Episode 1

*Y/n POV*

*Alarm clock: Beep beep beep*

Y/n: Ah....5 more minutes please...

Y/n: Uhh....

*You stop the alarm and goes to take a shower*

(Let me Introduce myself till I finish showering)

Name: Lee Y/n (Y/n-Your name)


Family: Mom (scientist), no dad

Persona: Pretty, popular,rich

Bully: BTS

Friends: None (because they think BTS will hate them too as they bully me)

I have been living alone for 3 months as my mother is busy with her work and lives in her office room along with her colleagues.

*You finished your shower and went to your closet, and did your hair*

(For hairstyle you did a simple yet beautiful one)

I got a one long hair that is a little more long than my shoulder

I wore my uniform which is a white full hand shirt, a handless black top on it and a short black-blue skirt and for the last a black-blue socks with 2 white stripes on the top of it. (It was not winter but there are air-conditioners in the school so wearing the full hand shirt and socks were not a problem)

I have only 30 minutes left better hurry up.

*With that you take your backpack and rush to your car*

My backpack was a pink and comfortable one and my car was a golden-pink lamborghini

My car was cool as always.....

*Time skip-At school*

I park my car in my reserved area. Yeah only BTS and I have reserved parkings. And...my school is ****** school, the school of the rich.

You might be guessing I am one of the richest including BTS among the riches and I live like a queen. It's true but....without much friends I am very lonely.

I walked to my locker and placed my backpack there, took my books and walked to my class as soon as possible because I was late. While walking I accidently bumped into someone and when I looked up who it is I instantly regretted it.

??? : Hey Y/n! Mind explaining to me?

Y/n: I'm sorry Taehyung I really didn't mean it!

Taehyung: Ah..you ruined my mood and you will have to make me happy if you want me to forget this.

Y/n: Make you happy?

*I looked around for help but no one was in the hallway as the classes already started*

Taehyung: Now come follow me

I did as he said because even if I ran he is faster than me and I cannot shout for help and if I did shout, i'll get detention with HIM

He lead me to the rooftop and sat in the bench signalling me to come to him.

I was not in the mood to fight with him so I did as he said

*End of Y/n POV*

Y/n: Now what's it Taehyung?

Taehyung: Now our subject is....Physics right?

(As I said this is the high school for the rich and they teach us in a different method here. In our school, teachers change the classrooms while the students will always stay in one class. There are 3 sections in this school. And the students are separated according to their age.There are 25-30 students in each section as only the rich ones can afford here.I and Taehyung belong to section-Grade A)

Y/n: Yep so let's get back to the class ASAP

*You started walking away from him but he catches your uniform collar and pulls you towards him*

Taehyung:We are skipping today's class

Y/n: WE?!!

Taehyung: Are you both deaf and stupid?

Y/n: Look who's speaking? *You murmur to yourself*

Taehyung: What did you say? *Evil smile*

Y/n: N-nothing

(His sudden evil expression made you flinch mentally)

Taehyung: Good. Now help me in my homework

Y/n: Why it's yours!

Taehyung: I'm forgiving you for what you did earlier if you do my homework. Now you will act the best option, won't you?

Y/n: Ok only this once. Which subject?

Taehyung: You know very well which is my weakest subject

Y/n: Math!?

Taehyung: Yeah.

*Saying that he threw his bag to you and layed down in the bench positioning to sleep*

Y/n: Aish....Oh! Taehyung can I write it later and now go to class. Math is the 3rd period.

Taehyung: So you want to write it in 2nd period and attend the first? *Talks while laying down and his eyes closed*

Y/n: *Nods your head in happiness* Correct!

Taehyung: Don't be thankful we are skipping the both. You can enjoy here after completing my homework. Now let me sleep

Y/n: Ughhh.....I have no choice though

*You sat in the ground, took his math book from his bag and started answering the questions*

(You might be thinking why am I not sneaking out while he is asleep, it's because he locked the door and he is the only one having access to the rooftop. Only I and Taehyung are the one's visiting the rooftop rapidly for fresh air and he is 1 year older than me so he and the heads of the school are the ones having their fingerprints identified in the lock)

Y/n: Ughh...I have never met someone as stupid as math who cannot solve its own problems.

*Time skip- After 45 mins*

Y/n: *Stretches your hands in the air* Mission complete

*You got up and started to play and jump around like a child*

Y/n: Ahhh that made me so tired

*You walked to the fence and started to enjoy the view and that's when you spot.....*

*Y/n POV*

What's happening? Who is that man? Why is he facing his head down?

(I saw a man banging on the school gate but he was not so clear to me to identify his face as he was on the ground floor and I was on the 5th floor)

Oh! The principal is coming to him. I think that man is one of the intruders.

(You were watching the principle talking angrily towards the man but he was neither facing our principle nor talking to him)

*End of Y/n POV*

Y/n: Ahhh *Screams*

*Taehyung POV*

I jumped out from my place hearing a scream. I looked around and my eyes fell on Y/n who was sweating hard and had fear written all over her face.

Without wasting any time I ran to her and wiped her sweat on her forehead and asked her to calm down but I can say she was freaking so bad as she was gasping for air and her eyes had tears in it's edges.

Taehyung: Y/n, Y/n! Calm down Y/n breathe properly

After saying that she started to breathe properly but I could still see fear in her eyes.

Then she pointed her fingers at the fence. It was just beside me, I didn't know what she meant so I went near the fence to check.

*I looked around but found nothing so turned around to her*

Taehyung: Y/n there's noth-

When I turned around Y/n was just behind me making our noses meet.

*I moved away from her but Y/n was frozen in her spot looking down to the school entrance *

'I think she is fine now' I thought as she started to be her old and brave self

Then I looked to where she was staring and that's when I understand the whole situation. And what I saw was even terrible

I saw a sight that could scare Y/n mentally so I suddenly pulled her closer and closed her eyes with my hands and brought her to the bench. I made her sit but she suddenly fell to my lap and that's when I knew she FAINTED.

Of Course the view we both saw in the school entrance made me sad too...

I saw our favourite head of the school who is our principle was.....