Tempest's Memory : Revenge 1

As I began to take in my surrounding I don't see Tempest. However this was just under eleven thousand years ago. Her early life is mystery to all as before her first millennium there is no evidence that she even existed. As I wander around the scarred and pitted land scape of a battlefield I see someone with a build similar to Tempests or at least what I think she would look like young. Walking over I see it is someone with a slave collar engraved with Tempest. I observe and see it truly is Tempest her is the inky black that resembles space and her eyes look like you are staring into the abyss. I know that I can't interact so I follow Tempest for hours. Eventually it turns to night and Tempest suddenly changes direction and makes her way to a camp of shoddy buildings and tents of varying quality. Upon reaching the settlement Tempest looks around like she is on guard for something and heads to one of the higher quality shacks. Tempest seems to be plotting something. Looking inside the building its filled with guns and ammo. Everything from 9mm to 150mm armor piercing shells. Tempest has a plan I see her steal an anti-material rifle, assault rifle, a pistol, and a combat knife. After she is done looting she begins prep for her plot to blow up the entire camp by rigging C4 and explosives all around the camp. After Tempest had finished the setup she started to leave. As she was far enough from the blast zone she took the anti-material rifle and aimed for the one exposed shell at the center of camp. The camp exploded in to a column of hell-fire. As Tempest was getting up to leave she muttered.

"He wasn't here either. The next one is the final one."

Tempest got back up and stowed the rifle. Tempest stood up and started trekking a crossing the land. She definitely had a destination mind while rubbing her collar and muttering and muttering about dead people. It seemed aimless but Tempest never changed direction always going in a straight line. Eventually after fourteen days coming to a walled city. Tempest finds a hollow tree trunk and stores all of her weapons excluding the knife. Heading towards the gate Tempest puts on a brown cloak presumably to hide her identity. The line for entry moves rather quickly as she reaches the front. I hear muttering from other entrants about how another camp was destroyed a some time ago. The major theory they say is that it was an escaped slave looking for their master, whose recapture reward is several large chunks of gold. This group of people turn to ask Tempest what she thinks, but she very politely turns them down. Reaching the gate Tempest readies her knife and some silver. The gate guards ask for a toll and the hand over of all weapons. Tempest hands over the silver and moves on. Once inside she wanders the sprawling slums looking for a place to stay. As Tempest looks for a place to stay I notice that she is being followed by some unsavory men. Eventually they pull in front and say. "Hand over all your valuables and we won't gut you like a pig."

Tempest responds by pulling out her knife and slitting the speakers throat while saying. "You can be like your leader a fool hardy idiot or be smart and run."

The group shouts. "You killed our leader you must die!"

Tempest slips by each one as they charge at her and either cuts their stomach open or slices their achilles tendon. As most of the gang lay writhing on the ground she realizes her hood fell down while she was fighting. The onlookers just stare with horror and awe at her ability to cause damage and remove a nuisance. Tempest bolts for a nearby dark alley before more people see her face. I assume this is due to the fact that her face is plastered on wanted posters all over the city with a return location within the city. Once in the alley way Tempest pulls her hood back up and pulls up her collar. With her clothing fixed she waits for the crowd to disperse before heading back out to look for a place to stay. Stumbling along and tired Tempest finds an elderly couple being harassed by some gangsters. Sneaking up on the gangsters she stabs both in the heart. The elderly couple offer money as payment but Tempest says.

"I just need a place to stay for a few nights before moving on, if thats all right with you?"

They respond happily as they don't have to give up any money. The elderly couple live outside of the slums in the city proper. Once inside their apartment they show Tempest to a spare room and tell her to stay as long as she like and that dinner is in a couple hours. Tempest thanks them and says she will be back in a little. Tempest asks for directions to the nearest hardware store and computer store. On her shopping trip she buys some high power magnets, ball bearings, a length of PVC pipe, copper wire, circuit boards, a soldering kit, lithium ion batteries, some small planks of wood, and a bit of sheet metal. Once she gets back to the elderly couples place she asks if it would be ok if she did some soldering in their guest room. They ok it. Once the elderly couple falls asleep Tempest gets to work on making something. As time goes by she has made several electromagnets and spring loaded tubes of ball bearings. Before dawn Tempest finishes work on her railgun. With a weapon prepared for the day Tempest writes a note for the elderly couple saying she has left and they probably shouldn't leave the house today. Tempest begins flitting along the rooftops towards the estates of the rich. Stopping only once to eat a power bar and watch the sun rise. Tempest watches forlornly like this is her last time nearing the gate to the rich district she pulls the rifle over her should and takes aim at the gate guards. Both guards down with a single shot. Tempest climbs down from the building and goes through the front gate swapping what mode her rifle is in to burst from semi. Each estate has several guards in front of the gate each one able to recognize just who is walking up the street slowly killing all of them. Tempest continues her massacre reaching the largest estate at the end of the district she finishes the last of the estates outer guardians. Entering the grandest and largest estate she fires upon any one always aiming for the neck. Thinking it was just a weird quirk I ignore it until she fires upon someone and they don't fall over in pain. I look at them and realize they have a similar collar to Tempest. Thats when I realize she was aiming for the neck to able to see who was a slave or not. Tempest walks over and says.

"Come with me if you want to live a free life."

The slave who is now sobbing on the ground replies. "I would love to come with you but how are you going to free me?"

"That is for me to worry about."

Continuing on with a follower Tempest went about murdering all of the households staff and guards acquiring more followers as she went. Once almost everyone else was dead she turned around asked.

"Where is he?"

Almost all of the slaves were too afraid to answer but one said it.

"He is in his dungeon."


Tempest started moving again towards the back of the mansion. Once there she entered an unassuming brown door and took off her cloak and mask before continuing down some stairs into a grey stone brick basement that smelled rather rank. Descending further I began to hear screams Tempest just grimaced like she expected it. At the bottom of the stairs was row after row of cells all with filled with a minimum of three occupants all females. Most of the prisoners that looked to have been here for a long time looked at Tempest despondently or emotionless. The newer prisoners looked at her with hatred. Each cell she passed she opened and pointed to the exit stairs. Soon enough Tempest reached the center of this complex where the screams for help were coming from. A young girl locked to a post in the ground tied to the wall with her back out. The girl was missing almost all of her fingers on one hand , an entire hand, and both feet. The man had his back to the entrance while tearing at the girls skin using a barbed whip. Tempest fires a shot into the mans shoulder and the poor girls head ending her misery. The man turns around swing his massive belly around to be in between him and Tempest. I starts saying.

"I was expecting you a lot sooner Tempest. To be honest I didn't expect you to make it back here in one piece let alone independently."

"Well I made it back its time you meet all those who you have inflicted suffering upon, but first I think I might inflict some pain." Tempest fires two more shots through his knees.

"Arg! You bitch, you shot me."

"You still keep the medical supplies in the same spot I see. Oh yea don't bother calling for help I killed all of your staff and most of the city guard on my way here." Tempest comments as she picks up some bandages to stop the bleeding.

"Wow, I expected you to be mean but not ruthless, so I guess it really was you who was destroying all those camps on the war front looking for me. Shit this hurts."


Tempest picks him up and quickly searches his body then shackles him to a wall. After finding a keycard. With the keycard in hand Tempest walks over to a nearby cabinet with a glass front inside are countless key but on the top row all by it lonesome is a key labeled Tempest.