Chapter I: The meeting

Prison Guards then pulled the doors to the hole and a prisoner got up. Then they cuffed him. Then they brought him up to the protected wing.

As they took off the cuffs he asked, "Is he here?"

"Yea, his is in the yard Sam. But his legal team got him off on a technicality. So he is getting out tomorrow morning.

And he is highly protected. But I can get you two hours," replied Norman, Correctional Lieutenant.

He nodded and they let him out into the yard. There was a man seated in the yard reading the Nigerian Sentential.

The man's picture was on the front page with the headline "Blackwell Group of Companies NASDAQ stock price jumps significantly under David Blackwell's hand"

As the man read Sam said, "Harvard University MBA in Event & Entertainment Management at age 8, Rhodes Scholar at age 12 with an MBA in Business Management."

Then you became the CEO of Blackwell Industrial UK Limited.

Then at age 14 you gained an Emmy and an Academy Award for the Far Cry Movie. It kicked started Blackwell Productions Group.

And then you took over Blackwell Industrial Group and negotiated the merger with Star Electronics Group.

Then it birthed Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited. And your father died before he could see the legacy of his sons. Your brother, Michael Blackwell, is the Executive Chairman Blackwell Group of Companies."

The man put down the newspaper and a man pulled a screwdriver.

Then he asked, "Everything OK Mr. Blackwell?"

"I am fine. I am just chilling with my friend Samson. You guys can take a hike," replied Jonathan to him.

With that the men went and Samson sat down.

Then he said, "I am Everton Samson."

"I heard you wanted to meet me. And you went through a lot to get a meeting. When someone is that curious I have to honor them. And I can't find you anywhere on my files or connections. It is like you don't exist.

Someone of your status shouldn't be on a 45 year prison sentence. So what do you want," Jonathan quickly asked him.

Samson then said, "You are not very friendly for a man who beat up the King of the Niger Kingdom. And I hear you were trying to kill a girl who is pregnant for you."

"The press never gets the full story. But it's in the past. Tomorrow I get out and then I go from there," replied Jonathan to him.

Samson exhaled and said, "I have a way for you to get Blackwell Industrial Group back and stop Davidson International Inc. But I can't get out of here and I am tired of been enemies with the Davidsons."

"The enemy of my enemy is a great friend in some situations," asked Jonathan to him.

"You are in here because of the Davidson family and your mother. A long time ago she and my business partner screwed me over. I lost my family and ended up here. And now you and I are in the same boat.

So maybe we can help each other out. You tell me your story and then you will learn how we connect. Then we go from there," replied Samson to him.

Jonathan exhaled and said, "It is a long story. This one started when I was 8 and I am 38 so we have 30 years to cover."

Samson exhaled and got a bottle of Vodka out of his Jacket with two glasses.

Then he said, "We are stuck in prison with a lot of time. I still have 25 years to go and you have 24 hours in here."

Jonathan then said, "Let's go back to my cell."

Samson nodded and then they went to Jonathan's cell. There he got ice for the drink and then sat in his recliner chair.

Samson whistled and said, "You get an A for designing Prison Cells."

"Thank you! I tried my best with my Interior Decorating degree," replied Jonathan to him.

Samson sat down and grabbed a glass. Then he drank some of the scotch and exhaled. Jonathan exhaled and then had a flashback to when he was eight years old. My father was a rap mogul and before that he was a Harlem gangster.

But he found Music in the 1960's and started Money Time Records. With that he made millions by laundering the money through it.

Then he erected Blackwell Enterprises Holdings Limited and Blackwell Consultant Group by the 1970's. And he married my mother on December 4, 1968 when she was pregnant with me.

Then he made my brother the owner of Blackwell Consultant Group and I was been groomed to take over Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited. And everything was mine.

My mother had a bastard son, Prince Mark Davidson II. He was born four years before me when my mother was on a year's tour doing supposed charity work with the Blackwell Foundation. She wanted him in the business.

But my father didn't want it. His father made him the Crown Prince of the Niger Kingdom. And my mother funneled money to start Davidson International Inc. Then my father found out and they started fighting.

Then she cheated on him a lot. And when I was Six years old my father found out that she was cheating on him and mostly about Mark. That's when the beating started. I then had a flashback to our Long Island Mansion.

There was a woman and a man arguing in a living room. My older brother, Michael Blackwell, grabbed me. He took him next door as our parents' fought. I then went and played with a little blonde girl.

Mrs. Samson then looked at Michael and asked, "Your mom and dad fighting again."

"Yea, Dad is convinced that mom cheated on him with our driver. At least they aren't fighting over a supposed kid," Michael quickly told her.

Mrs. Samson then said, "All they do is fight. You brother is in all that."

"Yea, I got signed up for the African Secret Police by my father. But that is the least of my problems.

Today was Michael's graduation as one of the youngest student of Harvard University with an MBA. He is six years old with an MBA in Corporate Finance.

Instead of being proud he is beating her. I am off to the Military in a month and Jonathan is with them," replied Michael to him.

As he started to cry Mrs. Davis hugged him and comforted him. I stood holding a letter from the Rhodes Foundation.

A young Sofia then asked, "Jonathan what happen?"

I gave her the letter, she read it and screamed. Then Mrs. Samson and Michael ran outside to them.

Michael then asked, "What's wrong?"

"Jonathan is going to become a Rhodes Scholar. He is going to go study Business Administration, Law or Literature & Arts at Oxford University.

With that my boyfriend is heading to England," replied Sofia to him.

"But he is not going to marry you or have any relationship with you. This is where it ends with you and the Samson," replied Gordon "DJ Rap" Blackwell to Sofia.

Then Mrs. Samson asked, "What is the meaning of this Gordon?"

"Ask your pathetic husband when he comes back from his so-called business trips. Until then tell your daughter not to come near my son.

As we are moving," replied Gordon to her.

Then he looked at me and Michael. We then went with him. And he packed our things. Two days later Sofia ran down a limousine as it drove away with a group of moving truck.

We moved to London England. I never heard from Sofia again. And my mother and father divorced a year later. She went to Africa after my father got everything.

He put me into a CIA Assassination Program, code name Drag Net. We were unstoppable except no one knew about us. I spent eight years working for them. Then on November 9, 1984 I decided to walk away.

As I left the HQ in Morocco City my father walked out and yelled, "Jonathan! What do you think you are doing?"

"They gave immunity to terrorist who is still in charge of his organization. And now he is untouchable and I such just stand by," I quickly told him.

He then said, "Forget about your feelings. The CIA protects the Blackwell Family in exchange you play Spy with them. This could destroy the Blackwell name."

"As always all you care about the Blackwell brand! You care about nothing but that. My brother kicked out his own son and now you want me to associate with terrorists.

I draw the line here," I quickly told him.

He then said, "If you walk out on me and you are finished at Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited. Plus the Blackwell name is trademarked. So I will file an injunction against House Blackwell Inc."

"Fine, I quite! You can see me in court," I quickly told him.

Then I went to my limousine. It then took me home to Chestnut, my 250 acres Moroccan private estate.

With that I got out and went inside.

As I did Tywin, my Butler, was waiting with a glass of wine and said, "Welcome home sir."

"Thanks for this! But my father is suing for abandoning the agency and I am not sure I can pay you guys long enough," I quickly told him as I got to the living room.

I saw Rebecca Matthews-Blackwell, Michael's wife, was sitting there in a tight red dress.

I quickly said, "Rebecca! You are here."

"Yes sir. Mrs. Blackwell is here," Tywin quickly told me.

He then left and I closed the doors.

Then I said, "If my dad sent you to convince me. I am not in this. In fact I will be fighting him at full strength."

"Actually I am here to talk about our son, Jordan," she quickly told me.

Moments later I poured some scotch and she said, "I taught you were going to AA."

"Let's see! I slept with a random woman at a birthday party. Six weeks later I learnt she is my sister in-law and pregnant. She swore to me it wasn't mine.

Five years later on the day her husband and father in-law are suing she tells me it is mine. This is a drinking moment," I quickly told her.

Then she said, "Look! Your brother didn't match his blood type after his accident. And he had a DNA test run. He gets the results in two days. I am dead when that happens. I need you to save my son."

I exhaled and said, "I love Sofia! I can't do that."

As I was walking away she said, "I own the Backwater Security Group and I will give it to you with Sofia's location. But I need you to promise that you will always protect him."

I nodded and said, "You have my word."

"My lawyers will be in touch," she quickly told me and grabbed her bag.

With that she left. Three days later I got a call from Gavin Davis, head of Rebecca's Legal team. I was in bed watching a movie when my phone rang.

I answered saying, "Hello good morning Jonathan Blackwell here."

"Good Morning Mr. Blackwell. My name is Gavin Davis. I am the head of the legal team of the late Rebecca Matthews," he quickly told me.

I jumped up and asked, "What do you mean by late?"

"Miss Matthews was killed yesterday in an accident. It was linked to a battery designed by Jordan. He was arrested and Child Protective Service has him.

It is not looking good. My boss left her US$ 10 Billion Estate in the care of the Vaasa Trust, Llc. You are the executor of the estate.

And she told me to call you if anything happened," I quickly told him.

I then exhaled and got my black book.

I then said, "Ok. Get a pen I will be getting you intell on what to do."

He got a pen and paper

Then he said, "I got it. It is all here."

"14 West Harvard Road, building #6 apartment 23. When you knocked the door and they asked for the password tell them the grass is greener on the other side.

When you get in look for Jackson Sugar," I quickly told him.

He then asked, "Wait, as in the Minister of Youth?"

"Yes! He owes me a favor and I am cashing in. Tell him the problem and get him to sign off on my custody of Jordan.

I am on the first flight there. Take Jordan to the Babylon Hotel Johannesburg. Tell Harriet that I want him safe," I quickly told him.

He then said, "My work is cut out for me. I guess I will see you at her funeral tomorrow. I also know where Sofia Samson is."

"See you tomorrow," I quickly told him and hang up the phone.

As I mourned Tywin said, "Your bags are already packed sir. You are ready to go. And you must know that your father has gone bankrupt from his Blackwell Corporation deals.

So now will be a great time to threaten him into selling you 60% of Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited. Plus you can invest into Blackwell Corporation as a way to get the trade deal off your back sir."

"I suddenly see why I hired you. I get free advice and a best friend," I quickly told him and then I went to the bathroom.

I caught a shower then I went to my private hanger and caught my blue private Learjet. Then I caught a six hour flight to Johannesburg.

I was met at the airport by Jordan and he screamed, "Uncle Jon!"

Then he ran to me and I picked him up.

He then hugged me and I said, "I am happy to see you too. How are you?"

"I am OK. Dad said I am a murder and not his son. I hurt mom and now she is gone," he quickly told me.

"Hey don't worry. You are going to come live with me in Morocco. Your mom asked me to take care of you.

Think you will like that," I quickly asked him.

He nodded and said, "Yea! I get to go live my cool technological uncle. Hell yea!"

I then put him down as I saw Gavin Davis and my security detail coming.

Gavin then said, "Hello Mr. Blackwell. I am Gavin Davis CEO of Davis & Associates Law. We are passed down to Mr. Jordan Blackwell. And we are at your full disposal as per her will sir."

"Before we get anywhere I want a foundation set up in her name with her estate financing it. That will be my way of honoring her," I quickly told him.

He nodded and said, "Sure. Now where too sir?"

"Oh to go see my father at Blackwell Manor it is time I take him down a knock," I quickly told him.

He exhaled and said, "Your father and brother want nothing to do with you since they learnt you did this. I think we should go to the funeral and forget that."

"Fine I will get Jordan read for us to go together," I quickly told him.

Davis then said, "The Blackwell Clang lawyers filed an injunction barring Jordan from going. He steps one foot you could be sued as his legal guardian."

I exhaled and then took him to the hotel. Then I went and got dressed as Shelley, a cute teenage maid, was with him.

I came back from the bathroom in my Black suit and black bow tie. There I saw Jordan sad. Shelly was making a Sunday for him.

I then got my tablet and activated my pocket camera. Then I have my tablet to him.

Then he asked, "What is this uncle?"

"Ok. You can't go. But the publicity would be awful if the barred me from going to a public property. So this is how you attend. It is my design."

He hugged me and I gave him a pair of earphones. Then I went out to Arianna and Gavin. With that I went to the funeral. It was held at the Musgrave Cemetery.

The press took photos as I walked in.

Michael stepped to come to me and Robert Blackwell, his brother and CEO of Blackwell Energy Corporation, grabbed him.

Then he said, "The boy inherited your daughter In-law's US$ 10 Billion Estate and got your grandson out of the prison cell your connections put him in.

Plus you lost 3 big invest accounts from Blackwell Financial Group to Blackwell Investment Group.

You attack him now and you can kiss your trademark case goodbye."

He stepped back and I went up. Then I pinned a rose on her chest. Then I went to the podium to address the crowd.

Then I said, "Rebecca! A young and innocent woman. Many would say she belonged in the Blackwell family. I say its lie. She is pure of heart and her life was spent covering up our messes.

And now she is gone. The greatest part of her life was her son, Jordan Blackwell. I know many of you were convinced that he killed her. But, if she was here, she was here she would kick your asses."

Everyone then laughed and I said, "That was the person she was. She loved the world and killed everyone who messed with her children. And I promised her to take care of her son and I swear I will do just that.

So rest well Rebecca. Everything is ok."

With that everyone applauded and I went away. I ended the transmission and Jordan cried then he hugged Shelly. I went to the wake after they buried her.

As I stood in the backyard Michael said, "I didn't think you would come."

"Why, because my father is suing me for having his name? Or the fact that you are pushing to have your son arrested for your wife's accidentally death," I quickly asked him.

He then said, "You stole her estate and now you are here to threaten me. What do you want?"

"I am actually here to see your boss. I don't like to talk to his lap dog," I quickly told him.

Before he could respond Robert said, "Jonathan! Your father will see you in his study."

I gave Michael my empty glass and went. My father was seat in his chair as I walked in and got a samurai sword.

Then he said, "That was gift from the Prime Minister of Japan."

"Yep, I heard the story a million times. It comes at the beginning of one of your superior moments," I quickly told him.

He then said, "If you are here for your job. I am selling my 70% stake in Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited on 7 global stock exchanges. With that you are already replaced."

"Actually I am here with a business proposal which involves you selling me 60% of that and you get to build Blackwell Corporation," I quickly told him.

He chuckled and said, "You are desperate and I won't do this."

"Jordan is mine. Rebecca sort of told that to me three days ago. And your son ran a DNA test on him. Six hours after getting the results she dies in a fire set from a battery which was engineer by Blackwell Electronics Limited.

So when I connect the dots, the FBI will push into South Africa to investigate it. I would get your trademark law suit tied up.

Between the bad publicity and your investors backing out, Blackwell Corporation wouldn't get off the ground," I quickly told him.

My father then said, "You inherited her estate. You could have killed her for money."

"Your lawsuit would cost me US$ 7 Billion. I own a US$ 37 Billion empire. That wouldn't affect me. A simple rebranding and a marketing campaign I am fine.

But I can't say the same about you guys. Admit it dad you are broke. So you are selling your empire to keep what you have," I quickly told him.

"Fine, will sell it to you. But I want Grant Pharmaceutical Group, Jackson Resort Group and Beta Electric back at Blackwell Financial Group," my father quickly told me.

I then said, "I am sorry but they are a part of Global Financial Group now. It is the new financial arm of House Blackwell Inc. I am not in: Energy, Security, Pharmaceutical or Shipping.

But all that can change."

"You buying 60% give me US$ 600 Million in my pockets. I need US$ 2 Billion to my reserve to get Blackwell Corporation off of the ground," he quickly told me.

I then said, "You sell me the shares and take the 10% on the NYSE you have a billion. I have chosen to be away from the Blackwell Clang and I started my own dynasty.

But the name belongs and is trademarked by you. So I will lease the Blackwell family name for US$ 1 Billion annually.

In the event of your death the trademark ownership falls to me and Michael equally. I am looking to lease for 10 years," I quickly told him as I got an envelope from my jacket.

A cheque for US$ 10.6 Billion was made out to my father. He pulled the envelope and saw the share transfer certificate and trademark co-ownership deal.

He then said, "You are always prepared."

"Time is money dad. You taught me that. Now either you agree or you can bail Michael out of prison for killing his wife. You taught me that there is no family or friend in business," I quickly told him.

He then added his signature and seal.

"I will have it vetted and when it becomes legal that cheque is legal. It is nothing but I don't trust you or Michael," I quickly told him as I put the paper inside the envelope.

Then I went away. I got Jordan and we headed to Morocco. I also recruited 17 year old Shelly as his nanny.

In the days following it was all over the news of how I bought 60% of Blackwell Clang's 70% voting power in Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited.

He but the next 10% was sold into the Bangor holding Trust, a private holding company in Spain. But they were listed in the NYSE.

The remaining 30% was publicly trade on the NASDAQ. I cleared the cheque and with that my father funded Blackwell Entertainment Group, as a subsidiary of Blackwell Corporations, in South Africa.

And my big brother left the African Secret Police to join the Blackwell Corporation as the COO. I expanded Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited across Europe and made it a powerful conglomerate. Then I moved its HQ from Morocco to New York.

I had it based in Manhattan, New York at the Blackwell Plaza. With that I officially launched my umbrella company, House Blackwell Inc. It brought all the businesses I owned globally under one roof.

The Rebecca Matthews Foundation also opened up its doors in Johannesburg as a charitable organization working to support: Women shelters, Children homes and feeding the homeless programs.

I bought out the mansion I grew up in for my home with Sofia. Only to discovered that she didn't live in New York anymore. I couldn't find Sofia as she didn't live in USA anymore.

Then Sofia's mom and dad broke up after she found out he was cheating on her. In addition she underwent a rape case with Mark Davidson.

But due to him been a part of the Davidson family with powerful connections the case got passed off as a Mister minor.

Finally in November 1986 I tracked her down to Morocco. She was living in a private penthouse downtown, paid for by her super rich father. Meanwhile her mother was living in an apartment complex.

I watched her for months. I knew her likes and dislikes. Then I decided to link up, as I was now 18 and Chairman of my own conglomerate.

She was working as an assistant at Morocco. Which I found odd as she had a bachelor's of literature & Arts degree.

Plus an MBA in Marketing Management for Harvard University. With that she was smart. But your life and career is over.

I never forgot the day I met her up again on February 14, 1987. On the day Sofia Samson was walking out of the building, in her black pants suit.

As I leaned on my limousine I yelled, "Pretty girl got a lot."

"And that is your pick up line," asked a shocked Sofia as she came to me.

I then took out my half of a gold necklace and Sofia felt the necklace around her neck.

Then as tears fell from Sofia's eyes she said, "Jonathan! You are here."

"Yes I am. And I am now the Executive President of House Blackwell Inc. So you have me back in your life," replied Jonathan to her.

She then said, "I was wondering if you were just going to watch me and not say hello."

"Well your boy needed a way to approached you," I quickly told her.

She then kissed and I held her. After that I pulled her inside the limousine. Garret took me to my penthouse. As we drove she made out with me in the limousine and I got to felt her up.

When we reached and we got out I said, "Garret pick me up tomorrow with a fresh change of clothes. And don't tell Arianna where I am."

"Yes sir," he quickly told as Sofia dragged me away.

When we got to her penthouse I had her on my waist and I was shirtless. I rested her on the table as I pulled my pants. Then I ripped off her panties and she bit her lips.

Then I stuck my dick inside her and she mourned. As I was between her legs and sucking on her long fleshy neck she squeezed my ass cheeks.

She mourned and enjoyed it. After awhile I pulled out and took off my pants.

As I did she rubbed her clit and said, "I want more of you tonight."

I got on my knees and started to lick her clit. As I did she screamed. She pulled her blue top as I was under her skirt licking her pussy. She screamed out loud.

I stopped and said, "Sofia you need to keep it down. I don't want your neighbors to call the cops."

She got up and said, "I am enjoying my boyfriend. I don't give a shit who hears me."

Then she got down on her knees and started sucking on my dick. As she did I mourned and she sunk her nails in my ass. She went on and I enjoyed it a while. Then I picked her up.

I then threw her on her back and then I got on top of her. As I made out with her I rode her. She soon rolled me over and got on top of me.

Then she rode me. As she bounced on me I mourned and soon came in her. She dropped on me.

Then she caught her breathe and asked, "Where have you been all my life?"

"Right next door. And now I am yours. But I should warn you that I have son," I quickly told her.

She then asked, "What? Which girl did you knock up?"

"Its a long story. But he is with me and I am not apart of Blackwell Clang. I have my own dynasty now," I quickly told her.

She then said, "I hope you didn't marry her mother. That ring belongs to me. It is the least I deserve after your mother destroyed my reputation for her rapist son."

I quickly got on top of her and started sucking on her breasts.

She then said, "That is my problem with you. I am doing the talking think and you distract me with your freakines."

"Oh I am a freak. But I have not had anal sex. Do you want to try," I quickly asked her.

She quickly turned over and said, "Attack it."

She held the bed and got upon all fours as I stuck my dick in her ass. She mourned to it and the tightness made mourned. I squeezed her ass as I slide my dick in and out. I then stood as she started to giggle her and then x Wi-Fi dick.

I mourned to it and enjoyed. Afterwards we slept together. The next morning she got up early to get a shower.

As I went in the bathroom she said, "Jonathan I have extra toothbrushes in the cabinet get one and freshen up. But I need to get going for work."

I nodded as she got out in her bathrobe. Then I got a blue toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Then I used the mouth wash.

Then I went to her dressing room she was putting on a Black cocktail dress over her two piece black lace lingerie.

As she did I held her and she said, "Jonathan I have work to get to."

I stuck my hand down her panties and started rubbing her clit. She mourned as she felt it.

Then I said, "I can buy you your own newspaper or you can come work for me. As a matter of a fact you don't have to work."

Then I ripped off her panties and turned her around. Then I put her upon to the counter and got on my knees. Then I started sucking on her pussy. As I did she lock her legs around my neck. I went on until she came.

After that she got up and took my dick. Then she started sucking on it like it was a lollipop. At regular intervals she looked up at me. I was weakened when she started using her teeth. I had the blowjob of my life.

With that I couldn't stay away from her. For the next month we had a secret relationship. We enjoyed each other.

On March 1 she invited me to her mothers house for a surprise lunch with her. Sofia knocked on the doors the house.

Mrs. Samson, now a 50 year old, opened the door and asked, "Forgot you keys?"

"No mom! I just found a new friend," replied Sofia as she looked to her right.

Mrs. Samson looked to the left and I said, "Hello Mrs. Samson. Its Jonathan from next door."

She screamed and then hugged him. Then moments later I sat in the living room and drank juice as I told them about his life in Europe.

Then Sofia said, "Wow! You had an interesting life. So how is your father and your younger sister, Shawnee Blackwell?"

"Well he is the chairman of Blackwell Corporation down in South Africa these days. As for my younger sister she is now the CEO of Blackwell Foundation and is doing a lot of charity work in Haiti and East Africa.

My brother is off doing crazy things in Johannesburg and finding a way to pissed off my mother," I quickly told her.

She then asked, "So what have you been up to?"

"Well two years ago I bought 60% voting power in Blackwell Enterprises Holdings Limited from my father. It is now a subsidiary of House Blackwell Inc. It is a full Green STEM conglomerate based here in Morocco.

It has the subsidiaries: Blackwell Agricultural Group, Blackwell Communications Group, Blackwell Properties Inc., Blackwell Fashion Group, Blackwell Resort Group, Blackwell Restaurant Group and Blackwell Financial Group," I quickly told her.

She quickly said, "Wow! Sounds to me like you have been busy."

"Oh yea! I have my work cut out for me as the Executive President. I do millions of deal. In fact right now I am in talks with a major deal.

I am negotiating a news group partnership with Davidson International Inc. This will push me into the African Media landscape. We are going to start Johannesburg News Group," I quickly told her.

Sofia quickly asked, "Davidson? As in the rulers of the Niger Kingdom?"

"Yea! The Davidson family is big don't there in the South African Media Landscape. I negotiating to buy Jo'burg News as our first outlet. Why did you asked, " I quickly asked her.

Sofia then said, "The President of Davidson International Inc. and Crown Prince of Niger Kingdom raped me. But he got off on a technicality two years ago due to his families political ties."

"I am so sorry I didn't know. But this deal is going to get some looking into. Can't have any rapist on my payroll," I quickly told her.

Sofia then asked, "You would cancel a Billion dollar deal for me?"

"You are my girlfriend that I love. But in other news. I am in need of first class journalist to come head up Blackwell Publishing Group.

So are you interested Mrs. Samson. Also I have plenty of room at my house," Jonathan quickly asked her.

"My name is Carmen Richards. I dropped the Samson three years ago. And I am interested in becoming a powerful woman.

But I have a condition," replied Mrs. Samson to him.

Jonathan then nodded and said, "Anything you want you will get. You were loyal to me and my brother."

"A lot time ago you promised me to marry my daughter. She has waited for 10 years. So now I will support a union between the two of you," replied Mrs. Samson to him.

Jonathan smiled and said, "Sure. I have old had eyes for here. And my son will have a mother now."

With that I kissed her. Just like that we became a couple and she quite her job at Global Newspaper to stay with Jordan.

We traveled the world together and she taught me that behind Davis International Inc. was my bastard brother and mother. I invited Mark to Morocco on June 1.

After telling him my stance he said, "With all respect Jonathan I didn't tell you who my mother was or show up for a meeting because I was afraid you wouldn't do business with me."

"I want nothing to do with my mother or a man that rapes women. There is no place in my business for your kind," I quickly told him.

Mark then said, "My family has been apart of this deal and if we are not apart if it there will be no Johannesburg News Group."

"I am friends with 19 South African Senators. And your fathers friend, Mayor Norman Bates, I helped his son out of a tricky situation a while back. I am godfather to his three grandkids and I donate regularly to his charity gala.

So I doubt he will vote for your family over me. Especially when I plan to hire 20 000 Nigerians into the company.

And it will look good for his reelection as Mayor of Johannesburg. Plus I am bringing Movie theaters and all of my companies to South Africa," I quickly told him.

As I whistled he said, "We agreed to supply you with 1000 hours of African Content pre week."

"And I am not taking back the money. But I reserve the right to not buy from you. I don't feel your company's content will fit into the mandate of Southern Broadcasting Group's mandate.

That is the new name of the company. We will be doing: Cable, News and Internet Broadcasting. With that please get out of my office," I quickly told him.

Then he said, "You are messing with the Davidson family and we don't take things like this lightly."

"And I am Jonathan Blackwell. I don't make threats I make good on all my promises. So don't test me.

I will run you and my father over," I quickly told him and he left my office.

So I called it off and bought out Jo'burg News. Then I formed Southern Broadcasting Group. It was started with: 10 Television Channels, 100 Cable Channels, 5 online platforms and Johannesburg Film Corporation as the production division.

It then took off with my digital platform ideas and acquisition of Pyramid Records Limited. At the time in the internet was at the ground level.

So an investment like mine was a major step in the future. And my mobile digital Advertising board was next generation technology. On September 1 I was in Johannesburg. There I launched House Blackwell S.A. Limited.

It was responsible from bring domestic divisions of all my enterprises via House Blackwell International Inc.

This made House Blackwell Inc. surpased Davidson International Inc. and Blackwell Corporation's Nasdaq stock prices. My 10% public shares was doing great and making the Conglomerate billions.

With that the Blackwell Dynasty was growing strong. My father tracked it daily as House Blackwell Inc.'s stock price kept rising.

My father put the home base of Blackwell Clang in Johannesburg. I had the Blackwell Dynasty in Morocco and USA. I had the brand trademarked to distinguished our brands.

And the Blackwell Clang was completed with Michael getting proposing to Rachel Grayson, Daughter of Nigerian Senator Paul Grayson.

On December 1 I was in my office making out with Sofia on my desk when my office phone vibrated and I answered it.

Rebecca, My Personal Assistant, then said, "Sorry to disturbed you at lunch time Mr. Blackwell but your brother is on the line for you."

I then said, "Patched him through."

"Right away sir," she quickly told me.

With that she patched him in and he walked out on to the balcony then he said, "Hey bro! What's up?"

"Nothing man. Just busy with work and Sofia. In fact I having lunch with her right now," I quickly told him.

Then he said, "That's cool. Well I got engaged to my girlfriend Rachel Grayson. I am getting married on New Years Eve.

So can you fly brother?"

"Hold up! When did you meet a girl let alone get engaged? What is this I am hearing," I quickly asked him.

Michael exhaled and said, "Well you have to come here to meet her. So will you come become my best man?"

"Of course man! I will be your bestman. In fact I will be their on Boxing Day. I am taking my girl to Egypt for Christmas," I quickly told him.

He then smiled and said, "Call you later."

Then he hang up and I went back to making out with Sofia. Michael on the other hand exhaled.

As he sat there, on the porche, my father said, "Relax Michael in 25 days we will get him onboard with the deal. And then the Blackwell's will rule the world as one family."

Michael then said, "I hate lying to him. And he tends to be deadly if he gets cornered. And he hasn't forgiven mom for what she did.

And he is in love with the girl that the Davidson family destroy two years ago. And they are a major part of this deal.

And he has values. So this is not going to end well."

"In business there is no friends or family. There is only money and he has made tons of it. So he should know it better than anyone else," Gordon quickly told him.

Michael nodded and went inside. As the days went by I bought an engagement ring as we went to China. I kept looking for the perfect moment to proposed.

On Christmas Morning Sofia looked under the tree and saw a small box.

She pulled the note saying :

You are the most value treasure in my life. I will always love you and I want to be your all.

When she pulled the box and there was a 25 Karrot diamond ring in the box. With that I got on his knees.

As tears fell from her eyes I said, "I have loved you since I was 5 years old. And I wanted for you for 10 years and you were my first. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you marry me."

Sofia nodded and then said, "Yes I will marry you."

I quickly got up and made out with her. Then a day later we were aboard my personal Boeing 747 Business Jet.

As I got a glass of champagne she kept staring at it.

I then said, "It is the same as the time you looked at it two minutes ago. It hasn't changed."

"The last time I saw your father he told me to stay away from you or else. Here I am 10 years later. I am Jobless for taking on the Davidson and I am engaged to you.

I doubt he will be happy to see me," replied Sofia to me.

I then said, "My father loves money more than anything else. And I give him US$ 100 Million a week as part of our joint venture, Blackwell Entertainment Group.

It is into: Record Production, Film Production, Distribution, Talent Management, Fashion retail and Night entertainment.

Plus I built a #1 news company in Africa and a multinational conglomerate. So he loves me as his money magnet."

"What if he kicks me out? And then go after your conglomerate," Sofia quickly asked me.

I then said, "I own dozens of micro companies and a US$ 20 Billion stock portfolio so I would just go build my own empire somewhere else."

"You sound like you have it figured out," Sofia quickly told me.

I chuckled and said, "I have it all figured out."

She then chuckled and kissed me. A hour later we touchdown at the Johannesburg National Airport.

As we got off the plane there was 9 Range Rovers waiting for us. Michael pulled up in a Red Lamborghini Galardo.

As he got out I hugged him and he said, "Welcome to South Africa brother."

I chuckled held Sofia and said, "Michael you remember Sofia Samson?"

"Of course from across the street in Long Island. Come here girl," replied Michael as he hugged her.

A few moments later the motorcade left the Airport, with me and Michael in front.

As we drove I asked, "How much does this cost?"

"US$ 200 Grand. The Company is doing good and I earn a lot as the Group CEO of Blackwell Corporation. Plus my new wife is super rich bro," replied Michael to me.

I chuckled and said, "I can't believe the Playboy billionaire of the family is getting married. It has been what, six years?"

"A lot has changed in six years. You were living it up in Morocco and building global conglomerates.

I heard about your company, House Blackwell Inc. The stock price is very high. I wish you were still apart of us," he quickly told me.

I then said, "Yea! It is headquartered in Morocco. It is a massive conglomerate. It is the legacy that my son will carry on."

"That's great. You building that with David and Jason. Meanwhile I was down here with dad running his estate, Blackwell Corporations and a Law Firm.

You barely even call," Michael quickly told me.

I then said, "Look I sorry I don't come home Christmas. I have been busy with work and enjoying life."

"Yea! Sure it doesn't have anything to do with mom becoming the Queen Mother of Niger Kingdom and Dad getting in bed with the Davidson family," he quickly asked me.

I then said, "Look! I bought out 60% of Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited from dad and he took the remaing 49% public on the NASDAQ and NYSE. I don't have a share in Blackwell Corporation or his estate.

So I don't give a shit who he is in bed with."

"I get where you are coming from. But you need to let go of the hatred for dad. He did what he had to man," replied Michael to me.

"My mother abandoned me, us! For our crazy half brother. The way my father processed that was to stick her favorite son into a CIA Assassination program. They butcher and kidnapped people regardless of age.

I was 11 when them bombed a Saudi village for one terrorist. 300 kids died because of my intelligence. The only thing I got from that man was schooling. Nothing else.

Everything I have I built on my own.

So in other news I will go out on a limb and say you met this woman via a deal my father and the Davidson family cooked up. Tell me I am lying," I quickly told him.

"You are right! Dad negotiated an oil drilling deal with them three years back. With that we formed Southern Oil & Gas Company Limited. We own 49% and they own 51%. With that we have lots of oil.

Along the way I met Rachel Grayson. She was a business lawyer/Investor. And we then hit it off as the late nights went. I dated her for two years and she gave birth to Shawna and Jessica Blackwell.

Now it is time I put a ring on it," replied Michael to me.

I chuckled and said, "That is some girl. She must have it all. Oh wait! She gave you another son to replaced Jason with."

"I saw that coming," replied Michael to him.

"The boy was five years old and a Mechanical Genius. There was no way he knew his battery would blow up.

Ever since that day you blamed him," I quickly told him.

Michael then said, "You dam right I blamed him. He took the woman I loved from me. If only you hadn't interfered.

I would have had justice for her murder."

"You are sounding like dad. He blamed you for mom leaving. And he enrolled you in the South African Secret Police.

And let's not forget that it was Rebecca Matthews who brought you back to when you were 18. She devoted her life to you.

And you need to step up for Jason. Don't do this as the consequences will be great," I quickly told him.

Michael then said, "I did what I had to. I killed most of my teenage life and married my childhood sweetheart. We were happy all my life as I got to see you.

But when she died six years ago you save that traitor and turned against us."

"I am not going to let that boy inherit the sins of our father and mother. You can be like him but not me. So say you will lose everything for the bad choices you make today.

So I am here to warn you brother. Stop or you will lose everything," I quickly told him.

"This from the man that drank and screwed everything in a skirt from most of his teenage years. I honestly taught you would have dozens of kids running around," replied Michael to me.

I chuckled and we then drives into the massive five floor Mansion. My father, the 12 maids and the butler waited in the front yard. With that I got out with Michael.

Then I looked at my dad in his shorts and white shirt.

I then said, "Hello Sir."

"I hear you engaged Sofia," my father quickly told me.

I nodded and said, "Yes sir I did. She is also the mother of my son, David Blackwell."

"I don't see you for six years of your life. You don't care if we live or die. But this is how you greet me," Gordon quickly asked me.

I chuckled and the hugged him. We all laughed and Sofia came round in her yellow dress.

With that my father looked at her and she softly said, "Good day sir."

"Don't call me that. You are my daughter now. I am sorry about what I said ten years ago. I love my son and you make him very happy.

So welcome to the family," replied Gordon to her and Sofia smiled.

I chuckled and then Mark said, "The family is together finally."

Sofia swallowed as she saw him and she remembered their one year relationship in college. With that he walked to us.

I quickly asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Well our mother and your father are business partners. Plus I am an investor in the Blackwell Museum & Arts.

And it will be a major part of Blackwell Properties Limited which is a subsidiary of House Blackwell Inc.

So I am happy to meet you finally brothee," Mark quickly told me.

I then said, "Over my dead body will I let you or your family get a foot anywhere in House Blackwell Inc. So get that off your mind."

"He is your brother, the Crown Prince of the Niger Kingdom and the Group Chief Executive of Davis International Inc. and not some outside help.

We are one big family," replied my mother as she walked to us in a Blue pants suit.

"I am the Executive President of House Blackwell Inc. I determined who we get onboard as an investor and I want nothing to do with a rapist. Yes I know what he tried to do to Sofia," I quickly told him.

Mark exhaled heavily and said, "If you weren't my brother I would kill you were you stand."

"And no brother of mine is a rapist! And you are gold digging piece of shit," I quickly told him and he took a swang at me.

I dodged and knocked him out. Then we started wrestling and it took security 2 minutes to separate us. Then we were brought to the living room.

I then said, "Sofia call the Airport and tell them to get the plane ready. We are leaving."

"It hasn't gotten to that. We can discussed this as a family," replied my mother to me.

I ignored her and looked at Sofia. Sofia got up to go do it. Mark came back with an ice pack on his face and then she went with him.

As I sat there my father looked at Michael and said, "Go talk to your brother. I need him for this deal. It is the only way to move the conglomerate forward."

He nodded and came to me.

As I sat there Michael gave me some ice and said, "Your fiancée/baby mother is calling up the Airport."

"You knew! You knew that clown and Francine was here. I knew there was trouble when you call me.

Trouble seems to follow your ass. And for six years I was dead and suddenly you wanted me in your wedding photos," I quickly told him.

Michael exhaled and said, "You wouldn't have gotten on the plane if you knew."

"You dam right I wouldn't have," I quickly told him.

"Dad and mom rekindled their Business relationship three years ago. I drew closer two years ago after the court case of Mark and Sofia ended.

Look all that is behind us with a partnership from the Davidson family in the Niger," Michael quickly told me.

"Sofia's reputation was destroyed a year ago by the Davidson family. But I knew my father had something to do with it.

Only my father has the political power to do it. So now he has political power and warlords behind him," I quickly told him.

Michael then said, "It is not what it looks like. Our half brother is to become the king of Niger. We are building a Blackwell-Davidson Corporation which will be owned jointly by us."

"I wondered how dad escaped from the law suit with the Carson Family in Atlanta last year. But it was simple he accepted my bastard brother.

Correction rapist, half brother. And started screwing my slut of mother. That's all she is good for, bedding powerful men.

This is low even for my father. But anything to make that extra buck," I quickly told him.

Michael then said, "I get that. But we are building something large and powerful. And it will put us together on the Global Business stage.

With that I need you and come with Shawnee. She only listens to you and we need her. Together we will be famous."

"Which voodoo priest did mom take you to," I quickly asked him.

Michael then said, "Dad is building Blackwell-Davidson Corporation as I said before. We would own 40% each.

You will own a 20% stake in the Conglomerate and become the COO of Blackwell Davidson Corporation.

The last 20% will go public on the Nasdaq, in keeping with both our public shares. And you and Mark will lead the business side of both family.

So together we will be better."

"You entrapped me into coming here so you can get me to sign off on a merger with Africa's most corrupt political family," I quickly asked him.

He then said, "Jonathan you need to see the bigger picture. And the opportunities we could get together."

"When I became a businessman and a banker I said I would do business with anyone except there people. The first is people who abuse women and/or children.

And the second was people who are involved in human trafficking. And the last was anyone you target innocent people. The Davidson family has done all three. They are the head of the African Crime Syndicate.

And their number one business is prostitution and human trafficking! I am not doing getting in bed with them," I quickly told him and then I got up.

With that I went outside and my mother came to me.

As she stood in my way I said, "Move!"

"Look! I know we don't see eye to eye as you blame me for a lot of things bad in your life. But I think we can build a better future together," she quickly told me.

I then said, "Go enjoy all the power you ever wanted. You have two of the most powerful men dying for you."

She tried to hit me and I caught her hand.

Then I said, "You lost that right the day you had that clown."

With that I went to the Taxi that came for me. With that we headed home. As the days went by Gordon formed the Blackwell - Davidson Corporation without House Blackwell Inc. And we focused on family.

I married Sofia in Las Vegas on Valentines day 1991 with my bestfriend, Antonio Richmond, and her mother was the witnessed. Six months later she gave me my son, David Blackwell. And we were happy in Morocco with my two sons.

Jordon got his MBA in Business Administration online. And he was in the business as the COO of House Blackwell Inc.

On Janury 4, 1992 I took Sofia out for dinner. I watched as Sofia ate a lot of food and dessert. And while I did a man came to the table, with five bodyguards.

My security guards was getting up and he said, "Mr. Blackwell a moment of your time."

"And you mine telling who you are," I quickly asked him.

"My name is Chief Okefenokee Davidson. I am in charge of the Davidson family negotiations department," I quickly told him.

I chuckled and said, "I see! The Manager of Crime is here."

"I have many names. But I am here to see if you have reconsider your position with us," he quickly told me.

I then said, "My crazy father and mother has sent the head muscle to come scare me. But the think is that I am not scared."

"We are willing to pay you US$ 25 Million addition to your salary. And you will be a shareholder of Blackwell-Davidson Corporation.

So are you on board with this deal," Okefenokee quickly asked me.

I exhaled and said, "Your family status has not changed. I don't like been threatened. As such let this be the first and last time you return to Morocco.

I won't remind your family how great I am."

Okefenokee then smiled and I got up with Sofia on my left arm. Then we went to the car and my security went with me.

Okefenokee then got his phone and said, "Proceed to plan B."

With that armed men forced into Carmen's apartment and dragged in an unconscious Mr. Samson. When we got to her house we saw the Moroccan Federal Police at her gates.

As I got out I realized it was Sofia's mother's apartment.

I knew the Sergeant and I went to him and asked, "Franklyn what is going?"

"Well homicide! Mrs. Carmen Smith was killed by her exhusband and MI-5 have taken over the case," replied Franklin to me.

Sofia screamed out as she saw them bringing out her mother on a stretcher. Moments later we gathered in my living room.

Earvin Rights, CLO of Blackwell Enterprise Holdings Limited, then said, "The Davidson family did this.

And they framed your father in-law for this. It is scare tactics."

"We need to get evidence and go after them," replied Sofia to me.

I exhaled and said, "My father has powerful political connection and with that evidence is gone. MI-5 was his touch and I can see it. We need to play it safe.

Tomorrow I take on the Zurich family account."

"Roman Zurich is the head of the Colombian Cartels. You will go against everything you fought against and belived in.

You told me to never get in bed with a Cartel boss," replied Jordan to me.

I then said, "If you are going up against a shark you need a bigger and bad weapon. And Zurich is it. We need him and his powerful Cartels.

We need them! Carmen was good people."

"I will make it happen," replied Earvin to me and then he walked away.

Jordan then also went with him. I got my phone and dialed Richard Fuller, Head of the South African Cartels.

He answered saying, "I didn't know you remembered my phone number."

"Well I was doing the retirement thing. But it seems the game is calling me back in. So I am getting the band back together," I quickly told her.

"I have all of the guys on my payroll. What are you into," Richard quickly asked me.

I then said, "I am in a tight spot with the Davidson family of Niger. They took out my mother In-law and father in-law."

"Ok. I was onboard the minute you told me Davidson family. With that I am read to go. We fully loaded boss," I quickly told him.

I chuckled and told him the plan. With that I was getting ready to go to war. Donnie Warner, had a team of Spies watching me.

The next day we secured the Account and I got the Colombian Cartels to blow up Davidson Museum, killing seven members of the family.

As the building burned I called Mark and he answered saying, "Hello Good Afternoon. Mark Davidson."

"You're messed with the wrong man. Let this be a lesson to you. Don't target me or I will end your whole family," I quickly told him.

Then I hang up the phone and Mark screamed. With that I leaned back in my seat and Shawnee sat on the table.

She then said, "You did what we had to. And I hope they fall back now."

"Hope so as Sofia is tensed and out for blood," I quickly told her.

Shawnee then said, "I got her brother. I will take her shopping."

As she extended her arms he asked, "What?"

"I am philanthropist and shopping isn't cheap. I need a credit card," she quickly told me.

I then said, "Go ask your girlfriend for a card."

"Your wife is the one that needs therapy," she quickly told me.

I turn took out my gold card and gave it to her. Then she went to the living room with Sofia.

As she sat down Sofia asked, "What do you want Shawnee?"

"Well I want you to be happy," she quickly to her.

Sofia exhaled heavily and said, "My mother was murdered by a terrorist family who wants my husband's company. And my father is in a blacksite for her murder.

His business partner, Raymond Samar, took over Samson Investment Bank, Llc. and made it into the Avantgarde Financial Group.

Of which Mark Davidson II owns 25%. So tell me what is there to be proud of?"

"Well there is shopping for a sexy outfit. So you can tell him you are pregnant," Shawnee quickly told her.

Sofia quickly asked, "How did you know that?"

"Your eating a lot more and you can't get enough of him. So it wasn't hard. But I think a pair of silk panties would do the trick," she quickly told her.

Sofia chuckled and went with her. I watched as she drove off in her limousine with two of the bodyguards. As they did my phone rang.

I picked it up and realized it was Roman Zurich calling.

I answered saying, "Your stock portfolio has gained 10% more in the last 13 hours I took on your account."

"Always about the money. Which is why you didn't survived law enforcement or our world," replied Zurich as he got out of his car.

I exhaled and said, "Well I am family man and I need to come home. But I still know how to play the game.

These youngsters don't know how to lace their boots up."

"Speaking of which my people was impressed by your latest venture in South Africa. And they would like to invest in you," replied Zurich to me.

I exhaled and said, "I left that life behind six years ago and went straight. I only do cash and protection. What you saw in Africa was just a loose end."

"No it wasn't. It was just you exercising your legs. Admit it you miss it and I know you. You still have that black book and connections," Zurich quickly told me.

I exhaled and said, "Zurich I am retired and these guys running the streets are half you and my age.

With that you kept in touch with the old team. And still have an army. And I need an army like yours in my business. We made good money together and I want to expand my portfolio greatly."

As I exhaled he said, "Just think about it. That's all I want you to do. Think with an open mind about this."

With that I hang up the phone. A few moments later armed men challenged the security team protecting my wife. An hour later I was in the Rivera Medical Center and I watched the footage of armed men executing my guards.

My sister was shot in the shoulder and Sofia was grabbed by two masked men. Then they went in a black van.

With that I asked, "Any leads?"

"The van was torched outside of Morocco. And we found blood stains and semen. Plus your wife left her shoes and there are drag marks from the seen.

We have nothing else," replied Franklin to me.

I looked at him and said, "You are lying. I could always tell when you are."

"I would tell you everything. But I have been authorized not to do so," Franklin quickly told me.

I quickly asked him, "By whom?"

"By me. I authorized him not to do so," replied Donnie Warner, Station Chief of CIA Moroccan Office and also the former director of Drag Net.

I exhaled and moments later we went to get coffee.

As he made his cup I said, "Six years! That's how long I haven't seen or heard about you."

"You ratted me out to the boss and when you walked the agency shut down Drag Net. I was sent to Morocco as station chief," he quickly told me.

"And the minute a corrupt political family starts knocking on my doors you bugged my phone and have people spying on me.

And here you are protecting them," I quickly told him.

"I am here because I know you kept in touch with your old team of Acolytes and you recriuted a group of new ones.

So you are going to go to war with virtual people that no one can touch. Not because they are not great but because they had a list of powerful billionaires and politicans in their circle. So they are well connected.

No agency can touch them. And I know you, you will be going after them," replied Donnie to me.

I then said, "Taking a swing at me is one think. But I draw the line at my wife and sister. I found out an hour ago that they were both pregnant.

And my sister is unconscious. Meanwhile my wife is, god knows where."

"Look I know the people who took your wife. And chances of finding her alive is slim. These are not ransom people. They are wet team filled with former KGB Special Ops men.

These guys know what they are doing. So your wife is dead. So start planning a funeral. I have a team on it," Donnie quickly told me.

I then exhaled heavily and asked, "Why are you really here?"

"We suspected the Davidson in your mother in-law murder but MI-5 won't share its intelligence with the CIA.

Our secret taskforce, Codename Ghost, is political arena now. It is controlled by Interpol as they are the biggest financiers.

Interpol answers to the United Nations Security Council. The head of the UNSC is Okefenokee Davidson's mother.

With that CIA can't go after them. And MI-5 is protecting them as Lt. Cornel Samuel Jackson is King Mark Davidson I's paternal Uncle.

So the family is heavily insulated especially with your father, mother and brother as business partners.

Officially we can't touch them," replied Donnie to me and then he drank some of his coffee.

I then nodded and said, "So you are here to threaten me with the terrorist stuff I did from age 8 up to 16? And if I don't comply you will throw me in prison?"

"Well not quite. I have business proposition for you. And it is the only way you are targeting your enemies," Donnie quickly told me.

I then said, "I am listening."

"In January 1980 the bullshit started after one of our guy was blamed for the World Trade bombing. With that we were seen as a terrorist organization. And Congress started Bullshitting the CIA.

So I concocted the plan of having an off books CIA Assault Team. With that in January 1985 I started the Ghost Squad. We made agents R.E.D. and then they were hired. The agency is known only to me.

We don't arrest we take out people who gain too much political power. And we use 25% of their assets to fund ourselves, 25% is for our person gain and the last 50% is divided up equally amongst the shareholders.

I have: Cops, politicians, judges, gangbangers and pretty much all I need. The Agents make up the squad and they have CI's that help run their territories.

The Squad is full loaded but they need a leader.

You agree to take over the Squad. With that you answer to me and me alone. You target whoever I want and you can have anyone you want. I will make the Davidson family disappear," replied Donnie to me.

His phone vibrated. He looked at it and it said "Davy".

With that he turned and answered asking, "How we looking?"

Davy turned around to Sofia's bloody body on the ground, with her clothes ripped up and her face partially burnt.

Then he and said, "She is no longer with us. And they had orders to deliver her body right to his doorstep in body bags. Okefenokee paid them through his offshore company.

And now he is leaving for the airport according to my CI."

Donnie hang up the phone and I quickly asked, "What happened?"

"Your wife is no longer with us! And the guys had orders from Okefenokee to deliver her body parts to your doorstep.

Okefenokee is on the move to the airport. It is now or never Jonathan," Donnie quickly told me.

I took out my phone and called Frank Gordon, my PI on Okefenokee. As he watched Okefenokee left with his Security detail his phone vibrated.

He answered saying, "I was wondering when you would call. Because our boy got a phone call from your father to come back home. And he is leaving with a team of too."

"You have a greenlight and I will meet you in an hour," I quickly told him.

Then he hang up and said, "Grab him."

With that smoke canisters dropped in front of the hotel. And an EMP knocked out the electronics in a two block radius.

Okefenokee ran out of the smoke as his men traded bullets. He then ran into a group of armed thugs.

He rose his hands and then said, "I have money. You don't want to do this."

"We work for a very powerful man and we betray him and we will always look over our shoulders. I have children.

So my suggestion is that you get your ass in the trunk and shut up," replied Dave to him as he pulled the car trunk.

Okefenokee then got in and all three BMW M5 drove off. One of the guards made it out of the smoke. His phone wasn't working so he raised a gun to a biker.

The biker then said, "Yow! I don't have money."

"Give me your phone," replied Richard to him.

The man took out his phone and gave it to him. Then he ran.

Richard then called Gordon and he answered asking, "What happened?"

"He was grabbed by an elite team of experts. And everyone is dead," replied Richard to him.

Gordon hang up and Richard dropped the phone. Then a police car drove up.

Two officers got out and one of them said, "Hands up! Drop your guys."

"South African Secret Police! Assigned to protect Lord Okefenokee Davidson," replied Richard as he opened his badge.

The officers lowered their guns and said, "Sorry sir."

With that Richard went and I got ready. As I looked at my sister in a comma the doctor came to me.

"She is OK Mr. Blackwell. We just prescribed some assetatives to keep her calm and resting," replied Dr. Doreen Campbell, the Hospital CEO.

I then quickly asked, "What about the baby?"

"It is perfectly fine. Her twin daughters are doing fine and resting. In fact the bullet missed all veins in the shoulder.

It is like the person was carefully with her. But your security were executed," replied Doreen to me.

I then said, "I hear you guys are building a new wing for children."

"Yes! We need a pediatric ward for the young children but the funding is not there as we barely have rich people come here.

And the ones coming to the clinic are all poor people so the prices have to accommodate him. But I do like your donations to the hospital," she quickly told me.

I then said, "Make sure my sister and that babies are fine. And I will be a private investor in this hospital and you will never lack anything."

"Consider it done Mr. Blackwell," replied Doreen to me and I went with three of my bodyguards.

As I was in the elevator I called Zurich. He was home in his living room getting his dick sucked by a prostitute in her red lingerie. His phone the started ringing.

He answered saying, "Yow this is not a good time."

"I have a business proposition for you," I quickly told him.

He then said, "I am listening."

"Well turns out my pest problem has gotten me into a new business. In fact I am planning to start up Blackwell Pharmaceutical Group. in South Africa and also expand our Mexican Floor mills from Mexico their.

And I need a business partner and trusted Allie. So what do you say about Blackwell Zurich Manufacturing Limited," I quickly asked him.

Zurich screamed and said, "Hell yea! I am definitely on board with making crazy money. In fact I am thinking Blackwell Zurich Manufacturing Limited will be a great conglomerate subsidiary of Blackwell Agricultural Group."

I smiled and said, "My legal team will be in touch."

He then screamed as he came in the prostitutes mouth. With that she continued sucking on his dick.

I hang up and went out to my car. Then we drove away. Meanwhile in Paris UN Secretariat, Amanda Rich, Okefenokee's mother, got out of a restaurant and then a sniper, upon a Skyscraper, shot her in the head.

As the security team scattered the assassin pulled up the sniper. Moments later I reached the Lighthouse Mansion. It was heavily guarded by Blackwell Security Guards. They opened the gates and we drove in.

As we reached the yard my cell phone rang.

I realized it was my father calling and I answers saying, "He is not dead yet dad. But he doesn't have much time as my wife and unborn daughter is dead."

"I am sorry about your kid. But the Davidsons did not do this and we need Okefenokee back. It is the only way to save the Blackwell Family name," Gordon quickly told me.

I then said, "I suddenly see why my mother abandoned your ass before. You only care about money and power. They killed all of the family I have ever known and you worried about money.

Don't worry I am coming for you and them. So get ready."

I then hang up the phone and my father struck the table.

Michael then said, "You had to get his wife killed."

"We had nothing to do with that. Okefenokee didn't do that it isn't our style," replied King Mark Davidson I.

Michael then said, "Just like how you didn't kill his mother In-law and framed his father in-law for it."

Everyone swallowed and Michael said, "On that note I quite. I have put up with a lot of crap over the years.

But I draw the line here. My family is not growing up without a father."

As he was walking away Mark Davidson II then said, "You walk out of this room and you can kiss your career goodbye."

"My career was over the day I signed up with you. Jonathan was right. So I am done with you guys and if you come after my family I will string you up myself," replied Michael to him and then he went away.

I in the meantime walked into the basement. Two men was beating Okefenokee. He was strapped from the ceiling. They punched him under his rib cage and he screamed. I went in and sat on a table in front of him.

As he coughed up blood I got a file and said, "That's enough."

With that they stopped and I said, "You greenlit my wife. You killed my wife because I decided against doing business with you."

Okefenokee caught his breathe and said, "I ordered the death of your mother in-law but not her daughter. This is a set up."

"I expected that. But the last think I need is you. So I am going to kill you, family and everything related to the Davidson's," I quickly told him.

Then he started begging for his life as I got a glock 9 mm. I then shot him in the head. With that I got up and went out to a waiting helicopter. The next morning my father was having breakfast with the 12 elders of the Davidson family.

With that one of his men brought Gordon a letter from Francine Richards-Blackwell and said, "Good morning sir. Your wife said to give you this."

He took it, opened it and it said:

Dear Gordon,

If you are reading this then I successful got my revenge on you. Your son will end you and your business partners. And it was all thanks to me and my friends. So now you know how far I can go.

I told you that I would get my revenge for Alexander. And my son is going to become the Niger Kingdom and it has a massive military. So I am protected. I will see you in hell.

Love Francine.

He screamed and King Mark Davidson I asked, "What is wrong?"

"Your son is responsible for this. And he has gotten us killed," Gordon quickly told him.

With that the guards over the ridge had their throats cut. Then men heavily armed men got down and assembled M45 Assault Sniper rifles.

The commander then said, "All clear they are having breakfast in the garden."

With that Armored motorcade, of 10 Military Hummers, drove through the gates. They started firing their Assault Rifles. And then their was a few men on the sides of the trucks. They jumped off and moved for the yard.

The guys were going to get up and the snipers took out the guards.

Gordon then said, "No one move we have snipers."

A team of heavily armed men moved through the house killing the staff. They grabbed Michael and brought him out to the back patio.

One of the men then said, "No one move! We are here to get retribution. The boss is on his way."

With that they put Michael on his knees. And Donnie watched via a live satellite footage, from the Ghost Squad's base in Morocco.

He then asked, "Who are these guys?"

"They are South African Mercenaries allied with the Canvass Security & Defense Group, subsidiary of Blackwater Security Group owned by Jordan Blackwell and Jonathan Blackwell jointly via Rebecca Matthews' will.

They specialized in: Weapons, Armored vehicles, Security gear and Protection detail. They recruit former police, Vietnam veterans, KGB Agents, CIA, FBI, Interpol you name it.

With that these guys know how to handle themselves. And Jonathan is the Majority Shareholder of the company, with 65%.

So he has a personal attack army," replied Yanique Covers, Internet Billionaire and CTO of the Ghost Squad, to him.

He then said, "That's good to know. Now where is he?"

With that a luxury white helicopter approached from over the hills. With that it touched down in the yard. As it did Rita Samuels, my secretary, and Ariana Right, my head of security, got outside of the helicopter.

Then as they stood beside the doors. I got out in my long white trench coat.

As I walked to the table Davy said, "Our boy has style. I am going to enjoy working with him."

"Worry more about finding who did this. Galvin where are we on the financials," Donnie quickly asked.

"Working on it. My program needs time," replied Galvin Russel, Investment Banker and the CEO Brussel Properties & Ventures Inc.

Donnie touched his earpiece and said, "You have a greenlight on the Davidson family but your father still has a red light."

I walked in and said, "Good morning family! I was in the neighborhood and I decided to stop by for breakfast. I don't mean any arm."

"You have a funny way of showing it," replied King Mark Davidson I.

With that I chuckled and then shot him in the head. Everyone screamed as I sat in his chair. Rita and Ariana stood behind me.

As the Squad looked at Donnie he said, "He has PTSD and doesn't take well to insults."

I then ate an apple and my father asked, "What is wrong with you?"

"Before we start Michael come sit down at the table and have some breakfast," I quick told him and he got up.

As he looked at where to sit I shot Elder Charles Davidson. He quickly sat down.

Gordon then quickly asked, "What do you want?"

"Well I want my freaky wife back. You know she would show up for lunch to suck my dick. And she woke me up daily with blowjobs. And loved me fingering her. Yesterday I got a blowjob of my life for breakfast.

But by dinner she was burnt to death. Now Okefenokee died saying he had nothing to do with it. And of the 11 elders remaining and my father I want the man that did it," I quickly told him.

With that my father said, "We had nothing to do with this. Your mother In-law yes! But this is all your mother and Mark."

"Execute every Davidson," I quickly told him and my goons grabbed the elders.

They were dragged away kicking and screaming. Moments later they were executive on the lawns.

As I got my glock then the financials clicked and Galvin said, "He didn't do this. It was all Francine and Mark Davidson II. They did this."

I took out my ear piece and Donnie said, "Get Michael on the phone now!"

"You took my wife and now I will ended you," I quickly told him as I rose my gun to his head.

He screamed as I held the gun on him and then Michael's phone vibrated and he answered it saying, "Michael Blackwell."

"Michael put your brother on the phone. If you don't your father will die," Donnie quickly told him.

With that Michael said, "Its for you."

I took the phone and Donnie said, "As much as I want him dead! He didn't do this and he is valuable to the team. So we need him."

"No we don't! He did this. He order the hit to prove himself to the Davidson family," I quickly told him.

Donnie then said, "Actually your mom did it. She and your half brother now rule the Niger Kingdom as King and Queen. The Niger borders are guarded by the Niger Guard.

I have bank statements. My friends in law enforcement says so."

I then looked at my father and said, "God shined his light. You get live today."

With that I gun butted him. He dropped and they dragged him away.

As they did Michael asked, "What is going to happen to him?"

"If I had to guess he is going into the Vault. It is a top secret CIA Black site. The CIA have been after him since 1968 when he murdered 200 people in the Congo.

With that he is going to become an informant," I quickly told him.

Michael then said, "Thanks for not killing him."

"Yea! My superiors want him alive and you want Blackwell -Davidson Corporation for yourself. So we compromised. And now you have 80% voting power in Blackwell Davidson Corporation.

It is yours brother," I quickly told him and he hugged me.

Then I went to my helicopter.

Seven hours later I went to the old Moroccan Prison Complex. It was abandoned and it was sold along with the entire 20 Acres of waterfront Industrial warehouse properties. It also had the old Port.

I went into the building and to the conference room on the 5th floor. There I saw the 12 men and women of the Ghost Squad. As I walked in Donnie applauded.

I then said, "Thank you."

"Job well done. We have Gordon Blackwell in custody and he has agreed to cooperate. With that multiple agencies are going after the Davidson family holdings via his cooperation.

We already got 200 000 tons of cocaine and US$ 500 Billion off the streets. This is a good start to your reign brother," Donnie quickly told me.

Everyone then applauded.

With that Donnie said, "Guys this is the new Chairman of the Ghost Squad. He is your commanding officer and this 40 acres industrial property is your base of operations.

So see you guys."

"Alright! For those of you who don't know me, my name is a Jonathan Blackwell. And I am the Executive Chairman of House Blackwell Inc. And I will aid the unit to the best of my abilities," I quickly told them.

Davy then said, "I am Davy Morgan. I will be your second in command and partner."

"Alright. First order of business we have a huge problem," I quickly asked him.

Yanique then asked, "What is the problem?"

"Well we are a bunch of rich people who are running an independent Spy agency. And we are running it out of an abandoned property.

We live in a technology era. Sooner or later someone will get curious," I quickly told them.

Donnie then asked, "What do you suggest we do?"

"We create a front organization. I would suggest a media, Technology and Computer company. Then we make this a campus and our HQ.

Through the legal company we have access to News, Telecommunications and all the intelligence we need.

And with keeping the front active we have great ways to wash our cash. And I am thinking a Resort & Casino for the port," I quickly told them.

Davy then said, "I hate to say it but he is right. A front company will hide our activities and we down here.

And by investing into Security companies, telecommunications and defense Industry company we could be a very effective conglomerate.

And we would also make additional profits. And get us legal cash. And if we invest in the Betting Gaming industry our profits will triple."

"True. But that involves looping in a business Manager that knows all of this," Donnie quickly told us.

Hank Mackay, COO of Mackay Transportation Group, then said, "Hate to but in right now. But I got the perfect man for the job. And that is Raymond Prince. He holds business degree and has worked heavily in the American Financial Sector."

"Hell no! We don't have a good history," I quickly told him.

"Why is that? Is it because you fired me," Raymond quickly asked me as he came in.

I turned around and said, "Here we go. Blame the Boss you lied serveral times for you."

"I had a son and wife. But you choose to fire me," Raymond quickly told me.

I exhaled and said, "When I did the IPO, that you suggested, the company moved from mine to other people.

With that I can't do as I please. I covered your ass for three years and then you got drunk at a corporate party.

The board deemed you unfit. As the Chairman I had to fire you. And if I remember correctly I paid for your wife's surgeries and paid your sons tuition to Harvard.

Plus I recruited him for Blackwell Enterprises Holdings (USA) Inc."

"Which is why I am not kicking your ass. But I am different now," replied Raymond to me.

I then said, "Sure! I am don't judge people and care about your drinking. But if it affects your work and you popped up here drunk or late you are out. We are family and we need to be truthful in here.

Only together can we become successful."

"Well I don't drink on week nights. And my wife does regular drug tests on me. So I can't get high or drug.

She is my secretary," Raymond quickly told me.

Donnie then said, "Well everything is final. Get me a proposal Jonathan and we go from there. I have a meeting."

I nodded and said, "I will have it to you tonight. That's after I swing by the hospital to check on Shawnee."

"Fine. See you later," replied Donnie as he went.

After he left everyone sat down and I went to the head of the table.

I exhaled and said, "I have three rules. The firstly rule is that we are a family and as such we should know all about each other's lives.

I don't support keeping your head down and not worry about anything. We are a family up in here and we behalve like a concerned one.

Second rule is that no one goes off cock. I don't support hero's or people who are ambitious. Those two will get you killed by your enemies. Hero's get remembered but never live to enjoy rewards.

Third rule is tell me the truth. Donnie doesn't trust anyone which is why he is always here and he runs background checks on you. Now that I am here I will be answering all the questions and everyone goes through me.

So in other words I am your lawyer. Tell me the truth so I like for you. Don't do that and you are out. I know Donnie and he tends to kill people who drop out.

So do we have a deal?"

Everyone nodded and I said, "Ok. So now that, that is cleared up we are going to call our company Ghost Communications Group.

It will have the subsidiaries: Ghost Publications Limited, Ghost Mobile Group, Ghost Television Group, Ghost Radio Group, Ghost Hospitality Holdings PLC, Ghost Properties Limited and Ghost Foundation.

That we will have all we ever wanted. Now I will do the business plan. But you guys get to do the logo and marketing campaign."

Everyone exhaled and cheered.

Evelyn Rose, Founder/CEO of Rose Petal Restaurant Group Limited, then asked, "What is the budget for this?"

"Well I am thinking US$ 25 Million per subsidiary. And the Ghost Network will get US$ 250 Million to get it off the ground.

Now I will write the business plan on my way to the hospital and email it to Davy. With that he can do the numbers.

Raymond look into staff and equipment. And also guys we are going to integrate our companies. I can provide a few private properties and investment," I quickly told them.

And then I went. In the back of my limousine, during my two hour drive in traffic over to the hospital, I typed all 140 pages of the business plan and sent it to Davy.

Then I went to the hospital and surfered the internet for companies to buy. I made offers for 10 companies that fit into each subsidiaries.

As I waited for the offers to be accepted for the 70 companies my phone vibrated from Donnie calling.

I answered saying, "Hello good afternoon Jonathan Blackwell how may I assist you?"

"It is me. And I got the business plan and financial breakdown of the project. I love how it looks. And my shareholders, with 20%, loves it. So we are authorizing US$ 140 Billion for the project.

I expect results in a year," Donnie quickly told me.

I then said, "Sure. But Donnie, if you screw me I will kill you."

"Don't worry I won't. Now I have to go. The money is already in the company account," replied Donnie to me and I checked.

It showed 140 000 000 000.

I then said, "I got it. See you later."

Then I hung up and Michael asked, "Is he onboard?"

"With the Ghost Squad yes! But he is going to use it to go after the people responsible for his wife's killing.

And if he ever finds out that we had his wife killed so he would get rid of your former business partners he will burn the world down," replied Donnie to her.

Michael chuckled and then said, "That clown slept with my wife and took her from me. So I screwed his wife and ended her."

"If he learns about your affair he will go after your business and family. He is a Titan without the Ghost Squad's backing. You have no idea his reach," Donnie quickly told him.

"My brother is an predictable person. If he becomes ambitious I will go after House Blackwell Inc.

It is his Crown Jew and he loses talk in it or it and he will crumble," I quickly told him.

"On the contrary. It is not wise to threatened that man. He tends to do crazy stuff and survive all this.

Jonathan is persistent," replied Donnie to her.

Michael then said, "Well we just have to wait and see. But right now I same we enjoy ourselves."

With that they started making out in the office and Donnie laid Michael on his desk.

I in the meantime screamed as all 70 companies accepted my offer and I quickly send the details to my legal team.

As I waited on it to send Shawnee said, "Always working brother."

I chuckled and said, "Welcome comeback sis. I was beginning to think my girl hooker wouldn't comeback. You are my world."

"I know. I attrached a lot of girls you wish to have sex with. So what is up," she quickly asked me.

I then said, "Nothing is up. I am perfectly fine."

"You and I have the same mind. And you have the look you get when you got into a shady deal. And am guessing here, you are back in bed with Donnie," she quickly told me.

I then said, "Yes. He made me the head of his personal attack army funded anonymously by our by private investors allied to Michael."

"How do you know this," Shawnee quickly asked me.

I then said, "Donnie doesn't have the brains to start an army. He barely could run Drag Net with the aid of Interpol and CIA backing. So him running a Secret Independent Spy agency is a bit far fetch.

Besides I checked into the Moroccan Prison Complex and the Industrial Port property acquisition.

It was all funded by Alex Investment Trust, it was a shell company set up Everton Samson. And the acquisition was headed by Raymond Samar.

Meanwhile the funds came from my father and Davidson family," I quickly told her.

Shawnee then exhaled and said, "So your mother screwed Everton Samson to get wealthy investors. Then sent him up river for his wife's alleged murder. And eliminates dad by sticking him in the Vault.

And you kill the Davidson family for killing your wife and attempting to kill me.

And now Michael has you hunting them and working an illegal blackops operation. That is enough to send you to prison.

I see it is a well taught plan."

"I know. Which is why I made a deal with my father. He has funded anonymously to start the Golden Circle Cartels.

Me and Michael will build it together to rule Asia and Africa. And your charity work will take you global.

I already got the Windsor family to recognized us. The Blackwell Dynasty will be great and strong. And my connections in the Vault will give dad the greatest underground gang.

We are going to rule the European, Asian and African Business & Criminal Underworld. I have started the Golden Circle Cartels.

They are managed and ran by you and I. With that we are one step ahead. Also I need everything about Michael," I quickly told her.

Shawnee then asked, "What about Donnie?"

"We need a doomsday plan. And if it comes to the test we take out the 12 members of the Ghost Squad. With that we have more leverage.

Also I am going to need full control of the 20% public shares of House Blackwell Inc. I will be building a mega tall Skyscraper for US$ 100 Billion," I quickly told her.

She then asked, "Didn't you get the backing of the board?"

"This is in the event my mother gets any ideas. So I want you to handle it," I quickly told her.

She nodded and said, "Yes! The Foundation will look into setting up shell companies to buy the shares back.

And we Blackwell's don't take no for answer."

I chuckled and held her arms. With that we enjoyed the view. Meanwhile in Hayride Alaska, at Blackwell Plaza; HQ of Blackwell Ventures Limited, two 10 year old girls in white black suit waited.

As they waited James Holder, my bestfriend and business Liaison in Alaska, walked into the office.

Then he said, "Welcome to the foundation girls. You too are going to college and come run this some day."

"Thanks uncle James," replied Lorna to him.

And then she went. His phone vibrated from me calling.

He answered saying, "Hey bro! Sorry about your girl and sister."

I walked outside of the Blackwell Restaurant exhaled and said, "Well it's life. As for my sister, we got two more kids to raise."

"That's great man. I just wish there was more I could do," he quickly told me.

I then said, "You have done enough. But how is our pet project?"

"Well the girls are apart of our program. They got accepted to Harvard business and Law Schools. They are going to be young college lawyers," he quickly told me.

I then said, "That is great."

"You mine telling me why we hired two of Mark's bastard daughters," he quickly asked me.

I then said, "On the first day I hired you I told you that I don't kill innocents. And my brother is pushing hard at killing those innocent girls.

Plus I owe their mom a lot."

"Alright. It is done and if they do well we will hire them into the firm," James quickly told me.

I exhaled and said, "Thanks."

I then hang up and as I turned I bumped into a girl. And her coffee spilled on my shirt.

She quickly said, "I am so sorry sir! I didn't mean to."

I chuckled and as I looked at her I recognized her as Josephine Richards. Then I took off my glasses and as tears came into her eyes she slapped me.

Ariana was going after her and I rose my hand.

As she stopped I said, "I deserved that."

"Dam right you did! You left me and here you are," she quickly told me as tears fell from her eyes.

I exhaled and said, "Ten years ago I was heavily into drinking and drugs. I was never in the right space. When I got the right help and became a man I am now I should have tracked you down. But I didn't.

I am sorry for what I did to you. And I know it is ten years too late but I am sorry."

"Ok. What happen to the Jonathan that never apologizes? What your girl died," she quickly asked me.

I exhaled and said, "She was murdered today. Google Sofia Samson dead. So with that I am sorry about what I did to you."

As I was walking away she said, "I am the owner of the Belmont Group of Companies. We own a wide catalogue of hotels, restaurants and businesses in the hospitality industry.

Plus I am the owner of my own fashion company, Josephine Richards Limited. We do gowns and lingerie. Your business plans and ideas made it possible."

I turned to her and said, "You did exactly as you said you would. Now you are a boss bitch."

She chuckled and said, "Yep! I am the Queen of Hayride now."

"That's good. I am happy that you came out to something good. Independence is the greatest thing on this earth," I quickly told her.

"Oh cut the bullshit! I know you were the secret investor in the company. When you are rich you can find out a lot of things," she quickly told me.

I then said, "Ok! I looked you up and made a huge contribution unknowingly. I am sorry I didn't show up with a ring. Mainly because Alaska is cold and you tend to have hot drinks."

"I am sorry! I know your shirt was expensive," she told me and I said, "You know me I buy in bulk."

She then chuckled and said, "I suddenly see why I liked you."

I smiled and said, "If I am ever in Hayride or Milan."

She rolled her eyes, smiled and then said, "Call me! My phone number is in all telephone books."

I smiled and she walked away. As she did I looked at her perfect ass in her white pants suit. She had long blonde hair in her back. I whistled as she went inside of the Rolles Royce.

Ariana chuckled and I went back to the restaurant, to change my shirt. As the car drove, with Josephine, her phone vibrated from Lorna calling.

She then answered saying, "Hey baby!"

"Hey mom! How is Morocco," Lorna quickly asked her as she went inside of her house, in Hayride.

Josephine then said, "Well Morocco is a bit warm. But I missed my girls. So how did your meeting with Blacklisted Ventures Limited go?"

"Well my sister and I are the first recipients of the American Scholars Program, ran by Blackwell Foundation.

Our sponsors are Blackwell Ventures Limited. They are agreeing to take us on in the junior division to practice as we go along. Can you say free trips," Lorna quickly told her.

Josephine then said, "That is good. I can cancell you and Lora's trust funds that you will inherited at age 20."

"Oh hell no mom! I want that to build my own empire. When you get knocked up again that kid can run Belmont Group of Companies," she quickly told her.

Josephine chuckled and said, "I love you so much. See you when I land."

Then she hang up and had a flashback to ten years ago. I had stood her up and left town. As she cried in the rain. As she did she opened a pregnancy test. It showed she was pregnant and she dropped it in the mud.

Then she ran away crying. As she did I picked it up and looked at it. Then I came back to and gave the laminated paper to Ariana.

She then asked, "That's why you saved them?"

I nodded and she asked, "Why didn't you own it? Let alone tell me?"

"Drag Net prevented us from having any ties to the real world. If you don't have family or friends you can't be portrayed. My father was a Cartel boss, my brother was in the African Secret Police and mother didn't care about me.

I was the perfect agent. They would have killed her for just talking to me let alone having sex with me. We did it under disguised when she was my maid," I then told her.

Ariana then asked, "Why not tell me?"

"Because you would have told me to find her or do it. But after me she met Russell and he raised those girls as his own as he couldn't have children. Then he was killed in Vietnam and my brother stepped up.

So I just became the good Samaritan from a far. But those girls are mine. I know that because I am her first and she liked it with gloves. This stays between us," I quickly told her.

Ariana then said, "But you are both single. You link up with her and you could have a family. You are looking at relocating to the USA. And then erect the Blackwell Plaza.

With that you are taking your sons and you will need a mother to raised them. She has two girls and you can have a family."

"Why? She never told me and it was my investigative skills let me know she was pregnant," I quickly told her.

Ariana then said, "You need mother for Jordan and David! You are not listening to me sir."

"I have a million servants with me and Billions of dollars. I will get nannies. Plus Shelly is already in love with Jordan. I just need them happy. Now drop it," I quickly told her.

She exhaled and went. With that I leaned back and taught about the future.