
For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established- Romans 1:11

Sometimes small actions effectuate great change. A little vibration can crumble an entire building, a little water can end a whole system of life built on millions of neurons and protected by hundreds of bones.

Sometimes too, one inconsequential human can leave an indelible mark on a High Demon of Hell.

Or so it seemed to Ashemdai.

He could still feel the human female on his fingers. Every wet suction of her vagina was imprinted on him, the ghosting after caresses still squeezing his digits even though he was worlds away from her.

He had lived for millennia, fucked far more people than the earth currently held, and twice that amount in supernatural creatures.

He was a succubus of the highest order in hell and yet he could not escape the cocoa-buttery taste of her in his mouth. The nipples that pebbled as soon as he engulfed them in his mouth has tightened when she came around him. The sight had quite literally made him drool like Cerberus around a freshly dug human bone.

And by hell, her moans still ricochet around his skull. Somehow the woman was able to combine his brand of filth and innocence into a whole new heady and seductive siren song that sapped him of his strength and made him want to worship at her feet.

Ashemdai hadn't felt this horny since before he could remember. The urge to fuck his fist in her memory was becoming an incessant and screaming urge held at bay by his desire to drown her in his unspent come when time finally came.

He was still amazed at her. How did the pious and repressed woman even call him?

And why did he answer?

He'd been called by people for centuries and he's stopped answering altogether. There was something very banal about fucking humans that he never got rid of no matter how much chains and gags he bound them in.

At least with supernaturals, they had tails and split tongues and hooves that could bring even angels to their knees.

He would know. He'd seen it happen.

And speaking of heaven, he wondered just how irate they would be at his obvious defiling of one of their worshippers.

The vain sky rodents believed in clear lines of demarcation among species and him obliterating those lines would rile them up like no other. But that was another problem for another day.

Right now, he had to stomach another dinner with Durmad.

Of his six siblings, Durmad was an insurable oaf most like their father. When Lucifer abandoned hell, Durmad as High Demon of Pride, assumed himself new king and lauded over his uninterested siblings his status as oldest.

There were many differences between High Demons and humans, yet sibling rivalry was not one of them.

It was something Ashemdai had to deal with every evening for the past several decades every 'evening' at dinner. As High Demon of Wrath, his favourite sister Desmodaiya, was the most susceptible to Durmad's inklings. It was Ashemdai's role to keep the peace despite not having a care or concern for the hierarchal issues of his home.

And he wasn't the only one. Even now, upon entering Durmad's attempt at a human dining room, he saw Selim, hidden behind their mounds of souls on their plate thus creating a divide from the conversation that transpired around them.

As Ashemdai took his place between Des and Akuji, the little sloth, his mind was occupied with other thoughts than keeping the peace.

Dahlia was planted firmly in his subconscious eradicating all rational thought, save for ones from his baser instincts.

The argument between Des and Durmad barely penetrated the lust fog that clouded Ashemdai at the table.

"I will break your arm and use it to fish for the stick you have up your ass you intolerable shit."

"As your king, little Desi, that would be unwise. I could get the Knights to have you drawn and quartered, despite the fact that Moloch is head over heels for your uncivilized self."

"Ashem! Do you hear how he speaks to me?"

"Aww, little sister. Don't you see your saviour is occupied with thoughts of his pretty little human pet? He has no time for you."

All five pairs of eyes flashed to the demon in question, even Akuji's, finally wide awake from her perpetual slumber.

"Is it true, brother? You've taken a human pet?"

"I do not take pets." Ashemdai growled out.

"But you are interested." Desmodaiya pressed.

"I am interested."

"Well, good for you," a voice rasped from behind still full plate of souls. "I was about time you started fucking again.

"Language, Selim."

"I am ions of years old. That will never work on me, Ashem. One would think now that you have started to taste the warm wet flesh of a human female again, you'd start to loosen up. Guess I was wrong."

Smiling at their teasing, Ashemdai affectionately pats his sibling's hair and heads to the ritual room that is becoming more familiar to him than his own quarters.

The blood ritual had become muscle memory. Slice palm with the angel blade; let his blood leak into the bowl at the altar; recite the incantation; let his blood creep up his arm and form the runes at the back of his neck.

It was near bliss to leave Hell behind and enter Dahlia's home with her earthen scents swirling around him.

His penis twinged as he remembered just how immersed into her scents he was.

He found her in the attic this time, hands blackened by the coal she used for her art. His mind flashed back to the sensual caress she used to draw him the first night her met her on the physical plane. If he focused, he could feel her touch now as she uses the shape of his horns to crate some abstract of turmoil and pleasure on the canvas.

His heavy footfalls weighed down the floorboards as he crossed to where she sat precariously perched on her stool. The discomfort at bending at an awkward angle to invade her space was forgotten as he viewed her heavy bosom heave and heard her elevated heartbeat at his proximity.

He wasn't a small creature and at eight feet, his hunched form had to be everything but sexy, but as he smiled at Dahlia and showed gleaming white fangs, the sensual excitement on her face was undeniable.

"Hi, vashti."

"Hello, demon."

Low chuckles vibrated around them as Ashemdai' form shakes in mirth.

"Still afraid to humanize me woman. I don't mind. I want you to know that it's a creature from hell pounding you into oblivion. I want you to remember that I am not human yet only I can make you come the way you do."

"You are awful confident for some one who only gave me one orgasm. Perhaps it was a fluke. Maybe just shock at something so... abnormal."

"You little brat! Is that a challenge?"

"You tell me demon. Is it?" Dahlia replied as she looked at him from under her lashes. She hoped she didn't look too awkward. After all, she was only copying the woman from the orange and black banned site. She used it on the plumber, and it worked. Hopefully, it worked on filthy demons too.

Judging by the way he guided her to him using her throat and parted her lips under his, it was a smashing success.

Dahlia couldn't dwell on her feeling of accomplishment as Ashemdai's forked tongue scissored her own. Her moans were swallowed by the demon as he deepened the kiss and gripped her throat even tighter. His other hand tangled in her hair and he angled her neck to him.

Scraping his fangs along the column of her throat, Ashemdai heard his voices yell at him to sink them in and feed from her.

It was a thought he entertained briefly and quickly discarded. A human would not be able to handle being his mate. Worse so, one who wouldn't even say his name. And despite his logical reasoning, a pang of hurt soured his chest and broke his focus from pleasing the woman before him.

She really was beautiful. Her full lips were swollen and wet from his kisses and her eyes reminded him of the most beautiful form of death.

On a reverent breath, he told her as much; called her beautiful in her tongue and proceeded to resume their kiss before she could respond.

As he shifted his hand to engulf her, he felt the tell-tale scratch of the bandages across her back.

"Where's the mortal?" he ground out from behind lengthening teeth.

"What?" a still aroused Dahlia answered.

"I am going to kill him. Slowly and painfully."

"I-," she started. "I don't understand what's happening right now"

"He hurt you!" He yelled as he pointed at her back. "I am going to kill him.*I ma gniog ot yalf mih evila dna dnirg sih senob otni tsud dna neht I ma gniog ot dnes mih ot lleh dna teaper eht eritne niotca lla revo niaga!"

"He didn't hurt me directly. He only ordered it. Besides, you killing him changes nothing. It will not heal my wounds any faster." Dahlia replied as she disengaged from him and began to methodically set her art supplies away.

"So what you're saying is that I am more men to kill. They lay hands on MY woman; they're going to pay. If I learnt nothing from my mother, I learnt that much."

"You mean revenge and retribution?"

"I mean kareth** Dahlia, I will punish him within a millimetre of his life only to bring him back and continue again. Better yet, I will get my sister to help me. Desmodaiya knows several thousand was to make men bleed without killing them and I need him alive for what I have planned."

A smile so cruel and vicious split his face into two and scared Dahlia, who flinched from the intensity of evil coming from it.

The demon softened in an instant.

"I will never hurt you, vashti. Not unless you consent to it. But I will not pardon the mortal, even if you ask it. He must stand penance for his crimes against you and I will see to it personally and with prejudice."

Struggling to retain his semi human form as his body hummed with infernal malice, he beckoned her to him.

Ashemdai carefully peeled the bandages from her back, inhaling sharply as he saw the extent of her injuries. As he softly stroked her wounds, he whispered,

"cnila c mine od mine alone, ol surzas de rain hellfire c priaz ds hurt g, nomig if lrasd teloc ol zir claimed."***

The promise is punctuated by soft fleeting kisses across her back, that somehow brought tears to Dahlia's eyes.

Gingerly folding her into his arms, he questioned,

"Would you let me make you some food? I make a mean scrambled egg."

"I wouldn't like it. I can't eat eggs anymore." she replied as she shivers.

"Why not?"

"When... it happened, I smelled rotten eggs. Since then, the smell of any form of eggs make me sick."

The room tilts on an axis as all the air was sucked out of it. The demon froze for a second, as still as the dead, before they are brought into Hell.

Then, suddenly, a blinding heat engulfed the couple, suffocating Dahlia as the smoke blinded her.

As quickly as it had appeared, the unnatural event ceased and when the woman looked up, her demon was gone and, again, she was alone her attic and her home.