
    "Yes, Eric, can you hand this book to my Publishing House to work?"Michael Claus didn't hide his intentions and said it straightforwardly.

    Eric looked at the black girl who had finished printing, was binding, and then said to Michael Claus: "Sorry, Michael, although thank you for your approval, but you know, I want to go to some of the larger Publishing House to try my luck. . Just like every parent, I hope that my child can get into the Ivy League school. Are you right? "

    Michael's expression is not disappointing, but smiles: "Eric, do you have a good understanding of the large Publishing House? Maybe we can find a place to talk, I know there is a coffee shop not far away, I Please, how about?"

    Eric took the black girl's bound manuscript and packed the first draft into the bag. He refused directly: "Sorry, Michael, I am going to be late for work. If the manuscript is rejected by the Publishing House, I will contact you. of."

    Eric finished, took his backpack out of the print shop and started the car to the Italian Restaurant. Michael in the print shop just hesitated a little, immediately rushed out of the store and drove up. He has an intuition that if he misses this opportunity, he may regret it for a lifetime. This intuitive three-pointer is directed at the novel called Jurassic Park, and the seven points are indeed for the young man Eric.

    Although he only read the first half of the novel, Michael was surprised to find that Eric not only incorporated many high-tech factors such as genetic engineering, chaos theory, and nanotechnology that his teens of this age might not have heard of, and There is no loss of the fun of the novel, and the twists and turns of the plot are fascinating.

    He has not seen examples of integrating many high-tech into novels, but most of them use oysters, and even write some novels into popular science books. That type of novel is obviously not for all types of readers. Please.

    Eric parked the car in the parking lot and turned to find a black car that was not far away. Michael Claus came down from the car and apparently followed him. This made Eric's vanity little satisfaction, and unconsciously had a good impression on Michael.

    "Hey, Eric."Michael raised his hand to Eric and was about to speak. Eric pointed to his watch and said, "That, Michael, look, it's nine o'clock. I am a waitress at this Italian Restaurant, maybe you don't mind ordering another breakfast? The restaurant is very leisurely before ten o'clock and has an hour. "

    Michael nodded intently and followed Eric into the restaurant.

    Eric changed his clothes, and Michael was already sitting in the window seat, with an early breakfast and seven seven eight eight.

    "I am with Mr. Jeff explained it, but you have to hurry. "Eric sat down opposite Michael and then smiled: "I am young, but not so easy to be convinced."

    Michael smiled. "I believe that you have listened to my explanation and will definitely hand over the book to me." I just said that you may not know about the large Publishing House. Just happened, I have been in Simon & Schuster for eleven years, starting with the most basic review editor, because the competition department Manager After failing to leave, I founded Night Elf Publishing House. "

    "What does this have to do with the topic we are talking about now?"Previous life As a Loser, Eric is most afraid of others telling his own history of struggle, and can't help but insert a sentence.

    "Don't worry, young people, I said these just to let you know, my next words are true and credible. Do you know that when I first started the review editor, I would review tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of words every day. Although inside…Well, there are a lot of bad manuscripts, but there are quite a few manuscripts that have accumulated publishing value. At most, the number of books published in one year has reached two thousand. You can imagine, as a new person, even if you publish, how many promotional marketing resources can you get from these thousands of publications? "

    Michael finished, stopped and drank, leaving Eric with some time to think. Eric acknowledged Michael's words in his heart, but did not say anything, just use his eyes to signal Michael to continue.

    Michael raised his hand slightly, as if in a speech: "My Publishing House is small, but I have a lot of experience in book publishing marketing. Moreover, my Publishing House has mainly published novels such as science fiction, adventure, and horror in recent years. Although only a dozen novels have been published each year, they have already gained a certain reputation in the industry. You handed me "Jurassic Park", then for the next period of time, I promised to use the resources I have mastered to distribute the novel, and in the shortest possible time, the book's fame. And in my experience, under my full operation, this is likely to break into the bestseller list. "

    Michael illuminates all his cards and waits for Eric's decision.

    Eric was a bit absent-minded about Michael's rhetoric. A small or micro-Publishing House, how much energy can all resources be?

    He is already a middle-aged uncle in his bones. In the complicated circle of previous life, he has seen strange pigs running around the world. Of course, it won't be because Michael Claus's words are very tempting and confusing, just like a young man who changed his mind. However, Michael actually poked Eric's heart in one sentence: in the shortest possible time, the reputation of "Jurassic Park" was launched.

    No matter in what era, fame is an intangible but useful resource. Eric is now going to realize his plan. His biggest weakness is age. A young man will naturally give people a feeling of being untrustworthy.

    But if you have enough fame, this shortcoming will be well covered. An 18-year-old high school student, when Director made a movie, everyone would accuse him of chaos, not knowing how to be tall. And if an 18-year-old genius writer makes a movie, the result will definitely be different. There will definitely be criticism, but more people will definitely say: Oh, that genius kid is doing something amazing.

    Eric tried it out: "I have to say, Michael, your condition is really a bit of a heart." However, these are your words, I don't know your Publishing House at all. "

    "It's a good testimony," Michael said without hesitation: "On the recent Best New York Times bestseller list, there is just one of my Publishing House books on the list, although it's only the last one, but This book has been purchased by the 20th Century Fox movie, and is likely to be made into a movie in the next few years."

    Eric believes in Michael's words, he does not need to lie on this easy to be dismantled, said: "So, how do we take the time to talk about specific cooperation?"

    Michael glanced and said: "You…Do you agree? "

    "Yes," Eric nodded and smiled. "To be honest, I can't wait to see my novel being made into a book."

    "So, how about tonight, I think you may need work now."Michael pointed to the guests who grew up in the restaurant.

    After the two agreed on the meeting place, Michael left the restaurant with satisfaction.

    "Eric, what have you talked to with that person, seeing how happy you are now?"Jeff asked, just that Eric just said something to discuss with friends, so he was curious.

    Eric handed the menu of the guest just to the colleague in the kitchen, and then to Jeff, the guest waiter: "Good news, Jeff, who was just a Boss of Publishing House, I am about to publish my novel."

    Jeff is a little messy, and some suspicious: "Fiction, did you still say that you were writing a script yesterday, how to rewrite the novel, do you give up the Director ideal so quickly, intend to be a writer?"

    Eric said: "Of course not, my goal is not to change at will. When Director and writing novels don't conflict, isn't it? By the way, my novel is in my backpack in the locker room. Jeff, you can go and have a look and help me with some advice. "

    Jeff turned to the dressing room with doubts. He thought Eric's novel was a short story of a few thousand words. When he saw a thick stack of novels, Jeff almost blinked his eyes. More than 100,000 words, I have never written so many words in my life.

    Spend some of the busiest dining hours at noon and have a little leisure. The staff of the restaurant discovered that it seems that Boss has been disappearing for several hours. This is very rare for a fat man who likes to wander around and show his sense of existence.

    When the staff negotiated about looking for Boss, Jeff got out of the locker room and patted Eric's shoulder: "A very good novel, I am sure of one thing now, you will resign soon. It is."After saying these words, Jeff is leaving the old god.

    As soon as Boss disappeared, a group of people gathered around to ask Eric what had happened.

    So throughout the afternoon, from time to time, waiters and even kitchen staff took time to drill into the locker room and took turns reading Eric's manuscripts. Even after work, a beautiful waitress in the restaurant asked with a spoiled question whether he could take the manuscript home to see.

    Although the pretty girl's wink makes Eric feel a bit sloppy, Eric can only refuse this request. Although several copies of the novel have not been used, it is nothing to lend to her, but the novel has not been published after all, and he does not want to see what happened before. I have known other people's works as such things. I have never known this in ancient and modern times. He experienced this kind of thing in his previous life.