Episode 3

*Y/n POV*

I took my phone out from my pocket and saw it was my mom calling. I felt worried about my mom so I abruptly answered the call but I couldn't hear anything so I kept it on the speaker but no reply...

Taehyung: Who's that?

Y/n: Not your business.

Taehyung: Tch as if I care....

Saying that he pulled the phone out from my hand and and held it high by lifting up his hand. And because I was shorter than him I had no way to get it from him other than climbing onto the chair or jump real high. But before I could do anything I started to hear light statistics from the phone.

Taehyung: O it's your mom!

Y/n: I guess the range here got low..Gimme that

Saying that you took a chair, stood in it and took your phone from Taehyung's hand and held it high in my hand like he did. As I started lifting it my mom's words became more clear. Even though my phone's volume was in it's maximum her voice was very low so I kept the call in speaker mode. This can make my both bully's hear our talk but I couldn't care less.

Mom OTP : Y-y/n? Y/n? h-hello?

I could hear my mom stuttering and breathing heavily I felt worried seeing my cheerful mom in this state.

Y/n: Omma? I can hear you. Are you okay? Why are you stuttering?

Mom: Y/n my child are safe there?

Y/n: Yes mom. Tell me what happened?

I just took a glance to Jungkook and Taehyung. Taehyung was beside me catching the chair so I don't fall and Jungkook was trying to turn off the speakers and he was doing in right. But seeing Taehyung being considerate I was a bit shocked but not surprised. That's because by bully's I didn't mean hurting my physically or mentally. Only irritating me in both ways which can be called Bullying in one way.

Mom: Y/n listen to me carefully. I and my colleagues were working on a project of a chemical but it leaked and somehow was intaken by a living being and now is been spreaded on others by biting onto each other. This is what you people call it "ZOMBIES". So now its probably everywhere in South Korea. *starts hearing growls through the call*

Y/n: Omma? are there zombies near you? Run away fast!!

Mom: Y/n theres no time anymore were trapped please listen to me. The zombies weak point is the back of their head ok? Always aim for their back of the head... AND try to survive your best make me and your dad proud ok?

*Tears started forming in your eyes*

Mom: Don't you know where my lab is right? There is drawer under my table with a red box in it..If you open that you will see 16 small test tubes filled with a liquid. You have to take that box and take it to **** hostel. You will meet all the survivors there. One of my friend will be there, she knows you so she will ask you the liquid you should give it to her.She will take care of the rest.

Taehyung : Are those the antidote for this virus?

Mom: Yes and who are you?

Taehyung : I'm here friend Taehyung, we study in same school.

You looked at Taehyung with a stunned glare but he ignored it. Yes, you never told your mom about Taehyung because you never wanted her to feel guilty for leaving you on your own.

Mom: Ahh please take care of her and I hope you both and your friends will make it up to the end. *growls grow louder*

OTP stranger's faint voice: Y/m we can't hold this door anymore...they will burst in any moment.

Y/n: Omma? o-omma? run away *You tears rolled down your eyes*

Mom: No listen to me first...Do you remember the secret room beside dads room in which you were not allowed to go? In that there are lots of weapons including guns and smoke bombs. Taehyung-ah do you know how to use them?

Taehyung: Yes I know..

Mom: Please teach Y/n and others also ok? I hope you all will stay alive and help others survive also.

After your mom finished her sentence you hear something breaking down and large growls. You heard your mom screaming in pain

Y/n: No no Omma? stay alive..O-omma *You broke down into sniffing and sobbing*

Mom: Y/n I a-and u-your dad a-are always p-proud of y-you....

There was only silence except the growls and your cries. You get down from the chair and sat in It slowly crying.

Taehyung: Y-yah don't cry...we have to save others like your mom told right?

Jungkook: Hyung I offed all the speakers except the garden one now the only thing left is to announce...Shall I?

Taehyung nodded. You stood up wiping your tears on the uniform cloth near your shoulders.

Y/n: L-lets do it.

Jungkook started saying some jokes as an announcement probably to light up the mood?

Jungkook: Uhhhh Lachimolala? Rrrrrrrap monsterrrrr? What do you call it when a short person waves? A microwave ahahahah. Umm then how do the oceans greet? They say nothing only wave...Isn't this amaJIN? No this is leJINdary...Ahahhahaah

Not blaming but that jokes slowly bought me to smile...After saying those Jungkook started saying our plan to escape out of the school through the announcement and asked our seniors to also assemble and got through the back door.

After 3-4 minutes of telling the plan through the announcement, we started going out. I took my phone and kept it in my pocket and started walking with them. When we peeked through the door the zombie of our sir was not there so we started walking cautiously to the ground floor towards the back door.

When we were going through the stairs there was a hammer near a room which had written "WORK IN PROGRESS"

Taehyung: Lets go I here there might be sharp or hard tools there because of the work.

We went Inside, Jungkook took the hammer in his hand while I and Taehyung searched for any tools. I found an iron rod and Taehyung got a weirdly looking very helpful like hammer.

Jungkook: OoOo someone here was a Thor fan..

I can't believe that i'm smiling with my 2 bullies especially when it's because of them. I think they're not that annoying as I thought.

We 3 headed slowly towards the back door and saw 2 zombies were there and Suga was hitting them with one of his friends. On the other hand half of the school was not there and the back door was open which means they all already escaped.

Taehyung: Hyung aim for his back of the head!

Taehyung whisper yelled but clearly audible for us. When Suga did it for 3 times the zombie was already lying on the floor. They did the same for the other zombie.

After that other students also left soon after the zombie was knocked out , leaving the BTS brothers and me alone there.

Jin: YAH how DARE you use the announcement room without me HUH??

Jin scolded us 3 especially Jungkook.

Jin: But i'm leaving you for now because YAH JEON JUNGKOOK you never told me you had this much talent.....YOU CRACK JOKES LIKE ME MY LITTLE BROTHER!

I started laughing silently seeing how he was appreciating and scolding us.

Jimin: Y/n is also with you? First zombies now you 3? Isn't this a big shock seeing the cat and mouse together?

Suga: Its not time for your chit chat If you don't want to be eaten alive.

Taehyung: Hyung's lets go to our car i'll tell the u all the plan there. And Y/n is coming with us. I have taken her responsibility from her mother.

I glared at him seeing him taking the responsibility for me.

Y/n: Yah you don't need to take responsibility for me I am big enough to take care of me.

Taehyung: Really? Tch says the one who forgot to low the volume of her phone. Don't you even know they are attracted to loud voice? What if your phone rings?

Y/n: I- *sigh*

I took out my phone and kept it in vibrate mode.

Namjoon: Ok ok enough lets go to our car. We started slowly guiding our way to the car. It was easy because we parked our car in the backside and we can easily reach there without any zombie disturbance. We went to our parking lot and went near their car.

When Jin unlocked the car it made a small sound but enough for those flesh thirsty zombies to be attracted.

Hobi: Everyone enter the car. FAST!

Saying that everyone started entering one by one fast. Jin and Namjoon sat in the front seat, Jin was the one driving. Hobi and Jimin were sitting in the 2 middle seat while Taehyung , Jungkook and Suga sat in the 3 back seat. But I had no seat. Before I could say anything Jin said me to sit because he couldn't see the back of the car because I was standing in front of the back window. So Taehyung who was sitting next to the left window pulled me and made me sit on his lap. I couldn't do anything because we will be in trouble if I did.

Jin took off the car and exited out out of the back gate (I know there are a lot of BACKS in here)

Y/n: Yah leave me!

Taehyung: Okay

Saying that he pushed me to the space where he rested his legs. Yeah, he pushed me down to that hole like place.

Y/n: ahh *I painfully rubbed my butt* Yahh are you crazy?

Taehyung: What? you're the one who told me to leave you.

Jin: Yah you two! it's not time to fight tell me where we should head to!

Y/n: My home

Hobi: Why?

I told Hobi and others about the phone call and they all agreed. I gave Jin the direction to my home and after 10 minutes of travel we reached there. And the whole time I was in that hole-like place while Taehyung kept his legs onto Suga's foot area . They both adjusted without any fight which is quite unbelievable.

During the whole journey we saw lots of cruel sights outside...Zombies with blood all over them and broken posts , shops and houses . I hope my house is still ok because today we might sometimes stay the night at my home.