
time went by within the academy, and Sora and Olivier did become friends. although Sora didn't care much for friends, he didn't get a lot of karma from being rude or mean to others. Olivier was just a kid, he on the other hand was a gown man in a kid body.

To Sora she was just a kid crying out for help, he didn't mind landing a hand to support someone in need if it was not too troublesome. He didn't mind helping the poor if he had extra money to give.

Sora was going to save the world, but that was after he was sure he could do such a thing. plus, Olivier was talented and it was best to keep her close instead of pushing her away.

Within this time, Sora also picked up a lot of skills. he learned all kinds of support magic, learned how to craft magical items, and how to create magic.

Sora could easily create the magic of any kind, by combing his knowledge with Combat creation. Sora could come up with the magic of any kind to help out if he so needed it.

anyways, Sora soon turned 11 years old. Sora stood before armor, shield, and spear. he was currently giving it the final touches, this armor had many abilities he gave it.

the best thing about this armor was that it was not simply one with Sora, the armor was split into 5 parts, helmet, body armor which turned into a dress-like thing, boots, gloves, and the cape.

The helmet was given the abilities of a calm state of mind, Enhanced Concentration Capacity, Combat Perception, and many mind base abilities which would turn one into a pro in the way of fighting or anything they do. this boosts Sora's reflection and kept Sora's force even when he is not on the battlefield. there was a limit to how many abilities an item could have, if there was no limit Sora could have just given these armor every ability he had.

the body armor came with Absolute defense, allowing Sora to have absolute defense towards anything and everything, even time. this meant no matter what type of attack was thrown at him, it will not affect Sora unless it was strong enough. this defense also had layers, the first being a barrier which was like a bubble that covered Sora. the second defense covered Sora's body, this one was twice as strong as the front layer. the 3rd layer was the body armor, this was twice as strong as the second layer. but it was only limited to where the body armor was covered.

this armor also boost Sora's strength and gave him Combative Transcendence, So the more Sora fought the stronger he would become. although he didn't need this armor, with this armor this effect almost doubled. there were also abilities like Metabolic Regulation, Efficient Combat, and a few other body-related abilities.

the boosts had all of Sora's moment abilities, from Absolute Evasion, which means these boosts could use these abilities for Sora. though it could only make him untouchable for 1 minute and had a 20-minute cooldown, it could be useful.

lastly, the cap had the abilities Unperceivable Attacks, Absolute Counter, One-Man Army, and a few other abilities.

lastly, the gloves only had two abilities. Striking Mastery, Absolute Unarmed Combat.

when the whole set came together, they boost one power by 10 times. of course, said person had to be Sora, to gain the acceptance of the armor.

the shield of course had item abilities, Absolute Counter, Absolute Block, and Absolute Evasion.

the spear brought upon Omnislayer, allowing this spear to skill or destroy anything. along with Absolute Weapon Proficiency. which means reaching the peak of the way Spear, which will mean the capabilities to cut and pierce almost anything. the person holding this spear could cut and pierce space and time if they wished. this pear could also change its form, allowing it to turn into any weapon the person holding it wishes it to.

all of this came together to strengthen Sora by 15 times, Sora was already 11 years old, with a peak power of peak A rank Sora was a monster. but with this armor, he could battle those at S rank. making Sora one of the strongest humans in the world. of course, his armor put a huge burden on those wearing it, but since Sora was the one who created it, it didn't even put any burden on him

"Sora, you're going to be late. the graduation exam is about to start. everyone is there." Olivier said as she opened the to find pants.

"I know... how does golden with a red cape look like? although the armor doesn't cover my thighs, and some other parts, thats so my movement will not be resistant in the slightest." Sora said calmly

"it's nice, although I think it being completely red would be better." She said calmly, Sora shook his head slightly as he cast a spell changing the color of the armor to gold, and the cape to a blood red.

the armor flashed as it appeared on his blood, the shield in his left hand and spear in the right, Sora felt his strength and looked at himself before the armor disappeared into a pocket space he had created.

Sora had created his own pocket space where he could store items and stuff within. it would be a pain to always carry stuff around.

"so, the graduation exam this tear for the academy is not so simple. this kingdom and a few others have come together to hold it there, this way they can build better relations between each kingdom. the kingdoms have been seen eye to eye, where are always fight over the smallest stuff." Olivier said as she and Sora headed towards where the graduation exam will be held

they quickly arrived before a huge hall that had countless students with all kinds of information belonging to other kingdoms. Sora looked up and saw the old man was getting ready to give everyone a speech.

Sora found out this old man was the principal, his name was Merlin, held the greatest magic to ever walk the earth. he had a unique power as he could freely use all kinds of magic, race didn't matter before him. the magic from the dragons could be copied, allowing him to use dragon magic, even the god magic could be copied.

No one knew his history, or just where he came from. all Sora was able to get was that he one day appeared in this kingdom, built this academy, and began teaching others magic. he is the main reason this kingdom is held as the strongest.

But he didn't bother with the matter in the kingdom or anything like and just kept to the academy acting as its principal. while improving the development of magic.

once everyone was there, Merlin went on to give a speech, to which everyone paid close attention. the speak the simple, he talked about how humans were fragile things. but humans could learn and adapt, humans learned magic seen by other races, other races couldn't do this.

Merlin had researched magic for countless years, to find the true magic. The Essence of Magic, his path led him to humans. so he wanted to help the humans, and in return, they could help him reach his goals.

Merlin was not human, nobody knew what race he was. was he human? dragon in human form? maybe a god? all they knew was that he was extremely old, yet his strength never drops.

after that speech, everyone was mixed up, before being split up into many classes. there were just too many people, Sora calmly sat in his chair while waiting for papers to be passed out.

he was not in the same room as Olivier, he was with people and some he was in class with. looking around, he saw a few people who were quite strong, some even A rank which was shocking for kids around 11 to 12 years old. but this was the era of magic, talents were popping up left and right. people were being born with all kinds of special abilities and so on.

papers were soon passed out, and once everyone got a paper the test began. everyone had 30 minutes, and anyone who is caught cheating will fail the whole exam. only 1,000 people could pass this exam, so they had to be quick or else their spot could be taken

Sora calmly looked at the problems, they were quite hard and complex. ranging anywhere from support, magical item crafting, and building magic.

Sora calmly wrote down the answers without much trouble, although he didn't pay attention in class, he learned and mastered almost anything he saw. in a few minutes, he finished every question and turned in the paper before leaving.

Sora calmly went on to go to the spot to wait for others, shockingly there was already someone sitting there. A young black-haired man, he was silver eyes and had an average build. he was quite handsome, but not too over the top like Sora.

"I didn't expect someone else to pass the exam so fast, the name is Jiku. i'm from the Leo empire." He said calmly as he looked at Sora with crossed arms

"Sora Skievidra," Sora said with a calm nod, the young man nodded slightly before ignoring him. Sora didn't care as he didn't like talking to new people.

Olivier was the next to arrive, she was stunned seeing Sora was not the only one faster than her. unlike Sora she had heard of Jiku, Jiku was born with special abilities over time and space. he could see into parallel worlds to possibly the future, or move through space like how anyone else moves on the ground. of course, there was some drawback, but because of these abilities, he was able to easily see the future and find the right answers without much work.

soon time went by and more and more people came, each talent among talents. they were the future pillars of the human race, people who will one day make the humans raise to the top of the food chain.

there was a guy with a bird head who could gain the abilities of anything he eat. there was a guy with a body made of water and many more.

after 1,000 people arrived the others were forced to just watch the remaining exam

"Everyone who remains is the best of the best, I understand not everyone relies on knowledge and this might have not been fair for them, so I will give them their special exam. everyone will gain a fair chance to shine." Merlin said with a smile as he rubbed his beard while looking at everyone,

"the next exam is simple, everyone should first get in a team ranging from a 1 to 4 people max. although you can work on your own, no one is forcing you to have to work with others." He sad calmly, everyone looked around as they began teaming up with those they knew.

Sora and Olivier went on to team up together, but Olivier noticed a girl with fox airs, and a tail standing all alone. Sora also noticed her, she was what was known as a sin.

It's when two different races came together to give birth to a mix of two races. with how the conflict between each race was this kind of stuff was highly looked down upon, so no one would want to team up with a half-bread of the fox race,

the fox race was quite powerful, they are one of the few races which can turn into a human-like form. within this race, you could find beings like the 9 tails fox and some other powerful foxes. they were skilled in spirit magic and illusion magic, two types of magic the human race was still studying.

"can she join?" Olivier asked softly, she knew the feeling of being an outcast, so she wanted to help if she could

"sigh, go ahead," Sora said with a shrug, like others he was not racist... well he was racist toward the insect race and the god race, he had to kill the god race. the insect race scared him slightly. other than those two races, he could care less what race one was.

Sora calmly followed Olivier to the little girl, the little girl's ears twitch slightly as she turned to look at them. she had snow-white hair, with ruby red eyes. she was adorable, but she was on guard as she showed her teeth slightly warning them not to dare get close.

"I wanted to ask if you will join us. the second exam is going to be extremely dangerous, so you know." Olivier said softly as she stopped walking forward, the little girl was stunned as she looked at her before looking with widened eyes Sora.

"y-you quiet." She said in a soft stunning voice as she looked at Sora while touching her ears. from a young age, she could hear everything. down to a person thought, this was a curse to her, in shock as large crowd like this she was hearing everyone thoughts, but she has on ear plugs to reduce the rage, which is why she only heard Sora and Olivier's footsteps when they got within a range. well not Sora, Sora made no sounds.

Sora had a clear mind along with Indomitable Will, both protected his mind from both being controlled or his mind being read.

"I see, you have powerful hearing capabiltiy," Sora said softly, she nodded slightly, Sora was the first person she couldn't hear. she was both feared and hopeful, she couldn't hear Sora's true thoughts, and two she was tired of hearing everything. it was almost driving her mad.

"well, you join if you want," Sora said calmly, she quickly agreed to join, while Olivier was confused. she was the one who offered her to join, knowing Sora he would have ignored her. shaking her head she looked around,

"i'm Yoru. N-nice to meet you." She said shyly, Sora calmly nodded at her before introducing himself. Sora frowned slightly as he felt something was off, he suddenly moved to dodge a kick from a pink-haired girl who attacked him from behind

"you still sharp as ever," She said with a smile, Sora was stunned for a moment before he smiled slightly. this was princess, she meant her years ago went he visited his grandparents. She was once a little girl who was all into dolls, but she had transformed and became someone he sometimes spared with

"I didn't expect you to be taking part in this, Eliza," Sora said calmly. She smiled slightly as she looked around

"my elder sister came in the first place she took a part in this, so i'm aiming for the number one spot like her." She said with a smile before her eyes landed on Yoru. she froze slightly, Yoru although was 11 like a little adorable doll.

"still into dolls I see," Sora said calmly, Eliza let out an awkward cough,

"S-since she joining your team I will join as well." She said with a slight blush as she looked at Yoru.

"or, everyone else who wanted to join with you wanted to use you, so you came running to me to use me," Sora asked calmly

"now, if you put it like that, of course, it sounds bad. I just want to be near the people I can trust with my life, and you and Miss Olivier are my closest friends. it may look like i'm using you, but I will not be able to rest knowing the closest people to me might be taken from me. So, I most join" she said righteously, her acting was so realistic that Yoru who heard her true thoughts had a headache on each to belive

"your acting skills improved," Sora said softly, Elize smiled pridefully, as a princess, she had to take acting classes. she had reached perfection at such a shockingly young age. yet, Sora could always see through her act.

"wait? so you don't see me as a friend?" Olivier asked in surprise, she was moved almost to tears, only to find out it was an act.

"of course it was true, the best lie has to have an element of the truth. plus, you two are the only friends who I can be tree around, everyone else just wants to kiss up to me. plus, you two did promise to help me for the throne. I can't let you die." She said in a soft voice

so you want to use us," Sora said calmly, Elize rolled her eyes, it's not using someone if the person agreed to help, Sora had no interest in being a king the same for Olivier. if these two put their mind to it, they in the future could take the crown by force.

But she had to be queen or else her life or death will in the hands-off someone else. She offered them to help her get the crown with the promise of anything they wanted, Sora agreed to be her knight. while Olivier didn't mind being her right hand. with these two, She was sure to get the throne

"fine, I will go join someone else." She said with a snort as she turned to leave, Sora stopped her, as her knight of course needed her to join the group

"Everyone should have picked a team by now. teams should go stand in each corner as teachers start passing out a contact... its time to announce the second exam. everyone will be sent into the forest of monsters, everyone should know that it's dangerous, filled with countless monsters and dangerous areas," Merlin said calmly seeing that 10 minutes were up. every team moved as they stood far apart from other teams before a team came along giving them a paper

"to pass the exam, one needed to make it to the middle of the forest, where I have built a large spot where the finals will be held. remember, you could die in this. if you wish to back out of it you may. there will be no watchers around to save you if you're in danger, so go in knowing you could die." He said seriously, stunning everyone

"There are special orbs I have hidden around the forest, to pass the exam. your cost to collect the orbs equal to the number of people in your team, if even one orb is missing or a teammate is missing, the whole team will fail. the time for this exam is 1 month. so take your time, and be careful." Merlin said seriously,

"lastly, everyone is required to sign some people before entering that is the contract in your hands. read it before signing it if you wish to enter. if not you may leave, you are also required to drop a blood drop onto a life crystal so we can know if you're dead or alive." He said as everyone began signing the contract.