"come on Jin, just this once " Chen begged the Chinese who earlier had refused to accompany him to the sugarcane plantation near by.

The trio were in Jin's room, unbeknown to Junghoon who had retired to his quarters earlier than expect. The older did mention that he was rather tired from working.

❝for the last time Chen I'm not going to that sugarcane plantation❞ Jin scowls, flicking the hands that were trying to touch him. ❝you heard what Jake said, it's too dangerous❞

Chen let out an exasperated sigh before craning his head towards Jehyun who watched the exchange. ❝Hyun help me out here! ❞

❝I don't know Chen but I think we shouldn't be doing this❞ Jehyun said, ❝and we need a pedicab to be there. May I remind you that none of us know how to even drive❞

❝who said none of us did❞ chen's statement made the two look at him like he was crazy. ❝what? I know how to drive❞


❝why do I feel like we'll end up regretting this❞ Jin nodded his head at what the youngest said before throwing Chen a dirty look.

In some way Chen was able to convince them to sneak out early of the mansion. By early he meant 3 am in the morning. Chen reasoned that they would be back before breakfast and that no one would suspect that they went to the sugarcane plantation.

The group stopped in front of a pedicab that was parked at the back of the house. They thanked the heavens that the workers usually woke up at 5 or else they would have been caught. They also didn't have to worry about the guard since the gate leading to the plantation was free to be opened and closed by anyone.

❝Chen, do you even have the key to this thing? ❞ Jin pointed at the silver motorcycle with a cart attached to it that was big enough to fit two people. The only problem was there were two big sacks of sweet potatoes. ❝cause this ain't going to work with a bobby pin❞

❝who do you take me for? Hades Vile? Of course I got the keys❞ Chen reached for something is his pocket before letting out a small 'aha! ' and taking out a key with a Pikachu keyring. ❝stole it from the key board❞

❝why am I not surprised❞ Jin rolled his eyes.

❝come on! Get on the back. We got a few hours before they wake up and notice we're gone! ❞ Chen exclaimed, using his thumb to point at the cart while he settle himself on the motorcycle and started the vehicle. He thanked the heavens that there was a silencer on this thing or he swore that everyone would be awake by this time.

❝I'm already regretting this❞ Jin mumbled, hesitantly taking a seat on the floor of the cart and was followed by Jehyun who was trying to squeeze his way in.

❝don't we always do? ❞ Jehyun snorted, holding onto the sun hat he decided to bring. He held onto the railing that came with the cart. ❝Chen I'm—❞

❝are you guys ready? ❞ Chen didn't bother to look behind him or even thought the rear view mirror before letting the motorcycle roar and zoom off.

❝Chen! Oof! I'm not even down! ❞ Jehyun cried, using one hand to hold onto his hat and the other on the railing. He thanked jin for holding onto his shirt. ❝shit Chen! ❞

The trio zoomed off to the other side of the property where the plantation was located. They passed the other plantations. Jehyun sadly hasn't been able to sit down and would move with every curve, swerve, and pause Chen would make. Jin prayed to the heavens that they would reach the place in one piece.

❝m-my legs feel jelly❞

Jin agreed to what Jehyun said once they got off the cart. Despite sitting down the entire time, it felt like he would fly away with Jehyun. It also didn't help that they drove past a very rocky and muddy path to get here. He realized the reason as to why Jake and the others said no to coming to this place.

❝I now get why they didn't want us going here. The road was rocky as hell. I'm surprised that we managed to pass there without any bruises❞

❝that's because you have a great driver named Wang Chen❞ the butterfly announced triumphantly while turning off the motorcycle and placing the keys safely in his pocket. ❝anyway here we are! ❞

Jin looked around and was not disappointed to what he was expecting. It was just the obvious farm of sugarcane and some chickens he swore were looking at them.

❝Chen this is just like any sugarcane plantation ❞ Jehyun made sure he took another look before letting himself frown. ❝welp, so much for risking my life❞

The two didn't hesitate to turn around and walk to the cart where they got in, this time Jehyun was able to squeeze himself a seat. Chen, who pouted at his friends' enthusiasm, quickly ran towards them. ❝come on guys! We just have to look around to find something that would entertain us❞

❝by find something to entertain us you mean something to kill us❞ Jin deadpaned with a bored expression. ❝may I remind you but the last time YOU found something to entertain yourself there was a possibility of you getting pregnant❞

❝oh come on! That was two years ago and as you can see❞ Chen made his hand scan his body before landing on his stomach. ❝I'm not pregnant❞

❝can we stop talking about that? ❞ Jehyun shivered at the memory of them inside a cramped bathroom stall in the mall. ❝I still have flashbacks❞

❝you're not the only one❞ Jin's nose cringed his nose, ❝anyhow, what are we supposed to do? Chase chickens? ❞

❝me and my stupid mouth❞ Jin grumbled, bending his knees and placing his hands on them to prop himself. He huffed before turning to Jehyun who was being chased by a crazy chicken. The poor younger has been running in circles for at least an hour to lose the chicken. Sadly some animals are persistent to hurt humans. Scanning the place where they stopped, it was the entrance to a bamboo forest. How they got to a bamboo forest? He does not know.

There was something in his gut that told him something was missing. Particularly someone. Oh shit—

❝fuck where is Chen? ❞

Come back here you stupid piece and excuse as descendant of the dinosaur.

Chen had a terrifying grin as he chased after the distressed chicken. He has been chasing this thing since it and its' friends approached them. He credits Jin for the idea.

Taking a sharp turn, he didn't realize that he entered the bamboo forest that was near the sugarcane plantation. Hands out to grab the chicken, he didn't mind the fact that the sun was shining brightly neither the fact that Jin and Jehyun are looking for him.

❝I'm going to—ouch! ❞

❝hey watch where you're going twerp! ❞


❝Breath Junghoon, breath❞ fanning the hyperventilating older, hiro turned to Jake who was talking to the farmers who woke up the earliest. ❝well? ❞

Jake bowed his head before letting the farmers leave, a troubled expression on his face. ❝no they didn't see them❞

❝fuck where could they be!? Oh my goodness Jin! ❞

It was exactly six in the morning. Junghoon and Hiro planned on walking up the trio to take them to the gardens where they would have breakfast. They decided to go there this time as the sun wouldn't be that bright and that they could spend more time in the gardens before moving on to the other parts of the property.

Hiro for one felt like something was wrong. He guessed it was because there was a chance that it would rain as said by the weather report. He shrugged it off once he saw Junghoon standing in front of Jin's door.

❝morning junghoon❞ he greeted, watching the older turn towards him with a frown. ❝something wrong? ❞

Junghoon shook his head, ❝no, I'm just nervous❞

❝and why is that? ❞

❝because it feels like I lost something❞

❝fuck it's already six. They're up by this hour❞ Jin cursed, looking at his phone's screen. ❝there's no signal❞

He and Jehyun decided to search for their missing friend, splitting up so that they could cover more land quickly. He planned on calling those in the mansion, sadly there wasn't any signal in the place. Unfortunate really.

He raised his phone in the air in hopes of finding some signal even for one bar. Getting none, he lowered his phone and sighed. ❝this, this isn't going to end well❞

❝well if you didn't stand there I wouldn't have bumped into you❞ Chen agrued to the insanely tall (and handsome) man in front of him. Usually he would melt at the intense gaze he was given but this was a different case, they were arguing. ❝look I'm trying to chase a chicken so if we just call this quits and Part ways then thank you❞

He would usually argue until he wins but seeing the Chicken peck the dirt freely while it waited for him was something that was more important for him at the moment. ❝well? ❞

❝look twerp but I think you should apologize to me and do you know who owns that chicken? ❞ the man pointed at the chicken.

❝no? ❞

❝that chicken is mine so your basically stealing from my property❞

❝I think I know a place❞ hiro stopped fanning Junghoon Before turning to his two friends who were waiting for him to continue. ❝they're in the sugarcane plantation❞

❝and how can you say that hiro? ❞ brazen asked.

❝I know Chen well enough to know he convinced the two to go with him❞

❝how can you—❞

❝actually what hiro said is possible. Chen is known for breaking the rules and dragging those two with him. If there's a place Chen would drag the two of them, it would be the place we said no to❞ Junghoon had finally come down, a grim expression on his face. ❝can anyone of you take me to that place? I've got a butterfly, a bear, and a plate to catch❞

❝Hades it feels like I'm walking I circles❞ which he probably did. Jin paused, turning around when he heard something his. OK that is alarming. He doesn't know whether there are snakes or other hissing animals in this place. It couldn't be a chicken as chickens don't hiss.

Snapping his head To the right, he was greeted with the sight of a snake that had its tongue out in display and looking at him. His mouth went slack before he forced his body turn to the oppside way and sprinting off, the snake slithering behind him.

❝fuck I'm about to be snake food❞

❝we're here❞ Jake said, switching off the flower truck before getting out. ❝I dont—❞

❝they were here ❞ hiro said, looking at the parked pedicab then to the chickens. ❝knowing Chen, he would suggest that they catch chickens❞

❝shot do you think they went to the bamboo forest? ❞ Brazen asked, helping Junghoon out of the trunk.

❝there's a possibility❞

❝look I didn't know that this chicken has an owner❞ Chen said, pinching the bride of his nose while holding the chicken under his armpits in the other while staring at the man. The man unfortunately has not given up on arguing with him but was able to catch the wretched chicken and hand it to him for the mean time. ❝nor do I care so once I get out you can have it but as of now, I'll keep it❞

❝maybe an apology and a thank you would be nice twerp❞ the man, ok the person isn't that old. A year or so older than Chen, said with their arms crossed over their chest.

❝why are you so insistent anyway? It was an accident❞ chen retorted, eying the male.

❝have you ever heard of manners? ❞ the man asked mockingly.

❝and have you heard that I don't go by them❞ Chen smiled before turning around and started walking. He didn't know where the right direction out is but knowing that he would just walk forward, he would reach the end anyway.

❝do you even know how to get out? ❞ the man asked, eyeing as chen Started to skip. ❝you could get lost❞

Chen paused, turning his head to look at the man, ❝a butterfly will always know how to find a flower❞

Jin cursed, he had been running for who knows how long, even going zigzag and trying to lose the snake. No one ever told him that those type of reptiles were persistent to bite people. While running, he prayed that hiro and the rest noticed their absence and are finding them. He couldn't bare to think of staying here any longer.

Jehyun huffed, thankful that he managed to get out of the maze like forest. He looked around, noting how Jin and Chen was no where to be found which is worrying.

Where could they—

"Lee Jehyun! "

Stumbling backward, Jehyun looked down at the tuff of brown hair that belong to an oh so familiar friend. ❝Junghoon? ❞

❝don't you Junghoon me young man! ❞ Junghoon screeched, standing up to his proper height and pinching his ear. ❝do you know how worried we are about you three!? I hyperventilated! ❞

❝but hyung—ouch my ear! We didn't mean to be out this long! Chen planned that we would be back before six—ouch! ❞

❝well you certainly failed❞ hiro snarled, coming up to the two. He looked around Jehyun before noticing something. ❝where's Jin? ❞

Jehyun started to sweat furiously. ❝hehe about that... ❞

Jin knew he wasn't that religious but at this point of the story, he started praying. Praying that the snake wouldn't catch up to him and bite him, praying that he wouldn't need to end up in the hospital, and praying that he wouldn't be punished. And the fact that this is all because of chen's stupid idea. He should have known better than to follow that obnoxious butterfly.

Peeking behind him, he saw the snake accelerate, mouth open for him to see it glistening fangs. Yikes!

Despite the pounding and aching of his weak heart, he refused to stop and take a break. Hell he was ready to lower his pride and scream for help. In fact he was going to do it now.


❝did you hear that? ❞ hiro paused from where he was once walking to look at the others.

Junghoon, who had an iron grip on Jehyun's arm, turned his head towards him and quirked a brow. ❝what do you—❞


eyes wide like saucers, the group quickly ran towards the voice. Running towards the direction for a few minutes before seeing a running and tired Jin.

❝Jin! ❞ Junghoon shrieked, letting go of Junghoon to run to the younger but was pulled back by Jake who pointed at the snake, ❝watch out! ❞

Jin thanks the heavens once he saw the familiar blobs of hair of his friends. He's even happy to see hiro.


It happened so quick, the way his arm was gripped and how fast he was twirled while being help close to hiro's chest, head being pushed by a hand while the other found its way to his waist. ❝hi—❞

❝close your eyes❞ was the last thing he heard before the sound of something being squashed resonated between them. ❝you're going to get sick at the sight❞

❝you can just leave me be you know. I'm not a child! ❞ Chen huffed, peering behind him to look at the man who had followed him since he started his journey back. ❝I'm not some weak insect❞

❝in this forest, it doesn't matter whether you're an insect or not❞ the man sighed, visibly tired with arguing with our butterfly. ❝and I'm only following you because I have to take back my chicken❞

Chen furrowed his brows, letting his free hand hold the now calm chicken before hoisting up for him to face it face to face. ❝how are you more worried about this chicken than those near the sugarcane plantation? ❞

❝you see that red tag on its leg? ❞ Chen let his eyes waiver below until it spotted the said tag. He nooded his head. ❝that means it belongs to the Oh's❞

❝oh so you're a worker for the Ohs❞ Chen voiced out, ❝no wonder the Chicken was calm towards you❞

The man sighed, ❝you could say that but I am—❞

❝you don't have to worry❞ Chen pasued, turning around to face the man and showed him a blinding smile ❝I'll make sure to give back before I leave❞

❝deep breaths jin❞ hiro coaxed, one hand caressing the boy's back. ❝the snake is dead❞

Sad to say but they had to kill the snake with a rock. It was too dangerous to be let out to live.

❝c-chen❞ Jin managed to pant out. He had a fist clutching on his shirt that was just above his heart. He then let out a cough. ❝W-where is H-he? ❞

❝I-we don't know❞ Jehyun replied sadly face contorted with annoyance. ❝that damn butterfly once I—❞

❝Chen! ❞


‼️Hello everyone! I just want to announce that I would be taking break from writing this due to personal reasons. I won't be exact when I would go back to writing but I try to do it within the year. Thank you for understanding
