Chapter 15

After Shun and Kenn and Hirogi and Kouji Finished their day and each one of them returns to his home, a dawn of a new day has been raised. Shun woke up at 7.A.M Before School....

"...Maybe I woke up at 7.A.M, Okay I will call Kouji about that he will go to school today or not" (Shun)

Shun Calling Kouji...

"Hello" (Shun)

"Hello Shun" (Kouji)

"Hello Kouji, I was asking about that are you going to school today or not?!" (Shun)

"I think yes, there is nothing to stop me" (Kouji)

"Okay, see you later" (Shun)

"Yes, See Ya" (Kouji)

Kouji ended the call with Shun...

"Okay I am going to call Renji about that he returned to Japan or not?!" (Shun)

Suddenly, there is someone called Shun with a strange Number...

"Who will be this time?!" (Shun)

"Hello" (Shun)

"Hello my Shun" (???)

"Ahhhh... It's you Aki" (Shun)

"Okay, I gave you your month to pay the price of your friend" (Aki)

"Yes and I told you that we will go out after the month" (Shun)

"Yes, you told me that" (Aki)

"Yes, I promise you that we will go out today at any time you want" (Shun)

"Do you know that there will be an occasion will be on Tomorrow?!" (Aki)

"No, I don't know Really" (Shun)

"Okay, Tomorrow it will be The Day of the lovers" (Aki)

"Day of the Lovers?!..... Okay, I don't know or I forgot... So, May you make it more clear to me" (Shun).

"a day begins with the letter (v) and ended with the letter (e)" (Aki)

"a day begins with the letter (v) and ended with the letter (e)?!... Oh yes it's the valentine day.... Oh I forget completely that there is a valentine day" (Shun)

"That means that you don't love me" (Aki begin to cry)

"What are you talking about?! Of course I love you from my the deep of my heart" (Shun)

"Really?!" (Aki)

"Of course, if I don't love you..... Why I will go out with you today?!" (Shun)

"Really you love me?!" (Aki)

"Hey Aki, I love you and if I don't go out with you today, that means I don't love you, okay?!" (Shun)

"Yes, I believe you Shun" (Aki in a Shy mode while wiping her tears)

"Yes, I love you" (Shun)

"Yes, I love you too" (Aki)

"Okay, I will see you at 7.P.M" (Shun)

"Okay" (Aki)

"Bye sweat heart" (Shun)

"Bye My Shun" (Shun)

Aki Ended The Call With Shun...

"Okay I will go to school then from school to the place where I will be waiting for her" (Shun)

Shun woke up then he went to take his bath then he wears his clothes and went to school.....

Shun went to school...

"SHUN!!! HELLO SHUN!!!!" (Kenn)

"Hello Kenn" (Shun)

".... How are you?!" (Kenn)

"Fine, How are you too?!" (Shun)

"Great.... Hey, will Kouji will go to school or not?!" (Kenn)

"Yes he told me that he will go to school" (Shun)

"Great I am waiting for him" (Kenn)

"SHUN!!... KENN!!" (Kouji)

"Hello Kouji" (Shun)

"KOUJI!!!" (Kenn)

"How Are you guys?!" (Kouji)

"Fine" (Shun)

"Yes, Me too" (Kenn)

"Hmmm... Where's Hirogi?!" (Kouji)

"I know that he should be with us, but you know he is not with us in the school because his money has been finished, so he is working in an orphan School as a mathematical teacher" (Shun)

"Great, good decision" (Kouji)

The Bell ranged...

"Okay go to your classes" (the bell Ringer)

Shun and Kenn and Kouji Went to Their Classes they took their sessions till the break time has come.....

"Do you know Guys, ..... The day that I knew that Kouji in the hospital, this day was the most important day in my life" (Shun)

"Hmm..... Why?! is there is something important more than the friends, Shun?!" (Kenn)

"No, I don't mean this, I mean that there is an important thing but I didn't do it, so I left this thing and I go ahead to the hospital for you" (Shun)

"Oh... Really.... May I know what is the important thing that you left it?! Maybe this day you will eat your most favourite food... Hahahaha" (Kouji)

"The important thing was.... That I will go out with my girlfriend for the first time and I cancelled it for you and I didn't go out with her since the previous month" (Shun)

"Hahaha.... What?!!..... What did you say?!.... You left your girlfriend because of me?!" (Kouji)

"Yes that's true" (Shun)

".... Really.... Really I know that you are my best friend you and Kenn and the dumb Hirogi" (Kouji Begin To Cry)

"Hey Kouji it's okay, we are Brothers, you don't need to say Thanks" (Shun)

"Thanks, Shun, Really thanks for what do u made" (Kouji)

"Okay we must go to the class, the lesson will start" (Shun)

"Yes, let's Kouji" (Kenn)

"Okay, behind you" (Kouji)

Shun and Kouji and Kenn Went to their class till the day finished.....

"Okay, guys bye because I have work to do" (Kouji)

"Okay, I will go because of my mother" (Kenn)

"Okay bye guys" (Shun)

"Okay bye" (Kenn)

"Bye" (Kouji)

Kouji and Kenn left...

"Okay I will call her where I will stay for her" (Shun)

Shun Dialed Aki...

"Hi Aki" (Shun)

"Hi, Shun" (Aki)

"Okay where I will stay for you?!" (Shun)

"Okay wait for me in the Kichijoji Sun Road" (Aki)

"Oh... It's a little far from here" (Shun)

"Sorry because I don't know any streets than this" (Aki)

"Okay it's okay" (Shun)

Ali ended the call with Shun.....

Shun went to the Kichijoji Sun Road waiting for Aki....

"Shun_Chan!!" (Aki)

"Aki...." (Shun)

"...Shun_Chan..... Nice to meet you for the first time I see you....." (Aki)

"Aki.... You are so beautiful" (Shun)

"Really... Thanks" (Aki in a Shy way)

"Okay let's go" (Shun)

"Okay let's go" (Aki)

Shun and Aki spent a lot of fun time and they didn't regret the time they spent..... Smiling like Children, loving like the Angels, they forgot every pain they spent in each of their life....

After Shun and Aki finished Their day.... They went to sit in an empty garden at the bottom of a tree and it was at midnight... Aki begins to lay her head on Shun's shoulder and it begins to rain...

"Hey..... Shun" (Aki)

"What Aki?!" (Shun)

"Do you love me?!" (Aki)

"Yes I love you too much" (Shun)

"What you will bring for me on valentine's day?!" (Aki)

"It's not your business, I told you that I will bring you a lovely gift" (Shun)

"Yes I see, and I will bring you a very lovely gift" (Aki)

"Yes, I see" (Shun)

The weather begins to be worse than it was... And It begin to rain harder.....

"Oh.... Damn it how I will return to my home" (Shun)

"It's okay... You can go to my home for today then you can return to your home any time" (Aki)

"Really..." (Shun)

"Yes you can of course..... But sorry it's a small home at least it has a bed" (Aki)

"It's okay.... I don't care it's small or large.... It's okay.... But where it is?!" (Shun)

"Yes... It's there" (Aki)

"Okay..... Let's go or we will catch a cold" (Shun)

"Okay let's go" (Aki)
