
Chapter 15

Look at Xie Wei's back.

Song Xinran's face is slightly red. What else can a man and a woman do when they come to the hotel to open a room? She hasn't eaten pork, but she has seen a pig run.

"Is sister bad for your good?" Song Xinran looked at Xu Shaochen and joked, saying, "I haven't seen him for several years. The change of this original follower is too big.".

"Sister Xinran, where do you live? I'll take you back. Your face is blue. Boil an egg and apply it for you." Xu Shaochen turned the topic with a smile. After all, song Xinran was the throb of his puberty. Talking about other women in front of her was a little guilty.

Then they talked about their experiences. Xu Shaochen had nothing to talk about. Today's life is just bright.

"What? My aunt is ill. I'm going to see her in that hospital. "

After hearing that Xu Shaochen's mother was hospitalized, song Xinran was very nervous. After all, Li Xiaoli was very good to her.

Xu Shaochen hurriedly said, "I'll go back in two days. Look at your face. My mother will be worried if she sees it."

"Well, thanks to you today, those people are so bad." Song Xinran just settled down and said that what had just happened was another gnashing of teeth.

"Well, sister Xinran, it's no big deal to change a job."

"Why do you want to change? With today's event, they dare not bully me in the future. Maybe they will let me get a promotion." Song Xinran's eyes flashed a bit of cunning and said proudly.

Xu Shaochen showed a smile. As expected, she was the elder sister of the neighbor who was a little cute and proud but kind-hearted.

However, the body has been fully mature, and it's a little more beautiful than before.

Ten minutes later, I arrived at the place where song Xinran lived.

"Come on in, don't change your shoes."

Song Xinran said to Xu Shaochen after he opened the door.

The living room is not big, and there are not many furniture and decorations, but it gives people a clean and warm feeling.

Xu Shaochen went to the kitchen and cooked an egg. When he came out, song Xinran had changed into a silk nightdress.

The black silk nightdress is wrapped with exquisite and delicate body. The delicate skin is in sharp contrast with the black nightdress. The picturesque appearance is particularly charming, which at least makes Xu Shaochen lose his mind for a moment.

There is still a quilt on the sofa, which should be specially prepared for him.

"Bah, little colored embryo."

Looking at Xu Shaochen's reaction, song Xinran blushed with a coquettish voice, but it was not too radical. After all, Xu Shaochen and Xu Shaochen often slept in the same bed when they were in junior high school.

"Haha, it can only be said that sister Xinran is so charming."

Xu Shaochen laughs, but he doesn't feel embarrassed. He sits next to song Xinran directly, and then gently applies the egg on his face.

"Ah! Light, it's just like this. It's warm and very comfortable. Well "

Xu Shaochen wants to cry without tears:" sister Xinran, it's just an egg. Can you stop calling me so seductive and confused? "

"Why, I can't help it! Hee hee. Song Xinran laughs and puts his legs directly on Xu Shaochen's legs, which makes him stiff.

Xu Shaochen did not dare to move and said with embarrassed expression: "sister Xinran, I am twenty years old this year. Can I stop being like a child?"

"Well, let you go. I'll have a rest. You go to bed early. If you have to come in and sleep together, I don't mind."

Song Xinran pours, grabs Xu Shaochen's egg directly, and then enters the bedroom barefoot.

After entering the bedroom, song Xinran's face changed, her pretty face turned red, her breathing was very fast, and there was just indifference.


Xu Shaochen can't sleep on the sofa at all. He has the impulse to run to the hotel to conquer Xie Wei several times, but he has to bear it.

In the middle of the night, Xu Shaochen took out his mobile phone and clicked on an app called "YQ".

This app started as a chat software, and then the rise of QQ wechat in China reduced it to a software for chatting private and secret topics.

Xu Shaochen didn't post. He mainly read some women's posts. It's enough to be addicted to them. After all, he was a poor man before. He didn't have the courage to post or reply.

"Eh! This is... "

Suddenly, Xu Shaochen's eyes widened. He asked for a post. The owner of the picture didn't show his face. He was half covered in a white silk nightdress, but his attention was on the necklace around the woman's neck.

it's as like as two peas in a professional silver, a silver necklace.

"It's not Miss Zhao."

Xu Shaochen looked as like as two peas of WeChat's name, Zhao's WeChat's "stranded rain". He felt he had discovered a big secret.

Xu Shaochen commented on the following sentence: necklace is very beautiful, people are more beautiful.

Stranded fish: you can't see your face, how do you know I'm beautiful?

Unexpectedly, Zhao whispered back to him, and Xu Shaochen sent her a private message directly.

Because he has known the identity of Zhao Qingyu, the content of the chat is all to cater to Zhao Qingyu's hobbies. In this case, the two people are very speculative.

From the beginning of the text, to the voice chat, Xu Shaochen gradually tried to play some colored jokes. Zhao Qingyu didn't have any antipathy, but also sent him many good-looking photos.

Stranded fish: I didn't expect that so many of our hobbies are the same. It's really a coincidence.

Xu Shaochen replied shamelessly: maybe this is fate, by the way, you have a good figure.

Stranded fish: hee hee, how are you? I can't believe the coincidence.

Xu Shaochen: I'm very happy tonight. Go to bed early. I'll talk tomorrow. Good night.

This is a little routine. Don't catch a woman talking all the time. It's easy to finish the conversation, and it seems that you are too hungry and thirsty, and easy to get upset. You need to know enough to catch a woman's appetite.

Stranded fish: I'm happy, too. Good night.

Xu Shaochen guessed that the stranded fish was indeed Zhao Qingyu. At this time, Zhao Qingyu curled up in the quilt, holding the mobile phone and blushing slightly.

After all, she never thought she would have such courage. She used to be a peeping party. This was the first time she had the courage to post, chat with people on it, and send photos to people.

However, she didn't expect to meet such a speculative person. She had similar hobbies in all aspects, and was very satisfied with the conversation and words of the other party. Xu Shaochen's timely termination of the chat made her have a light sense of expectation for the next contact between the two people.

Is this the legendary online love?

Well, why didn't that person ask me for my contact information? He won't be unprepared to contact me too much, otherwise, as a man, he should have asked for a phone or wechat.

For a time, Zhao Qingyu, a 20-year-old love Xiaobai, was tossing and turning, worrying about gain and loss.