A Battle Of The Ages


"Alright then, now to remind you parker, Give me everything you got."


"Whatever you say elizabeth."


"Alright then let's start."


"(Shit she's fast, this is gonna be a hard fought battle) markus you deal with charlotte and i'll deal with liz.


"Already ahead of you (I need a bit more time to memorize her movements so that I can predict her next attacks. Its gonna be hard though cause i haven't got a faintest clue to what her ability may even be)


"(All i needa find out is her ability then i'll be alright) you sure are fast liz."


"I can say the same for you. (parker isn't a head on type of fighter, he's more of a calm, cool and collected type of fighter. That means he'll want to stop the fight as quickly as possible) you ain't getting off easy parker, i can tell you that much."


"(her movements are seriously unpredictable, concentrate, concentrate, i just gotta memorize her pattern or find a weakness) markus how are you holding up."


"Not too good, Charlotte's ability is an elasticity or rubber kind of one. Even if I punch her my fist would just end up bouncing right off. (wait if her power is elasticity can't she also stretch her arms out or make them bi- oh fuck)"


"I wanna end this quickly so I'll just use everything I got."


"(what the fuuuuuuck, she made her arm become absolutely massive just now, it's a good thing and bad thing because she'll probably be really tired afterward but its not like we'll be able to beat her because of how rubbery her body is)"


"Parker you should know this by now but I'll remind you once more, never take your eyes off of an opponent, Strong right."


"(fuck fuck Fuck, dammit i can't dodge this one, it might be over for me ..... wait how did i go from infront of her fist to behind her, well at least i'm safe for now)


"(How did he dodge it, well not like it matters. I can still hit him)"


"(damn she's gonna hit me either way, and to think my reflexes saved me. I should stop whining like a baby and take it head on)


"Strong Left."


"Oh no par- never mind."


"(i finally got hi- oh no he's heading for)"


"I got you now markus."


"Oh do you now."


"I obviously do, why would you say th-"


"Thanks for catching me charlotte."


"I'll get you for that you bum."


"Markus it looks like it's time."


"Time for wh- oh you mean that right."


"You know me well."


"Finally taking this seriously I presume."


"Well you're giving me no other choice."


"Bring it."


"(time to use my last resort) my secret technique passed down from generation to generation, Markus be ready."


"I'm always ready."


"You are huh, well it's time to haul ass."


"Hey where do you think you're going."


"Isn't it obvious, i'm running away from you."


"Get your cowardly asses back here RIGHT NOW."


"Nah we're good."


"Yeah what he said, alright then cya."


"Charlotte was right, you are a bum. Wait where is charlotte, Charlotte where are you."


"Phew I'm glad we left while we could."


"Yeah actually, they were really strong. I feel as though we wouldn't even have had a chance of winning if we continued to fight."


"Yeah we really wouldn't of, that charlotte girl was a problem from the start with her

Weird elasticity power. She wouldn't really be affected by our attacks."


"Yeah and that gorilla girl elizabeth is really strong, and she's as fast as or maybe even faster than you."


"Yeah, it would be hard enough to fight one of them alone but fighting the both of them as a team is something else."


"Alright let's get back to our plan."


"(she would've had a field day if she was watching what just happened)"


"What did I miss."


"Oh nothing, you've missed nothing at all."


"Ima just take this remote and rewi-"


"(stone casing) Not a chance."


"Did you honestly think this would stop me."


"It stopped you long enough for me to take the controller, and now ima destroy it."


"No why would you do that."


"because of reasons"


"You're obviously hiding something from me."


"Why would I."


"Alright im just gonna go get another one if that's the case."


"Ok go do that then, see ya."


"You honestly are a bum, but anyways I'll be back later."


"(i'm so happy that she forgot there was a built in controller in her watch. Hope that keeps her away for awhile)"


"Markus, what do you think would happen if they fought adrian."


"Adrian huh, that would be something."


"Yeah it honestly would."


"I'm going adrian, only because of how strong his ability is."


"Well I'm going to say charlotte and liz, if they worked together they could overwhelm him. Well maybe, but i feel like it'll be a close fight."


"Yeah it would be a close fight."


"Hey charlotte where are you."


"I'm over here, I'm stuck in some branches. Could you help me out please."


"I'm obviously gonna help you out."


"Thanks liz."


"You're really stuck in there man, this might hurt a bit."


"As long as you get me out."


"Oh I see where you're tangled up, nice you're out now."


"Thanks liz."


"So wanna chase after them."


"Yeah let's go, I wanna pay parker back handsomely for what he did."


"We definitely will."


"Alright then lets g-"


"Woah why yall in a rush for. I just got here after all."


"Charlotte we gotta get outta here now."


"Come on let's have a bit of fun, after all yall seem strong."


"We ain't getting away from him, so let's give him everything we got."


"yeah , lets have some fun."