*Y/n POV*
We were in the van travelling as fast as we can so we reach the hostel and give the cure for the virus. We already travelled for half an hour. We are now going through an alley which is one of the most crowded places so surely there are many zombies here.
Our van slowly moving when we saw a horde of zombies infront of us. Alot of zombies in a group shaking a van covered in blood.
Jin: Uh oh...we need to go back there's a lot of zombies marching towards us!
Saying that Jin drove in reverse but it was hard because there was zombies coming from the back too.
Namjoon: Drive! Fast go to the left street!!
Jin took a 180' turn and started driving to the street on the left side.
The more time we took the sooner the zombies came hearing the loud engine of our van. We drove fast into the street only to realize its a dead end ahead of us.
Suga: Oh no should we go back?
Taehyung: Hyung we can't stay In the van. We need to go out!
Namjoon: We can't leave the van! IT'S NOT SAFE OUTSIDE!
Taehyung said as he held Namjoon's collar with sudden rage of what stupidism he was saying.
Jin: He got point! We need to take out stuff and leave the van! There's zombies behind us! We can't stay in the van Joon!
Namjoon: *sigh* Even if we did escape out of the van, WHERE THE HELL WILL WE RUN TO? CAN'T YOU SEE IT'S A DEAD END OF A BIG WALL IN FRONT OF US? CAN WE EVEN CLIMB IT?
Jungkook: Uh oh- Hyung's whatever you are planning DO IT FAST! Zombies are coming to this alley way!!
That's when we all looked back, the zombies started entering this alley street. The wall infront of us a dead end is high so we can't climb it. Anyway's I started to wear my bag after making sure everything like the antidote was in it. That's when I saw there was a long rope I packed before we left for our adventure.
Suga: Let's get out of the van first and try to find a way fast!
Saying that all took the food bag, weapons and got out of the van.
Jungkook: Guys! The zombies are almost here!
The groans of zombies started getting louder and their speed started increasing as they sensed the noise of us humans.
Y/N: I HAVE ROPE! And there's some nails in between the walls, we can climb with that!
Taehyung: We need someone up there to tie the rope to something! And we can't climb with some silly little nail which who knows how old and rusty they are!
Suga: We don't even have a hook to tie it on the rope and throw it above! Anyways the rope is small! It won't fit the length of the wall!
Without answering them you went to Taehyung and snatched the rope from his hand and tightly tied it around your waist. You opened your bag one last time taking s little bit of powder in your hands for the grip then closing the bag and safely giving it to Jimin.
You said as you slowly jumped on the top of the vans front engine then crawling from the front glass to the roof of the van.
Without answering you jumped all of a sudden to one of the nails on the wall and thankfully it held your force without breaking. Your hands was paining from the sudden catch on the rusty metal but you pulled yourself up and stretched one of your hand towards another nail on top of you. You looked down, it was no big height but you were still a bit afraid. You closed your eyes and remembered the moments when your mom used to take you to rope climbing classes as a kid even if you didn't want it.
Y/n: Mom, see i'm climbing a long wall like you made me practise
You mumbled with a smile before you use all of your strength and start to stretch your hand to the next nail and hold it and stand on it before jumping onto the next long nail. You almost reached the top as you jumped onto the last and topmost nail only to find it break making you fall. But before you did, you held the roof of the wall.
Taehyung: Y/n You can do it!!
You looked down, which you didn't want to only to get scared more and make your hands sweat. It wasn't good for you. Your grip on the roof of the wall was getting weaker and slipperier. The zombies almost reached the boys. They were now on top of the van.
You used all your strength once again and pushed yourself up climbing onto the roof of the wall. It was like a balcony on top. You saw a strong nail in the side of the roof of the wall. You took out the rope and tied the one end of it to that nail which you were sure won't break.
Hoseok: AHHH Y/N FAST!!
You looked down once again the zombies were covering the van and the boys were struggling shooting and hitting the zombies. You threw the other end of the rope towards the boys and after they pulled the rope twice to make it longer and make sure its tightened one by one the climbed the rope.
Hoseok came first holding the big food bag, next came Jin and Jimin who held my bag. He carefully placed the bag on the roof as it had the antidote in it. Then they all came and held the rope tight until the others climbed and reached on top.
Suga was the last one to climb but when he did a zombie caught his leg. Suga was struggling to be free from the grip of the zombie but it was about to bite him when 'BANG' Jungkook used his gun and shot the zombie on his head making it easy for suga to climb to us and remove the rope and keep it back into my bag for future uses.
Taehyung: Woah great shot kook!
Jungkook: Hehe now where are we going to next?
Jimin: We don't have a GPS anymore to locate where the hostel is..
Hoseok: Our van is also not in a good condition. We need to find a new good equipped vehicle to move on.
Jin slowly lifted his sleeve to show a golden pink smart watch tied on his wrist.
Jin: It's 2: 35 now and this bad boy watch has a GPS in it too. I also bought a power bank for both this watch and Y/n's phone. We can use this device for tracking our way to the hostel in any vehicle.
Namjoon: Woah hyung where did you get it?
Jin: I took it from the little shopping showcase area of the hotel while we were going to make dinner. I know I know i'm smart! And Handsome too! If anyone ever asked me to kill the hottest person in the world....sorry guys! suicide is a crime!
He said and activated his narcissist mode which made all of the others sigh and laugh.
Namjoon: And Y/n you did awesome earlier!
Jin: Yes princess I never knew you were good at rock climbing too!
Hoseok: Wah they way you pushed yourself up! You surely did went to exercise and gym alot like Jungkook I guess!
Jungkook: Yeh you looked like you work out commonly after this mess wanna go to the gym with me?
Jimin: Yah! leave her! she's mine! we will go for rock climbing daily right?
He said and hopefully looked at Y/n with sparkling puppy eyes when suddenly Taehyung came and hit both of their heads, pulling Y/n by her shoulders and said,
Taehyung: You both shut up! She's mine! We will go to dat- *ahem* uhm I mean-
He slowly left Y/n and continued his sentence while looking down
Taehyung: SKATING! I mean skating!
Suga: Uh huh? Did I hear him say datin-
Before Suga could continue his sentence Tae came and closed his mouth.
Everyone else just chuckled clearly knowing what he meant while I was kinda confused. 'Dat?' what 'Dat'?
After some time everyone sat down and started chatting while some scanned the place we were in.
Namjoon: If we leave from here right now it will do no good because we are surrounded by zombies so we have to leave when they calm down. But the problem is we can't stay here for too long under the sun we may get dehydration and many problems so..
Suga: On the other side of this wall it's a foresty region so we can't do anything in that side to stay at. And besides down there is too dangerous on both sides, forest with creatures or maybe zombies too and on other side a horde of zombies. Its better we stay here.
During their whole talk you just sat there staring at the zombies moving around over and around our old van. After a few seconds I felt a stinging pain in my palms. I looked at it, it was red, a little it swollen and some had little bruises while some was bleeding a bit. You climbed the wall with bare hands on rusty small nails, You didn't even use your gloves because it was wet from not drying last night and deep inside your bag.
I sighed and slowly tried to take the small bits stuck in my hands when I felt a presence behind you. I looked behind, it was Taehyung with a confused look on his face. He was staring at my palms. I hid my palms but Taehyung walked away so I kept pulling stuffs stuck in palms when he again came with the first aid kit and sat next to me. He showed his hand in a way for me to keep my hand in his but I just kept looking at it as a 'no' or 'why'. But he forcefully pulled my arm, looked at it and said 'tch' then opened the first aid box and started cleaning my hands.
After plucking out the small rusty stuffs in my hand he applied alcohol in a cotton ball and cleaned my hands with it.
( Med students forgive if a/n is making mistake in these parts 😅)
He didn't look at my eyes the whole time and concentrated on cleaning my hands.
Taehyung:At Least you should've been careful...
He mumbled after cleaning my hands and covering them in a white cloth then looking at my eyes. His eyes gave me a feeling of electric static passing through my whole body creating goosebumps in my hands. After some seconds he broke the eye contact and kept the medical stuffs inside the first aid kit and stood up. He gave me a wafer from his pocket then left without a word.
Y/n: Huh?
I opened the wafer and ate and went towards the boys where Taehyung was. They were planning something. I sat next to Taehyung offering him a bite from the wafer. He looked at me with wide doe eyes before slowly taking a bite. They continued talking about the plan and I kept hearing them while eating the long wafer.
Namjoon: So we will leave through the roof and get after going far from the zombies we'll climb Into a vehicle? will that work? Do you think we all can walk through the roof like a cat?
Suga: Well I can!
He said with ease. Tsk a cat boy!
Jungkook: Joon hyung look we can just crawl through that roof! It's not like it will break! When we get across the zombies we can get down from the roofs and drive away with a car!
Hoseok: YEH JOON! Crawl or Walk, we can cross the roof!
~15 mins later~
Hoseok: AGHHH I didn't mean it! I WILL FALL!!! There's zombies below us! I can't crawl!! I can't walk also!! AGHH
Hoseok said, almost shouting as he was tightly hugging the roof we were currently walking on.
Jin: Come on Hobi! What happened to the Hobi who was brave 15 minutes ago? We all are standing and walking! It's not that hard! And don't shout kid! Zombies will just follow us!
We all held Hoseok and carefully walked over the roof of many buildings, some we big enough for us to walk without fear while some roofs were thin and we had to carefully crawl across.
After sometime we reached another big roof where we all sat down to rest.
Hoseok: AGHHH i'm not doing this anymore!!