Chapter 20

After Shun did what he want and Kouji was dead, Shun was done delighted by what he did as if he had finished fifty per cent of the trouble he will have to face in the future. Shun now is directed to his home.

"I am home" (Shun)

"Welcome Shu....., Do you wear the wedding suit only to go out?!" (Shun's Mother)

"Yes, I was having a meeting with the most important person in my life." (Shun)

"Oh, really, and who was the most important person in my life?!" (Shun's Mother)

"It was my friend, Kouji, and it was one of the best days in my life And I am wishing that Kouji was listening to me at this now." (Shun)

"Ah, okay" (Shun's Mother)

"...." (Shun)

"Okay, as you see, me and my sister and your siblings and her daughter will go to my sister's department for a week" (Shun's Mother)

"Okay" (Shun)

"Okay Shun, Tack care of yourself" (Shun's Mother)

"Okay" (Shun)

Shun's mother and her sister and her siblings and her sister's daughter left the house.

"Hey, Rin_Chan what's wrong with you?!" (Sayaka)

"I don't know what happened to Shun after the month that he went?! And I forgot to ask him what he did in this month?!" (Shun)

"Shun?! I think he is okay" (Sayaka)

"No, his smile wasn't like any smile he smiled in his life, I think there is something happened to him?!" (Shun's Mother)

"No, don't worry he is okay" (Sayaka)

"Okay" (Shun's Mother)

After this day has passed and the day has arrived.... Shun didn't sleep from what he did on this day. Suddenly, a strange number has called Shun.

"Hmmm... What is this number?!" (Shun)

"Hello" (Shun)

"Hello, Shun_San" (???)

"Who is talking?!" (Shun)

"I am Kouji's Mother" (Kouji's Mother)

"How can I help you?!" (Shun)

"Was Kouji with you yesterday?!" (Kouji's Mother)

"Yes, he was with me yesterday" (Shun)

"Okay Shun_San, yesterday he didn't return home till now, so please Shun_San, May you tell me where is Kouji?!" (Shun)

"I don't know, he told me yesterday that he won't go home" (Shun)

"Really?!" (Kouji's Mother)


"Yes, he told that yesterday" (Shun)

"Okay, sorry for interrupting Shun_San" (Kouji's Mother)

"It's okay" (Shun)

Kouji's Mother ended the call with Shun.



"Why Kouji you did this to your mother, you broke my heart" (Kouji's Mother begin to cry)

A Number is calling Kouji's Mother...

"Hello" (Kouji's Mother)

"Hello Mrs Kotori, did he tell you anything about him?!" (???)

"No Kenn_San" (Kouji's Mother begin to cry)

"I .... am sorry for this" (Kenn)

"I think he will return home" (Kenn)

"Thanks for being with me Kenn_San" (Kouji's Mother)

"It's okay, you are like my mother" (Kenn)

"Thanks" (Kouji's Mother)

Kenn ended the call with Kouji's Mother

"Where are you idiot?! (Kenn)


Kenn Called Hirogi and told him about what happened to Kouji.


"Yes, this what I know about what happened to Kouji" (Kenn)

"Really, it's a strange thing that I can't understand" (Hirogi)

"Even I don't know what he is thinking?!" (Kenn)

"Yeah, what he is thinking about?!" (Hirogi)

"Okay, bye and in about 2 hours I will search for him." (Hirogi)

Hirogi ended the call with Kenn.


Yami surprised about the absence of Kouji from his job then she called Kouji's Mother.

"Hello" (Kouji's Mother)

"Hello, is Kouji's Mother with me?!" (Yami)

"Yes, who are you?!" (Kouji's Mother)

"I am his friend at the restaurant, Yami_Chan" (Yami)

"Okay, Hello Yami_Chan" (Kouji's Mother)

"Why Kouji didn't come to the restaurant today and yesterday?!" (Yami)

"Yes, he was so tired so he said that he won't go to the restaurant" (Kouji's Mother)

"Okay Thanks for Answering the phone" (Yami)

"Welcome" (Kouji's Mother)

"May I ask a question?!" (Yami)

"Yes" (Kouji's Mother)

"What's your name?!" (Yami)

"My name is Kotori" (Kouji's Mother)

"Thanks for telling me your name Mrs Kotori" (Yami)

"It's okay" (Kouji's Mother)

"Bye" (Yami)

"Bye" (Kotori)

Yami ended the call with Kouji's Mother.

"I don't know what is supposed to mean by that Kouji_San" (Yami)


Kenn goes out to buy some home needs then suddenly he saw a group of investigators surrounded by an area talking to themselves about this crime.

"What is this?!" (Kenn)

"There is a space that I can see it, I will go to see it" (Kenn)

Kenn went to this space to see the investigators what they are talking about, Suddenly, he saw Kouji Lying on the ground suffocated by a thin string.

"Wh....!!!! What?!!! What is this?! Is this is Kouji?! This does not suppose to be done like that?!" (Kenn)

"What is this?! This is the watch that Shun always wear in his hand!! This..... No... No.... This is means that Shun Killed.... No.... No..." (Kenn)

"Hey Kid, don't mess here" (The police Investigators)

The police Investigators took Kenn from this area.

"Don't go around this area, this area is important" (The police Investigators)

"..." (Kenn astounding)

"I think that we told you, if we see you there, We will do an inquiry with you" (The police Investigators)

The police Investigators left.

"Why Shun, Why you did this, this is our friend Kouji" (Kenn)

"..... There is a paper in His pocket" (Kenn)

Kenn rush to Kouji's pocket and he picks up the paper, and the paper said "I Hate Her".

"I Hate Her?!, What is that means?!" (Kenn)

"The Watch and this paper, it makes me the sense that Shun has a girlfriend and he wants to prevent him from her, but why?!" (Kenn)

"Okay, firstly, I will call mom that I will return home later" (Kenn)

Kenn is dialling his mother to tell her that he will return late.

"Hello" (Kenn's Mother)

"Look Mom, I will return home later" (Kenn)

"No, I told you that... " (Kenn's Mother)

"MOM!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! Please Mom I told you, and I think you understand" (Kenn)

"Ah.... Yes, but... please don't return too late" (Kenn's Mother)

"Okay" (Kenn)

Kenn closed the call with his mom.

"Okay I will go to Kouji's restaurant, of course there is something I will know from there" (Kenn)

Kenn decided to go to the restaurant.

"I Swear Shun, I swear that I will discover this damned truth after that, I will make you revert for what you did!!!" (Kenn)
