Chapter 2: When He Came Into My Life

"In a sea of people, advancing in their never-ending cycle in life, I saw you staring at me like a lost soul I am and smiled, and as you reach out your hand and mutter the words I longed to hear, I just know that I was found and the desolation within me vanished as I smiled back."

Annalise's P.O.V.

Meeting Phil was like a tsunami that ruptured the walls that shield me from the outside world and swallowed me in a new feeling of tranquility. We didn't exactly start on good terms. It's probably because of what the opposing cliques saw in us. He’s popular, I’m not. He's outgoing, I'm aloof. I was considered a loner back then at school since I don't socialize with other students at school. Why? Maybe because I was so guarded that I got used to it. Socializing is the start of everything. It opens the door to others with the desire of entering into your life along with knowing your flaws. With it comes the never-ending questions, insincerity, and judgments.

That’s probably one of the reasons why some people hated my guts. For the last five years of being at the same school, I only made one friend who I considered as my best friend, Josephine.

Phil is one of the most popular boys in school. He is the leader of the boy group called F4. It's funny how they named it after a boy group from a Taiwanese drama. However, they said it's because they started with four members. They are the founders of their group that I had come to know because of Phil.

They are well-known boys of our school, especially women. Their group is also considered as playboys. Womanizers. They are fond of making girls fall on their knees. At school, there’s not one single day that they don’t have a girl with them, especially their leader, Philip. He has the greatest number of flings in their group and has the greatest number of fangirls fawning over him among the four.

Nevertheless, I cannot point all the blame to them since those girls are too attracted to their charms that they’re throwing themselves at them. Then, when those four leave them, they will start throwing tantrums and start being dramatic over it.

You really can’t pity girls like that. Their pride is so big you could fit a mansion in it, so I’m certain that they don’t want the pity of others. Besides, that’s what they wanted, so they should face whatever consequences that lie ahead. Not just deciding irrationally. One should never base on what they see alone.

I always hear some rumors about their group, and let's just say that some of them are true. I always saw them walking in the hallway of our school whenever I went to my locker. I saw how they haul girls into their traps using their tactics to charm girls. What or who they want, they get. Not me, thank goodness.

By the time it was recess and lunch break, I would saw them with a girl in their arms at their usual table at the cafeteria. Before I knew it, the girl is their newest fling. See? As quick as that!

Because of that, I hated them, their group, but most especially.....Phil. I hated their guts, playing with women and treating women like toys that they can just throw away when they got bored. Puh-lease! Women are so much more than that! Heck! I’m a woman too! It’s crushing my pride!

We wouldn’t have crossed paths if it weren’t for that one faithful day when I was sitting on a chair that designed like a mushroom in the school garden, reading one of the books from my collection. I went there every time I want to have peace of mind and time for myself.

My day would’ve been a good one if some pests didn’t interfere and start making noise that ruined my bubble of peace. What a nuisance. I came here because it’s rare for people to come here and I can get my moment of peace. I hate it when someone disturbed me from reading. It’s ruining my imagination.

I just paid them no mind and continue reading my book. From my side view, I can see that they are all men.

I was reading a book when all of a sudden, I felt a cold liquid from my head running down to my uniform.

What the Crap! Someone poured a juice on me!

I was stunned. My jaw dropped on the ground. I can't believe it! I'm covered with orange juice! How irritating! Even the pages of my book got drenched!

Then, I heard someone laughed behind me. Not just one, but a group of men is laughing behind me. I was filled with rage. The nerve of them!

Whoever they are, I'll strangle them one by one!

I turned around to face the men who are making fun of me. When I saw them, trying to contain their laughter, I was not surprised anymore.

Of course, it’s them! Pulling pranks on other students is what makes their day. These jerks!

Guess what? I came face to face with the group of morons of our school. The womanizers, The F4.

My eyes were shooting daggers as I turned my gaze at them one by one. Then, one of my eyebrows rose while looking at them. Just my luck. All four of the founders are standing in front of me. My eyes stopped at their leader and I saw an empty cup that he is holding.

I clenched my hands into fists. So, he is the one who poured a drink on me! Jerk! No wonder he's the leader of his group.

I am furious. My day was ruined because of them! I felt so sticky, and I reek of orange juice because of them! Well, if they thought that I am a pushover that will just let this go, then they have another thing coming.

"Oops...Sorry, Miss. We thought you are a waste bin. I was planning to throw this away." he pointed to the empty cup that he is holding with his index finger. "Yet, I threw it at you. With the way you look, it's not my fault that I mistook you for trash. You look like one anyway." Their leader said then, laughed. The three boys behind him laughed as well.

My blood heated up to 100°C! Me? trash?! They are the ones who look like trash! Their attitude and right conduct scored zero! They need discipline, and if I wasn't mistaken, this school is full of it.

I gritted my teeth in irritation. This guy really needs to be put down to Earth! It’s about time someone would stand up against them. I don't care if the student folks fear them, my pride as a person needs to be defended!

I glanced around the garden and my eyes landed on the waste bin located a few meters away from where we were standing. Then, a plan came to mind that made me smirked at those who were still laughing. They want to be rude, then I'll have them taste their own medicine.

I returned my gaze at them while controlling myself from slapping their faces. "¿Qué?" (What?) I asked innocently while staring at them with a clueless expression.

They stopped laughing and their forehead creased, questionably while staring at me. I crossed my arms around my chest, pushing the sticky feeling aside, and rose one of my eyebrows. "Dude, I don’t think she understands you." the other guy whispered to his leader but enough for me to hear.

What?! I turned to look at the guy then landed back my gaze to their leader when he spoke. "Listen, nerd, I don't know if you're from here or something but learn to study the language of the country you're stepping foot on so that you won't look like an outcast. Don’t act like a foreigner in an Asian country." he said, emphasizing the word 'Asian' then, they laughed.

C'mon! I never expected him---them to be this ignorant. I scoffed and smirked. "Wow," I whispered but it was enough for them to hear. "Man, and here I thought you were smart." I shook my head.

I recovered and faced them again who already had a questioning look on their faces. "Listen, playboys, you must be blind to mistook me of being a waste bin. You should have that eyes of yours check to prevent any misunderstandings between the differences of a person and a thing and between an Asian and an American. I'm an Asian. You can see it if you're a great observant." I smirked and went to the waste bin. I carried it and placed it in front of them.

"There. Now the trash bin is right where you want it to be. Just so you know, English is my first language. Next time, don't jump to conclusions based on wrong assumptions. It will embarrass you." I said then left them hanging. I strode out of the garden, carrying my wet book with a triumphant smirk plastered on my face.

Those jerks deserved it. They thought they can treat people like that whenever they please. I mentally scoffed. I was walking, despite being drenched from the juice when my phone rang. I took it from my pocket and answered it without bothering to look at the caller. "Hello?"

"Milady, this is Enzo. We're here, Milady. Time to go." a man said from the other line. That means the driver and Enzo are here to fetch me.

I sighed. "Okay. I'm on my way." I said before I hang up. I was on my way to the main gate when someone stopped me by pulling my arm, forcing me to turn around. I saw the leader and the rest of the founders behind him.

"Hold on, nerd. No one had the guts to talk to me like that except you. In case you don't know, I'm---"


I slammed my book right into his face that stopped him from finishing what he was saying, making the others dropped their jaws. "You’re Allister Philip G. Atrevido, leader of F4. I know who you are, popular. Don't tell me how to speak to you. I can speak to you in any way I want." I retorted, emphasizing the word 'popular'.

With that, I turned around, leaving them, and went outside the gate. I got on the car immediately and looked at them from the car window. I smirked when I saw their faces. Their faces were priceless!

"What happened to you? You look haggard like you just had a very bad day." Enzo asked the moment I entered the car, looking at me from the rear-view mirror.

"I really had a bad day…," I sighed. "…but there's nothing to worry about. I already took care of it. It was just a prank." I answered.

Ever since that day, they kept pulling their pranks at me and I continued to fight back. They never let me get away with it. Because of them, I became the latest topic of the entire school. I was named as The Nerd of The F4. I became to hate them more. They never leave me alone and never leave my day without making me miserable.

However, when one of the founders courted Josephine, Phil and I were forced to call a truce between us to have peace and added by the fact that my father is his personal tutor. We got to know each other adequately and became close friends. We hang out with their group sometimes, together with Josephine.

"How's your school, Philip?" I was brought back to reality when I heard Dad’s question from the head of the table. I was not actually paying too much attention to them. I was just listening as our parents dominated the entire conversation.

Phil seemed to be caught off guard when he heard his name as well, but he recovered quickly. He turned to face dad. "It's great, Uncle. I have a great tutor after all." He answered and smiled. Our parents laughed because of his remark. See? Speaking like a mature one. Phil really knows how to manipulate the conversation and how to impress everyone with his confidence and arrogance.

"Good. Keep it up. I’m sure your Dad is proud of you." Dad smiled at him approvingly. Phil smiled back at him. Phil's dad, Uncle Anthony, is a seaman and sometimes, an agent from a random company or agency. I only saw him through video calls and pictures. Alas, he seldom comes back from his work to be with Aunt Claudette and Phil and when he does, he is only here for a month.

"What about you, April?" I stopped eating when mom called me. "How are your studies?” she asked. Aunt Claudette and Dad turned to look at me. Wow. Just like that, I got everyone's attention. I looked at everyone one by one who’s waiting for my answer.

This is one of the things I hate. I hated to be the center of attention, someone so opposite from my other sister, Sam who likes to crave attention from our parents.

I was about to answer when Phil spoke. "You know, Auntie, she can’t focus on her studies because of the men around her lately." My eyes widened the moment I registered what Phil said. I glared at him fiercely when our eyes met, and he just gave me a teasing look.

That moron! Guys don’t even give me a second glance, much more approach me. What sort of nonsense is coming out of his mouth?! How about I push some food in it so that his mouth of his can be useful.

I looked at Mom and Dad. They frowned in confusion. "Don't listen to him, Mom and Dad. I'm doing great at school." I reassured them. I heard Phil snickered which made me raise one of my eyebrows in his direction, but he just shrugged his shoulders as a response.

Looks like they understood what I’m getting at. Then, I heard my dad chuckled in relief. "Good. I don't like the idea of you entertaining suitor, April. Live at the moment and enjoy your life as a teenager." My Dad advised. Though I sense a pinch of warning about the suitor stuff. I nodded at him as I drink my glass of limeade.

If only they know how I am in school. Suitors are out of the question for me. I want to focus on my studies and dreams in life. So, mom and dad have nothing to worry about me having a suitor or at least a crush on someone. A relationship is the last thing that I have to worry about.

"Speaking of courting, how was your progress with courting my daughter, Philip? Is she giving you a hard time?" Dad suddenly asked.

Phil and I both choked on our drinks and started coughing unexpectedly the moment we heard what Dad said. Goodness! It looks like I even spill some of my juice. Good thing that Nic offered me a glass of water which I accepted immediately. Does he really have to bring that up? It happened a year ago!

He doesn't like it when other guys show their interest in me but it's okay when Phil does it? What kind of crap is that?!

When Phil and I recovered, I heard Phil cleared his throat. "Uncle, Lis is a tough cookie. She’s determined to keep her word with strong resolve." Phil answered. He glanced at me and gave me a teasing smile. I gave him a sarcastic smile and rolled my eyes.

I heard our parents laughed. "I already warned you, boy. It's not going be that easy to deal with my daughter." Dad said before taking another fork of spaghetti.

I rolled my eyes. "Please, dad. You know I'm not ready for that." I reminded him. Having a connection like that with someone is just a nuisance. With the track my life is turning, it only brings more issues to the other person.

"I know, April. I just want Philip to look after you like he always does." He spoke. Oh, Come on! I get the fact that my family and Phil's became close because of us but they can't possibly push the two of us together! I don’t want to trap Phil to me when he already has someone who he is currently pursuing.

"Don't worry, Uncle. I will." Phil reassured Dad who just nodded at him. I can take care of myself thank you very much.

I can't believe that Dad still remembered that. Well, he should get over it. We're best friends. If we’re fine with that, then they should too.

It was about a year ago when Phil suddenly confessed his feelings for me. I was surprised at first. To think that I never thought that someone sees me that way, especially my best friend. That day, I made it clear to him that I don't have any plans for that kind of relationship with anyone and I appreciate it. I also mentioned to him my promise that I made to myself and my family. I was fortunate that he understood and respected my decision.

He said that he's willing to wait until I'm ready to open my heart. I was even more surprised when he told me that he went to our house and asked my parents' permission to court me. I was caught off guard! I never thought that someone like him, who is a playboy, was capable of doing that kind of stuff.

Having someone who would go through such lengths for you is honorable and admirable. It's remarkable how he's willing to go that far with nothing but his feelings to hold on to. How ironic that he fell for the first time for someone who's not capable of reciprocating it, someone who's too deep for love to reach.

I was glad that our friendship was not affected by his confession though. In fact, we became closer. He was sweet to me, taking care of me, teaching me to play instruments, and singing in front of me and front of other people.

Last year, Phil met my cousin, Leanna. He confessed that he like her and even asked for my help to pursue her. I was glad that Phil was able to find someone who also likes him. I don't want him to be stuck to the idea that he still likes me. It feels heavy in my chest to know that I can't give him the attention that he wants from me.

For him to love someone that much deserves to feel the elation of being loved by someone right back, not to be left hanging by some uncertain person. I feel loved enough by him whenever he expresses his love for me. It's about time he met someone that can make him feel the warm feeling of being loved like me. I'm just not that person. Falling for someone is out of my reach for now and I won't let it disrupt the serenity that builds around me.

Right now, Phil and I are still best friends. We quarrel sometimes but we don't let the day ends without making up. Phil is still pursuing my cousin. I wonder when my cousin will accept him to become her boyfriend. She really likes to be hard to get. I’ll just ask her tomorrow. I’m going to their house anyway. While I’m at it, I'll invite Phil too. I’m pretty sure he’ll take the invitation. After all, he might want to see my cousin.

"Phil is so sweet. He even checked Lis a while ago when he found out that she got tired." What Sam suddenly said got my attention and the sound of her giggles. How gullible. She really ‘ship’ me and Phil.

"Really?" Aunt Claudette asked, astonished that Sam nodded in confirmation while smiling widely.

Phil cleared his throat. "I'm just checking if she's okay, Mom. You know how Lis is. She likes to exert herself to exhaustion." Phil defended. Phil glanced at me and smiled. I scowled at him and mouthed the words 'I'm not!'.

"How sweet of you, Philip." Mom complimented. Phil gave her a genuine smile. A smile that he often uses to charm girls at our school. Those must be music in his ears. The idiot is looking so smug whenever he receives a compliment from my parents.

"They were even cuddling in the bedroom an hour ago." Nic suddenly uttered that grabbed the attention of everyone at the table. She didn’t even bother to look at us. Her gaze remained on her plate.

Wait, what? What did she say? Us? Cuddling? In the bedroom?! My eyes widened in her direction, but she didn’t even spare me a glance. Oh, she’s going to get it later.

"WHAT?!" Aunt Claudette, Mom, and Dad said altogether. Their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets and stared at us in bewilderment. Even Sam is looking shocked at what her twin said. I mentally cringed at their reaction.

While our parents are still trying to absorb what Nic said, I saw a victorious smirk on Nic's face. She really has the guts to smirk like that?! "I saw them. They're both laying on the bed enjoying each other's company." She added, still staring at her plate. Wow! Thanks a lot, sisters! Sometimes, I wonder if they are my sisters with the number of things, they keep on spilling about me.

Why do they always misinterpret my friendship with Phil? Even our group of friends? Can't they understand the word 'Best Friends'? It's annoying sometimes.

I looked at Phil and our eyes met. He shook his head while smiled while I just closed my eyes and held the space between my eyebrows, shaking my head. Why are they putting meaning behind it?

We looked in our parent’s direction and it looks like they’re waiting for our explanation, especially Dad. His look is demanding an explanation.

I heaved a sigh then looked at Phil and mouthed to him the words 'I’ll do it'. I turned to look at my parents and Aunt Claudette. "Mom, Dad, Aunt Claudette, calm down. We're just catching up together about our Christmas vacations." I explained.

"Yeah. It’s not like we’re doing something spectacle." Phil joked which made me kicked his foot from below the table and glared at him. This guy doesn’t have any filter in his words. It’s not helping our situation.

He scratched his head and looked at us sheepishly. "We just talked. Lis was in a bad mood earlier, so I lighten her mood." He clarified. Whose fault is that anyway?

"Ah, Okay." Looks like they believed us. They look relieved. Good.

I then heard Nic scoffed beside me. "Don't you want to eat more, Sam?"

She shook her head. "No, thank you. I'm keeping my balanced diet." She said with a smile. Wow, balance diet. She doesn’t even need a diet.

I just heaved a sigh. It's funny how Phil's presence changed my life. When he came into my life, the dull days of my life become the days that I always look forward to. I found someone who would reach out to me whenever I'm drowning with my thoughts, someone who helped me see a new angle of the world, and someone who can see a lost soul who always guards herself without having anyone else to turn to. The very thought made me smile.

Phil may not know it, but he gave so much to, even his love when I return something so little. It's all the more reason why he deserves to be blessed with the love that he's been yearning for.

Later, it's time for dessert. I helped Mom and Aunt Claudette to serve the desserts. We have fruit salad, pizza, graham cake, and chocolate ice cream cake.

"When is your recognition, Nicole?" I heard Aunt Claudette suddenly asked Nic while I'm eating my second slice of New York-style pizza.

She spared a glance at her for a moment before answering, "March 27." She then returned her attention to her food.

"Oh, so it’s near to Phil’s and Lis’ graduation day." Aunt Claudette mentioned. Oh, right. It will be our graduation on the third day of April. We are turning high school.

"Then, I guess, this calls for a celebration for the recognition and graduation of the kids," Dad said after drinking his glass of orange juice.

"Of course! Our place this time." Aunt Claudette answered happily.

"Of course, we'll also bring some food." Mom said happily.

Our parents seemed so excited about it. Can't say the same for the four of us, though.

Philip's P.O.V.

After the meal, we settled in the Colt family's living room. Their Christmas decorations are still here. They played random music and talked about random things. They were singing, dancing, and watching different movies. Laughter, joy, cheers, and happiness filled the room. We really had a wonderful time.

I enjoyed hanging out with the Colts. Lis has a kind-hearted and funny mom and a cool dad but a strict one, especially when it comes to his daughters. She also has a funny sister, Sam who is so lady-like, and her other sister, Nic who is really cool and boyish. They made us feel at home and comfortable with them.

I was sitting on the couch when I remembered the conversation earlier. Nic is one talkative minx! She rarely speaks but when she does, her mouth will then start spouting nonsense!

Why do people always come to that conclusion? Just because we were on the same bed, doesn’t mean that we were doing anything indecent. We were just talking for crying out loud!

They're putting too much thought into those things. There's nothing wrong if a girl and boy are on the same bed. They’re just abreast with each other. It’s the thought of other people that made it look improper.

Okay, I need to stop this damn thought! It's going to a dangerous territory for my liking.

I couldn’t believe that they still remembered the time when I asked for their permission. It’s been more than a year since then.

I can still remember that day. I don’t even know where I got the courage to face Lis’ parents and ask for their permission to court her that time.

Yup, I asked for their permission before if I can court Lis. Lis doesn’t know it that time. I think I got the courage to face them because of what Lis said before. I unconsciously smiled when I remembered it.

"A parent is like the reflection that mirrors the girl you like. Isn't it only normal of meeting the people that primarily influenced the girl you like? If the guy really likes the girl then he must also respect the parent's decision whatever the results will be since a parent has an important role in shaping the girl he likes today."

Lis’ parents were so shocked that time, especially her Dad because he’s my tutor and he knows what I'd been doing to school. He said that we’re still young to worry about those things. He also asked if I was serious about Lis, especially with my colorful past with girls. Of course, I was serious with Lis. In the end, they agreed not without making me promise something that I’m persisting to keep.

I looked instinctively in Lis' direction who is happily singing with her sister, Sam. I couldn't help but smile while watching her with her sister. Although, she gives off an unapproachable aura on the outside, once you get to know her, you’ll find out that she’s a compassionate person on the inside, especially to her close friends and family.

Despite that, she doesn’t have that many friends. Not because she’s unfriendly, but because she has a tough time trusting people and letting them in. You could say that she’s guarded. Well, you can't really blame her since that's how she was brought up.

I really like her....and I still do, BUT not the same way as before. She was the first girl that I really liked. Isn't it funny? The first girl that I took seriously was my best friend. Too bad that she isn’t the type of girl who's interested in romance.

Looking at her with her walls down, she's lovable and caring to the people that she cares about, especially to her family. That’s why her violent side only shows when someone messes with her family. That's one of the things I admired about her. She's willing to fight back for her family.

However, the one thing that I admired most about her is her ability to see through a person's soul. She may be covered with an approachable aura, but when you passed that cover, her eyes hold an empathetic glow. It's like reflecting the feelings you feel on her own. It's enchanting, to say the least, to know that a person like her can read the emotions of people and won't hesitate to shed tears for them. It's just like the last time.

Last year, in March, I met her cousin, Leanna Sampson Colt who is nice. I enjoyed being with her all the time to the point that I'm beginning to like her. At that time, I then thought that it might time for me to move on from what I felt about Lis that’s why I started pursuing Leanna.

Lis was genuinely happy about it. It looks like she doesn't have any problems with it. I admit I was slightly disappointed by her reaction. I thought she will be upset about it, but it's the opposite. I was right, she was never attracted to me or even like me the same way that I liked her. That’s why up to this day, I was still pursuing her cousin.

At 3:15 am, Mom, Uncle and Auntie decided to retire for the night. Nic already went ahead of them a few minutes ago. Everyone looked so tired. I accompany Lis on her way to her bedroom since the guestroom is just around her bedroom.

"Did you have fun?" Lis asked on our way to her bedroom. I smiled at her and nodded.

We were in front of her bedroom door when she asked, "Did you already greet Leanna?"

I chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Yes, I did it earlier. Don't worry." I reassured her.

She nodded. "Okay. Goodnight, Phil."

"Goodnight," I said before I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams."

She smiled at me before opening the door and enter inside. I waited for her to enter her bedroom before I headed to the guestroom where I'm going to sleep.

I laid the bed, staring at the blank white ceiling while my mind aimlessly wander. Sleep didn't even come to my mind at all. I wonder if things would be different if I hadn't courted Leanna. Maybe, I was still waiting for Lis and I could still do those things I did for her back then. Maybe then, I can still sing and be affectionate to her in front of many people. I can still hug her and kiss her on the cheeks and forehead without affecting anyone else.

Ever since I courted Leanna, I feel like I must set some boundaries on what I am in Lis’ and Leanna’s life. I removed all those gestures because I should be doing it to Leanna. Lis is my best friend and Leanna is the one I like, the one I'm pursuing.

I just realized I don’t Leanna the same way I treated Lis. Can I do it? Can I do those things to Leanna? Can I hug her the same way I hug Lis? Can I be affectionate to her like how affectionate I was to Lis?

I roughly ruffled my hair in frustration as the thought keeps on swirling in my head. Sh*t! What am I thinking?! Where did my ego go? My arrogance? My bluntness? My charms? Did all of that flew out of the window? Tsk.

Leanna. Right. Leanna. Just Leanna.