Drastic move

The next date, Aniston, didn't participate. Eric sent Aniston home and went alone to see the bankruptcy of Boss.

    When getting off the bus, Aniston suddenly said: "Eric, can you leave me a copy of "Home Alone" script? I will help you see, maybe…Some comments can be made. "

    Eric nodded and said, "Of course, no problem. I just copied a few copies."

    Aniston took the script and got out of the car. He waved his hand and looked at Eric and drove away. Like what determination was made, he turned and walked into his apartment.

    In a coffee shop in Burbank, Eric saw Boss, Jeffrey Hanson, the small Film Studio named Firefly, which Drew introduced. This is a white man of about 50 years old. His face is awkward and it seems that Film Studio is bankrupt. It hurts him a lot and the whole person looks very decadent. Eric knows that it is best to vent a person in this situation, so he is not eager to discuss the crew's affairs, but patiently listened to the man who needs to talk about the past.

    "My wife Sorina is a high school student at the Film and Television School of the University of Southern California. Do you know? She is a classmate with Francis Coppola, but she is just a farm girl from Maryland. She doesn't have the deep foundation of the Coppola family. Otherwise, her achievement in the movie must be higher than that of Francis. She shot at school. The short film has won many awards. "

    "At that time, I was studying finance. Everyone called me a nerd. I don't know why. The young and beautiful wife will look at me. She said that she wanted to be a Director, and I stayed with her in Los Angeles to develop, starting with the most basic positions, and doing it for about nine years. I can still remember the joy of Solina's first investment for his script, that smile than when we married, I put the ring on her hand when the brilliant, and later, we opened Firefly Film Studio, she did director, I helped her as a producer, take care of everything, We made several films together, all made money for investors, and Venice Film Festival took a special jury award. Unfortunately, a year ago, when Sorina drove back to Maryland to visit her parents, there was an accident…"

    Jeffrey Hanson, who was unshaven, said that the voice began to whimper. He could see that he had a deep relationship with his wife. Eric sat opposite and handed Jeffrey a paper towel, then waited for him to continue. .

    "After my wife left, I felt that I should inherit her ideals. She always wanted to develop Firefly and wanted to be a big Director recognized by Oscar. I think that I have been a Producer for so many years, and I am more than enough to be a Director. So I mortgaged the company and raised a sum of money to shoot me to commemorate her first movie, but the results were not very good…"

    "It doesn't matter, Jeffrey, it's just a failure. Which Director in Hollywood hasn't experienced failure."

    Jeffrey wiped his moist corner of the eye, way: Thank you, Eric, listen to my nagging for so long, I feel much better now, after the company went bankrupt, my son almost cut off my father-son relationship, he originally did not agree with me to do director, think I put her mother's efforts for many years of the inheritance destroyed, I don't blame him, I just regret it. Ok, don't say this. Listen to Drew, you need some people to help you make a movie? "

    Eric nodded. "Yes, it's just a small cost movie of 1 Million USD."

    Jeffrey shook his head. "No, 1 Million is already a lot. My wife used more than 700,000 in her first movie. Yes, can I know your age? "

    "Of course, I am now eighteen years old. Jeffrey, don't you think that I am too young and too impatient? "

    "No, I am just making sure that you are an adult, a full-performance person. After all, 1 Million USD is not a small amount."


    Jeffrey said: "Don't be like this, young people, I don't think you are self-confident. I don't have any prejudice against young people. Many Directors are shooting their best movies when they are young. The older they are, the more mediocre they are. Young people are always full of creativity, and movies are a way to create dreams. Moreover, I believe that my team can help you complete your movie. They are all my wife's personally trained team. They are very professional and tacit. Unfortunately, because of me, they are unemployed and can receive your movie. It is also a good thing. Well, yes, can I see your script? "

    "No problem," Eric pulled out the script and handed it to Jeffrey, then quietly waiting for Jeffrey to cross his script.

    After more than ten minutes, Jeffrey closed the script and handed it back to Eric. "A good comedy script is not complicated to shoot. It is very suitable for practicing. I have to say that it is wise to choose such a script. "

    Eric put the script back in the backpack and said to Jeffrey: "So, Jeffrey, can you help me as the producer of this movie?"

    Jeffrey Hanson wondered: "Eric, are you sure? My company has just gone bankrupt because of me. "

    Eric said: "Jeffrey, you may not be suitable for Director, but through your narrative, I think you are a very good Producer. If this movie is successful, I will set up my own Film Studio, then you can help me. Take care of it, and I can accept all the classes left by your wife, they don't have to lose their jobs."

    Jeffrey was obviously heart-wrenching. He had already been disheartened and planned to return to his home farm. Eric's plan can be heard, and another thought came up. The team that the wife left behind has been working with their husband and wife for many years. They are not only an employment relationship, but also a very good friend because they The mistakes made the old friends who have been working together for many years unemployed, and Jeffrey is quite embarrassed.

    Didn't think about it for a long time, Jeffrey nodded. "Well, Eric, I promise you."

    "So, the cooperation is pleasant."Eric was excited to pick up a cup of coffee and met Jeffrey. The cooperation between the two was officially reached.

    Next, two people began to go straight to the topic to discuss the preparations for Home Alone.

    In the talk, Jeffrey also learned about what Eric had done during this time, and it was not surprising. Now that the collaboration has been confirmed, Eric has also put his plans to Jeffrey.

    "I plan to finish the film in a month or so, and then take advantage of the influence of "Jurassic Park" and "17 again" to make "Home Alone" released during Christmas. I think that in order to create a larger Box Office for the screenwriter and starring of "17 again", it is expected that 20th century Fox will not release "Home Alone" for us, so as long as we work hard Making a movie well, this kind of family Christmas comedy will definitely make us make a profit. "

    Eric remembers that the previous life was recorded in Guinness World Records' "Home Alone" Box Office, and her heart is full of embarrassment. Even if this world "Home Alone" only got half of the previous Office's Box Office scores, it is more than enough for him to realize his ideals.

    Two people in the coffee shop have been negotiating to the beginning of the lantern, and many things have been determined. After leaving the contact, Eric drove home.

    Just arrived home, Eric received another good news, the Langkel couple agreed to let Stewart play Kevin, Eric and the couple discussed the details, the Langkel couple also agreed to Eric's 50,000 USD pay and One percent of Box Office is divided.

    Although the pay is only one-tenth of Eric's "17 again", if the Box Office scores are as amazing as the previous life, only one percent of the Box Office can be divided into two. This Eric also has no pains. After all, this movie requires Stewart Langkel to take the lead.

    The next day, Eric asked Jeffrey Hanson to sign a contract with the Langkel couple. The couple knew that Eric would be the director of the film. The somewhat hesitant couple saw the 50,000 USD check that Eric had deliberately prepared. After that, I signed the contract directly.

    The next step was to prepare the funds. Eric had 590,000 USD in his hand. After negotiating with Michael Claus, Michael readily agreed to pay him a royalty of about 200,000 USD within ten days. After checking the piano shop, Boss reluctantly agreed to return the goods, but still calculated the depreciation of two thousand USD.

    Finally, there was a gap of around 200,000 USD. Eric bit his teeth and contacted a pawnshop. He quickly mortgaged the house at a low price of 200,000 USD, and the interest rate of 10% per month, if it was within half a year. Not paying money, the pawnshop will take back the house. To put it bluntly, it is a special loan shark.

    Looking at the check in his hand, Eric sighed, and now this is Drastic Move. If it fails, I don't know if Aniston will take care of himself.

    Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of Drew. With the experience of Eric's forty-year-old uncle, how can't I see that Drew has already liked it. If possible, after shooting "17 again", Eric would not want to talk to Drew again. There are too many intersections, his feelings for Drew, maybe even more for her daughter than for women.

    Perhaps for a long time, the girl's feelings for herself will slowly turn down, but for Home Alone, he had to look for Drew to help and entangle the two people again.

    After the shooting funds were all ready, Eric and Jeffrey began to choose the corner for the crew. Eric plans to pick two thieves, Harry and Marvin, from the TV comedy actor, but unfortunately a few of them made an invitation, the other party is not on schedule. If you can't open it, it's too low.

    After two days of running, Eric suddenly received an Anniston's call.

    "What, you said your father wants to invite me to dinner?"

    Aniston's voice on the phone jumped with joy: "Yeah, have you been bothered by the Actors of Home Alone for the past two days? I told this to Dad that he promised to contact you with some comedy Actors. "

    Aniston has a relaxed tone on the phone, but Eric knows that things are not that simple and at the same time moving. Aniston's relationship with his biological father, John Aniston, was very cold, and John Aniston's abandonment of his wife and daughter for his own career made Aniston feel awkward. Previous life John ·Aniston is still trying hard to make the reluctant daughter forgive herself. Visible, now Aniston is not as easy as asking for his father's help.

    Eric gratefully said to the microphone: "Thank you, Annie, I will arrive on time."