Day 11

Having fallen asleep next to Tempest I decide to finally check on the mana bond we share. Looking at it, it seems like I am now the master in control of bond even though she will be significantly more powerful probably. I had always let her have the roll of master in the bond because it was beneficial to us both but now I think I might need to actually use the bond for its intended purpose. As Tempest can be very unruly when she doesn't want to do something. Though it does pain me to use bond as a tool to force her to do things if I don't she most likely will take a far too long to actually progress in her cultivation. I have always wondered how Tempest gets anything done as she literally never left her office when at the headquarters. Even inside her office she never actually did anything visibly. I only ever saw her playing with me and goofing off. The one time she did leave her office she went to a meeting room full of really old men. She talked for like 5 minutes and then went back to her office. I do have to say though her office was really nice. It was more of a private penthouse as she had the top ten floors of the building to her self and used three for an actual office, while the rest of the space was living spaces and clone bays. This was because she needed staff to take care of her and me. At times it could be hard to tell Tempest apart from her clones, but after a while she made system based on hair color. The original and backups would have her inky void hair color, all others had a different hair color depending on jobs. I think I will replicate this system or just call the Tempest Clone division for quick man power. I wonder if Tempest fur will be the same color as her hair. Checking the communication room I see that the Guardians of the Tail have almost arrived. They are only a couple hours out. In the mean time I decide to go and check on Tempest as I forgot yesterday. Wandering in to her room I see that her fur has started to take a blackish hue that seems to refract light in such away to make it look like you are peering into the endless abyss of space and out at the stars. Snuggling up next to Tempest I realize her fur is so silky and fine that I can't even get a grasp on a single thread, even though I can see them individually. I end up falling asleep with my arms wrapped around Tempest using her tummy as a pillow. She truly massive compared to my fox form as I can only just wrap my arms around her now. The question though is she going to shrink as she get more powerful or grow? It is known that some kitsunes shrink as they grow more powerful and end up with particularly petite human forms. Hearing a ping out of the wrist computer I linked to the comms room. I look at the notification the Guardians of the Tail request permission to land in the hangar bay. I grant them permission and start the trek to an area of the ship I haven't seen yet, getting lost more then once on my way. I eventually find the hangar control panel and open up the bay doors. Looking around I gain a sense of awe as the hangar is larger than cargo bay. As it makes up the majority of the lower decks and front of the ship. Once the door is open I see a small fleet of ships made up of several fighters, two transports, one tanker, and a capital cruiser. The fleet lands inside in a some what organized manner as to provide them cover in case this is an ambush. Walking up to the cruiser and tapping out a verification code on my wrist. I stand a good distance from the cruiser's main door. Once the cruiser's door starts to open I notice that the fleet that was parked is now gone. The leader of the squad introduces himself.

"Hello Madam Kitsuna, I am Hale Bone. Please don't make terrible jokes or try to eat me."

"That is an interesting name squad leader Bone. I see that you are not a kitsune but a demi human of the dog variant. Might I ask what happened to the fleet that was just here?"

"We use compression and teleportation to deploy and extract vehicles. To top it all off, our ships are bigger on the inside. We have come to retrieve you for the board meeting as we haven't held one in millennia and we can't hold one with out all members. We are so sorry we can't fulfill your protection request but we do have to insist that you accompany us back to main base."

"What makes you think that I will want to come?"

"Well we always have the option of violence as I am sure that not every one on your ship can survive the void. So just come with us and risk nothing while gaining out protection for free."

"To me it sound like you want to hold me and my wife-to-be hostage. While plotting something shady."

"That would be correct as even with a full board meeting some will disagree and even though your family hasn't been around for millennia. You still have whole squads beyond your private ones that support you. Due to this if you are to come back in full there will be some issues within the factions."

While he was exposing the intent of his squad allegiances I began thinking of ways to get to Tempest and off this ship. Making my mind up I interrupt the dog.

"How about this you lot take command of this ship while me and Tempest remain inside. As I have seen your method of manipulating space and it won't be good for her right now or any time soon. You get to keep me under wraps for now and my wife is safe we both win. How about it?"

"I think this is an agreeable compromise, howeverr this means that you aren't allowed any where near the comms room, the bridge, hangar, any of the docking ports, and the escape pods." Hale replies.

"It seems we have agreed on this so I will be off then. I wouldn't worry about my wife trying to escape any time soon. She has no luck with space ships and frequently crashes them."

"We forgot to ask but who is your wife-to-be?"

"She is Tempest, owner of many conglomerates and interstellar trading companies. Richest person in the galaxy. Enough political power to topple entire sector governments. Also the your most important backer and only backer. As she saw the use of having an on call mercenary group."

"Wait you mean the Tempest. Who no one has seen in over a century outside of her clones and supplies all of our weapons and ships. Also the only person who wields more power then the board inside our company. Now we really have to keep you inside this ship. If the two of you returned at the same time as a couple it would cause a major upheaval in the politics. Good god."

Hehe he forgot about my wrist communicator time to call up the private squads and Temporal Resolution Squad better know as tempest's personal squad, but first time to go and cuddle with Tempest. The ship is now bustling with activity. Me and Tempest have a large contingent of guards to make sure we aren't doing anything suspicious. They won't let me spend more then five minutes with Tempest in case I am plotting something the fuckers.