The God Slayer

"So what, you think this is enough to fight against?" The demon lord snorted as slightly, her snort only grew as Sora created a weapon out of nowhere. but as she was about to use her ability, she found someone was blocking her ability from effect said weapons

"Your ability is quite unique. capable of twisting and distorting almost anything.[3] It can affect both material things, such as metal, and intangible entities, such as air and light. It's a good office and defense, but you are not able to affect the human body, although you can affect stuff which is alive." Sora said calmly as he pointed a sword at her, in the past he needed an item or something to be able to use perfect defense, and perfect defense. now he didn't need such a thing.

in the past, the perfect defense only affected the person holding such an item, but now even the item will be protected. So, her ability became completely pointless before Sora.

"it was a good fight, but I will give you a chance as I wish not to have to deal with another race at the moment," Sora said calmly, the demon lord's gritted her teeth before she shot toward Sora, her body quickly transform as she took on her true appearance. Black demonic scales cover her body, two dragon horns along with a huge snake-like trail appeared behind her back, and her power quickly touched upon the peak of S rank,

She opened her mouth and shot a huge black mean at Sora, if this beam were to be aimed at the planet, it would reach the core of the planet. before Sora calmly helded his plan out, using the ultimate counter, the attack was reflected back at her, but this time she was ready to twist the ability, allowing the ability to barely miss her.

Sora calmly waved his sword, the demon lord's eyes suddenly shrink, and before she even knew it, a deep cut was made across her chest. blood flew all over the place as she floated there looking at the cut which was slowly healing

"I lost..." She said in shock, she was the strongest demon lord to ever appear, she slaughtered her way from nothing to stand at her current position. she was by no means weak or dumb, she saw Sora was too dangerous to be kept alive. why would you leave a possible danger free?

"Why didn't you kill me? you had the chance to." She said softly, Sora shrugged slightly, why would he kill her if it would lead to more trouble. it's best he has her submit to him, if not then defeat was still on the table.

"I don't take an interest in killing beauty, this is even more so you're the demon lord. your defeat will break the peace, leading to a war between demons and humans. something I wish not to see, why most we break our peace? plus, I see you have a deep hatred towards the gods." Sora asked calmly, stunning the demon lord. she didn't expect Sora to care so much about the peace between their two races.

"... the gods punished the demons, turning the demon realm into a living hell. kids are grown every day eating dirty, some parents even deep themselves to their children. so, I must take revenge and slaughter them, and give my people new land. even if you let me leave, I will not just return to the demon realm, while you of the earth realm enjoy this perfect land." She said softly,

"There is a simple way to fix this, I plan to make an empire where everyone of any race can live together. The demon realm can join, and any race can join. but before that, I need to know that I can trust you." Sora said calmly, the demon lord was stunned by Sora's words, thinking back to the information she gathered on him, she understood, that Sora had been secretly helping Elize towards this goal this whole time

"... we demons respect the strong above all else. I Demon Lord Tiamat declare you as my husband." She said seriously, Sora went blank for a moment

"what?" Sora asked in confusion, the demon race respected the strong, with the condition that few in the strong ruled above everyone else. Tiamat was considered the strongest demon lord in history, yet she had lost today to Sora, this loss was something Tiamat never experienced, and Sora was willing to save her people. She will happily give herself to him

Sora thought for a moment about all of this, if he became the demon lord then it would be for the best. So, he didn't really refuse her offer. as for the whole killing thing, Sora would have done the same thing in her shoes. as a demon lord, she stood above beings like emperors, she held th fate of the whole demon realm. The condition demons were born at when the races of the death realm made contact with them, of course, they began making plans.

Sora didn't blame her for all of that, of course, the main reason was that killing her would bring upon more miss fortune than befits. now the human race will have 2 mid-S rank beings, Merlin and Tiamat. as for him, he could be considered to have reached the peak of S rank when going all out.

with the thing down, Tiamat explained her ability in detail to Sora who wanted to know. her ability was called a reflector.

Reflector is an ability she was born with. which enables its user to twist and distort almost anything. It can affect both material things, such as metal, and intangible entities, such as air and light. Such power possesses both great offensive and defensive capabilities: by refracting air, the user is capable of generating highly-destructive flying slashes of various sizes, which possess great cutting power.

By twisting anything entering the immediate area surrounding them, the user becomes virtually immune to any attack, be it physical or magical in nature, with every incoming spell or melee assault having its trajectory moved in order to avoid striking the user, who can even reflect these attempts back at their originators.

By refracting light, the user is even capable of generating illusions, going as far as to twist reality itself in the eyes of their opponents. Even objects and magics that negate magic fall victim to the Reflector.

She had almost no weakness, she was capable of freely using this magic on anything in her line of sight, so long as it was not a living them. She had no weakness like only being able to use it in one area at a time, the only weakness to this ability was the time something will remain twisted. a few minutes before they return back to normal

Upon returning to the empire, Sora calmly explained everything to the emperor to ease his heart, after which he called Olivier and Jiku to return as they no longer had to hunt the demons. and with that, the peace between humans and demons returned.

a few days later, the news of Sora and the demon lord getting engaged spread across the kingdom, this of course was shocking news. there most powerful human was engaged with the most powerful demon lord, of course, there were many against this. the number one person against this was Olivier, she was ok with Sora and ELize. but the demon lord was going to become Sora's second wife, making her stand above her. she was of course not standing for it

Sora was of course stunned, he knew he was going to marry her as well, information was just being dropped left and right. Harems were rare or anything like that in this world, in fact, a man who only had one wife was looked down upon. but of course, there were females with a harem of their own, filled with males. if you were strong enough then of course you can create a harem for yourself

anyways, plans for their marriage were quickly laid out by the emperor, and Sora's parents and grandparents. there will be no statues among Sora's wives, if Elize was first then the demon race will be displeased. if the demon lord was first, then the humans would be displeased, so this was just the best way to fix the trouble.

Sora was set to be married on his 15th birthday, until then his mother made sure he knew how to be a gentleman. It's also then that Elize will be crowned. before that, the demon lord slowly sent her people to earth land, allowing them to slowly live together with the humans

in a blink of an eye, a few months went by and a meeting between the allied force that planned to take down the gods was going to meet. the emperor of course went to this meeting, bringing Sora along with him. the demon lord also join with her people.

everyone stood around a round table, within an elf forest. amount of the races that were there were humans, demons, elves, dwarfs, dragons, trolls, Gaint lizards men, vampires, and so many others.

"i'm glad you could all make it today." a middle-aged man with blond oblong hair wearing green clothing said calmly as stepped out of the tree. he was an elf, the leader of the elves, He calmly looked at everyone before his eyes landed on the demon lord and Merlin for a second longer than everyone else.

"We elves and dwarfs have come up with a sure kill way to kill the gods. allow me to get straight to the point as I show you our greatest creation." He said with a smile as the ground suddenly shook, everyone watched as a huge metal gaint suddenly raised from the ground.

"This is called the god slayer. the dwarfs have the most creative capability out of any race, add that with the magic creative capability of the elves. we created a god slayer, it has the ability to absorb the energy from the world, allowing it to pretty much have an endless amount of energy. it can absorb all forms of magic, meaning even the magic of the gods was pointless before this. its armor is made from the strongest metal that can be found or created. it has the power to destroy the world 10 times over if given enough energy." He said with a smile, everyone's eyes wide as they looked at that huge thing

gods were giants, before them even dragons didn't seem so large. dragons were about the size of mountains. meanwhile, a god could be considered to be taller than mountains, if they stood in the middle of the ocean, one will still be able to see their neck and upwards.

"such an item... it will such this world of its magic," Merlin said with a deep frown, the elf nodded as he understood this as well

"This is why to kill the gods, we mostly only use it once before destroying it. if not, then this world will lose its magic if we keep using it. the energy needed to power this is great, so we have contacted the celestial world. they agree to help us this trouble." He said calmly as he pulled out a box filled with keys.

"in this box are keys which can be used to open a gate to summon a being from the celestial world, they will summon the 24 celestials of the celestial world. though these eyes, they can fight and would be returned to the celestial spirit world if killed. so they are immortal. each of the 24 celestials is all S tier, they are more than enough to help power this. but the trouble with this is that we need someone capable of summoning them... this is where humans come to play." the elf said as he looked at Merlin and the emperor

"for some reason the celestial emperor wished only humans to be able to summon them so that humans will be the only race to use these keys. once the 24 of them are summoned, they will power the god slayer, and go on to kill the gods. after which, we will destroy this thing." He said seriously, to which everyone nodded in agreement.

'why does he give me a bad feeling?' Sora thought as he looked at the elf.

deep under ground, huge metal beings in all forms of shape could be seen, the elf and dwarfs were working hard to make an army of such thing