Chapter 12

I always shut the doors and closed the

high hopes that I would be free from my

parents and I can choose the path I

want because l look like their puppet in

their eyes that whatever they want I will

follow it even sometimes doing it can

hurt other people.

ruki, my grandson...I know I can't do

anything for you if I will leave this world

but just in case I will give you this power

I have after I die what would you do?.

protect the person I love the most even

there will be some consequences that I

need to do..

that's my answer when my grandpa ask

me but I regret it... because even he give

me the power he has I can't still protect

the people who I cherish the most.

that day is the day that I can't forget, it

was snowing so heavily that day and

it's getting darker that the street lights is

the only light that was used in a dark

place we've been staying. she was

crying that day and that made me sad

because I can't fix myself and made her

happy again..

( sorry, sorry..ruki because of me your

injured and I can't protect you... I'm

sorry) she said as she touched my right

eye that has bandage on it, I got this

injured when we begged my mother to

agree with our relationship..but she

didn't agree.

kaina saw the whole incident and made

her shocked, I didn't blame other people

nor my mom or kaina for what happened

but it's not what I expected to happen...

because instead I'm expecting that

things will be back to normal it didn't

work because after what happened..

she blames herself that lead her in a

wrong path, after from what happens

she shuts the doors and lights of

herself... caged in the dark room

blaming herself. her parents are so

worried for her that they called me and

said what happened to her, that time...

I was shocked and let me decide one

thing that I will be hurt the most and she


we go to the park that evening even it's

snowing heavily...and my hands are

shaking with fear for what I will do.

she said to me that she's sorry because

she don't have any strength or power

that can protect me, I wanted to say

something for her for the last time but

I just can't, she continues to cry and I

can see on her that she doesn't have any

enough sleep and she become skinnier.

I cover her eyes even she's not done

crying, when I'm getting ready to do

what I planned she holds my hands and

I can feel that she's trembling because

her hands are also shaking and that I

cried on her front for the first time

luckily she can't see it because I still

cover my hand on her eyes.

I'm sorry..ruki,

and after those five words she said I

erased all her memories that has

connection with me and she faints with

tears fall on her cheeks. after what

happen I drive her back to her house and

tell her parents that I need to erased

their memories that has a connection to

our relationship.. because it's for the

best so that no one will get hurt again.

they agreed and so with her friends I

erased there memories.

it was painful for me though but when I

saw her after 1 month pass by, it was

worth it because I can see her smile

again and laughed not at me but to the

person she loves.. their quite happy so

it did me happy too because I made the

right decision to let her go and set her


when I got home I stared the mansion

that my parents build and think that

what if my fate is not like this would I

be happier like others. I got inside and

see my mother talking to her friend in

the living room, I know that this friend

of her is she meet it in some party or

grand events.. seeing them from a far

I can read their intentions on me.

I go to my room and lock the doors and

cover the windows with curtains, I sat

on my bed and stared the picture of a

girl smiling while holding a bouquet of


you'll forget and I'll remember till the

end... you'll be happy and I'll try to be

happy... you'll smile again but it's not

for me...

ruki lay down on his bed and closed his

eyes as he broke down to tears...he

haven't showed everyone that he has a

weak side and slowly taking the pain by

all himself because his acting like his ok

even it's not, his saying that his fine even

his broken inside.


ringtone rings!!

ruki came back to his senses after he

heard his ringtone rings on his phone ...

he picked it up and looked what's his

friends up to.

Alex: ruki-kun, come and join us here in

the cafeteria everyone is here waiting

for you.

* add the picture of them eating *

ruki: thanks for the offer but I don't want

so bye 🖐️...

Alex: wait!

Alex: I have to report to you that we

have found our new vocalist in our


ruki looked and read the message that

Alex said and that made him confused

a bit.

a new vocalist?... that can't be, that early

I mean how can this dummies find a

singer in just 1 week... or maybe it's only

one of their tricks to join them.. nice try

but I won't fall for it again.

ruki: nice try, you just wanna like me to

join you guys there that's why you make

it an excuse also because I was

impatiently waiting for it...but it's not

gonna this time.

Alex: you leave me no choice...

Alex: *add a picture of Cy drinking milk


Alex: that's our new you

believe now?.

ruki: so? did she fully agreed to it and

sign the contract? what's your

relationship with that girl that she is in

the same tables as you guys seated..?

Alex: she's blake's younger sibling and

she studying here.

Alex: and about that...we kinda force her

though and she didn't agreed to it yet...

ruki: What!? you.., then why you're

wasting your time on that report if she

haven't agreed to it yet!!

Alex: because I knew that in the Future

she'll be a part of our group even I

suggest it.😉✌️