Chapter 7

After Shun and Kenn send the needs to Kenn's Mother. They go and Rent a House for a month.

"Are you Sure About what are you doing?! you know, it's my first Time To do Something like that" (Kenn)

"Don't worry, of course, I am not here to kidnap you, I know what I am doing now, so be quiet and watch me" (Shun)

"Okay" (Kenn)

Shun and Kenn Rented a House for a month Then They Go To Take a bit of rest.

"Okay, Since you are the leader of the idea of working for a month, Can you give me an idea too?!" (Kenn)

"Okay, Look Kenn, The Work will start from Tomorrow" (Shun)

"Okay, What we will do?!" (Kenn)

"Okay, Firstly We Must Work More Than one Work In The Day" (Shun)

"WHAT?! What The World are you talking about?! I am a human, not a robot, Okay, So Speak in a logical way" (Kenn)

"Did I complete my Speech?!" (Shun)

"No, Okay I am sorry" (Kenn)

"As I said we will Work more than one work within The Day, Secondly, Our Goal is not to spend the money on them only. We want to make them happy and want to draw the smile on Their faces even all of the Patients who are also in the hospital?!" (Shun)

"What happened to you suddenly to think like this?!" (Kenn)

"Look, I am Thinking about an Idea but I am not sure that I can do it or no

and I know that this idea is so much difficult to do this idea, so I need your help to do it" (Shun)

"I can't tell you, Even I don't know what kind of idea you want to do, even you didn't tell me your idea about what do you want to do?!" (Kenn)

"Look, I want to do an idea that I want       to make..." (Shun)

"Look!! I have an idea to get more money for your great idea" (Kenn)

"Really?! and What is it?!" (Shun)

"We will go and ask him for help!!" (Kenn)

"Ask Help From Who?!" (Shun)

"From Our Freind, The one Who can help us, in this case, is, Hirogi" (Kenn)

"Oh..... Hirogi!!! But I don't know where he is now or I don't know any news from him" (Shun)

"Don't worry, your Freind Kenn Know Where is the dumbass Hirogi" (Kenn)

"Good, Kenn Thank you, Really I don't know what I Will do if you are not With Me" (Shun)

"This is the duty of the brothers, you say it by yourself, Shun_San" (Kenn)

"Thanks, Kenn" (Shun)

Shun Hugs Kenn Tightly.

"Okay we will search on him" (Kenn)

"Okay, Let's Go" (Shun)

Shun and Kenn Ride-on Shun's Motto bike and they go ahead.

"Hey Kenn, you didn't tell me, Do You Have a Girl Freind?!" (Shun)

"Girlfriend?! Nope, I don't have any, all of my relationships failed, my first relationship was going to succeed, but  suddenly It failed, because she was sexy, and you know I don't love this type of girls" (Kenn)

"Oh....why you don't love this type of girls?!" (Shun)

".... My Parents always tell me that when I search for a girlfriend don't pick the Sexy One, And Really, I Respect Their Opinion" (Kenn)

"Oh Why They are telling you That?!" (Shun)

"Look Shun, in my opinion, Sex is not Everything I want, Yes, it's everything for else but it's a bad idea to me, I don't care if she is ugly, my important term is respecting This is all I want" (Kenn)

"It's a good Opinion, I should respect your opinion" (Shun)

"Thanks" (Kenn)

"But What Happen if you see the perfect girl?!" (Shun)

"What do you mean by the perfect girl?!" (Kenn)

"I mean ..... Cute, Beautiful, Sexy, Kind and respect" (Shun)

"Ohh..... What are you talking about?! Absolutely, I will take her" (Kenn)

"Good, now do you know where is Hirogi?!" (Shun)

"Ah... Last Time I Called Him from a Year, he told me that he Works in a Place but I can't remember the place name" (Kenn)

"Okay, Call him" (Shun)

"Oh, didn't I tell you that he changed his phone number!!" (Kenn)

"Great, Now we don't know what we will do now?!" (Shun)

"I am sorry" (Kenn)

"Okay, Now What we will do now?!" (Shun)

"Hmmm... I don't know" (Kenn)

"Okay, we Will call the Person that he gave him the Number" (Shun)

"Okay, but how do you know that the person that has his phone number, will know Hirogi or that person will be from his relatives" (Kenn)

"I guess he will be one of his relatives" (Shun)

"Maybe" (Kenn)

"Okay, call this phone number" (Shun)

"Okay" (Kenn)

Kenn Calling The Phone Number.....

"Oh, there is a big Problem Shun" (Kenn)

"What is it?!, Don't Tell me..." (Shun)

"Yes.... I don't have any balance in my phone" (Kenn)

"Ohh..... Great, now I have a person that called his Freind and he doesn't know Where is he and he doesn't has any balance in his phone, Great" (Shun)

"Sorry, Shun" (Kenn)

"Okay, I will call the person from my phone" (Shun)

"Okay, but after you finish the call..... Please charge my balance" (Kenn)

"Huh..... Okay" (Shun)

Shun Calling the person.....

"Hello" (Shun)

"Hi, how can I help you?!" (???)

"Look, Do You know a person named Hirog?!" (Shun)

"No, maybe you called the wrong person, so I am sorry" (???)

"Please, if you know him and know where is he, please tell me I need him too much" (Shun)

"No, I Don't Know Him" (???)

"Okay, Thanks, at least you Didn't ignore me, Thanks Bye" (Shun)

".....Wait..... Can you Tell Me Who are You, Please, if you don't mind?!" (???)

"Okay, I don't mind but why you want to know!!" (Shun)

"Just Tell Me Please" (???)

"Okay, My Name is Shunseke Shun, Nice To Meet You" (Shun)

"oh..... It's you Shunseke_San, I know you" (???)

"Oh...  do I know you?!" (Shun)

"Yes, yes, you know me but you don't remember me!!" (???)

"Oh..... I don't know" (Shun)

"Think a little bit" (???)

"Hmmmm.... Maybe his brother?!" (Shun)

"Yes, Yes, Right" (???)

"But Sorry, I don't know your Name" (Shun)

"Okay, My Name is Sinchi" (Sinchi)

"Okay Sinchi_Kun, May I know where is your brother?!" (Shun)

"My Brother is a math teacher in an orphan School named the Japanese orphan School" (Sinchi)

"Okay, thanks for your Information" (Shun)

"No Problem, it's okay" (Sinchi)

"Okay Bye" (Shun)

"Bye" (Sinchi)

Sinchi ended the call with Shun...

"Okay we will go to an orphan School named The Japanese orphan School" (Shun)

"Oh..... I don't know it" (Kenn)

"Okay, you will know it when you see it" (Shun)

"Okay" (Kenn)

"Okay, here we are!!!" (Shun)

Shun and Kenn Go ahead to the Japanese orphan School.....

"Okay, here it is" (Shun)

"Wow.... Amazing، I remembered it as a palace" (Kenn)

"Okay, We will go to the reception and ask about him" (Shun)

"Okay, Let's Go" (Kenn)

Shun and Kenn Go to the Reception.....

"Excuse me.... Is Hirogi here?!" (Shun)

"Yes he is there but why you want him?! Do you know him?!" (reception)

"Yes, I want him, if you pleased" (Shun)

"Okay, Please wait one second, you can sit here" (reception)

"Thanks" (Shun)

The reception goes to call Hirogi... Till Hirogi Came.

"SHUN!!!" (Hirogi)

"Hirogi, Long Time No See" (Shun)

"Yes, and you Kenn how are you?!" (Hirogi)

"Yeah.... I am fine, and you?!" (Kenn)

"Yeah I am fine" (Hirogi)

"Hirogi, I want to tell you something" (Shun)

"What is it?!" (Hirogi)

"Of Course you know Kouji" (Shun)

"Yes, I know him..... Oh yes where's Kouji?!" (Hirogi)

"Kouji..... in The Hospital" (Shun)

"What?! Why?!" (Kouji)

"I don't know, suddenly I heard that he is in the hospital and he has cancer and I don't know why?!" (Shun)

"Kenn, of course, you know what happened to him, say something" (Hirogi)

"I don't know" (Kenn)

"You don't know something?!, Okay, TELL ME SOMETHING, TELL ME SOMETHING OR I WILL BURY YOU!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!" (Hirogi Shouting)

"I don't know Nothing, I don't know Nothing, I DON'T KNOW NOTHING!!!" (Kenn crying)

"Hey.... Hirogi Calm Down, He Tells You That he don't know something about what happened!!" (Shun)


Hirogi Punches Shun in the face.

".... Did I call you to punch and SHOUT!! TELL ME NOW!!" (Shun with a serious face)

".... Sorry Guys, Sorry Kenn I was sad and mad, please forgive me" (Hirogi)

"Okay, Don't Care" (Kenn)

"Okay, What we will do in this case?!" (Hirogi)

"Okay, we will work More Than one work in the day" (Shun)

"Okay, Good" (Hirogi)

"And I want to make an Idea and Because of this idea we called you to help us in this Idea" (Shun)

"Okay and what is this idea?!" (Hirogi)

"I will tell all of you when I make sure the money is enough for my idea" (Shum)

"Okay, I am with you" (Hirogi)

"(Yes, Maybe it's my Chance), Okay, Do you know that can I take a person from here?!" (Shun)

"No, you can't, why you are asking This Question?!" (Hirogi)

"Because, I want to take my aunt's daughter, and I promised her to give her Daughter" (Shun)

"since I and the head of my job choked with him" (Hirogi)

"What you will do?!" (Shun)

"I will take her and I will give her to you" (Hirogi)

"But...." (Shun)


After Hirogi goes and take the girl and gave it to Shun.

"Why you are.... Kidnapping me, please..... Leave me alone" (Sayaka's Daughter)

"Okay, Kenn of course you know where's the house" (Shun)

"Yes, of course, leave it to me" (Kenn)

"Okay" (Shun)

Shun Take Sayaka's Daughter and go to send her to her mother...
