Chapter 13

When I heard the steps getting closer I opened my eyes, I could see him standing there talking to John and the other. A middle-aged man from the waist up, with thinning brown hair, bushy eyebrows, intense brown eyes, and a scruffy beard. His lower half is that of a white stallion. It could be no one else that the legendary heroes trainer Chiron in flesh.

- I see you're awake- the centaur said while diverting his gaze from the others - Welcome to the camp, I supposed you have many questions, Charles here will explain to you while you tour around the place-

- You're a centaur? how is that possible?- I said pretending to be shocked. By now the academy should give me an award already I thought.

- Yes I'm a centaur, as far as I know, the how it is possible you should ask my father but his to longer here- he answered honestly- Charles could you please show him the place I have a game to win with Mr. D., call me when you finish-

- Yes sir - Charlie stood up in front of me- Come on Alex you will love this place if you have any questions I will answer them if I can.

After that he guides me through the camp explaining to me about the gods and how they have kids with mortal when they got bored and shows me all the facilities from the big house to the stables, the forges, where he stood there for 20 min he explained everything about how they work and he told me was one of the sons of Hephestus. He showed e the cabins and this went for like an hour if I didn't care about my facade I will just ditch him and going straight for the dining room I have been dying to eat something since the battle.

- It's time for breakfast lets go- we follow the path to the dining Pavillion and other kids start to arrive there. The place was amazing there were twelve one for each house and at the center, a huge fire was burning. Charles then taught me about how it works it was like a buffet but when you had your food you will go to the fire and throw food to it.

- Just do it it is an offering we do to our parents and Mount Olympus, you have to go sit there- he pointed at a table that whos full of young boys ad girls- its Hermes tables all his kids stay there and also the ones that haven't been recognized. You will stay there some time, maybe. - and the he went a sit with some 2 guys in one table.

After I finished having my food I was called to the big house and there were two persons in there one Chiron and the other one was a man with curly hair so black wearing some Hawaiian t-shirt.

- Alexander this is the camp director Mr. D- Chiron introduce us

-A new arrival just don't bother me with it- Dionysus said- let's play a game of pinochle.

- Nice to meet you sir- I said

After that, he went away to a room while a deck of cards was shuffling in the air. And then only Chiron and I stood there. Ad he started asking me questions about my arrival here, about my family etc, etc, trying to find something about me but after two hours of only receiving yes and no answers from my side he gave up. Was pretty easy to do it if you have planed for years. Then he called one satyr and instructed him to take me to the training area. There I found John who then starts talking about weapons and that we should find one suit for me. I ended with a sword, nothing to be surprised and we then start practicing swordsmanship. The day continued like that with many activities and training in other disciplines and meeting other campers. At the end of the day, Chiron announced who will be on patrol duty through the night.

Just when everyone went to their house I approached John and the girl next to him, they were on patrol duty again.

-Hey guys can I join you tonight- I asked them

- Hey noob trying to act so mighty because you were lucky in the morning- the girl said

- Easy Clarise you should thank him instead- John said- Sorry about that she is my sister, half-sister you understand right we are from cabin 5 - John said - Glad to let you join us -

_ No problem nice to meet you, Ares huh, that explains why you are eager to volunteer as a patrol again- I said, the recalling Clarisse from the books I tell her that she should change to use a spear instead of the dagger.

Both of them looked surprised about my recommendation because John had told her earlier the same and then Clarisse gave me a doubtful gaze I didn't know what misfortune could John suffer because he was never mentioned in the books, he is one of the best fighters here and also the camp leader probably should be Luke's mentor somehow. But I think he will be one of the candidates to recruit for the future.

I joined the party for the patrol, their shift today was only to one 1 past midnight. After a couple of hours, I came to the conclusion that I have to be every night patrol duty because I could be outside in the night with almost no one to watch over me so I could train in my powers and don't getting suspicious after our shift end each one of us went to their cabin to get some rest I didn't want to get in that cabin soy I stayed outside in the porch and fall asleep in one sleeping bag that they gave me.