Long Journey Ahead

ok everyone before you read this I have to tell yall something, this web novel that I'm making right here ain't the best and along with that it's not really meant for others to read. I know you all are probably confused at the moment but bear with me I'll be explaining everything you need to know about this web novel here. so a while ago I had this idea of a book that I wanted to make (this is that book) and I went through with it, but at the time I wasn't really thinking about having anyone else read it so instead of making it a book that everyone would understand I only made it a script that I could envision so if you are to read this (which I don't really recommend) you'll honestly be wondering about wtf is going on half of the time, but with that, you may be wondering "well if you never really planned on having others read it then why are you uploading it." as I said before I wasn't really planning on having people read it but through making this book I also felt the urge to show others the thing I've been working on for a while now. although I've already finished the book rn I just wanted to upload it weekly to get the feel of people waiting weekly to see what happens next (although there's probably not many that would wait a week for something that I've not put much effort into) this book ain't much now but I have big plans of making this something that people would genuinely read later on down the line. so I basically explained everything I could think of (sorry if I was still confusing... I suck ass at getting my point across) so if you still wanna read this then be my guest but if not then I understand.

"I'm sorry for giving you hope but he doesn't seem to have any type of abilities or even potential. I'm so sorry."

I heard those types of words from a bunch of people from what I recall but this time was different. I had noticed when we came home that mom was feeling down so I mustered up all my courage and shouted

"Mom I won't listen to him, I'll become a strong kid myself and become even stronger than dad was so if I don't listen then you won't listen either. Please mom I can do this."

She started crying and with a determined look


"I know you can do this, I believe in you."

Wiping the tears off her face with a smile she told me


"Your dad would be so proud of you for making mommy feel better. And from now on I will help you with whatever I can . You're the best son a mom could ever ask for."

"Don't worry ma I'll do everything i can from now on like vacuuming, moping, and even cooking. (although i had to do that from the start)"


"really now."

"You betcha. From now on I'll help with whatever i can."

This was five years ago. i was just 10 years old at the time, and from that day on i worked harder than i ever did before. I helped with every little thing I could, even the stuff I was supposed to do anyways.


"you sure even that's heavy for you. Here let me help you out with tha-"

"No ma i don't need help i have to do this myself if i wanna be strong just like dad."


"Are you sure"

"Positive don't even try to lighten the weight with levitation. One more step aahhh."

I remember falling down and almost ending up face first. But like always mom was there to help.


"Don't overwork yourself please the last thing i want is for you to hurt yourself plea- cough cough cough."

I remember seeing her have an asthma attack for the first time. I didn't know what to do. I was scared. It was all too sudden. Then I saw her trying her best to speak telling me what to do


"the bathroom... top shelf... to the right... there should be a box... Grab it... and give it to me."

In a cold sweat I bolted to the bathroom and snatched it from the shelf and ran the fastest I ever had to give it to her. I finally made it back to her and gave her the box. As soon as I gave it to her I realized it was the box she told me not to touch. The box I gave her suddenly opened up, and that's when it hit me. The box she had was an HlD Medbox and out came 2 pills and 2 SEPS. She took them and weakly got up. I started tearing up and helped mom to bed.

"Mom why didn't you tell me."


"Tell you about what honey."

"about this. All of this."


"I didn't want you to worry about me. You need to be getting stronger like you promised. You shouldn't be worrying about me. And besides I'll get better."

"Mom the sickness you have is curable, it's a common disease there are multiple vaccines for it and people dont have coughing fits like that. And i didn't even recognize the epi pens you used and you had to use two. Did you get a-"

My mom lunged and hugged me


"I'll try to tell you this in the clearest way possible. I have a mutated disease that even the doctor's couldn't help me with. I've tried to keep it a secret for a while now and now you know."

My mom started crying. With her next few words i hugged her and held her in my arms tighter than i ever did before


"I don't have much longer to live. My life is already coming to a close but that doesn't mean yours is. In the next five years i want you to live your life to the fullest without thinking about me or this stupid disease. I want to see you grow and have fun. Your top priority right now is you."



"Please do this for me. Make friends become strong and be like no be better than your father."

"Ok I promise to be the best son you could ever ask for in the next the few years. i will not let anything get in my way no matter what. I'll be just like pa for you."



"I promise."

"Damn i miss her."

"Remember, you've not only lost her once but twice."

"Am i going crazy"

"it'll all make sense soon. I'm waiting for you."

"Oh and by the way you have the exam today you should wake up and get ready for it."

"How do you even know that? Hey I'm asking a question here."

"Like i said you'll understand soon now wake up and get ready for your damn test."

"What in the fu-"


"Oh you're awake go on and get ready while I make breakfast dear."

"Ok thank you (I'm not safe in this house she hears everything i say or do with her amplify ability)"


"Your Welcome. And oh you have the e-"

"exam, today i know."


"Oh you remembered."

"Yeah surprisingly."

"Actually, could you wrap up my breakfast? I feel like warming up at the testing grounds."


"Sure and try to come back early. I wanna hear the results."

"Sure thing I promise to pass it Anne."


"Hmm look at you all grown up. I'll have a surprise for you when you get home. Passing or not you deserve some kind of reward. What about my cooking."

"Sure your cooking is the best. Well I should be going now see you later."


"bye now."


"Did he leave yet."


"Yes he did."

"I have faith in him. He seems promising. I can't wait to see what he'll become in the future."


"Do you mind if I ask you something."

"Yes what may it be."


"I thought that he didn't have any kind of abilities or potential at all. So why would the higher ups even be interested in him."

"It may be a way of protecting him, after all potential and people's abilities are always listed in everyone's personal information. So it may be that all the clairvoyance users he saw were told to cover up his real power or they couldn't see anything at all and it's not out of the ordinary for a clairvoyance user to mislook things. I mean after all one of the top three is interested in him."


"A top three, but what would a top three want with him?"

"Even i don't know but whatever the reason may be, he's still something special, special enough that one of them watches over him."

"(The entrance exam is an exam that happens around the world every year. I really need to pass or else I'll have to redo the test next year. At least I warmed up a bit and ate some breakfast. Now all i have to do now is register)"


("I've just barely scraped through the written exams but now this is it. All i need to do is stay alive long enough until I'm one of the only contestants left or score enough points depending on what the test may be about)

"next ."

"(in that case i need to be ready because the examiners always change the test up. I have to get lucky enough to get the perfect test for me."


"(although i am strong enough to defend myself out there most people are way stronger than me. I just have to depend on my speed and the little strength I have for now)"

"When i say next it means next. Now stop mumbling to yourself and get your ass up here to register for the damn test."

"Huh, ohhhh my bad."

"Tssk the nerve on kids."

"My bad man."

"Hmm looks like you're the 419th person to register today you'll be going to test 5, now go to the waiting room 5 and wait until an examiner comes with further instructions. Oh and good luck young blood, oh one last thing what's your name."

"It's on the registration form isn't it."

"Yeah but you look and feel different from the rest so i would like to remember you personally if you pass."


"Alright the names parker."


"What a name. The names sainin by the way, oh and good luck parker. Hope i can see you again You brat"


"Guess I can say the same thing for you old man."


"Yeah now you better get going"


"Yep heard you loud and clear see ya later."