spoke at the same time. Once they were done, Ryo saw a screen appear in front of him.

[The Evolution System has been activated. I am tasked with offering you the solution to a situation that will allow for the most progress in the Host's growth. The System can't offer solutions that would harm either the Host or those close to him, but the Host can be rewarded if he takes a risk and survives.]

Seeing the message on the screen, Ryo couldn't help but smile. Looking at the dieties, he bowed in a 90 degree angle and loudly thanked them.

"This is more than I could ask for. Before I leave... may I at least know your names?" Ryo said his last request, now that the wishes were over and he was ready to go to his next life. The gods looked at each other and then, from left to right, began stating their names.

"I'm Reason, and I gave you your eyes"

"I'm Potential, and I gave you your talent"

"I'm Prosperity, and I gave you your supplies"

"""I'm Time/ I'm Space/ I'm Nothing"""

"""And we gave you the System"""

""""""Now go, Hashimoto Ryo. Leave you new life to the fullest""""""


I don't know for how long I've been writing, but I'm finally over with the Prologue! Now I can finally move on to the actual Fanfic!