Epsiode 18

*Y/n POV*

Before the boys could help...the zombie...It started biting and eating my leg...

I screamed in fear and it started to hurt a lot. Jungkook who was near me, saw me and came running to me.

Jungkook: Y-Y/n...HYUNG!

Jimin and Taehyung who were tying the rope heard the younger's call for help and came running towards us.

Jungkook: S-She got b-bit..

Jungkook said wiping his tears before they came out of his eyes. My eyes started swelling up. My tears started to flow at the thought that I am turning into a zombie. I looked up to see the 3 maknae's who were looking at me with worried eyes.

Taehyung: Y/n, climb on my back we will cure you once we enter the hostel.

Taehyung said, with a cracked voice showing he was worried, turning his back at me for me to climb on his back.

Y/n: J-Just leave me here....the last two cure test tubes fell on the floor...The cure is no more...Go in before I turn into a zombie...


Jimin: Fast Y/n before the zombies get out of the tie!

I stood up and pushed them indicating to leave when Taehyung came and held my both hands stopping me from pushing them. He hit my arm hardly which did hurt me.


I looked at his hand and an idea came into my mind. I pushed Taehyung away from me after grabbing the gun in his hand and aiming it at my head.


I felt my cheeks hurt because of crying...I wanted to live. A part of me was struggling inside with the will to stay alive. I was afraid to shoot myself. But I had to if I needed to save them or my country. My tears rolled down nonstop. I felt my face burning. I looked at the horde of zombie whom we tied but was now struggling to get free from the grip of the rope to bite into the flesh of us, young humans. I looked down. My tears rolled down from my eyes to my chin and then fell rolling to the ground.

Y/n: G-GO INSIDE...I'll handle if the zombies untie themselves and come towards you...


He said shouting from a distance so that I don't shoot myself. Trust me, I didn't either want to shoot myself...

Jimin: Y/n-ah please come inside with us! Jisoo and Rosé will do something about the cure and I promise you, you will be the first person to be cured fro-

Before Jimin could continue his sentence I felt a stinging pain in my leg where the zombie bit me. The zombie had almost bit out some of my flesh cruelly. Not even humans take the meat out of their fish or chicken before they are killed. But these zombies bite, eat, chew, grind onto an alive person's body, painfully. That's what they are, 'Zombies', flesh-eaters.

With the stinging pain in my leg increasing, I almost fainted and fell down. My body started to become weak. Is this the end of me? Is this when I turn into the same cruel, Flesh eater zombie I fear and hate? The same zombie who ate my mother cruelly leaving her body in pieces?

Taehyung intelligently took the chance of me falling down on my knees being weak. So he ran towards me and took the gun away from me. He threw the gun to Jungkook.

Taehyung: Why are you so disobedient... You thought you could die so easily when I'm alive?

That was the last thing I heard from him, mumbling before I felt him taking me on his shoulders. Then everything went black.

Did I...die?

Did I turn into a zombie?

Did I...fail my mother's hopes?

My mind kept repeating such questions in my head when I finally understood that I haven't fainted. I was too weak to open my eyes. And when I finally used all my strength and opened my eyes, I found out that I was still on Taehyung's shoulder. He was on his way running towards the hostel with Jimin and Jungkook on his both sides but when I looked around and what I saw made me freeze.

Irene, who is a zombie now, came out of the other building. Irene, who is a more powerful zombie since she got bit by the guard who was bit by the zombie which had another liquid injected onto it. The new type of zombies were stronger...but were they more intelligent?

I realized that they were more intelligent when I saw Irene, the zombie aiming a gun at Taehyung's leg.

The new type of zombies knew how to hold a gun and how to use it. This was a bad news.

I saw that none of the boys noticed Irene's presence. I saw Irene was about shoot Taehyung when I used all my strength left and pushed him.

He fell on the ground and so did I. But the bullet which was supposed to hit Taehyung instead hit my right shoulder.

I screamed in pain when the bullet hit my shoulder with great force. It hurted like hell. I heard Taehyung scream my name and so did the other maknae's and others who were watching us from a window, inside the hostel building.

My head was spinning. It was a miracle that I was still a human after all this. My hand clenched onto my shoulder which was bleeding badly. That's it...I couldn't move anymore. I looked around still laying on the floor. Everything felt like it happened in slow motion. Taehyung running towards me, hitting my cheek for me to wake up while Irene fastened her pace towards the maknae's to devour them. While on the other hand, I saw the horde of zombies chewing down the rope and running towards us.

The last thing I saw before my eyes lids getting heavier and everything going black was Taehyung picking me up in bridal style and running towards the hostel.

*Time Skip*

I died...

Oh, wait I didn't!

I opened my eyes and realized I was in a room. I sat straight looking around. A full white room with some tables and beds . I got scared and mumbled to myself.

Y/n: Holy Blueberries....was heaven this small before too?

That's when I felt a small smack in my head behind my and felt someone back hugging me and say,

??: This is not heaven idiot! Y-Your alive!

His voice had worry and happiness in it.

I left his hand and turned around knowing exactly who It was.

Y/n: Tae??

He had tears in his eyes. He wiped them and smacked my head again in a way that it won't hurt me and then said,

Taehyung: I thought you died...

He mumbled before he pushed me back to the bed in which I had woken up. He made sure he didn't hurt my shoulder where I had got shot when he pushed me onto the bed. I groaned and tried to wake up but he pinned me in my place.

His eyes turned dark. Just the way it was when in class a boy was acting bad towards me and Taehyung had a deadly fight with the boy. The boy ended up leaving the school, scared and almost suing Taehyung.

I looked like a small, scared animal being preyed on by the king of the jungle. His voice was very deep almost making me jump on my place.

Taehyung: Why didn't you put the gun down when I told you to?

He asked calmly yet his voice sounded deep and scary like the ocean.

Y/n: I- that-

Taehyung: And why did you take the bullet instead of me?

Y/n: I wante- wait a fckin minute- why are we in this position!

I said when I realized the position we were in and my cheeks started heating up. I pushed him up and sat straight since my leg will hurt more if I stood up. The zombie did bite my leg hard.

Y/n: A-Atleast show some thankfulness...I saved you!

I said and unknowingly a pout formed in my face which Taehyung saw and started smiling at me with his boxy smile which sadly went unnoticed by me.

I remembered about getting bit so I stood up carefully, holding my leg, even if my it hurt badly and moved to the corner of the room.

Taehyung: What happened?

Y/n: I- I was supposed to be a zombie.

He tried to come towards me but I moved even backward.

Y/n: D-don't come towards me-

But he came closer and held my hand and said,

Taehyung: Y/n don't worry, look! It's been 15 mins since you got bit, you haven't changed yet! And don't worry about me.

Y/n: Is that why we are isolated in this room? Because I may turn into a zombie any minute? Then why the hell are you here! I'm pretty sure you aren't bitten.

Taehyung: Uh I...volunteered to stay here to help you when u wake up...Well Someone's gotta do it!

Tae was ready to stay with me? An infected person who could turn into a zombie at any minute? I looked around the room and found no weapons. He wanted to help me even in this situation and he didn't even take weapons to protect himself? Does he care that much about me- WAIT? Y/n Don't think too much! He just bullies you from time to time. Nothing else! He doesn't care much about you...yeah yeah that should be it!

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt Taehyung tap on my shoulder.

Taehyung: Y/n?

Y/n : uh- yeah?

When he tapped my left shoulder, I remembered about getting shot in my right shoulder. It hurt when I kept moving it. I looked at my wound to find that my shirt around my right arm was torn almost revealing a bit of my chest. But my exposed parts were covered with white bandages carefully around the wound and my hand.

Taehyung: Does it hurt?

Y/n: Kinda but were you the one who bandaged my shoulder?

Taehyung: Uhm yeh since I'm the only one allowed to enter this room.

I looked away from him when I felt my cheeks burning because of shyness. He tried holding my chin turning it to face me but since I knew he will surely tease me for blushing, I kept looking away. So I went and sat on the bed since I don't want to be noticed by him nor wanted to damage the wound in my leg more.

At the right time, there was a knock on the door which alerted me and Taehyung.

Taehyung: Who is it?

??: Hyung me!!

Taehyung went to the door and opened a small glass-like thing through which he could put his hand out or talk to the person behind the door.

Taehyung: Oh Kook and Joon! Good news! Y/n woke up and she's stable. No trace of evoluting into a zombie.

I could feel Taehyung smile even if I couldn't see his face.

Namjoon: That's great. I think she is exactly what we thought she is..

Huh? Exactly what they thought I am? What did they mean by that? I stood up to walk towards the door to talk to them but my hurting feet which were also bandaged stopped me from doing so.

Namjoon: And we came to say an important thing.

Jungkook: Yeh...JIMIN HYUNG GREW 2cm TALLER! Like...can you believe that! My nightmare is starting to turn true! What is one day I wake up and he's taller than me-

Namjoon: Uh- yeah, Jungkook, the other one. This was not the important thing we came to say.

Jungkook: Huh oh yeah! Here. You need to give some of Y/n's blood for tests.

Jungkook said as he gave something to Taehyung.

Taehyung: Ok..

Namjoon: Collect it and keep it here. Hoseok will come and collect them.

Taehyung: Okay. Bye.

Soon enough Taehyung came walking back to me, with an...INJECTION....in his hand. I was scared of injection since I was in 5th grade when Taehyung hit my injected region and it hurt like hell that I had to take another injection because of it.

Taehyung: Y/n Lay down on the bed. I need to take some of your blood.

Oh no, this was scaring me. He looked like a vampire coming to suck every single blood out of my body painfully.

Taehyung: Just lay still..

His voice started to feel muffled. Trypanophobia... fear of injection..

He slowly made me lay down which my weak body could only obey. I clutched onto the edge of his shirt when I felt the cold needle of the injection touching my body. I groaned soon.

Taehyung: Yah I didn't even insert the needle in your arm. Why are you starting to scream?

Unknowingly two drops of tears fell out of my eyes and I saw how Taehyung noticed it and his eyes softened.

Taehyung: A-Are you scared of needles?

He said wiping my warm tears with his thumb. I nodded slowly at his question.

Taehyung: Don't worry I'll do it painlessly...here hold this if you need.

He said and showed me his arm indicating to hold it or did he mean to hold his sleeve?

I held his arm tightly. He really is kind from inside. Soon he took some of my blood into the injection bottle and kept it where Namjoon had told him to.

He came back wiping his hand with a sanitizing towel. He chuckled and spoke,

Taehyung: I didn't think you'll still be scared of injection in high school.

Y/n : Well then, " You are the cause of my Trypanophobia~"

I sang to him and rolled my eyes at him.

*Time Skip*

I was resting in the room while Taehyung was checking some papers related to the cure. He didn't let me help him and forced me to rest. Or maybe..threatened.


Y/n: Whyyy! I wanna help too! See I can do it!

I whined as I sat straight going through the papers of the infected people and how they reacted to the cure.

Taehyung: Stop Y/n you need to get rest after all this. Go! sleep!

Y/n: But-

Taehyung: No buts! Do you want me to knock you out? Won't that be a peaceful sleep for long?

He said as I saw how he smirked which made me boiI in anger. Ahem Ahem...this is Kim Taehyung we are talking about he may do what he said and besides once he has knocked me out because I kept talking when he told me shush. Thus I ended up obeying him and laid on the bed cursing him under my breath.

*Flashback end*

Again, there was a knock on the door and Taehyung went to answer it. I peeped to look at what they were telling or doing.

Namjoon: Tae! It's exactly what we expected! This is what Irene wanted to tell me before she became a zombie.. You both can come out now. Don't need to isolate yourself. Y/n is our new key.

Taehyung: Yes! Let me go see too!

Taehyung said as he totally forgot about me and opened the door and ran away with Namjoon.

The door was open..wasn't it wrong? You could turn into a zombie any minute! You slowly walked towards the door with a pair of clutches Taehyung had brought earlier. You closed the door but didn't lock it since Taehyung was still out. I started walking back to the bed when suddenly someone burst open the door and came and hugged me.

Y/n: Kook? What happened?

Jungkook: Y/n!! WE DID IT!!

Y/n: Did what kook?

Jungkook: T- The cure...they found it....it's...You!