Chapter 5

After Shun Was Sleeping, he waked Up Too Early...

"....Hmmm... It's Seen it will Rain Too" (Shun)

"As I thought, The Electricity is off" (Shun)

"It seems like I wake up early today" "When I woke up?!" (Shun)

"Oh.... It's 6 O'clock, it's too early" (Shun)

"Okay, I will browse in the Social media" (Shun)

Shun go to browse Social media afterwards, Suddenly, There's a Call From Renji...

"Oh it's Renji, but why he wants to call me at this time?!" (Shun)

'Hi" (Shun)

"Bonjour, Monsieur Shun" (Renji)

"Hi, Renji" (Shun)

"How are you?! Mesiour Shun" (Renji)

"I am Fine.... And you?!" (Shun)

"çava Bien merci, Mesiour Shun" (Renji)

"Good" (Shun)

"What are you doing now, Mesiour Shun?!" (Renji)

"You Know.... I am browsing the Social media, and you?!" (Shun)

"Ahhh... I am preparing My Bags" (Renji)

"Why?! It's too early" (Shun)

"Early for what?!" (Renji)

"Are you going to the school Today?!" (Shun)

"Oh..... My Dearly Shun, I will not go to the school today" (Renji)

"Oh, Why?!" (Shun)

"Because You know I have some works To Do Outside You know" (Renji)

"Oh and what is the works you will travel for?!" (Shun)

"Oh.... I don't know What is the kind of works I will go for it.... Really I don't know" (Renji)

"Okay... Don't Care About It... Where it will be?!" (Shun)

"Oh I Think it Will be in England or Italy I think, But Don't Worry I will be back Soon.... and you will have a great  Gift from the Great Renji but I will not tell you" (Renji)

"Haha.... Thanks" (Shun)

"How long will you stay?!" (Shun)

"I Don't Know" (Renji)

"Okay, Renji" (Shun)

"It's okay, Mesiour Shun" (Renji)

"Okay, Take Care of Yourself" (Shun)

"I will do, and take care of yourself too" (Renji)

"Okay, Good Luck, Renji" (Shun)

"Bye" (Renji)

Renji Ended The Call.....

"Well, That's Great, Renji_Kun have a Travel outside, Okay Good Luck" (Shun)

"Okay, I will go to prepare my bath for my school"

While Shun Will Begin To Prepare for the bath... Suddenly, Shun's Phone was ringing with a strange Number.

"Ohh .. a Strange Number?! What is this?!" (Shun)

"Hi" (Shun)

"Hi" (???)

"(Oh it's a Girl Voice!!!)" (Shun)

"Please, Who With Me?!" (Shun)

"Don't you know Me?!" (???)

"No Sir, Maybe it's a Wrong Number, So I am Sorry" (Shun)

"N, o No it's not Wrong, is your Name is Shun, Shunseke Shun?!" (???)

"(How Did She Know My Name)" "No, This is My Not My Real Name, and I will not Till you" (Shun)

"Oh it's okay, so you don't know Me Right?!" (???)

"No, I don't" (Shun)

"Okay, I guess There's No Way To Know Me, Okay, My Name is Aki, Kouda Aki" (Aki)

"Oh it's you Aki" (Shun)

"How are you?!" (Aki)

"I am Fine and you?!" (Shun)

"Yes I am Fine" (Aki)

"I Think That You said That the only way to contact both of us is chating only but no calling" (Shun)

"By The Way, How do you know my number?!" (Shun)

"okay I know it from the social media" (Aki)

"Good, To Hear That from you" "Okay, Why do you call me?! Is there's something that I can help you with it?!" (Shun)

"No Thanks, But I said that I and You May Go outside Today" (Aki)

"Oh.... Good to hear that, but when it will be?!" (Shun)

"Hmm... I think it will be 7 P.M Today" (Aki)

"Okay Good, it's a Good Time" (Shun)

"Haha..... Thanks" (Aki)

"I Think That You Prepared For it, am I right?!" (Shun)

"Yes, I think That" (Aki)

"Maybe it will be good" (Shun)

"I think.... Haha" (Aki)

"Where it will be?!" (Shun)

"I don't know, we will wander in the Streets" (Aki)

"Okay, it seems That it will be good" "But Where I will Wait for you?!" (Shun)

"Hmm... Do you know a private School howaito house?!" (Aki)

"Yes, I know it" (Shun)

"Okay, you will be waiting for me there okay at 7 pm, please don't be late" (Aki)

"Okay Good, I think That I am late for my school" (Shun)

"Okay you can go" (Aki)

Aki Ended The Call.....

"Huhh... Okay I will go to the bathroom to take my bath" (Shun)

Shun Rush To The Bathroom and Take His Bath and Wear His Clothes and Open The Door of the House and go.

"Shun_San is This is you?!" (Sayaka)

Shun enter his School

"Hi Shun_Kun" (???)

"Oh it's you, Kenn" (Shun)

"Hi Shun_Kun" (Kenn)

"Hi Kenn" (Shun)

"How are you?!" (Kenn)

"I am Fine and you?!" (Shun)

"Okay, I can't tell you that I am fine" (Kenn)

"Hm.... Are you okay?!" (Shun)

"Okay, it's not your business" (Kenn)

"Okay, wait a minute, don't tell me something like that, everything that is important to you so it's important to me, Did you forget?! We are Brothers" (Shun)

".... Shun_kun" (Kenn)

"Yes" (Shun)

Shun Hugs Kenn Tightly while Kenn is crying.

"Okay Tell Me What's Happened to you?!" (Shun)

"Okay, Yesterday, I and Kouji were eating our Meals, After we Finished it, We Go to Wander in the streets, Then Suddenly, Kouji was Coughing and started to be harder and harder and harder, in The End, Kouji was Coughing Blood and he was bleeding from his nose and his eyes were Red and in this situation, I can't do anything to him, I take him to the hospital, I booked a room for him in the hospital, and The Doctor Said His States and are very bad" (Kenn)

"Why?!, Why all of this?! Was He Crying or Sad?!" (Shun)

"No, On the contrary, he was laughing and glad I ate with him in his restaurant" (Kenn)

"Of course, we Must Visit Him Right?!" (Shun)

"Yes, Before His Operation Theater" (Kenn)


Okay, When it will be?!" (Shun)

"It Will Is 7 pm" (Kenn)


"Hey Shun, Are You Going To Come?!" (Kenn While he is Crying)

"Okay, I will see, Then I will Make sure of you" (Shun)

"Thanks, Shun" (Kenn)

"You Don't Need To Say Thanks" (Shun)

"Okay, Go To Your Classes" (The Bell Ringer)

Shun and Kenn Go to Their Classes.

"Hi Guys, Today we will go To The Science Lab"

Shun's Phone Was Ringing .....

"(Oh... Is this you, Aki?!)" (Shun)

"Professor Can I go to the Bathroom, Please?!" (Shun)

"Okay, you can go" (Professor)

"Thanks" (Shun)

Shun Go To The Bathroom.

"Oh My God, What Should I Tell Her Now" (Shun)

"Hi" (Shun)

"Hi" (Aki)

"Hmm.. How I can help you?!" (Shun)

"No, I Was Telling you That I am Very Very Very Happy that I Will go out With You Today" (Aki)

"(Okay, I think That This is The Perfect Time To Tell Her)"

"Okay, Look, Aki, I can't go out with you, Because My Friend in The Hospital and it's States Very Bad and his operation Theater will be Today" (Shun)

"Oh, That's Mean That I can't Go With You Today, Am I Right?!" (Aki)

"(I Know That, I Know That, I Know That She Will Break up With Me)" (Shun)

"Okay, You Can Go, But First Promise Me That You Will Go Out with Me in another day" (Aki)

"Okay, I promise That I will go out with you Even What Happened!!" (Shun)

"Okay Good, We Will See That" (Aki)

"Okay, Thank You" (Shun)

"Okay, Bye" (Aki)

"Bye" (Shun)

Aki Ended The Call.....

"Huh....Thank God" (Shun)

After The School Day is Finished... Shun and Kouji Ran To The Hospital That Kouji in It...

"Kouji, What Happened to you?!" (Shun)

"... I.... Don't.. know" (Kouji)

"Please, Tell Me What Happened to you Yesterday?!" (Shun)

"Me.... And ...Kenn were..... Eating.... Our Meal.... And.... Drank.... Our ..... Drinks..... We Were (*Coughing*) (*Coughing*)" (Kouji)

"Okay, You Don't Need To Say Something" (Shun)

"Is there anyone from your relatives or Something?!" (Shun)

Then Suddenly, Kouji Started To Cry...

"No" (Kouji)

"... Are you Crying from your....." (Shun)


"Kouji" (Shun)

"She is in the Hospital and I am The Only One That Spends The Money on..... Her (*Coughing*) (*Coughing*)" (Kouji With Crying)

"Where're your siblings?!, Can't They Spend There Money on Her?!" (Shun)

".... All.... Of..... Them..... Are Dead" (Kouji With Crying)

"Ah.... I am Sorry For Hearing That Kouji" (Shun)

"I don't.... Know What Should I do..... To Her" (Kouji)

"Look Kouji, Me and Kenn Will Take care of Here for you and We Will Work of Her, Because your Mother in your Hospital Means That This is Very Important To Us, Don't Forget Our Deal, We are Brothers" (Shun)

"..... I don't know... What I should I.... Say To..... Brothers.... Really,..... .. You (*Coughing*) (*Coughing*)" (Kouji With Crying)

"No, you don't need to say Thanks, Brother" (Shun)

Shun and Kenn Hug Kouji Tightly...

"Okay, it seems That Kouji Sleep from His Cry" (Shun)

"Yes" (Kenn)

"It seems That it's Too Late"

"Yeah Shun_Kun" (Kenn)

"You Know Kenn,... This is the first time that I see Kouji Cry" (Shun)

"Yes, Me too" (Kouji)

"Okay, You can go and Sleep in these chairs and Cover your self with this cover" (Shun)

"Okay, But you?!" (Kenn)

"Don't Care About Me.... I will Sleep here" (Shun)

"Okay" (Kenn)

"Good Night Shun_Kun" (Kenn)

"Good Night Kenn" (Shun)

Both of Them Go To Sleep...
