Episode 11

Here we are, infront of the hotel I told the boys about. It was getting dark and finding a place to stay is a great significance.

Namjoon: *sigh* Let's give it a try and go inside. Good that we are in a small town so there will be less zombies.

He said as he stood up.

Jimin: What about the food bag?

Taehyung: Let's take it with us.

Taehyung said as he took the bag in his one hand sliding it onto his shoulder. Everyone took their bats and weapons, including me. I took my bag in my back and a baseball bat which can be very helpful for me.

Hobi: Let's all get into a room we find as soon as possible. Because maybe there might be lots of zombies inside.

Suga: Don't you all think this is a big risk?

Jin: It's almost sunset...and there are no place to stay in this small town. And staying in the van overnight is also not a good option.

Suga: Then let's go inside and lock the main door and try moving inside. If there are lots of zombies lets all come out.

Saying that we slowly got out of the van locking its door. We walked towards the hotel trying our best to hide ourselves so that the zombies next to us don't see us. And fortunately they didn't see us. But when we went to the main door of the hotel it was locked from outside.

Taehyung: The door is locked! We have to break it to enter and if we break it the zombies will get attracted.

Taehyung whispered while we all sat down behind a car so we won't be seen by any zombies.

Namjoon: Yes I remember the day when this apocalypse started the hotels In this town was closed for checking. That means this hotel is a great place to stay and no one will be inside!

He exclaimed happily but...How will we enter without making noise?

Y/n: How will we enter without making noise then? If we break the door then the zombies can also enter!

I said whispering.

Jimin: Zombies can't climb.

He said while pointing at a pipeline while smirking.

Jimin: Well the boys can climb...how about you?

He said staring at me in a questioning way.

Y/n: U-umm y-yeh I guess?

I said stuttering as I don't know much how to climb.

Jimin: Ok then If we climb that pipeline which seems strong enough to hold us, we will reach that small walk path above which has a door. If we break the door, even if It makes a noise the zombies won't be able to climb up to that door!

Jungkook: Hyung your so-

Before Jungkook could complete his sentence a zombie caught him but before it could bite him, Taehyung who was next to him hit the zombie with his iron rod. We all stood up alerted and saw some zombies on their way to us.

Namjoon: Everyone go climb the pipeline! FAST!

Everyone ran towards the pipeline and one by one the boys got on except Suga and Taehyung as they were behind us for safety. I looked back and saw the zombies were almost near us.

I looked up and saw Hobi, Namjoon, Jin had already reached the top and Jungkook was behind me to help his Hyungs Taehyung and Yoongi from the zombies. Now Jimin was climbing and he almost reached the top safely.

Jungkook: Y/n! Go fast it's your turn!

Y/n: A-ah ok!

I said as I wrapped my hands around the pipe trying to climb but couldn't. Aish I should have told them the truth that its difficult for me to climb. I looked back and saw Jungkook ready with his weapon and within a second Taehyung turned back and looked at me and saw my freaked face. I think he knew what was the problem that's why he said.

Taehyung: Y/n there's small pointy things at the back of the pipe climb using that.

He said as he came next to me showing me the back of the pipeline which had some small extensions which allows us to hold onto while climbing.

I smiled and nodded at him as I caught that and started climbing slowly followed by Jungkook behind me. Soon before I knew I had reached the top and Namjoon, Jin and Hobi came to help me climb onto the walkpath safely.

And I got onto the walk path with their help and also helped Jungkook who was behind me. I looked down towards Taehyung and Suga who was now fighting zombies.

I heard Taehyung yell to Suga Oppa to climb but he refused and told Taehyung to do first but as Taehyung being himself he did not allow that and made his stubbornness to make Suga Oppa climb first.

But soon many zombies came next to Taehyung almost covering him. He couldn't fight them with his bat so he used his gun and started shooting and luckily he succeeded ad climbed onto the pipeline high enough.

We sighed in relief as he climbed up in time. Soon I heard a big bang behind me. I looked back and saw Jimin already broke the door.

Jimin: Everyone come in or more zombies will get attracted seeing us here.

Following him, we all went inside holding our weapons in our hand. It was a storage room by seeing the wrapped up furniture and stuffs.

Jungkook: Do y'all think we will have this whole hotel to ourselves?

He said while giggling showing his cute and baby side. He acting cute for the first time infront of me indeed made me chuckle.

Suga opened the door of the storage room in which we were in. It was good that the room wasn't locked from outside. We went out of the room expecting to find some zombies but there was no one in the hallway and the whole hallway was empty and dark with only the few strands of light coming from the half open windows.

I went and on the lights and let the curtains closed so no zombies can see our movement.

Y/n: I guess it's just us in this hotel.

Namjoon: Let's split into two and check the whole hotel just to make sure.

Jin: yeah we can't take risk.

He said as we split into 2 people each and went to check the 3 floors. Jin went with Namjoon to the 3rd floor, Jimin pulled Jungkook to the 1st floor, Hoseok was a bit scared so he went with Yoongi in the same floor which is the 2nd floor. So now it's just me and Taehyung left. He scrunched his eyebrows and asked,

Taehyung: Ayy why is it you always with me?

Y/n: Whatever let's go to the ground floor

I said trying to leave the topic, still mad at him when I remembered the hair thing. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button and waited for it to open. I looked back at Taehyung who was now slowly walking towards me. He was staring at me when I looked at him so I turned back and entered the lift as soon as it opened, followed by Taehyung.

As soon as the the lift started Taehyung sat crossing his legs at the stool which was at the end of the lift. I stood at the other end of the lift. The lift was full of silence as I just kept looking at the switches of the lift because there was nothing else I could stare at. Suddenly he spoke in his deep and husky voice which showed he was kinda mad.

Taehyung: Are you trying to ignore me?

I didn't want us both to fight and him win as usual like the old days how he bullied me by height and strength. So I spoke as soon as I could.

Y/n: N-no

Taehyung: Then why do I feel like you are trying to ignore me whenever I am near you?

Y/n: Your just overthinking!

Taehyung: Are you mad at me for cutting your hair?

Y/n:....Ughh fine ok so what if...what if a bit? huh? Are you going to bully me?

I said trying to act brave which I wasn't mentally. I heard him slightly sigh after what I said. Why do I feel like since all this started he's acting protective like he promised my mom?

Taehyung: *sigh* Dumbass I did that to save you..

He said in a very low voice which I still heard. Yeah he's right about that..it's just that he can't understand how much care it took to grow strong, smooth, healthy and silky hair.

Before I could say anything suddenly the lights in the elevator went off and it stopped in force making me collapse onto the ground. It was completely dark in this closed elevator, as the lights went out the moment the lift stopped. That's when I felt an arm holding me, which I knew was Taehyung.

Taehyung: Sit.

He said as he made me sit in the stool as I obeyed him. I could hear his shoes tap against the floor which led to the area where the buttons for controlling the lift was there. I could hear him pressing numerous buttons.

Taehyung: Shit! We are stuck! Anyone there!??

His sudden deep voice made me flinch. He must be speaking to the controlling centre but no one is in this hotel except us.

Taehyung: Hyungs?! Anyone??!

Oh no he doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

Taehyung: *sigh* I think we are stuck here for sometime...Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Taehyung: Ohkay I just wanted to make sure you were not dead.

Y/n: YAH!

I yelled but stopped when I suddenly felt the lift start moving downwards in speed and soon suddenly stop.

Y/n: W-what was that?

Taehyung: I think the lift I falling down. We have to get out soon.

Y/n: WHAT?

I said freaked out walking to the the controlling system where the buttons to control the lift are. I started pressing the button for emergency and started hearing small siren from the lift.

Taehyung: Ah shit the alert started! Don't worry probably hyungs will come and off it.

Soon we heard Hoseok and Yoongi's voice from above.

Y/n: Oppa!! Oppa! We are here!

Yoongi: Oh you guys are here..Why is the alarm beeping?!!

Taehyung: Hyung off it fast..and also start this elevator...You can control it in the control room in the ground floor.

Yoongi: Okay stay here i'll go fast.

He said as we heard two footsteps running away from us indicating Yoongi and Hobi Oppas have left to the ground floor.

The lift was completely silent as we were waiting for Yoongi oppa to open the lift. And within minutes the alarm stopped and the lift slowly opened.

We got out of the lift and saw the others infront of us.

Namjoon: Are you both alright? You both freaked me out when the alarm went off!

He said placing his hands in his chest.

Taehyung: Yeh we're alright but do you think it was loud enough for the zombies to hear it?

Jimin: I checked through the window the zombies who were near us are still there but it's good that they haven't found the main door and knock it open.

I saw Taehyung nodding in relief.

J-hope: It's okay we are safe now..So...now it's the time to choose our rooms!

He said in his bright happy self trying to make the atmosphere positive.

Jungkook: YES!

He said as he dashed off to choose his room but stopped on his track when Jin yelled.

Jin: Yah you can only choose one of the room in the 2nd floor floor. (Now you are in 1st ground floor)

Jungkook: Whyy?!

He said whining.

Jin: Because we all have to be together and the 2nd floor safer than ground floor, first floor and the third floor.

And like Jin said every one of us went to the 2nd floor through the stairs and split searching for our room in that floor. I was walking through the corridor when I found 'Room no. 10' which I found attractive from the no. So I opened the door and went inside to see Jimin and Jungkook already in it, munching on some snacks from our food bag, which was with Jungkook.

Y/n: Huh you both took this room?

Jungkook gave his bunny smile as they both offered me some snacks which I happily accepted.

Jimin: Which room will you take? There is only 5 rooms here In this floor.

Y/n: Only 5? Then i should share a room with someone...

I mumbled to myself while eating some sour gummy but got startled when I heard someone behind me.

Namjoon: No need Y/niee, you can take a full room we boys will share the room.

He said showing his signature dimple smile which made me return the smile too.

Namjoon: Thankyou oppa!! Your the best!

I said as i ran to find a perfect room for me while holding the sour gummies in my hand. I opened room no. 6 and saw Jin, sitting on the couch, watching T.V in it but to my amaze that was a very perfect room for me.

Jin: Too late princess this room is taken- OMO! Is that sour gummies? Give me some too!

He said very excitedly when my mind got an evil plan which made me grin.

Jin: Why are you grinning? *poker face*

Y/n: *chuckles* This is the last packet of sour gummies....But I will give this whole packet of gummies only if you trade this room to me.

Jin: What kind of trade is that? It's so unfair!

He said whining but I was not ready to give up and atlast I made Jin Oppa give me the room as i gave him the whole sour gummy packet to him.

I grinned happily as I jumped on the bed throwing my bag carefully next to me.

Y/n: Ah I'm so tired after all this...