Episode 9

*Y/n POV*

We started crawling when I heard a loud thud from my front side. I looked up and saw from the side that Namjoon's gun had slipped from his pocket and fell.

Jin: I think the god of destruction got active at the wrong time. Lets go fast all the zombies will be attracted to here now.

Namjoon made a poker face and looked at Jin then took his fallen gun keeping it back to his pocket. Soon we all started crawling a but more faster. I stopped when I felt Hobi oppa stop moving.

Taehyung: Why did you stop?

Y/n: I don't know? Oppa why did you stop?

Hobi: I think Jimin is the one in front and he stopped. Jimin-ah why did you stop?

Jimin: This Is the end, now I have to jump down to the garbage can. That's DiSgUrStAnG!

Jin: *windshield wiper laugh* DiSgUrStAnG!

Soon everyone jumped out to the big garbage can consisting of lots of plastic covers and many more in it. Now I had to jump. Since small I had a small fear of jumping because I was scared of falling and hurting myself.

Taehyung: What are you waiting for? Jump! Or do you want me to push you? *smirk*

Y/n: Shudup you alien! I know how to jump, it's just that I am scared of falling down.

The distance between the end of the vent and the garbage can was a bit big. I tried to jump but my quick body reactions made me hold onto the went and hang down from it. I looked down and felt a total confusion on what to do. I looked at the boys and they were looking away to find if any zombies are approaching us.

Taehyung: Why are you hanging there like a spider? Do you like spider man?

Y/n: Y-yah stop your nonsense for a while I don't know what to do!

Taehyung: *chuckles* Aish! Your shorter than Jimin!

Soon after saying that he also came down hanging next to me.

Y/n: Why are YOU hanging now?

Taehyung: I thought I should help you now that you don't need...

Y/n: I need. I need.

I blabbered fast because I didn't want him to go down leaving me alone.

He the suddenly grab my waist and pulled my both hands down with his one hand, making me to hold onto him so that I don't fall. Damn! He's so muscular and strong! I hold onto him tightly and he slowly left his left hand and wrap it around me.

Taehyung: You ready?

Y/n: W-wha-

He suddenly removed his other hand and hugged my tightly more like covering and we both landed. I was on top of him so I didn't get hurt by any sharp objects in the waste. I opened my eyes which was shut tightly the moment he left his both hands. My face was brushing against his. I can now clearly see his facial beauty. I was staring right into his eyes.

Taehyung: Are you going to stay like this?

I came back to my senses when he said that and soon stood up blinking my eyes in disbelief in what just happened. He slowly woke up catching onto his back.

Y/n: D-did you get hurt?

Taehyung: What do you think? I look okay after helping an elephant and sacrifice myself to let it fall onto me?

Y/n: Ow! I'm not an elephant ok? Or next time i'll really make you break your bones!

Taehyung: There is a next time?

Jin: Yah you both stop your talks and come fast!

We both went towards the others to go to our van. We were slowly walking towards the van. We reached the van and started entering it when we heard someone's call for help.

Yoongi: Is that a survivor?

Soon enough we saw 3 guys chased by a bunch of zombies and they were coming this way.

Stranger 1: Help Us!!

Namjoon: Should we help them?

Yoongi: I don't know but they are coming this way with many zombies so maybe we can give them a lift and leave them at any safe place?

Jimin:Yeh let's do that!

Jungkook: But aren't they literal strangers? Should we trust them?

Y/n: Guys they are nearing us let's do something fast!

Taehyung: Everyone hop in let's do like Suga hyung told us.

We all went inside the van and and got ready for anything unexpected. Soon the 3 strangers came Inside our van barging in, with their bag . Jungkook closed the door and Jin hyung started to drive fast. We went out from the danger zone but still some zombies could be seen behind us but we didn't think much about it.

Yoongi: Umm a self introduction would be good. I'm Suga

Soon the 3 strangers introduced themselves still standing near the door.

Stranger 1: My name is Mark and this is Laro and Jake.

He said showing the 2 guys next to him.

Mark: Thank you for helping us.

Taehyung: Your welcome but we can't afford more people so we will leave you 3 somewhere safe when these zombies stop surrounding us.

Mark nodded in agreement and went to sit in a seat but I could see a slight smirk in that guys face when he went to sit.

Now mark was sitting alone in the front seat, and the other 2 guys in the back seat while sometimes they talk to the boys.

I was sitting next to Taehyung who was eating some sour candy.

Y/n: I hope you remember we haven't brushed yet.

Taehyung: I hope you remember we are in middle of a zombie apocalypse.

He said in a mocking tone. We were teasing each other like normal when Jin stopped the bus.

Namjoon: Guys we are taking a break for those who want to use the bathroom.

Yoongi: I think we all can go at once and not waste time.

Soon we all went to the bathroom and checked If any zombies were inside and assured that none was there and locked the main door of the bathroom from inside so that no zombies can come inside.

The boys went to the men's restroom and I went to the ladies restroom. The bathroom was well equipped and modern with no blood or mess in it showing that no zombies have entered here yet.

I did my business and walked out to wash my hands when I heard a small whistle from my right side where the door was. I looked towards the direction and saw Jake standing there.

Y/n: Jake? Why are you here? The men's room is in the left.

Jake: *chuckles* I know and that's why I am here.

Y/n: huh?

He soon walks towards me and I started backing away.

Jake: I never knew there was a hot girl in a group of boys.

He said and placed his hands on my shoulders with a lustful stare. That's it! I lost control of my patience and pushed him on his chest with all my forces making him to fall on the ground. I started walking away when he pulled my legs then my pants and he stood up. I looked at him with anger knowing helping him was the wrong choice and that he was a pervert. I was going to beat him when he held my hand stopping me from moving. But at the right moment Suga oppa came.

Suga: Y/- YAH!

Suga ran towards Jake and kicked him, clearly knowing what was going on.

Suga: You okay?

I nodded. Suga then again hit Jake. But soon a we heard a small growl from a bit far. Suga gave one last death glare at Jake and held my hand pulling me with him to exit the restroom.

Suga: I think a zombie came inside.

We went towards the men's restroom and I stood outside while Suga went inside to look for others. Soon they came outside.

Suga: Wait where are the 2 new ones?

Jungkook: They were not here when I came from the stall.

We soon went outside safely only to see the 3 newbies, Mark, Laro and Jake with their bag. Feeling doubted Namjoon started running behind him but stopped after seeing they went fat away. We all went inside and saw our food bag laying down, EMPTY.

Yoongi: Sh*t! They took our food! Wait check the extra weapons and bullets!

Jimin looked at the area where the bags and weapons were kept to only find literal air.

Jimin: D*mn! They took that too!

I was looking worried to find if they left anything but I saw nothing. Then I looked through the window and saw there were zombies approaching us and the door was open.

Y/n: B-boys!

They were in their thoughts so they didn't hear me so I went to close the door and again called them.

Y/n: Jin oppa start driving, zombies are approaching us!

Now they heard me and Jin oppa started driving and Suga oppa sat near him.

Hobi: We can't trust anymore strangers from now on. *sigh* So now where are we going to?

Namjoon: Now as Y/n's mom told, we have to go to *** Hostel where we can find the survivors and scientists who will find the cure with this immune blood.

Taehyung: It's far right? I think we should stop at a place to take some food soon.

Jungkook: Yeh but for now let's enjoy the ride and..... PARTY PARTY YEAH