
'Thou shalt not commit adultery'- Exodus 20:14

There was a time when she did not do things like this. When she was pious and docile and everything she ought to be. Her skirts long and her tops loose and told her story of boundless joy and salvation at the hands of her Man. She had been comfortably coddled in the fleece that slipped over her eyes and painted her world rosy. Who knew how horribly banal it really was? How, in comparison, delectable sins would echo in her soul rather than superficially bind?

It was dumb luck that had her here today, or Fate if you still believed in that cosmic anarchist. She supposed that one should believe in all factions of the supernatural if they had proof of one. If she believed in God, then she should believe in the Devil, and if she believed in this carnal demon that lay splayed before her, then she should believe in Fate and not just confine it to mere luck- she wasn't convinced if it was bad or good yet. Whatever the reason may be, she was here now, and she was, like a fish offered free food, hooked.

The image of the creature cemented itself on whatever special organ in her eye allowed her to see. It was a tall expanse of a man, seemingly being caressed and massaged by the black smoke that smelt faintly of rotten eggs. The eyes were black, not the type of black that was illusory but the type that held something incredibly sinister and vile. Like a bottomless pit of debauchery and sin. And yet, it called to her.

The very thing that was supposed to affront her good senses rendered them obsolete and begged her to get on her knees for a wholly contradictory reason than praying. This was not the most striking thing about the creature though. Planted firmly at the crown of his head, framed by a ring of fire that made Newton turn in his grave, were a pair of identical horns. They seemed organic in nature, not altered by the body modifications she had seen on the television when she'd dared to watch. They seemed to be bone and etched in them were rings that told, she expected, his age like with the trees behind the house.

The exceptionally fascinating thing about these horns were that they held groves, four on each appendage, that looked like the right size and shape to firmly plant her own fingers in. Her response was visceral, a feeling she'd all but forgotten since she married the Man. Drums raged an incessant beat and the chanting of her libido could not be ignored. She whimpered and his hooded eyes flashed to hers with supernatural speed. One side of his shapely lips lifted into an omniscient smirk that told her everything she needed to know. This forbidden apple was her temptation and she wanted to take a bite, regardless of the mortal consequences.

At the thought, her nipples pebbled under the course muslin of her nightgown. The creature inhaled and groaned in what one would mistake for a prayer of supplication. Its nails dragged on her sheets where he lay, and the sound heightened the bowstring silence in her bedroom. She should leave. She should call the Man and have Him remove this sacrilegious thing from the sanctity of their marriage bed. But she did not, instead she nervously shortened the lengthen of the nightdress and climbed onto its crotch. The creature bucked his waist as she mounted it and she was thrust forward, face to face with it, behind the curtain of her hair. As it breathed, she could feel the fires of hell rushing forth and sensually stoking her own coals awake. Its hands gripped her waist and it thrust a forked tongue into her mouth. The kiss felt like a signature on a contract that was too good to be true.

She poured her bottled need and desires into it regardless and the creature greedily lapped it up to the last drop. She didn't know how but he'd succeeded in laying her body bare atop him while she was immersed in the forbidden kiss. He kissed a fiery path to her neck while thumbing her nipples and squeezing her heavy breasts. The once straight back arched in delirious pleasure as his previously unseen and tapered tails rubbed the heat between her legs while he drug her back to his lips. She could not focus on anything but the points where its- his body met hers. The burn was delicious and rose in heat the longer they touched.

She sat atop him, wet in every which way and rocked against the wonderful tails on her. She felt his desire against her thigh, monstrous and powerful, leaking a nectar similar to hers that now coated his tails. She grabbed his horns, pulling his face her so she could beg, without words, for him to end his torture on her. In true form, he smiled, flashing dangerous yet inviting fangs, and increased the pressure on her clit and breasts, never stopping until she almost fell off the precipice he had her precariously perched on.

She was flowing freely now, the sweat running in rivulets down her face and back, her essence that laid heavily on the air, coating her thighs. The second his desire met hers on her thigh, something snapped in the creature, like the tenuous hold on a stretched rubber band, and he curled his hand around her throat cutting her shaky breaths short. He roughly flipped her over, like that last leaf in a tiresome book, and pulled her back to him. He spread her legs and used his nails to coerce her clit from its hiding place. She could feel him rubbing her length and width on her most secret place and gripped the floral sheets in response.

Savagely, in a thrust that felt like coming home, he took her.

And continued to take her.



And she lived for every bit of the onslaught she felt. Her mouth hung open in a silent scream that was filled by his two fingers pulling her upright. She felt his hot breath whispering and promising to fill all her carnal desires. The slapping, underscored by drums in hell itself, echoed in the still room. Just when she though he couldn't provide her any more pleasure, she felt the nubile tail, still coated in her come, gently probe her second hole and the other placing feathery kisses on her clit. The very taboo and unfamiliar nature of it, had her clenching him tighter in her. The squelching intensified, dripping off them both and falling onto the bed, silently compared to the sound of their meeting, but earth-shattering, nonetheless.

Together they went up the hill again. Fast paced and heavy with need. They reached out and grabbed that illusive and indescribable thing that shattered both beings completely. He was still coated in her frosting that provided some decorative effect and she was filled with him as they disengaged and detangled. They lay side by side, accomplices in a carnal crime that was never premeditated, their heavy panting clear evidence of their defiling act. On the verge of unconscious, she felt him again, pulling her closer and delivering a soft, proprietary kiss to her forehead. He folded her to him, in a manner that contradicted the wild abandon with which they took each other and drifted with her to an innocent sleep.