The Plan


"(damn this girl is relentless with these attacks. I'm not trying to use swift feet at the moment either, I'd rather save it for later but her attacks are getting harder and harder to dodge each time. Damn, for now I should focus on memorizing her attack patterns and see if I can make a move from there, but if the situation continues on like this I'll have no choice but to end it as quickly as possible) wow you don't give up do you."


"Now why would I? It's not like I have a reason to, RIGHT?"


"Hmm good point, well I'll make one then (found an opening)"


"(damn how did he get so close)"


"Looks like this'll be my victory, well while you're at the medbay tell allen I said hi, wait you don't know allen so in that case I guess tell the nurse I said hi. Well either way goodbye."


"Well why do I have to tell the nurse you said hi when you can do that yourself."


"(damn the area around just got real fucking hot, ima dip while I ca-)"


"Heh, have a nice time getting out of this one, COMBUSTION."


"I'm sorry but what did you say, I can't hear you from over here."


"(damn this guy's fast, how did he even escape in time. Well not like it matters, what matters now is me beating him up for messing with me) oh so you managed to escape that huh, I gotta give you some props for that but just so you know I won't be making the same mistakes twice so you better be ready."


"Oh I'll be ready alright, (holy shit I was so close to getting my ass burned, I'm so thankful for the fact that I made it out in time) now then let's get this over with, shall we?"


"Oh hell yeah we should, and I've got just the thing I need to finish it."


"Oh really, what could that thing be then?"


"Heh, you'll regret ever asking that question. FULL F-"


"PARKER!! get her away from me."


"Stop running away you little shit, recieve the punishment you fucking deserve, Vine Whips!"


"Ahhhhhhh!!! I said I was sorry already you bum."


"Sorry doesn't cut it, now come back here you bum, spear roots-"


"Ey ey calm down man, I can't have you turning markus into a kebab. And on that note I'm out, peace."


"What the hell was- ey where do you think you're going."


"Idk i'm letting fate take the wheel this time, alright peace."


"Hurry up jane we have to follow after them, we can't let them get away."


"You're right, let's show them who they're messing with."


"Hey dude are you okay."


"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine."


"I mean you don't look too well but if you say so then ok (ahh one of the very few weaknesses of the almighty ultima, having a weak stomach. I'm fighting the urge of pretending to gag in front of her so that she can feel even more nauseous)"


"So who are the new guys that just appeared."


"Oh them, they're just some girls that am- (wait is that even considered ambushing, well now that I think about it I guess it is) ambushed parker and his teammate."


"Heh, nice stutter."




"EUAGHH, alright I'm sorry."


"Well as I was saying they're just some girls that ambushed them, and they've got some pretty decent abilities as well."


"Oh what kind?"


"One has a pretty generic fire ability and the other has a pretty rare plant type one."


"Fire and plants huh, well that team might go down in flames, quite literally."


"Yeah that may be true, or it might make their team all the more better."


"What do you mean by that?"


"Well most of the time strange team combinations end up failing. But sometimes, actually no let me rephrase that, quite rarely I should say weird team combinations can end up being a better team than regular team combinations, or better yet they can be better than team combos that are specifically made for the teammates powers to complement and support each other."


"So an example of that would probably be us right?"


"Yeah, an example would be exactly like us. We barely get along in our personal lives but when we work together like coworkers we do a pretty good job."


"Yeah that's true, no wonder levner won't allow us to go our own separate ways, in his eyes we're probably meant for each other."


"Yep, oh yeah ul-"

"Attention all examiners, 30 minutes have already passed since the beginning of this exam, 20 complete teams have been knocked out as well as 5 other examinees leaving the total number of examinees left to 54. You all have 59 minutes left as of right now, I wish you all good luck as you are all going to need it, take care now"


"(I swear I feel like it's been longer than that but whatever)"


"Wow, just 30 minutes have passed and the number of examiners left in the test went down drastically, and to think only 30 minutes have passed since the test began."


"I know right, well aside from that ominous sounding announcement we should be far enough from the both of them. So tell me, what kind of plan did you have in mind."


"Oh my plan is quite simple really."


"(he has an evil smirk on his face, I can only imagine what's going on in his head) alright then out with it."


"Oh yeah, I'm sorry I just dozed off for a bit."


"(Yeah sure you dozed off, you totally weren't just thinking about your evil plan just now)"


"Alright the plan is simple, we gotta be assholes and piss them off."


"That's just cruel man, you sure you're not doing this outta your own amusement?"


"(well that's partially my reason for it) no, I can assure you I'm not. I actually have a reason for it."


"Oh really? And what is that reason?"


"Ok let's think about the facts right now, both of them have pretty good abilities that pose a pretty big problem against us. And we under no means can exert any extra unnecessary amount of force."


"Wait, why?


"because of adrian."


"Oh right, the monster that's hunting us down."


"And because of that we can't really afford to use up a huge amount of energy, so for that reason we gotta piss em off."


"Then again, why?"


"I'm getting there, both of their abilities are pretty strong. One has fire and the other has plants, don't you see what that means."


"No, not at all."


"Ughh, it means that both of those powers working together would be an awful match, eventually the fire teammate would end up tripping up the plant one or vice versa. And a huge plus on our side is that those two probably just meet so their teamwork will end up being sloppy."


"So by pissing them off their teamwork will end up being even more sloppy than it was before because of the fact that we're pissing them off and getting them angry, which in turn makes them lose focus and leads them to their own loss, right?"


"Exactly, you know you are pretty smart when you think about things thoroughly parker."


"Oh shut up, I know damn well that you just wanna annoy them."




"Heh, you're such a bum."


"I mean hey what can I say, once a bum always a bum."


"Finally we found you guys, there won't be any more running away from now on."


"Yeah we know, we're going to be taking this more seriously from now on as well, you better be ready."


"Oh we're definitely ready alright, right jane."


"Oh you betcha, I'm all fired up."


"Oh that's nice to know, now can we continue from where we left off from last time?"


"Oh you bet your ass we will, FULL FLAMES."


"That looks interesting, I hope it can live up to its expectations."


"Oh it will alright. Ahh what are we waiting for lets get this battle started."


"Right behind you."


"Remember the plan now."


"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Well let's get this thing started, bring it."


"oh you bet your ass I will."