Day 3

Having been awoken by the cutest creature on this planet. Kitsuna had decided while I was asleep to move from her bed to my chest. While I don't mind the weight, I have bodies to butcher and rice to harvest. However as I can't bear to wake my companion maybe with time she will gain a human form the planet I obtained her said that as a nine-tailed fox she has a human form waiting for her eventually. As much as I want her the pup I have raised since she was born to have a human form I, also don't want her to change as she is perfect and beautiful the way she is currently is. After getting out of bed and waking Kitsuna who promptly went back to sleep once laid down on my bed. I moved to the butcher room and disassembled yesterdays corpses. With more human leather I set about making a leather armchair for my research room. I have to say my little hill is coming along quite nicely. As the day plodded along my research into microelectronics had progressed fairly well I think that with another couple days I will be able to make a communications console. With my desire to work gone for the day I decided to spend the rest of the day on the couch in my rec room playing chess against myself and petting Kitsuna. As I relaxed I reminiscence about how I first met Kitsuna. I was still relatively young by my standards at a crisp 1506 years old. I had just crashed for the tenth time that century, I survived mostly as even back then I was mostly prosthetic enhancements. I slowly extricated myself and anything of value out of the wreck, with some supplies and a trusty charge rifle I set out in the direction my personal AI said there was a settlement. Upon reaching the settlement I found it to be vaguely feudal and I would say eastern but that hasn't been a true style since long before I was born. Well either way I was barred entry at the palisade because of my weird clothes or at least thats what I have to assume as at the time I didn't speak their language. Soon I found my self manacled to a stone wall in a dark room given their technological level they didn't understand anything I had on me and left me with all my weapons. I soon broke out of those binds using my hands as the fingers had a wide range of utility tools. Once out i wandered the facility it was so large and maze like I got lost for over four hours, before I found someone. Who immediately yelled out in surprise I assume either way more people came and I soon had many swords pointed at me. Then someone who seemed to be the leader of the men with pointy sticks came and dismissed them all, he then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder taking me back into the maze-like prison. Where he dropped me off back in the cell and started talking at me. Due to the language barrier the conversation wasn't going any where, however it was giving my AI a lot of phrases to eventually use in decoding the language. Just as I was thinking of escaping again however the man said something really interesting "where did you come from and why can't I detect any mana in your extremities?" To this I responded "How are you speaking my language all of a sudden?" He then said "You either answer my questions first or you die." "So you really can understand me then?" I responded. He seemed disgruntled but said "Yes I can. NOW answer my questions." I came back with "I come from another world and I don't know what mana is." He looked at me pensively then started explaining "Mana is the fundamental energy of life it flows through everything living and some dead. It can be used for a variety of purposes such as open rifts in space-time, flight, and telekinesis" "This all seems interesting but how are we speaking the same language?" I asked hoping the response wasn't mana as it seems like it is probably limited to a small amount of the population. To which his response was "I don't know to me you are speaking our language." I though about this a bit then asked my AI which responded with I finished translating their language, while he was blabbering at you a while back. Getting back into the conversation with the man I tell him my name is tempest to which he replies "My name is Sir Xin Saxe, resident old fool with too much power" "You don't seem to arrogant for and old fool like the others I have met how old are you?" The response astounded me at the time "I am 1203 years old, how about you." I will always remember the moment his jaw dropped like an anvil. I said "I am 1506 years old" looked at his expression rapidly change from surprise to disbelief then anger. He then said "Young miss it isn't nice to lie." I continued laughing then pulled up a holo and showed it to him not sure if he believed that either but he never asked about my age again as immediately after. He said "If you are so old how do you not know what mana is?" to which I replied "The world I came from doesn't know what mana is to be frank neither do I. I don't age because some of my predecessor's made a technique that disallows/reverts it. It might run off of mana I have no clue as they died long before I was even born." He then said "It isn't a mana technique because for such thing to exist one would need to be able to constantly defy the heavens and you haven't seen hide nor hair of tribulation since I caught you." "Sir" I say " my tribulations might not be standard to your world. my inter-world transports seem to crash so frequently that in the last century of travel I have been stranded twice and lost six times. mind you these transports are suppose to not crash or deviate from their course. My record in a century was 57 crashes." He then replied "No tribulation is always the same it is always lightning." Trying to end the conversation I say " This has been fun Sir Xin Saxe but I need to get off this world soon, I have places to be." He then pipes up with if you want to try and leave this world you might want to try the central continent they have more advanced mana technology." I say "Thanks I will be off then" little did I know that wasn't the last I would see of him tune in next time to Tempest was bored and wanted to remember the past. I am sure that my full life story would be quite the intriguing bestseller as at this point I might even be considered a Archotech my self.