
Chapter 7

"You are not afraid of me, then you can try."

In the face of angry Lin Xiang, Xu Shaochen showed unprecedented calm, and looked at his mouth slightly raised and raised a wry smile.

Money is a man's gall. When a man has money, he will be confident. Xu Shaochen is in this situation now, even a little confident.

"Young man, you are still in college. The world is not black or white as you think. Are you sure you don't accept my conditions?" In the face of Xu Shaochen's indifference, Zhao Jie also lost patience, with a threat of red fruits in his words.

Lin Xiang also sneered and looked at Xu Shaochen and said: "Maddy, you are going to be a poor boy. Why do you fight with me when you step on a horse? You don't want to face me."

"Threatening me?" Xu Shaochen chuckled and looked at Zhao Jie with a smile like expression.

Zhao Jie frowned slightly and then smiled: "I didn't say that, but if you have to think that way, I can't help it. After all, there are so many accidents every day. Who can say clearly? Do you say?"

"OK, I'll make a call." Xu Shaochen nodded and took out his mobile phone.

Zhao Jie's face changed slightly when he saw it, and then he looked at Lin Xiang with some meaning of inquiry.

Lin Xiang smiled contemptuously, and looked at Xu Shaochen's eyes and Lu's sarcasm: "brother in law, this guy is just pretending to be a poor boy who can't collect all the operating expenses. What do you think he can find out?"

When Zhao Jie heard this, he put down his heart, and then he took a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

Since Lin Xiang has said that, he has nothing to worry about. Maybe a poor boy from the countryside thinks he's great when he knows several village officials.

"Jenny, last time you said I could make this call if I had anything, right?"

Xu Shaochen is calling Jenny, the professional manager. He doesn't believe how his grandfather, as the world's richest man, opened his global industrial shop. It doesn't matter in China. Although he has passed away, the relationship network and interests are still involved.

"Yes, Mr. Xu. What kind of trouble did you have? Can you elaborate?"

Xu Shaochen looks at Zhao Jie on the opposite side, and Zhao Jie smiles contemptuously. His eyes are like watching a clown's performance, and he makes a gesture of asking for help.

"It is so..." Xu Shaochen said something about it.

"OK, Mr. Xu. I'll help you solve it as soon as possible here. Please wait a moment."


Xu Shaochen answered and hung up.

"I also called. Do you have anything else to say?" Zhao Jie looks at Xu Shaochen and asks with a little smile. He looks like he can eat.

Xu Shaochen shook his head: "no, just want to see how you died."

"Well, arrogance." Zhao Jie almost laughed angrily. He was the first time to see Xu Shaochen so arrogant.

Who does he think he is, the grandson of the country's leader? Or the grandson of the richest man in the world?

It's ridiculous.

"Ten minutes. I'll give you the last ten minutes to think about it. Nod and take 100000 people away. Otherwise, don't blame me for bullying children." Zhao Jie looked at the watch on his wrist, and then looked at Xu Shaochen and raised his finger.

Xu Shaochen didn't take care of him. The whole person relaxed and leaned back on the sofa.


A few minutes later, the door of the office was roughly pushed open from the outside. A middle-aged man in a white coat and glasses came in in in a hurry.

"Dean, why are you here? You can rest assured that I will solve the problem..." See the middle-aged, Zhao jiebrush stood up, and then quickly stepped forward to meet, with a smile on his face said.


Before Zhao Jie finished speaking, Fu Zhengyi just slapped him in the face with a slap in the face and shouted with red eyes: "do you solve it? You can fix it! "

"Dean, you..." Feeling the burning pain on his face, Zhao Jie was stunned and didn't react for a while.

Lin Xiang is also a dog face, his brother-in-law was beaten by the dean?

However, Fu Zhengyi didn't pay any attention to the two people at all. Instead, he came to Xu Shaochen and said, "Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry that our hospital has let you down. I guarantee with my personality that this is definitely the personal behavior of some worms in our hospital. I will punish you severely and give you an explanation."

At this time, there was a dense sweat on Fu Zhengyi's forehead. He really killed Zhao Jie and Lin Xiang. After all, he provoked the God. The leader called the hospital for internal rectification, called Lin Xiang for legal responsibility, and almost scared him away.


Zhao Jie and Lin Xiang are both struck by lightning. Their minds are blank, their eyes are wide, and they look at this scene inconceivably.

Their faces gradually turned pale and their bodies were shaking. They were not fools. When they saw this, they didn't know they were kicking on the iron plate, and they might be an alloy iron plate.

"You are welcome, Dean. I am a common people. How you deal with it is your business. It has nothing to do with me." Xu Shaochen looked at Fu Zhengyi and said lightly, once again realizing the charm of money.

When money reaches a certain amount, it will cause qualitative change, which is the change of status and rights.

This feeling is really addictive.

Fu Zhengyi wiped his forehead with cold sweat, nodded and bowed: "yes, Mr. Xu said that our hospital must contact the judicial system as soon as possible to deal with this matter. In addition, in order to thank you for helping our hospital to find out the internal moth, your mother has been transferred to the VIP ward by us. The bed number is 102, and your mother's operation will be put on the agenda in the near future."

"Poo Tong!"

Hearing this, Lin Xiang and Zhao Jieru were bereaved and fell to the ground directly with their legs limp. Their faces were too pale to see a trace of blood.

"Vice president Zhao, you'd better keep the 100000 yuan for yourself. I don't have this lucky share."

Xu Shaochen stood up and looked down at Zhao Jie and Lin Xiang with a smile, straightened out his collar, and then turned out of the office.

"Dean, Dean Kaien, I've been working hard in the hospital these years. I have to work hard without credit."

Zhao Jie hugged Fu Zhengyi's leg and looked up at him pitifully, crying like a snivel.

"Hum! What do you mean by that? Let's go tell the police. " Fu Zhengyi was angry with these two people. He said with a gloomy face, "you don't need to think about finding a relationship activity. The leader on the top made a phone call in person, even if you planted it yourself. This time our hospital also blacked out the leader. How could it be, huh!"

Voice falls, Fu Zhengyi rushes out of the office, and he still has to solve the influence behind it.

Hearing this, Zhao Jie and Lin Xiang knew that they were really finished. For a time, both of them were filled with despair and regret. They knew that they would not dare to provoke Xu Shaochen even if they had given them a hundred courage!

Lin Xiang can't help swearing at his mother. How can you pretend to be poor when stepping on a horse like this? Isn't it a special pest?