Akira's Wish

"I wish ... I had my family back, I dont want money, I dont want to be popular, all I want to be is happy with those I love, my mommy and daddy, my big brothers, Ryuji and Ryu, I want it to be like how it was before".

"Back when mom and dad will always be fighting over the last pizza, Ryu always looking after me and Ryuji always trying to wrestle dad, those days were good".

"When I met Ryu, he looked me in the eyes and swore that he would protect me until the very end, everytime I wake up, I always dream that I'm all alone and that no one would be there for me".

"Big bro Ryuji was always into growing up to be like daddy, cool and handsome, he achieved it but he was always jealous with Ryu, but even though they happened, he still loves his family with all his heart".

"One thing that was the worst losing was losing my family, broken apart never to be fixed again and It makes me wonder, was it all my fault?" Akira then received a gift from one of the butlers.

As she opened it, she saw old photos of her and the others back then, and also there were things that Akira didn't recognize. She saw a letter and opened and it read the following:

"Dear Akira, my baby girl, this is written for your 7th birthday, I just want you to know that whatever happens, always be strong for momma, she always has been there for you since you were born".

"Lots of love, your mom". As she was finishing reading the first paragraph, the second handwriting was written differently to the first one and was more gritty.

"Dear Akira, sorry my writing is bad but ... daddy wants to tell you that when you were born, we wanted you to be happy by your brothers and boy ... were we right, Ryu and Ryuji never took their eyes off you".

"They'd even tackle us if we did anything bad to you, but it was well worth it, because we had a family that was ready to protect you no matter what, your mom and I are proud of what you become, love from dad".

Akira then cried from what she read from her parents, and that she was never alone, they were always watching out for her, the third paragraph was nice and short at the same time.

"Dear Akira, just want you to know that, big bro Ryuji is going to make you the most popular person in the world, and that no jerk will hurt you, love Ryuji". She saw it both nice and funny at the same time.

Then came the final paragraph and it looked very Ryu like to what she had discovered was shocking to her and it changed her perspective of why Ryu left.

"Dear Akira, as you may know that I'm going to abandon the Hakuna's but you should know why ..... why I left, I left when Hanzo was thinking of abandoning Ryuji, because of his ignorance".

Akira became of what she read, "But if you read this on your 7th birthday, never forget that I will come back and see your smile, one more time, because I made a promise to look after you and I'm keeping it".

Akira was happy with tears coming out of her eyes, Ryu still cared for her, as he always did, as it was ready for bed time, she went inside and as she went inside, she hid the letter safely.