Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick-
All sound besides the clock felt as if wrung out. I could barely hear the water splash and even less feel its warm touch upon on my skin.
… I am real, right?
-"You're beginning to feel comfy, I see.. enjoying that hairless body, eh? Ouh, and that porcelain-pale skin..." Leo smiled in displeasure as one does when faced with discomfort but didn't want to openly admit to it, yet. Neither did the brunette want to admit who this other person was but would have to, eventually. -I mean, how does one run from their own spiegelbild? A deep sigh of exhaust exclaimed softly from within. A fading breath.
-"Guess you caught up to me, at last.. I couldn't miss you if
I was the only person left on this planet-" A devilish smile from counterpart:
-"True-true, for you would end your life than to face the reality of being alone again, right?"
… he was right, Leo knew that. Blankly staring at himself, that wet wall's reflection, mind gave speech to the mirroring. Indeed, it had been the darker side of Leo, the one he thought had withered in Necropolis.
-"So long as you're there, I will probably have to keep up with those thoughts,
so.. yeah, you're right."
-"Well, I'm you, so quit trying to blame someone else who's non-existent"
-"Whyyyy won't go already?! I just had the most beautiful day of my life a- and-"
-"-and here you go ruining it again. ...That's what you and I do best, after all…
Right after having had a blast, we go thinking that 'happiness can't last forever, so why become happy in the first place'…", a scoff, "I'm right, am I not?"
Leo's stare was enough affirmation, or rather was it how his sweet eyes became sharpened at the truth being told face to face. A deep sigh. Finally, he could hear the water's rush again.
-"Right, I guess you're right. I've always been the pessimist-" "Don't lie." "What? What're yo-"
-"We're weren't always pessimists, Leo. Nonono hehe, we became like this ever since the church-"
"Please- don't.. bring the church up." Another scoff. "Well, I can't force you to deal with our past, but you eventually gonna have to deal with it." "Mmm. I know, I know.." "For example looking at your own body would make for a good first step, wouldn't it?"
The third scoff came out of Leo's mouth.
-"As if I wanna see that. A body covered in scars, bruises and the like. I don't wanna see that. No one should have to see that-" "Ray's gonna eventually see that-" "Why would you-"
"- say that? 'Cuz it's true, dammit!", laghter. The brunette avoided looking into the reflection's eyes which he knew couldn't save him from the voice. "Aww, getting flustered, are we? Don't tell me you're not interested in him doin-" "Of course I am! Ahhhh...", the brunette went on his knees, face red and down.
The mirror remained silent, awaiting words to be spoken from his counterpart. Waiting, until:
-"do you think I deserve to live again..?", his rose lips gave a hint of insecurity.
-"oh boy.. This again, eh? … Technically speaking, you're asking yourself this question, so
you're essentially attempting a polarisation here. Me being the pessimistic side and you-"
-"being the optimistic side but whenever you're talking to me it feels like I'm the negative one.
I'm still that same old kid who got bullied for being different." A smile. "If you wanna think like that, then go ahead, I won't stop you. Though.. should you feel like it's too much, just switch with me.." Pairs of eyes locking.
-"Oh, but you won't allow yourself to switch, right? You know exactly what I would do, so you better work hard on maintaining that lovely happy side of yours. Be a little more grateful and have more confidence to love yourself"
Tears ran down, yeah I could clearly feel my body reacting to this conversation with my self.
I really should be more grateful to what I have now. I don't think it's quite the norm to come back from death, and be greeted with that person you cherished the most to welcome you back into life.
-But then again, when did I ever try to fit into the norm? Never really now, right? I was always a bit odd, ever since a kid.. God, I might be the reason mother left, after all.. Oh- Hold on, that could be what dad would want to talk to me about.. -Yikes, honestly, not the topic I'm psyched to talk about.
… Alright.. I need to focus.. this is the real world, the true reality, but since I didn't really exist before I shouldn't be- No. Wouldn't make sense, since dad's considered to be King right now, anyway.. So does that mean I possess no Willpower? Have I lost it all? My power..?
My eyes flicked up over to the shower head. The water just flowed. It kept flowing steadily outward, dropping, falling onto me and the floor. I wanna try to make it stop. That should be simple enough, I've done harder things a year ago.. soo why won't the water stop..? Heart rate increasing.
-"Happiness is temporary, after all" Shut up. I don't need that pessimistic attitude right now.
Stop. Stop flow-ing. The water kept running and so did the doubts. Could this actually be?
-"And after happiness, doubt and angst will rise again. Comfort is the enemy, after all-"
Could you go away, please?! "You know.. if you can't do it, then let me try-" I won't switch. With. You. The reflection's smile grew hideously dark and obscene. He knew fully well that he was capable of stopping the water flow. Hell, he wouldn't have to think about it as much as I did just now. "Maybe that's what dad wanted to talk about" He was right, I had the same thought actually.
Sometimes it's terrifying to think about how that person is just another me. I don't think anyone would get so close to me if they knew what I could be like. "And yet. Lookie here! We have found just that person who was willing to stay despite it all." Well, Ray doesn't know that side of mine, yet. There! The water stopped and I smiled a little.
It was returned by the very same gesture. "Nicely done" Yeah, somehow thinking of him relaxed my nerves and gave me the courage I needed. Although now it seemed like my Will was weakened by a lot- "You still managed to beat water" -And I will beat you.
A surprised look on his was just what I had wanted for he was the dominant one in this conversation the whole time. To shock him a little felt like making sure that I was in control and not him.
I'm stronger now because of Ray. Turning around before sliding the door open to get out already I-
-"Then don't keep him waiting, silly. The supposed clock you've been hearing for the last couple of minutes was nothing but Ray knocking on the door..", … oh? oh shit … ,"waiting to be let in.."
Ughhhhh… -"Ray! I'm sorry I took a little longer than expected!"
At least tell him once you're out of the shower room?
"Gimme a few more minutes! I'll get dressed real quick-" Hopeless, that boy..
The father had now been alone again now. Having wished the boys a good day he himself would stay a little longer inside the manor before heading out, as well.
-"Is something to your displeasure, Mr. Roseblood?", a servant of years of utmost loyalty and deepest respect for the king asked. It is important to note that all servants wanted to become what they are now out of own will. If just one them had been forced into this position, Jack could never forgive himself for taking away another's freedom. He matched her calm tone when replying:
-"You're exceptionally sharp as always." Smiles were exchanged, smiles which could have replaced hours of conversation with a single movement of the lips.
-"I'm grateful to have someone alike you watching over me shoulder and over our
home while I'm out."
-"Your praise is too high, I thank you.", she gave a slight bow for she remembered Jack telling her there was no need for such strict formalities. It was also remarked that she should forget about the stereo-typical concept of masters and servants and be more casual about it.
-"Actually, there is something bothering me, Nella."
-"What might that be..?"
-"Shanna told me that she had informed Leigh about Leo's condition.
She told me Leigh would be here by yesterday, as well."
-"Are you thinking that something bad might have happened to her?"
A blank moment of consideration of what might have been the reasons. Jack was a fast thinker,
and alike wine he got only more refined over the years.
-"Well, I certainly hope that's not the case.. yet the bad will forever follow after the good,
I'm afraid", leaning back in his chair, still he was awaiting his guests to come out of their rooms. A sip of tea. His eyes couldn't help but wander to the last page of the newspaper which lied on the table. Curiosity was sparked in interested eyes. 'The Hunting List' it was.
10.800.000 Ȼ - Jack Roseblood
8.000.000 Ȼ - Rosh G. Renwick
5.500.000 Ȼ - Christopher Blackwood
(For each head, excluding Ray B. and Christopher B.) 2.500.000 Ȼ - The Blackwoods
8.000.000 Ȼ - Tharius
(For each head, excluding Tharius) – 1.500.000 Ȼ – Tharius' Band
6.800.000 Ȼ - Amaris Layla
5.550.000 Ȼ - Shanna Layla
(For each head, exlcuding Amaris L. and Shanna L.) 2.000.000 Ȼ – Layla-Tribe Members
7.500.000 Ȼ - Katherine Godsent (Do not kill this target)
4.850.000 Ȼ - Ray Blackwood
3.900.000 Ȼ - Rico Vega
5.000.000 Ȼ - Morio M.
(For each head, exlcuding Morio M.) 1.000.000 Ȼ – Members of the M. Assassination Group
7.500.000 Ȼ - Godsent Lucifer Leigh (Do not kill this target)
6.500.000 Ȼ - Cherry Renwick
1.000.000 Ȼ - Satanael Leo Roseblood
10.000.000 Ȼ - Rex Sentus
As his eyes concluded what was to be found the ceramic left his lips before emitting a soft sigh. "How very peculiar", he thought to himself, running the tips of his fingers against the strong hair of his beard. Another curious look at the name of his son who was thought to be dead. Yet, if presumed to be dead why have his name on the list? "Do they want his body just that much..?" Another voice cut sharply into his thought of train. "My, my. You are leading yet again, Mr. Roseblood" His gaze was guided by words to the name on the very top. "Commonplace", he remarked simply, "The WM wanted me dead ever since my teenage years- But, no. It is more interesting that have Leo's name on here.. See, here", he handed her the paper. Elegantly she accepted the offered papers and adjusted her glasses accordingly. By her head tilting further down to find the name in question Jack realized her statement just now was pure guess but still very much correct. The last page of the newspaper was always saved for the World Military's Hunting List. As compensation to have their advertisement the WM would give out donations to various newspaper companies; and as it seemed, Londinium was no exception to that. "Oh dear..", she whispered. "It's certainly strange", Jack added. "I don't mean to alarm you, my king, however I must propose that you ready yourself for potential battle" He calmed her rattled mood by a showing of his hand, so as to say "I will forever protect Londinium and its people"
-"Do you love me?"
-"Will you protect me?"
-"Will you stop writing, then?!"
-"Commonplace", he answered plainly, clearly unfocused whilst having his love stare at him. His fountain pen continued its fashion of moving feverishly upon the paper as wind blasted through various strands of hair.
-"Leigh, my dearest?", finally stopping to meet with a pair of angered golden eyes. She said:
-"I-", biting her tongue due to the carriage hitting a rock at such unfortunate timing- "Careful, there..!" His arms reached out quick enough and caught her gladly. "Thank y-", she couldn't finish. They had to duck to avoid bullet which removed the cloth from the wooden vehicle. Dark became light and sighted were none other than World Military forces. The wind danced though Leigh's white hair. Her sharp eyes sprung in quick manner: North, East, South and West – Yup, they were still there, all good and healthy with guns pointed at our heads. Her hand wrapped around the katana's dark handle, tightened grip to draw forth the magnificent work of her aunt's blacksmithing- "I wouldn't be so rash" -"Rash? How so..?", I asked albeit knowing fully well he'd come up with an answer as rational as ever. "If you were to kill them all, we wouldn't be able to gain anything from this. The very least we should get is information as to why a) we're being chased and b) why we had a little double agent at our dojo" -'Seemed like he knew he was going to persuade me into not killing them, after all. His keen smile gave away just how certain he was with his plan all along but I didn't realize earlier than after it had actually happened.. I sighed, then moved my hand away from the handle. "It would have been rash, you're right. ...i'm sorry" The moment I finished my sentence I heard his writing stop for good. "Oh my.." "What..?" "Those words are rather seldom for your tongue-" "Oh, shut your mouth, I-" "-dodged a bullet there" "Literally, though" All the horses galloped faster after the shot. Through mud and grass, over incline and decline. Closer, he got to Leigh's ear so that the enemy wouldn't hear a single whispered word. Hands covered lips' motion:
-"we're lucky. up ahead, there's one of the few forests in this area closing in on us"
-"they could just bypass it, though. having us surrounded like this, it's them who steer our direction, not us"
-"oh, but they want to get to london as much as we do"
-"oh, do they?", her irony shined through-
-"think about it, my dear. The shots they have fired up until now were easy to dodge, too, without the usage of will. They simply want to us to think they're after us cornered, yet they are not really out for our blood but the king's" Her eyes widened, a few soldiers noted that.
-"so they'll use us as hostages? that's why they keep missing from even such short distances?"
-"very much so… and going through that forest will benefit them for reaching destination faster, yet it will ,as well, benefit us.." She raised a brow in response and Cherry lifted his hand to speak more clearly.
-"The Layla-Tribe has prepared an ambush in that forest" Lips were read by the soldiers.
This chance was too rare. If word was true, this meant the WM could get Leigh, Cherry, Jack and the whole of the Layla-Tribe all in one day. Plans seemed to change in their minds. Cherry coughed loudly. "Are you alright?", Leigh supported Cherry's body but he simply smiled for things were going in his favour. "I'm alright, don't worry.. It's like I said, Death draws nearer every day for me" These words painted more of a saddened than concerned impression in her face, which naturally made him apologize. "I didn't mean to say that… I'm sorry, Leigh." "… I'll make sure to find something against that curse." "… Leigh… " "I don't know what I'll do if I were to lose you- I- I don't want to imagine it..." "Oh, you'll be fine on your own. You're the strongest person I know and the only person I'll have gotten to love"
A whistle of impression by one of the soldiers. -Cherry tipped his cap to them.
The forest drew nearer as greenery ran beside them. It was only one more minute before entering, horses legs filled with strength pushed and pushed forward, a few leaves danced throughout the air which seemed to only get stronger with the darkening sky. And it was not long after that until the first few drops of rain started to fall upon the earth's surface. Here it was. The forest's trees would not permit their current formation to pass as they were, so instead, they opted to form a line, two in front and two behind the couple's carriage. Tension build up. The blue soldiers knew the strength of the Layla-Tribe. The tree's crowns stole what little light would have shone through the clouds making it harder to see. Those countless roots were hard to avoid with a carriage as big as theirs but thankfully they would not be the ones to stay on it for much longer. "Where's the Laylas?" "Oh they won't be coming" ? "What do you mean-" Her question was answered as soon as Cherry slowly pulled out the cold iron chain. "I see.. a trick, huh?" No reflection which would give the enemy notice of the next move for it was too dark; an advantage used well. Rain poured down now. Unlike in battle the chain was used to capture those on horseback as one would have done with a lasso. The one in front of them was taken then as a hostage, according to one of the first things they learn the WM's soldiers were naturally not going to shoot one of their own, so the next one of them was captured until- Bullets. Poorly aimed ones. As she placed her hand yet again on the handle, Cherry stepped afore her, whipping the iron chain to scare the horses. Right a few millimetres afore the animal's eyes the chain snapped causing for enough shock to make it trip and lastly fall. Oh, but the soldier wouldn't be done with just there, no. Dragging him for a short while, tied by the chain, along the dirt and mud, the last of the four would easily surrender himself. He had thrown his weapon over his shoulder. Both were brought onto the carriage. Leigh finished tying them up with spare ropes, whispering to them: "Speak one word and I'll cut your tongue"
-"Oh well would you look at that!", Cherry tapped her on the shoulder to share this with her-
Light rays. The end was coming. The smell of wet dirt was vanishing. Mud-stained horse legs were carrying the weight of the animal itself and Cherry. Next to him was Leigh, also riding one of the WM's horses. "You tricked me!", she exclaimed, sounding admiring. "I did have to, excuse me." He made use of me. By telling me that the Layla-Tribe was actually gonna be there, he had the certainty of my expectation, as well as the WM's. It was well thought out, and in such short time, as well, he managed to turn the tables. WM behind them ,their bemoaning was ignored with ease and weapons destroyed by Will.
-"I don't think I could have pulled that off" "What makes you say that?" "..Well, I'm not- Well, I'm smarter in battle, I guess" "But see? You've got be beat there. Hell, you even surpassed Master Rosh within one year's training, Leigh" I can't deny I still felt somewhat dissatisfied with myself after his praise. Maybe it was just me feeling sad about his condition… and whatnot or.. having to rely on him so much when he's clearly nearing his limits… God, … screw this, I won't let it happen.
Fuck, I really shouldn't feel this way. Be more mature, come on. But of course there would be no end to struggle. Humans have to struggle until they meet their maker… How bothersome, at least it's easier to live if you've got someone to love. My head turned over him. His confident face, overseeing the lands, his sharp mind- I couldn't bear it any longer. "..Leigh?" From horseback she stood on, jumped right over to him. A loud neigh. "Aye, what made ya do that?" "..simply you", she answered and leaned forward to bury her face in his neck. "I really don't want to tear down the atmosphere you're building up, but I don't want to see you catching a cold. Plus, there also seems to be enemy back-up, so do forgive me if I-" A light kick of the foot was followed by a growl of the sky. Speed increased, however so did the rain and the new soldiers' horses. "Blues again, it seems", he murmured, "Aaaand Londinium's right over there, right?", Leigh's index finger pointed over to a city of encircling structure. "Very much so- Leigh, my dearest would be so kind as to shake off our pursuers in a fashionably kind way?" "Oh, why of course- allow me, my love. I'll teach these bloody bastards some proper manners" -Cherry snorted into laughter, kicking the horse unintentional, making it go yet faster.
The white-haired stood, guns pointed at her head but knowing they wouldn't shoot, she didn't bother thinking about dodging any bullet-shells. Her fingers pointed at them as a blade would do, counting. How curious. The sky growled. Someone who has experienced this particular Godsent in battle afore would be wise to tuck their tail and run home for- "SHOOT" Her brows sprung up, pupils shrunk, before they would fire their guns at her to block, they would have to deal with her shots first: Lightning. So bright it blinded their horses making them trip and fall. By Will she managed to control this phenomenon so that only the enemy horses would be blinded. Their own were doing fine and running, distancing themselves further and further from the enemy pursuers. "She didn't kill..", Cherry thought to himself with a satisfied smile. "Still will have to get used to this..", she sat back down. "It's great to see how much you've grown.. Might not notice it but the air around you now gives off a maturer vibe" "...So you like older women, after all?" He tipped his cap: "I like none other than you-" She punched his shoulder. They chuckled-
"Oh my, oh my.." "Ain't this wonderful.. haven't seen a sight like this in ages.."
The sun shone beautifully through cloud and thinned rain, blessing the meadows afore the destined city. Illuminating all the flora in its highest colours. Strokes of wing behind them, and there, a little in the distance yes, but the long line of dragged behind smoke verified it. A train was on its way to Londinium, as well. "Ready up, boys!", Cherry shouted, head turned to their hostages, "Ya'll got an audience with King Jack Roseblood!", Leigh finished.
"YEOW", exclaimed the brunette. "There, there..", the piecer held the needle firmly- "Why's it hurt so much?" "Aww, sweetie, Most customers don't feel anything, really", she commented. He's definitely become less tolerant to pain, that I've noticed. Calling back to when Leigh almost decapitated him and he didn't even flinch. "You can use Will, right? Just suppress the pain", she pulled out the needle to insert the accessory Ray had chosen for Leo. I'm afraid he can't really use his Will right now, right? "I would, but I sorta have a little trouble using my it.." Mmm I was right, after all, snapping my fingers wasn't what made his magenta orbs look at me, no but the vanishing of his pain. "You feelin' better now?", I asked in a calm voice. Wiping the small tears away, he spoke: "Yes, thank you, Ray" The piercer chuckled: "You guys are cute.. here", handing the brunette a hand mirror. A few seconds of silence.. yeah those were enough to make me think twice. Did he not like what I picked..? "Uhm.. sh- I- uh, I'm sorry… it was originally a flower but I thought I'd make it into.. a St. Peter's Cross" "I like it, tho" "I'm sor- Wha-" "Yeah, I think this looks really nice, thank you, Ray", he stood up, walked over for me to see it on his ear. GOD he had me really nervous.. There it was, a golden, upside-down cross. "you look absolutely beautiful", I let my words move on their own- "Hate to be the spoilsport here, pals, but I've got other customers waiting!" Well, that was our cue to leave. We thanked her for her work and then left the small shop filled with posters of rock bands, cold drinks to crack open with your mates and the air of comforting broken hearts.
London's air was cool but the sun was out, shining, the boys hadn't anticipated to meet friends they hadn't seen in a year when they made their way back to the manor. Greeting the cheered up spirits of the citizens, the streets were as busy as ever. Running errands, going after the day to pursue diverse passions. The school bell rang in a cheery tune, probably announcing break, I thought. "Did ya go to school?" "Oh, I did, I did", the brunette twirled his finger around the golden cross hanging onto his right ear lobe, "But not for long and I disliked it very much, you know? Bullies and all that.. What about you?" "Actually nope, didn't attend it for even a single year." His brows came together for a short moment: "But you're really smart-" "Ahh, I wouldn't say so- but I was homeschooled, actually.." "Ah, so that's why you know a buncha stuff" "Yup-Yup, still not smart, however.." "My father has a big library, don't know if you've wandered around the manor while I was out cold but there are lots of hard books in there" "Philosophy, I assume", Ray stated, "Speaking of philosophy- You have a lot of philosophical moments, you know that?"
? Chuckling: "I just speak my mind, really" "And that's all it takes..", I smiled heavenward. Leo didn't realize his owngenius. He was first to figure out we lived in a faked reality. If anyone should be called smart, it should most definitely be him. After all, most people go about their lives without ever wondering what really defines their purpose of doing their things. And then… they die. I don't fall into that category, dying without knowing life, being a slave to traditional ways to go about life.. and I just know that Leo won't be falling into that category too.
Door's opened
"Good day, We're back!" "Why are there horses in front of the house..?"
"Cuz we used them to get here!" "Indeed, we did"
"Aren't horses a little old-fashioned, tho?" "Why not use a car?"
"You have a license, Ray?" "I certainly don't own one but that doesn't mean I can't drive"
Once they arrived in the living room it was friends reunited again. Saying we were stunned was an understatement- "Who would have thought..", the blonde said with a steadily growing smile, "The last time I saw you two was at the war!" The tall blonde came over to them, revealing the brunette behind him. Her golden orbs smiled at him, there he was. "It's been a while", her casual words, chin resting in her palm, elbow on the table, sitting next to Jack and Cherry, yes, Ray's Blackwoods were finally up, as well. Leo returned the smile: "I'm happy to see you" "I'm getting left out already!", tipping his cap, Cherry poured another round of tea while the lot was laughing and sun shining. "I see you all are awake finally", the blonde sat down, "Yeah, yeah, save it, cowboy, you have to understand... We had been in UKR longer than you have. -Well, at least most of us, but my point is that the beds here are *godly* compared to the ones in prison", M. responded. "Yeah, that's true, can't blame you for sleeping in that long, then..", Ray pulled back the chair next to him a little for Leo to come and sit. With a bit of overcoming that invisible wall, he took his first steps forward.
Dark clouds within his bright mind, he was bothered yet again:
-"Leave me alone, you had your fun this morning"
-"Oh, but you'd be so lonely without me.. Don't lie to us.."
-"Come now.. do you really think all these people are to be trusted? That they're your friends?"
-"...Unlike you.. I have friends, people that care for me, so really, you're the lonely one, not me"
-"… Hmm, if you say so, haha- I'll always be here if you want to switch, Leo, Leo, Leo!"
-"Leo, are you okay.?", Ray asked me with a concerned look forming in his eyes. -Dammit, I need to be more careful about spacing out randomly like this. "Yeah, I'm.. fine", right after sitting down next to him I was offered a glass of water, whispering "thank you.." "it's all good, but are you sure you don't want to rest a little more?", he whispered back to me whilst the other voices and talks were covering our own. "nono no, don't worry about it" "i'll worry about you 'cause i love you" Ugh, avoiding eyes contact didn't hide my blush. "by the way", I started, "do you like.. your outfit..? i thought it'd look good on you-" "of course I like it, I think it suits me much more than all that formal getup" "really? i think you looked really hot in that-" "Ayo?!" All were staring at the two lovebirds. A few seconds of silence it took for Ray to finally break the awkwardness by clearing his throat and slamming one palm onto the table: "Anyways lads, how is the stock market?", putting his hands together and placing them onto the surface afore his chest. Everyone was baffled but laughed, snorted away at this unexpected comment. Even the servants and tied up soldiers on the floor next to the table showed signs of not holding back. Regardless of that however, he was most thankful for the shifting of the topic, taking a sip of water, thinking: "..Things like this are good. It's comfy.."