Chapter 11

I found my grandmother sitting on the kitchen floor leaning her back on the refrigerator, she had a cut on her side and it was hard for her to breathe quickly. I knelt in front of her and started to check her.

Grandma, what happened? - I asked while applying pressure with a kitchen cloth. - Help is coming, I said while trying to remember the first aid training that my mother and the others had taught me.

As I remembered and searched for other injuries on her body, my grandmother's trembling voice rang out in my ears telling me- Don't trust anyone- before she would lose consciousness. I was scared for a moment but I checked and she still had a pulse it was a few moments later when I heard the police yelling at the door.

-We are the police - one of them shout - we are going in.

-In the kitchen, help me, my grandmother is injured.- I yelled.

Two officers appeared at the kitchen door, one quickly approached and crouched next to me and began to press on the wound, telling me that everything would be fine while the other communicated on the radio about the situation and asked for medical support and one ambulance, and telling me that the paramedics will arrive soon.

I didn't know how much time passed but before I knew we were already at the hospital and I was standing there in the waiting room while my grandmother was at urgency and getting ready for surgery.

I was trying to remember everything that had happened just when I got home and find the smallest detail that would give me any clue as to what it was about. But this is unknown to me because I knew that it was normal for families of the demigods who suffered attacks from time to time by monster but this was difererent the attackers were people and they were armed with swords. While recapitulating all the details of the event

- You did not start a massacre ehh- a voice that I had heard hours before sounded by my side- Thats strange and my brother's children usually when they get angry or someone hurts their love ones they are capable of destroying cities or those who get in their way very similar to him-

I turned to look to find Demeter sitting next to me but this time instead of being dressed in a dress she was dressed as a doctor.

- I'm going to kill them all - I said in a furious tone and turning to see him - no matter who is behind this no matter if it is a god - without looking away and staring at her.

- There it is, that instinct for revenge, if you are his son - she said with a smile - but at the same time you are more focused and you managed to contain your impulses, each time you surprise me more - said the goddess.

-You know who they were- I asked

- I do not know, and if I did, I could not tell you, I already intervened a lot to tell you what was happening- she answered - the problems that fate has on each person, only they can overcome them with their resources and their abilities. Well my time here is too much and it seems that your family has arrived- she said goodbye and got up as she walked down a hospital corridor.

When she said that someone from the family had arrived I turned to find my uncle who came running.

I wonder what had happened and I told him the same story that I told the police and the doctors when we arrived that I was in my room waiting for dinner to be ready when I heard an explosion and fell out of bed when I went downstairs to check what had happened I told them that about finding my injured grandmother. With the officers and paramedics, I had to use the mist to convince them that this was what had happened.

My uncle took a breath after hearing my story, he turned to look at me and asked me.

- Alex, where did your grandmother tell you that the parchment is-

- What are you talking about? - I asked him. Without understanding that he hadn't asked neither for grandmother nor for my grandfather as if he did not care- I don't know what parchment you are talking about.

-Alex tell me the truth- holding my arms tightly, he told me.

- Why don't you ask about the grandmother and how is she or grandpa- I refute him - let me go. I don't care about a fucking piece of paper.

He stood there in silence for a couple of minutes like he had realized something and telling me - The doctors said she will be okay I talk to them before coming to look for you it was a big cut but nothing that serious she will need to stay here some time. You will be staying with me meanwhile we call your mothwr and about my dad don't worry he is fine. I will call your aunt to come to pick you up to take 5 dollars here and go get something from the vending machine- he gave me 5 the money and went to the reception to make the call.

After he left I started recalling the weird conversation I just had with him and my grandmother telling me to trust no one I immediately stood up and run outside I tell him when I passed by his side that I need some fresh air. At the moment that I get out of the hospital, I went to my house to pick up some stuff I needed like my survival pack that I always let prepared with some tools and a change of clothes, and grab the pouch with the dracmas I have, and finally, I let a note in a secret compartment that only my mother knows explaining what had happened, that I will be fine I will contact her the sooner I can and Immediately went into the shadows.

Then I went to one of the safes houses that I had prepared for an emergency with the money I had made selling the status ad summon for Alecto hoping this time she appeared and, not some goddess. 20 min later Alecto appeared as Mrs. Dodds one of her infinite disguises.

-Alecto, show me the way to half blood camp- I simply said when she arrived

- Yes young master when do we leave-

- Right now- she said.

Someone had attacked my family and mess up my plans and for some unknown reason, my uncle was involved but now wasn't the time to take revenge it was time to hide and get information about this new enemy and there's no one better to get information about something than the sons of Hermes. We get on one car the fury get and set on the freeway.