
"Life goes through chapter to chapter and ended in different ways for it is a story that you unfold in your way of uniqueness."

Life is like an everlasting piece of a book. Some chapters hold our adventures. There are conflicts that we come across. There are obstacles that we encounter to confront and people we meet along the way.

It's a story where you are the hero.

In stories written in books, a hero form bonds with characters that give them a sense of warmth, comfort, support, and solitude. We feel, connect, attach, and link ourselves together, and that what makes us strong, complete, worthy, and not alone, just like every aspect of events in life.

Whether they bring positivity or negativity, each experience with them forges your way forward in life. They may come and go. They may come for a reason or to be a lesson.

In life, we get lost, we get confused, and we get hurt through the twists and turns that came with it. We can be reckless with our decisions and sometimes be dependent on temporary happiness. We get lost from the face of the truth that only ended with us getting hurt.

Even so, in a maze full of directions of uncertainties, we are still able to find the exit with a rocky start. We were still able to see the truth, to find the right thing to do, and to heal the wounds.

Of course, what's life without a little challenge? Foes? People who get in our way. There's also a battle of emotions, one that drives us to weigh on our decisions. These just make our life more interesting, makes it more meaningful. It is something that proves how sturdy and mighty we tend to be in every situation in life despite the countless times we think of giving up.

We sometimes fail before we succeed. We sometimes lost something and gain something. That's just the cycle of life, and because of it, we were able to confront our demons head-on. It's what makes us strong.

Can you handle it? Are you prepared to face it? The obstacles? The conflicts? The decisions? Just how far are you willing to go through? How are you even going to march your way through the never-ending chapters of your life?

This isn't just one story of life. No, because once your life is linked with another, another story will unfold. This is a story of life. The life of many. The life of Ten.

This is how it should begin. A story that you started. A story that you created.


One group. 10 people. A bond like no other. An adventure through the high school life that is filled with uncertainty that they seek together.

Ms. Feisty is bed friends with Mr. Playboy

Ms. Flirt is indifferent to Mr. Charmer

Ms. Heartbroken will meet Mr. Mischievous

Mr. Arrogant hates Ms. Stubborn

Ms. Hyperactive will meet Ms. Introvert.

One group with a strong bond who can face any trial head-on........


........for the cries of their own heart. Will it lead to love and romance? Or just pain and ignorance?

Reconcile the heart and mind. Don't overshadow either abandon the other because in the end...... you'll only bear with the torture.

This is them through their journey called "LIFE".

Be aware that not all stories end the way you wanted them to be.