The Tournament

As Heath opened it, it read spoke about a tournament that was proving who is the strongest dimension, as Heath looked at the bottom, it said Dimension 4.

The following names said as read, "Heath Takahashi, Ryuji Hakuna, Rantaro Nakamura, Ryu Narukami, Evelyn, Crow and Spiral". As he was surprised by this.

He was more surprised by how many dimensions there were and that all fighters must participate or disqualification and the destruction of the planet.

"Wait there really are Alternate Dimensions?" Miu asked as she read the letter, "I have no idea anymore but what I do know is that we need Ryu or we are done for".

They all look distressed to what has just happened to Ryu, as they went looking for him, Heath went to go and get Ryuji to help find Ryu and join them into the tournament.

6 hours of searching Ryu and none of them has found him, where could he be? Meanwhile Ryu was still stressed out and went for a little expedition himself.

When Ryu came across a crystal which had seemed to have belonged to someone. As he got to the top, he encountered a temple.

As he had went inside, Ryu was encountered with assassins, as they saw him, they immediately attacked, Ryu trying his best with his powers.

As he ragely used his powers, they then stopped after someone had said, "Enough!!" a figure came down and as he saw Ryu.

"You're heart is being boiled into rage, you may yet to become a true warrior if you let into anger but rest assured young one, you still have a long way to go".

He then helped Ryu up and had told him to stay for tea as he wanted to know the source of this rage but it seemed even Ryu didn't have the answer to what he was looking for.

"I see, you too have problems learning the source of why you are like this but it seems, you have yet to understand the meaning of inner peace".

Ryu then asked, "What does that mean?" he then stood up and came closer to him and said, "let your memories flow as they are the key to finding this source".

As Ryu did just that, he reflected on his life but it wasn't really his life, it was the first, the real Ryu, being born, loved by his family but then came his death.

He for once could now know who his killer was, it was the Hakuna's, specifically Reggie Hakuna. He soon found out that in order to get the ultimate weapon.

He needed to kill the one that can be suitable to be ultimate weapon for him, "He planned all of this, Ryu dieing, me being cloned, then me killing my father.

He wanted all of that to happen and it did, he was behind all of this from the start". He then stood up and thanked him for his help despite not knowing his name.

Ryu then walked out and ran as quickly as he could back home, he didn't see no use of his powers but to only avenge the man that he never had the chance to grow up with.

Ryu then went back to how this all started, how it made him, how it made him the man that was the only hope to stop evil, no matter the cost.

And the powers that he was given were nothing to important to him but he had done things because with or without, he was happy that he'd do things like that.