The End Is Just A Beginning

Hi my name is Ruby, 24 years old i spent time at home I shied away from the world I didn't really like humanity so to keep myself busy I took in all the knowledge that I could and then I found comics, manga, anime and i took it all in as well. I dreamed of a day that I could leave that I could do and be something else, someone else, anything was better than this. What i didn't know is that dream would come true, but it would spiral out of my control and become a nightmare, So a nightmare is what I would become. Welcome to my journey.

Nothing, absolutely nothing that's what i felt first then saw. Where am i is the first thing to come to mind, I tried to move to see to feel but it was as if i was in the void. Something was very wrong here and it's not this feeling i have but rather the lack of feeling normally i would have panicked but right now i feel nothing, i can still think, pondering what happened. After who knows how long a blinding light was seen in the void followed by a reel of tape like you would see from an old projector I didn't understand at first what it was as the images were too blurred for me to make out but as it got closer I came to realize something something that tug deep at what is my soul, This ... This was my life, sighing to myself i look at it, Sure enough just like everyone said it flashed before my eyes.

I'm DEAD. I floated there in the void, Now I assume floating because I couldn't feel anything but who knows Maybe I was laying down or perhaps sitting. I looked upon the reel of my life simple thoughts and memories float through, I see myself grow from but a child to a young girl then into a woman. It goes through everything the life with my family and friends, school and the sports i played, games and movies some i play or watch alone others with family and friends.

I watch my life unfold before my eyes but i feel nothing like i used to, i watch the good times when i smile and am happy. Then i watch the bad and let me tell you it felt as if i watched more than half my life in a reel of bad times, crying, alone, getting beaten, stabbed, shot, drown, tortured. I was no saint in my time I did things that most would look upon as evil I did it for my friends I did it for my family but most importantly I did it for myself trying to satisfy my greed and hunger the never-ending void that I felt within.

As i watched i failed to notice something new in the void something that would make other's feel dread and despair, a seething mass of darkness How could you tell it was there simple It was darker than the void It was almost as if it was drawing what little light the void had into itself. I don't know how long it was there but it was there long enough that my reel had stopped. Then I noticed it The eyes were the first thing You think it would have been the body that devours the void around it, No It was those eyes something I thought would be impossible They were huge and inside each of those eyes was a smaller pair each one from a different creature, a different race, different breed.

Then everything goes black, the reels gone So is whatever that thing was My mind stops I can't comprehend anything ultimately I can't even think because it's as if I ceased to exist. Then out of the darkness came a voice It was soft and sweet It had a serenity about it one that you would assume would only come from something of a higher being and in that voice it was if every emotion I had ever felt was nothing. It spoke to me and i listened drinking it all in hungrily.

Then black again and i feel a hard pulling, being pulled up out of the void my soul ripped from it, But not all of my soul, i could feel a piece tear from me but i felt no pain.

I felt knowledge pour into my soul endless knowledge about a new world a place of wonder and beauty, a place of happyness and joy, then came the rest, horror, pain, suffering, fighting, cruelty, prejudice, racism and an amount of hate that not even all those from earth could ever feel. looking at all of it I couldn't understand why they felt this way and by they I mean the world itself It wasn't the creatures or the people that these feelings came from but the world, The world was in pain and for the first time in my life my soul cried.

I went over the knowledge that I gained vast plains stretching beyond anything the eye could see, Large mountains reaching high into the clouds and maybe even beyond. Large oceans so deep even the void seemed light, Forest's with trees both tall and small some reaching as tall as a skyscraper, some so thick you'd think several tree's grew together. Flowers and wilderness grew unhindered, fields or grass and reeds taller than telephone poles, swamps, bogs and lakes filled with life, And caves like natural voids in the planet i could feel their own ecosystems thriving within them.

As i took it all in it was like i was watching this planet grow. I felt one last hard tug on my soul and time seemed to stop, My soul darkened and went out as i was sent down to this planet to be reborn.