hiro had to bite his tongue or else he would have shouted at Chen who was gripping his waist tightly while burying his head on his back. he couldn't move that much as the butterfly wouldn't move himself. to make matters worse, they haven't (well Chen hasn't) even stepped foot on the bridge. the poor butterfly was damaging his eardrums with all the screaming he has done.

hiro was man with short patience. the last time it dragged was when he was still new in the camp and had to accompany brazen who would go on long and boring hunting trips in the woods. Jake would obviously be there as it wasn't safe for some 12 year olds going hunting unsupervised by an adult.

going back to Chen, he quickly turned around which made Chen hug him by the front and dig his head on his chest. perks he guessed of being tall. he was about to shout at the younger but stopped as he realized that Chen was extremely terrified. the butterfly shaking and had a few tears That escaped his tightly shut eyes. he sighed, here he goes comforting a person he hardly knows.

❝come on chen❞ he patted the younger's head and waited for a response. he didn't get a verbal response but Chen said no by shaking his head. this made hiro sigh again. they had to cross the bridge on way or other. Jake wouldn't let them go as he said and Hiro quotes "this is the objective today. by crossing the bridge with your partner will strengthen the trust between the two of you".

he wanted to question where the trust was when they just met but hey, anything can happen. speaking of happen, nothing will really happen of they don't get a move on. he held the butterfly by the shoulders and gently shook him, calling out name while doing so.

❝do you think Chen is alright. he looked really scared❞ Jehyun couldn't really see the two as the sun was shining brightly above them and could only catch the silhouettes of the two. he turned to Jin who had a frown but quickly became changed it to a reassuring smile.

❝I'm sure Chen is fine. hiro is with him❞ Jin spoke the last sentence bitterly. he doesn't get but seeing Chen hold hands with hiro somewhat irritated him. wait, he isn't supposed to be like that. he and Hiro are just acquaintamces. he shouldn't be irritated. he looked at the two with a glare. he was obviously glaring at the sun not at the fact that Chen was hugging hiro. and yes, he could see that.

❝Chen we need to move. if you want you can hold my waist and Bury your head on back while I hold your hands. I promise that this will be finished as soon as possible❞ hiro explained to the younger and waited for a response. he once again had his back against chen's figure.

❝c-can we n-not do t-this? ❞ Chen felt sick. he couldn't open his eyes, much more move his body. he wasn't kidding when he said he didn't want to go first. ❝I-I'll just do s-some—eee! ❞

hiro felt suffocating as Chen tightened his hold on his waist when the bridge swayed because of the strong wind. he quickly held the younger's hands that when on his waist before giving them a reassuring squeeze. ❝don't open your eyes or you can just stare at my head❞

❝c-can i just s-stare at y-your face❞ Chen was embarrassed that he had to ask the older to look at his face while they cross. it meant that hiro had to walk backwards while looking at him. seeing that the Japanese had no reaction, he quickly dismissed the idea. ❝you K-know what—❞

❝sure, if that's what can make you start moving❞ turning around to look at Chen who still had a hold of his waist. ❝Chen my waist❞

the butterfly shook his head. ❝can I still hold it? ❞

this made hiro sigh as he wasn't a touchy person but they had to cross thus he nod his head yes. he took a step backward and watched Chen Started to take a shaky step. ❝ready? ❞

Chen nodded his head, ❝yeah❞

❝I can't believe hiro is letting someone hug him❞ brazen said while looking at the with binoculars. he turned to Jake who stood beside him. ❝he would usually yell at them and shake them off❞

jin, who heard this, quickly went towards them. he doesn't know why but their was this weird feeling in his heart. ❝and why is that? ❞

❝hiro hates it when people he doesn't know touch him❞ Jake explained, ❝his dad is a famous celebrity in Japan so what ended up happening was that a lot of people wanted to touch cause they said and I quote, "a touch from the son is like a touch from the father" ❞

jin nodded his head. he felt sorry that hiro had to experience that at a young age. he could even guess that his ill feelings towards him are rooted to that.

❝is that the reason why he's here? ❞ Jehyun asked, now beside Jin.

Jake and brazen nodded their heads.

❝yup, his dad sent him here after he bearded a kid in school for touching him. it was obviously wring on the kid's part as hiro said he hated skinship but he was also wrong beating up the kid❞ Jake explained further, ❝hiro has been sent here every summer because of that issue. I honestly feel bad for him but seeing him letting Chen having skinship With hiro and hiro not pushing him away is an improvement❞

Jin frowned at this. was Chen that ifluencial to hiro?

❝Chen breath please❞ hiro worriedly eyed the younger who started hyperventilating. they were halfway across the bridge which was a good thing. the bad thing in the other hand was the wind already browsing strongly, causing the bridge to constantly sway.

❝c-can we j-just stop f-for a m-minute? ❞

hiro nodded his head. he watched as Jin leaned forward and collapsed on his chest. heavy breathing could be heard from the younger which made hiro slightly sigh. he patted the younger's back.

❝there there Chen. we'll be across before you know it❞ he may hate skinship but for the sake of them getting across, might as well forget it. Chen isn't that bad anyway. he smelled nice which was good. it was tolerable to say the least. ❝can we continue now? ❞

Chen nodded his head, pushing himself slowly to look at hiro. he wasn't going to lie that his hear was beating rapidly at that moment.

❝okay, follow me❞ hiro held both of chen's shoulders while taking a step back. he gave eye contact at Chen who did the same to him. ❝just look at me chen❞

❝hiro! ❞

Chen cried, burying his face at the older's chest as the bridge swayed again. his brain was so jumble up to the point he couldn't think of anything else other than falling to his death.

hiro poked the inside of his cheek. he glanced behind him and realized that they were few steps away from the other end of the bridge. he went back at Chen who he knew no longer dared to move. he suddenly gripped the younger's hips.

❝Chen I need you to trust me❞

❝Chen, do you trust me? ❞

❝of course I do but—AH HIRO❞