Chapter 1

    The final bell for class ending rings and May, a short, pale short haired brunet walk's to her locker holding her books clutched closely to her chest. She keeps looking down to the ground and trys to make herself small in hopes she does not get noticed by Becky. One of the school infamous bullies at her highschool. Long hair to the back of her shoulder blades dyed red, tall enough to tower over may  and assert her dominance and has tattoos all on her back from the neck down. Unfortunately for her today was just not her day.

    Becky walks up from behind the short brunet is pushed into the lockers causing her to drop her books.

May: "Ack-"

Becky: "Hey, where's my lunch money?"

May: " I-in my back pocket!"

May says in fear of what the tall red head would to if she where to resist. As she say's so May puts her arm's up to guard her face as if like a small shield to protect her in case Becky wanted to beat the small brunet up after taking her money as per-usual.

    Becky reaches behind May's ass and into her back pocket takijng the money from it. After acquiring it from May's back pocket she squeezes her ass with one of her hands.

May: "!!!"

Henceforth after groping retracts herself after watching mays cute reaction from her groping her ass.

May: "Wtf"

Becky placed the money she took into her bra then winked at May.

Becky: "Thanks, cute butt by the way."

May stood there shocked and confused on wether she should be feeling embaresed or utter disgusts as she use's her hand's to cover her butt where she was just momently groped.

Becky: "Whats wrong, dont like being complimented?"

May: "I-I dont mind being complimented but... just not like that."

After responding back to the short brunet slowly bent down to pick up her books but makes sure to face her butt towards the lockers in case Becky decides to grope her ass again.

    As May bends down Becky rubs her croch in the brunet's face.

Becky: "Oh yeah thats it"

May: "Ack- Hey! We are still in school!"

May quickly picks up one of her book's and places it inbetween her and Becky's croch as a temporary barrier.

Becky: "Whats wrong with that?"

Becky smirks as she looks down at the brunet beneath her. May picks up the rest of her books swiftly then gets up and heads to her locker for the day. As May walk's to her locker a tall red head is not far off and follows behind her.

Becky: "So how about you and I get a burger later, your paying though."

May:  "No thanks. I have some studying I need to do at home."

May reaches her locker, opens it and places her book's in there usual spot. She then grab's for her bag and proceedes to close her locker.

Becky: "Who gives a shit about studying. How about hot dog's and donut's then?"

Becky smirks after stating her request suspiciously.

May: "I care and maby next time.I really dont want my grades to slip again after our last 'outing'."

Becky: "I dont have anywhere better to be so i'm just going to keep bugging you till you give in."

May heads to the exit of the school and starts walking home. As she walk's Becky is still following right behind.

Becky: "Who the fuck said you could leave, I was talking to you."

May tries to ignore Becky's demand and picks up her walking pace a bit as she heads home. The tall red head catches up and pushes the brunet into an alley.

Becky: "Whats the hurry?"

May hits her back against the wall as she was pushed.

May: "Hey! I-its nothing. Im not in a hurry. Im just walking home."

May try's to slide her way past Becky and out of the alley way but all was in vain after the tall red head blocks May in.

Becky: "If your not in a hurry then why did you speed up?"

Becky slowly gets a erection in her shorts and mumbles under her breath.

Beacky: "Damit the fighters always get me hard."

May looks away in a nother direction and trys not to notice Becky's erect cock.

May: "So I dont end up in this kind of situation."

May say's with her face slightly flushed. Becky takes the brunet's hand and places it in her erect cock buldging threw her shorts.

Becky: "Well you did, now I need some help calming my 'little' gal down."

Becky rubs her buldge againts May's hand.

May: "... do I have to?"

Becky: "Yes you do, now either get on your knees and suck it, drop your bottoms and let me fuck you or both."

May stays silent for a moment deciding on what choice she should choose to rest her fate in. When she comes to a conclusion she lets out a sigh and get's on her knees in front of the red head. May places her bag to the side and mentally prepares herself for what she is about to do to her bully in a alley way. She faces Becky once more and undoes her shorts. She slides them down along with her underwear to only expose her fully erect cock. Once her cock is freed from her shorts it 'fling's' out and hit's may in the face.

Becky: "You look nice with my cock in your face."

May ignores Becky's comment for a moment and begins to stroke the top of the red heads cock as she examen's how huge it is now really in front of her. After examining how huge it is the brunet licks the side of the base all to way to the tip, then slides Becky's erect cock into her mouth. May begins to slowly bob her head up and down  Becky's shaft trying to take in as much as she can into her mouth.

Becky : "Mmm hell yes."

Becky starts thrusting into May's mouth.

May: "Mmpf-!"

Becky grabs hold of May's head and thrust's her cock deeper into the small brunet's mouth eventually goin in ball's deep. May gag's for a moment befor Becky's cock reached further in the back of May's throat.

Becky: "You like my Big cock in your throat bitch?!"

May trys to give her an answer in response but when trying to use her voice only manages to excite Becky more. She begins to thrust her cock in and out of May's throat harder and fasyer than ever befor. May grips the sides of Becky's shorts tightly as the red head continues to thrust their cock deeply into the brunet's throat.

Becky: "The faster you make me cum the faster you get to go home and study."

May: "Mmp-"

After a couple of more minutes of Becky thrusting in and out all the way into May's throat. The small brunet jaw begins to hurt but she puts up with it and trys to make Becky cum as soon as possible.

Becky: "Alright stop. This just isn't enough for me anymore."

She pulls her cock out of May's mouth, turns the brunet around and pinned her against the alley way wall. As May was pinned against she tryed desperately to break free from Becky's grasp in fear of what is going to happen next. The tall red head grabs hold of the back of May's neck making sure she stays in place.

Becky: "Dont make me rape you, now either slide down your pants or I will rip them off of you and you will go home in nothing but your underwear."

May hesitates at first but slowly unbottons her pants. As Becky loosens her grip May slides down her pants aling with her underwear. After doing so she puts her ass out towards Becky.

Becky:  "Oooh so we are doing anal?"

She rubs the tip of her cock slowly yet roughly againts May's asshole and pussy. The brunet lets out a low moan suprised as she is rubed up against. Becky lets out a smirk across her face as she slowly pushes her tip into May's ass.

May: "!! It hurts.."

May says under her breathas she try's to hide her pained filled expression. The red head hears the brunet wince in pain and pulls out. She then sticks her tip into May's pussy.

Becky: "That better?"

May is shocked for a moment then attempts to "persuade" Becky to the best if her ability to not put her huge cock inside of her.

May: "Oi- don't you dare! You can do anything else but not this!"

Becky raises a eyebrow up in curiosity.

Becky: "Why? Its not like your a virgin or anything like that right?"

May stay's silent for a moment as the red head grins ear to ear from May's response.

Becky: "Oh? It seems like I just learned something good~"

Becky then shoves her erect cock into May's pussy making her take it all the way in inch bt inch. While Becky shoves her cock in some blood trinkles down from May's pussy from the suddenly stretching her out and have the brunet's pussy take the shape of her masive cock. After what felt like a eternity in hell for May, Becky cock manages to make it ball's deep in May's tight pussy.

May: "Nnnh...."

Becky: "You like my big cock in your pussy dont you? I'll make it so your pussy is only accommodated to only my cock and no one else's. I will make sure your pussy can never be satisfied be anyone else and only by me~"

May: "S-shut up"

May couldn't her any more of Becky's words.

Becky: "Fucking make me you slut!"

Becky starts thrusting hard and deep into May as a result of back talking. May uses one of her hand's to cover her mouth to keep in what little moans come out of  her from being heard if a passerbyer comes by in the alleyway. The tall red head let's out some groans of pleasure here and there as she thrusts into May. The red head soon notices May covering her mouth to prevent her from moaning,  she leans down and speaks next to Mays ear.

Becky: "We can go back to your place or mine and you can be as loud as you want May."

May shakes her head no resists the urges to let out any of her moan's.

Becky: "Why not? Mommy andd daddy home or something?"

Becky picks up her pace as she thrust into May.

May: "Nngh- yeah. At least my mom is by now."

Becky: "Oh, so she like girls too? Then lets go and we can have ourselves a threesome."

May: "N-no she has a boyfriend. "

Becky: "Well shit"

Becky places her hands on May's waist and makes a few more deep thrusts into mays pussy, she then releases her hot load deep within her without any warning.

Becky: "F-Fuck!"

May could feel some of the red heads hot load leak out from her as she holds her waist down, finnishing her climax.

May: "Shit"

Once the brunet's insides are filled to  the brim with cum she can't help but feel some sort of pleasure after she gets creampied to the brim. Becky releases her grasp on May's hips and slowly pulls out her cock no longer corking the rest of the cum having the rest of it leak out of the brunets pussy and down her inner thighs.

Becky: "Fuck that was fun, were doing that again tomorrow"

As the red head watches the cum drip down May's inner thighs she strokes her cock and releases a nother load on the brunet's ass. When she finnishes Becky places her cock back into her shorts. The short brunet leans against the alley wall panting and trying to come to her sense's on what happend. After regaining her sense's she slides one of her hands down and wipe away the cum driping down in between her theigh's. To May's suprise as she is wiping herself "clean" she finds Becky squatting down behind her watching.

Becky: "Hot"

The brunets cheeks turn a tinted red as she hurries to finnish "cleaning" herself.

Becky: "What?"

May:  "Its nothing.."

May finnishes wiping herself and pulls up her pants along  with her underwear. After pulling them back up Becky hands the short brunet her bag.

Becky: "I'll see you tomorrow May"

Becky kisses may on her lips as May takes her bag back. As the red head kissed May she is shook tinto utter disbelief that her highschool bully, the one that just stole her first time in the back of a dirty alley way also just took her first kiss. After all the things they have done together alone, the red head has never kissed her befor that moment.

    After handing over May's bag back to her and giving her a kiss on the lips Becky turns and leaves going back to who know's where.

   May touches her lips that where just moments ago linked to Becky's in disbelief. Within moments afterwards she wipes her lips with her sleeve with a complete blushing face as red as a tomato.

May: "Ugh.."

Finnishing wiping ler lips May begins to hurry and make her way home to lessen the time she is stays out longer than she already has been and to be questioned by her mother later.